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Created September 9, 2011 19:05
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Waf: Entering directory `/home/ryan/projects/node/out'
Waf: Leaving directory `/home/ryan/projects/node/out'
'build' finished successfully (0.084s)
DEST_OS: sunos
DEST_CPU: ia32
Parallel Jobs: 2
Product type: program
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ryan other 9.3M Sep 9 18:32 out/Release/node
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ryan other 102M Sep 9 18:32 out/Debug/node
python tools/ --mode=debug,release
[00:00|% 0|+ 0|- 0]: debug test-net-pingpong
[00:08|% 0|+ 1|- 0]: debug test-pipe-return-val
[00:09|% 0|+ 2|- 0]: debug test-fs-read
[00:10|% 0|+ 3|- 0]: debug test-net-server-try-ports
[00:12|% 0|+ 4|- 0]: debug test-next-tick-ordering
[00:13|% 0|+ 5|- 0]: debug test-punycode
[00:14|% 1|+ 6|- 0]: debug test-executable-path
[00:15|% 1|+ 7|- 0]: debug test-http-keep-alive
[00:16|% 1|+ 8|- 0]: debug test-require-resolve
[00:17|% 1|+ 9|- 0]: debug test-stdout-to-file
[00:23|% 1|+ 10|- 0]: debug test-tls-client-abort
[00:24|% 1|+ 11|- 0]: debug test-child-process-env
[00:25|% 2|+ 12|- 0]: debug test-file-write-stream
[00:26|% 2|+ 13|- 0]: debug test-script-this
[00:26|% 2|+ 14|- 0]: debug test-zerolengthbufferbug
[00:27|% 2|+ 15|- 0]: debug test-writeint
[00:28|% 2|+ 16|- 0]: debug test-stream-pipe-cleanup
[00:29|% 3|+ 17|- 0]: debug test-querystring
[00:30|% 3|+ 18|- 0]: debug test-net-socket-timeout
[00:31|% 3|+ 19|- 0]: debug test-net-create-connection
[00:32|% 3|+ 20|- 0]: debug test-http-allow-req-after-204-res
[00:33|% 3|+ 21|- 0]: debug test-child-process-cwd
[00:34|% 3|+ 22|- 0]: debug test-tls-ext-key-usage
[00:35|% 4|+ 23|- 0]: debug test-exec-max-buffer
[00:36|% 4|+ 24|- 0]: debug test-http-server
[00:37|% 4|+ 25|- 0]: debug test-event-emitter-remove-all-listeners
[00:38|% 4|+ 26|- 0]: debug test-global
[00:39|% 4|+ 27|- 0]: debug test-pipe-file-to-http
[00:42|% 5|+ 28|- 0]: debug test-pipe
[00:46|% 5|+ 29|- 0]: debug test-fs-write-file
[00:46|% 5|+ 30|- 0]: debug test-eio-race4
[00:48|% 5|+ 31|- 0]: debug test-file-read-noexist
[00:49|% 5|+ 32|- 0]: debug test-fs-error-messages
=== debug test-fs-error-messages ===
Path: simple/test-fs-error-messages
Assertion failed: req->ptr, file src/unix/fs.c, line 88
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-error-messages.js
[00:51|% 5|+ 32|- 1]: debug test-child-process-buffering
[00:52|% 6|+ 33|- 1]: debug test-net-server-max-connections
[00:54|% 6|+ 34|- 1]: debug test-tcp-wrap-connect
[00:55|% 6|+ 35|- 1]: debug test-buffer
[00:56|% 6|+ 36|- 1]: debug test-http-full-response
[00:57|% 6|+ 37|- 1]: debug test-script-static-new
[00:59|% 6|+ 38|- 1]: debug test-next-tick
[01:00|% 7|+ 39|- 1]: debug test-pipe-head
[01:01|% 7|+ 40|- 1]: debug test-readfloat
[01:02|% 7|+ 41|- 1]: debug test-http-client-upload
[01:03|% 7|+ 42|- 1]: debug test-http-set-cookies
[01:04|% 7|+ 43|- 1]: debug test-http-set-trailers
[01:05|% 8|+ 44|- 1]: debug test-error-reporting
[01:07|% 8|+ 45|- 1]: debug test-dgram-unix
=== debug test-dgram-unix ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js:37:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js
[01:08|% 8|+ 45|- 2]: debug test-stdin-from-file
[01:10|% 8|+ 46|- 2]: debug test-dgram-pingpong
[01:15|% 8|+ 47|- 2]: debug test-timers-linked-list
[01:16|% 8|+ 48|- 2]: debug test-memory-usage
[01:18|% 9|+ 49|- 2]: debug test-dgram-udp4
[01:19|% 9|+ 50|- 2]: debug test-exception-handler2
[01:20|% 9|+ 51|- 2]: debug test-tcp-wrap-listen
[01:21|% 9|+ 52|- 2]: debug test-signal-unregister
[01:22|% 9|+ 53|- 2]: debug test-fs-realpath
[01:24|% 10|+ 54|- 2]: debug test-string-decoder
[01:25|% 10|+ 55|- 2]: debug test-http-client-race
[01:26|% 10|+ 56|- 2]: debug test-child-process-double-pipe
[01:27|% 10|+ 57|- 2]: debug test-fs-write-buffer
[01:28|% 10|+ 58|- 2]: debug test-fs-read-stream
[01:29|% 10|+ 59|- 2]: debug test-http-upgrade-server
[01:30|% 11|+ 60|- 2]: debug test-http-proxy
[01:31|% 11|+ 61|- 2]: debug test-fs-symlink
[01:32|% 11|+ 62|- 2]: debug test-console
[01:33|% 11|+ 63|- 2]: debug test-sendfd
=== debug test-sendfd ===
Path: simple/test-sendfd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Object #<Socket> has no method 'open'
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-sendfd.js:104:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-sendfd.js
[01:34|% 11|+ 63|- 3]: debug test-https-agent
[01:37|% 11|+ 64|- 3]: debug test-stream-pipe-event
[01:37|% 12|+ 65|- 3]: debug test-http-header-read
[01:38|% 12|+ 66|- 3]: debug test-sigint-infinite-loop
[01:40|% 12|+ 67|- 3]: debug test-http-host-headers
[01:43|% 12|+ 68|- 3]: debug test-path
[01:43|% 12|+ 69|- 3]: debug test-fs-write-stream
[01:44|% 13|+ 70|- 3]: debug test-chdir
[01:45|% 13|+ 71|- 3]: debug test-event-emitter-remove-listeners
[01:46|% 13|+ 72|- 3]: debug test-net-server-close
[01:47|% 13|+ 73|- 3]: debug test-signal-handler
[01:48|% 13|+ 74|- 3]: debug test-fs-stat
[01:49|% 13|+ 75|- 3]: debug test-fs-write-stream-end
[01:50|% 14|+ 76|- 3]: debug test-child-process-channel
=== debug test-child-process-channel ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-channel
fds undefined
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js:14:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js
[01:51|% 14|+ 76|- 4]: debug test-fs-read-buffer
[01:52|% 14|+ 77|- 4]: debug test-require-cache
[01:53|% 14|+ 78|- 4]: debug test-module-loading
[01:54|% 14|+ 79|- 4]: debug test-net-remote-address-port
[01:55|% 15|+ 80|- 4]: debug test-event-emitter-once
[01:56|% 15|+ 81|- 4]: debug test-http-default-encoding
[01:57|% 15|+ 82|- 4]: debug test-https-foafssl
[01:58|% 15|+ 83|- 4]: debug test-http-conn-reset
=== debug test-http-conn-reset ===
Path: simple/test-http-conn-reset
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: "Request ended prematurely." == "socket hang up"
at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-http-conn-reset.js:47:12)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:67:17)
at Socket.onend (http2.js:1129:13)
at TCP.onread (net_uv.js:320:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-http-conn-reset.js
[01:59|% 15|+ 83|- 5]: debug test-https-eof-for-eom
[02:01|% 15|+ 84|- 5]: debug test-http-client-upload-buf
[02:02|% 16|+ 85|- 5]: debug test-init
[02:04|% 16|+ 86|- 5]: debug test-regress-GH-819
[02:05|% 16|+ 87|- 5]: debug test-http-request-end-twice
[02:06|% 16|+ 88|- 5]: debug test-http-upgrade-agent
[02:07|% 16|+ 89|- 5]: debug test-tls-sni-server-client
[02:08|% 16|+ 90|- 5]: debug test-http-response-close
[02:09|% 17|+ 91|- 5]: debug test-http-upgrade-client2
[02:10|% 17|+ 92|- 5]: debug test-tls-connect
[02:12|% 17|+ 93|- 5]: debug test-require-exceptions
[02:13|% 17|+ 94|- 5]: debug test-writefloat
[02:14|% 17|+ 95|- 5]: debug test-vm-create-context-circular-reference
[02:15|% 18|+ 96|- 5]: debug test-exception-handler
[02:16|% 18|+ 97|- 5]: debug test-console-not-call-toString
[02:16|% 18|+ 98|- 5]: debug test-http-client-abort2
[02:17|% 18|+ 99|- 5]: debug test-eio-race2
[02:18|% 18|+ 100|- 5]: debug test-http-blank-header
[02:19|% 18|+ 101|- 5]: debug test-event-emitter-num-args
[02:20|% 19|+ 102|- 5]: debug test-http-chunked
[02:21|% 19|+ 103|- 5]: debug test-cli-eval
[02:23|% 19|+ 104|- 5]: debug test-regress-GH-784
[02:24|% 19|+ 105|- 5]: debug test-http-server-multiheaders
[02:26|% 19|+ 106|- 5]: debug test-http-extra-response
[02:27|% 20|+ 107|- 5]: debug test-readuint
[02:27|% 20|+ 108|- 5]: debug test-http-upgrade-client
[02:29|% 20|+ 109|- 5]: debug test-stream-pipe-multi
[02:54|% 20|+ 110|- 5]: debug test-net-connect-buffer
[02:55|% 20|+ 111|- 5]: debug test-fs-fsync
[02:56|% 20|+ 112|- 5]: debug test-sys
[02:57|% 21|+ 113|- 5]: debug test-https-connecting-to-http
[02:58|% 21|+ 114|- 5]: debug test-http-client-race-2
[03:00|% 21|+ 115|- 5]: debug test-next-tick-errors
[03:00|% 21|+ 116|- 5]: debug test-http-keep-alive-close-on-header
[03:02|% 21|+ 117|- 5]: debug test-fs-sir-writes-alot
[03:04|% 21|+ 118|- 5]: debug test-fs-write
[03:05|% 22|+ 119|- 5]: debug test-mkdir-rmdir
[03:06|% 22|+ 120|- 5]: debug test-http-request-end
[03:07|% 22|+ 121|- 5]: debug test-child-process-deprecated-api
[03:08|% 22|+ 122|- 5]: debug test-http-1.0
[03:09|% 22|+ 123|- 5]: debug test-script-static-context
[03:10|% 23|+ 124|- 5]: debug test-process-env
[03:11|% 23|+ 125|- 5]: debug test-fs-read-file-sync-hostname
[03:13|% 23|+ 126|- 5]: debug test-fs-read-file-sync
[03:13|% 23|+ 127|- 5]: debug test-fs-write-sync
[03:14|% 23|+ 128|- 5]: debug test-net-eaddrinuse
[03:15|% 23|+ 129|- 5]: debug test-child-process-exec-cwd
[03:16|% 24|+ 130|- 5]: debug test-http-parser
[03:17|% 24|+ 131|- 5]: debug test-child-process-exec-env
[03:18|% 24|+ 132|- 5]: debug test-child-process-stdout-flush
[03:21|% 24|+ 133|- 5]: debug test-writeuint
[03:22|% 24|+ 134|- 5]: debug test-repl
[03:24|% 25|+ 135|- 5]: debug test-net-reconnect
[03:25|% 25|+ 136|- 5]: debug test-http-agent
[03:27|% 25|+ 137|- 5]: debug test-http-contentLength0
[03:28|% 25|+ 138|- 5]: debug test-http-304
[03:29|% 25|+ 139|- 5]: debug test-regress-GH-897
[03:30|% 25|+ 140|- 5]: debug test-eval-require
[03:31|% 26|+ 141|- 5]: debug test-tty-stdout-end
[03:32|% 26|+ 142|- 5]: debug test-assert
[03:34|% 26|+ 143|- 5]: debug test-http-unix-socket
[03:35|% 26|+ 144|- 5]: debug test-regress-GH-877
[03:36|% 26|+ 145|- 5]: debug test-event-emitter-modify-in-emit
[03:37|% 26|+ 146|- 5]: debug test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
[03:38|% 27|+ 147|- 5]: debug test-tls-npn-server-client
[03:38|% 27|+ 148|- 5]: debug test-child-process-exit-code
[03:42|% 27|+ 149|- 5]: debug test-next-tick-starvation
[03:43|% 27|+ 150|- 5]: debug test-net-connect-timeout
[03:44|% 27|+ 151|- 5]: debug test-pump-file2tcp
[03:45|% 28|+ 152|- 5]: debug test-fs-open
[03:45|% 28|+ 153|- 5]: debug test-http-write-empty-string
[03:47|% 28|+ 154|- 5]: debug test-http-abort-client
[03:48|% 28|+ 155|- 5]: debug test-http-many-keep-alive-connections
[04:25|% 28|+ 156|- 5]: debug test-tcp-wrap
[04:26|% 28|+ 157|- 5]: debug test-util-inspect
[04:27|% 29|+ 158|- 5]: debug test-http-wget
[04:28|% 29|+ 159|- 5]: debug test-writedouble
[04:29|% 29|+ 160|- 5]: debug test-http-buffer-sanity
[04:30|% 29|+ 161|- 5]: debug test-http-status-code
[04:31|% 29|+ 162|- 5]: debug test-child-process-ipc
=== debug test-child-process-ipc ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-ipc
child said: "hello world\r\n"
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-ipc.js
--- CRASHED ---
[04:35|% 30|+ 162|- 6]: debug test-umask
[04:36|% 30|+ 163|- 6]: debug test-child-process-custom-fds
=== debug test-child-process-custom-fds ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-custom-fds
Test 1...
throw new assert.AssertionError({
<error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON>
at Object.oncomplete (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js:50:12)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js
[04:37|% 30|+ 163|- 7]: debug test-crypto
[04:38|% 30|+ 164|- 7]: debug test-regress-GH-1531
[04:39|% 30|+ 165|- 7]: debug test-fs-readfile-empty
[04:40|% 30|+ 166|- 7]: debug test-os
=== debug test-os ===
Path: simple/test-os
hostname = ryannode
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: This version of sunos doesn't support getifaddrs
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-os.js:66:21)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-os.js
[04:43|% 31|+ 166|- 8]: debug test-script-new
[04:44|% 31|+ 167|- 8]: debug test-http-dns-error
[04:45|% 31|+ 168|- 8]: debug test-http-upgrade-server2
[04:46|% 31|+ 169|- 8]: debug test-net-bytes-stats
[04:48|% 31|+ 170|- 8]: debug test-fs-watch-file
[04:53|% 31|+ 171|- 8]: debug test-https-simple
[04:54|% 32|+ 172|- 8]: debug test-http-expect-continue
[04:55|% 32|+ 173|- 8]: debug test-next-tick-ordering2
[04:56|% 32|+ 174|- 8]: debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body
[04:57|% 32|+ 175|- 8]: debug test-next-tick-doesnt-hang
[04:58|% 32|+ 176|- 8]: debug test-c-ares
[04:59|% 33|+ 177|- 8]: debug test-event-emitter-add-listeners
[05:00|% 33|+ 178|- 8]: debug test-dgram-unix-anon
=== debug test-dgram-unix-anon ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix-anon
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js:40:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js
[05:01|% 33|+ 178|- 9]: debug test-http-dns-fail
[05:02|% 33|+ 179|- 9]: debug test-http-set-timeout
[05:03|% 33|+ 180|- 9]: debug test-dgram-multicast
=== debug test-dgram-multicast ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-multicast
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: not yet implemented
at Socket.setBroadcast (dgram_uv.js:226:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js:48:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js
[05:04|% 33|+ 180|- 10]: debug test-tls-set-encoding
[05:06|% 34|+ 181|- 10]: debug test-http
[05:07|% 34|+ 182|- 10]: debug test-pump-file2tcp-noexist
[05:08|% 34|+ 183|- 10]: debug test-tls-client-verify
[05:09|% 34|+ 184|- 10]: debug test-stream-pipe-error-handling
[05:10|% 34|+ 185|- 10]: debug test-fs-write-file-buffer
[05:13|% 35|+ 186|- 10]: debug test-module-load-list
[05:13|% 35|+ 187|- 10]: debug test-child-process-customfd-bounded
[05:14|% 35|+ 188|- 10]: debug test-script-context
[05:16|% 35|+ 189|- 10]: debug test-http-curl-chunk-problem
[05:17|% 35|+ 190|- 10]: debug test-fs-chmod
=== debug test-fs-chmod ===
Path: simple/test-fs-chmod
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: 511 == 329
at Object.oncomplete (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-chmod.js:52:14)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-chmod.js
[05:18|% 35|+ 190|- 11]: debug test-readdouble
[05:19|% 36|+ 191|- 11]: debug test-tls-junk-closes-server
[05:20|% 36|+ 192|- 11]: debug test-net-server-bind
[05:21|% 36|+ 193|- 11]: debug test-listen-fd
=== debug test-listen-fd ===
Path: simple/test-listen-fd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Not implemented
at Server.listenFD (net_uv.js:752:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js:47:5)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js
[05:22|% 36|+ 193|- 12]: debug test-net-stream
[05:23|% 36|+ 194|- 12]: debug test-tls-securepair-server
[05:24|% 36|+ 195|- 12]: debug test-process-kill-null
[05:25|% 37|+ 196|- 12]: debug test-process-wrap
[05:26|% 37|+ 197|- 12]: debug test-eio-race
[05:28|% 37|+ 198|- 12]: debug test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
[05:29|% 37|+ 199|- 12]: debug test-http-get-pipeline-problem
[05:31|% 37|+ 200|- 12]: debug test-tls-peer-certificate
[05:32|% 38|+ 201|- 12]: debug test-regression-object-prototype
[05:33|% 38|+ 202|- 12]: debug test-http-response-readable
[05:34|% 38|+ 203|- 12]: debug test-http-eof-on-connect
[05:35|% 38|+ 204|- 12]: debug test-readint
[05:36|% 38|+ 205|- 12]: debug test-eval
[05:37|% 38|+ 206|- 12]: debug test-url
[05:43|% 39|+ 207|- 12]: debug test-tls-server-verify
[05:45|% 39|+ 208|- 12]: debug test-tls-client-resume
[05:46|% 39|+ 209|- 12]: debug test-child-process-stdin
[05:47|% 39|+ 210|- 12]: debug test-util-format
[05:48|% 39|+ 211|- 12]: debug test-http-client-abort
[05:49|% 40|+ 212|- 12]: debug test-net-binary
[05:51|% 40|+ 213|- 12]: debug test-http-mutable-headers
[05:52|% 40|+ 214|- 12]: debug test-net-keepalive
[05:54|% 40|+ 215|- 12]: debug test-tls-securepair-client
[05:55|% 40|+ 216|- 12]: debug test-pipe-stream
[05:56|% 40|+ 217|- 12]: debug test-fs-utimes
=== debug test-fs-utimes ===
Path: simple/test-fs-utimes
Assertion failed: r == 0, file ../src/, line 1004
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-utimes.js
[05:58|% 41|+ 217|- 13]: debug test-http-client-parse-error
[06:00|% 41|+ 218|- 13]: debug test-net-can-reset-timeout
[06:01|% 41|+ 219|- 13]: debug test-script-static-this
[06:01|% 41|+ 220|- 13]: debug test-debugger-client
[06:07|% 41|+ 221|- 13]: debug test-tls-request-timeout
[06:08|% 41|+ 222|- 13]: debug test-require-cache-without-stat
[06:09|% 42|+ 223|- 13]: debug test-sync-fileread
[06:10|% 42|+ 224|- 13]: debug test-delayed-require
[06:13|% 42|+ 225|- 13]: debug test-event-emitter-check-listener-leaks
[06:13|% 42|+ 226|- 13]: debug test-readdir
[06:14|% 42|+ 227|- 13]: debug test-net-large-string
[06:15|% 43|+ 228|- 13]: debug test-http-head-request
[06:16|% 43|+ 229|- 13]: debug test-http-legacy
[06:18|% 43|+ 230|- 13]: debug test-child-process-spawn-node
=== debug test-child-process-spawn-node ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-spawn-node
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js:5:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js
[06:19|% 43|+ 230|- 14]: debug test-http-exceptions
[06:20|% 43|+ 231|- 14]: debug test-utf8-scripts
[06:21|% 43|+ 232|- 14]: debug test-http-malformed-request
[06:22|% 44|+ 233|- 14]: debug test-net-isip
[06:23|% 44|+ 234|- 14]: debug test-regress-GH-746
[06:24|% 44|+ 235|- 14]: debug test-regress-GH-892
[06:36|% 44|+ 236|- 14]: debug test-child-process-kill
[06:37|% 44|+ 237|- 14]: release test-net-pingpong
[06:38|% 45|+ 238|- 14]: release test-pipe-return-val
[06:38|% 45|+ 239|- 14]: release test-fs-read
[06:38|% 45|+ 240|- 14]: release test-net-server-try-ports
[06:38|% 45|+ 241|- 14]: release test-next-tick-ordering
[06:38|% 45|+ 242|- 14]: release test-punycode
[06:38|% 45|+ 243|- 14]: release test-executable-path
[06:39|% 46|+ 244|- 14]: release test-http-keep-alive
[06:39|% 46|+ 245|- 14]: release test-require-resolve
[06:39|% 46|+ 246|- 14]: release test-stdout-to-file
[06:39|% 46|+ 247|- 14]: release test-tls-client-abort
[06:40|% 46|+ 248|- 14]: release test-child-process-env
[06:40|% 46|+ 249|- 14]: release test-file-write-stream
[06:40|% 47|+ 250|- 14]: release test-script-this
[06:40|% 47|+ 251|- 14]: release test-zerolengthbufferbug
[06:40|% 47|+ 252|- 14]: release test-writeint
[06:40|% 47|+ 253|- 14]: release test-stream-pipe-cleanup
[06:40|% 47|+ 254|- 14]: release test-querystring
[06:40|% 48|+ 255|- 14]: release test-net-socket-timeout
[06:40|% 48|+ 256|- 14]: release test-net-create-connection
[06:41|% 48|+ 257|- 14]: release test-http-allow-req-after-204-res
[06:41|% 48|+ 258|- 14]: release test-child-process-cwd
[06:41|% 48|+ 259|- 14]: release test-tls-ext-key-usage
[06:41|% 48|+ 260|- 14]: release test-exec-max-buffer
[06:41|% 49|+ 261|- 14]: release test-http-server
[06:41|% 49|+ 262|- 14]: release test-event-emitter-remove-all-listeners
[06:41|% 49|+ 263|- 14]: release test-global
[06:41|% 49|+ 264|- 14]: release test-pipe-file-to-http
[06:43|% 49|+ 265|- 14]: release test-pipe
[06:43|% 50|+ 266|- 14]: release test-fs-write-file
[06:44|% 50|+ 267|- 14]: release test-eio-race4
[06:44|% 50|+ 268|- 14]: release test-file-read-noexist
[06:44|% 50|+ 269|- 14]: release test-fs-error-messages
=== release test-fs-error-messages ===
Path: simple/test-fs-error-messages
Assertion failed: req->ptr, file src/unix/fs.c, line 88
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-error-messages.js
[06:46|% 50|+ 269|- 15]: release test-child-process-buffering
[06:46|% 50|+ 270|- 15]: release test-net-server-max-connections
[06:46|% 51|+ 271|- 15]: release test-tcp-wrap-connect
[06:46|% 51|+ 272|- 15]: release test-buffer
[06:46|% 51|+ 273|- 15]: release test-http-full-response
[06:46|% 51|+ 274|- 15]: release test-script-static-new
[06:46|% 51|+ 275|- 15]: release test-next-tick
[06:47|% 51|+ 276|- 15]: release test-pipe-head
[06:47|% 52|+ 277|- 15]: release test-readfloat
[06:47|% 52|+ 278|- 15]: release test-http-client-upload
[06:47|% 52|+ 279|- 15]: release test-http-set-cookies
[06:47|% 52|+ 280|- 15]: release test-http-set-trailers
[06:47|% 52|+ 281|- 15]: release test-error-reporting
[06:47|% 53|+ 282|- 15]: release test-dgram-unix
=== release test-dgram-unix ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js:37:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix.js
[06:48|% 53|+ 282|- 16]: release test-stdin-from-file
[06:48|% 53|+ 283|- 16]: release test-dgram-pingpong
[06:48|% 53|+ 284|- 16]: release test-timers-linked-list
[06:48|% 53|+ 285|- 16]: release test-memory-usage
[06:49|% 53|+ 286|- 16]: release test-dgram-udp4
[06:49|% 54|+ 287|- 16]: release test-exception-handler2
[06:49|% 54|+ 288|- 16]: release test-tcp-wrap-listen
[06:50|% 54|+ 289|- 16]: release test-signal-unregister
[06:50|% 54|+ 290|- 16]: release test-fs-realpath
[06:50|% 54|+ 291|- 16]: release test-string-decoder
[06:51|% 55|+ 292|- 16]: release test-http-client-race
[06:51|% 55|+ 293|- 16]: release test-child-process-double-pipe
[06:51|% 55|+ 294|- 16]: release test-fs-write-buffer
[06:51|% 55|+ 295|- 16]: release test-fs-read-stream
[06:51|% 55|+ 296|- 16]: release test-http-upgrade-server
[06:51|% 55|+ 297|- 16]: release test-http-proxy
[06:51|% 56|+ 298|- 16]: release test-fs-symlink
[06:51|% 56|+ 299|- 16]: release test-console
[06:52|% 56|+ 300|- 16]: release test-sendfd
=== release test-sendfd ===
Path: simple/test-sendfd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Object #<Socket> has no method 'open'
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-sendfd.js:104:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-sendfd.js
[06:52|% 56|+ 300|- 17]: release test-https-agent
[06:52|% 56|+ 301|- 17]: release test-stream-pipe-event
[06:52|% 56|+ 302|- 17]: release test-http-header-read
[06:52|% 57|+ 303|- 17]: release test-sigint-infinite-loop
[06:52|% 57|+ 304|- 17]: release test-http-host-headers
[06:53|% 57|+ 305|- 17]: release test-path
[06:53|% 57|+ 306|- 17]: release test-fs-write-stream
[06:53|% 57|+ 307|- 17]: release test-chdir
[06:53|% 58|+ 308|- 17]: release test-event-emitter-remove-listeners
[06:53|% 58|+ 309|- 17]: release test-net-server-close
[06:53|% 58|+ 310|- 17]: release test-signal-handler
[06:53|% 58|+ 311|- 17]: release test-fs-stat
[06:53|% 58|+ 312|- 17]: release test-fs-write-stream-end
[06:53|% 58|+ 313|- 17]: release test-child-process-channel
=== release test-child-process-channel ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-channel
fds undefined
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js:14:20)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-channel.js
[06:54|% 59|+ 313|- 18]: release test-fs-read-buffer
[06:54|% 59|+ 314|- 18]: release test-require-cache
[06:54|% 59|+ 315|- 18]: release test-module-loading
[06:54|% 59|+ 316|- 18]: release test-net-remote-address-port
[06:54|% 59|+ 317|- 18]: release test-event-emitter-once
[06:54|% 60|+ 318|- 18]: release test-http-default-encoding
[06:54|% 60|+ 319|- 18]: release test-https-foafssl
[06:55|% 60|+ 320|- 18]: release test-http-conn-reset
=== release test-http-conn-reset ===
Path: simple/test-http-conn-reset
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: "Request ended prematurely." == "socket hang up"
at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-http-conn-reset.js:47:12)
at ClientRequest.emit (events.js:67:17)
at Socket.onend (http2.js:1129:13)
at TCP.onread (net_uv.js:320:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-http-conn-reset.js
[06:55|% 60|+ 320|- 19]: release test-https-eof-for-eom
[06:55|% 60|+ 321|- 19]: release test-http-client-upload-buf
[06:55|% 60|+ 322|- 19]: release test-init
[06:55|% 61|+ 323|- 19]: release test-regress-GH-819
[06:55|% 61|+ 324|- 19]: release test-http-request-end-twice
[06:56|% 61|+ 325|- 19]: release test-http-upgrade-agent
[06:56|% 61|+ 326|- 19]: release test-tls-sni-server-client
[06:56|% 61|+ 327|- 19]: release test-http-response-close
[06:56|% 61|+ 328|- 19]: release test-http-upgrade-client2
[06:56|% 62|+ 329|- 19]: release test-tls-connect
[06:56|% 62|+ 330|- 19]: release test-require-exceptions
[06:56|% 62|+ 331|- 19]: release test-writefloat
[06:57|% 62|+ 332|- 19]: release test-vm-create-context-circular-referenc...
[06:57|% 62|+ 333|- 19]: release test-exception-handler
[06:57|% 63|+ 334|- 19]: release test-console-not-call-toString
[06:57|% 63|+ 335|- 19]: release test-http-client-abort2
[06:57|% 63|+ 336|- 19]: release test-eio-race2
[06:57|% 63|+ 337|- 19]: release test-http-blank-header
[06:57|% 63|+ 338|- 19]: release test-event-emitter-num-args
[06:57|% 63|+ 339|- 19]: release test-http-chunked
[06:58|% 64|+ 340|- 19]: release test-cli-eval
[06:58|% 64|+ 341|- 19]: release test-regress-GH-784
[06:58|% 64|+ 342|- 19]: release test-http-server-multiheaders
[06:58|% 64|+ 343|- 19]: release test-http-extra-response
[06:58|% 64|+ 344|- 19]: release test-readuint
[06:58|% 65|+ 345|- 19]: release test-http-upgrade-client
[06:58|% 65|+ 346|- 19]: release test-stream-pipe-multi
[07:00|% 65|+ 347|- 19]: release test-net-connect-buffer
[07:00|% 65|+ 348|- 19]: release test-fs-fsync
=== release test-fs-fsync ===
Path: simple/test-fs-fsync
open /home/ryan/projects/node/test/fixtures/a.js
fd undefined
if (err) throw err;
Error: EACCESS, Error 0 '/home/ryan/projects/node/test/fixtures/a.js'
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-fsync.js
[07:00|% 65|+ 348|- 20]: release test-sys
[07:00|% 65|+ 349|- 20]: release test-https-connecting-to-http
[07:00|% 66|+ 350|- 20]: release test-http-client-race-2
[07:01|% 66|+ 351|- 20]: release test-next-tick-errors
[07:01|% 66|+ 352|- 20]: release test-http-keep-alive-close-on-header
[07:01|% 66|+ 353|- 20]: release test-fs-sir-writes-alot
[07:02|% 66|+ 354|- 20]: release test-fs-write
[07:02|% 66|+ 355|- 20]: release test-mkdir-rmdir
[07:02|% 67|+ 356|- 20]: release test-http-request-end
[07:02|% 67|+ 357|- 20]: release test-child-process-deprecated-api
[07:02|% 67|+ 358|- 20]: release test-http-1.0
[07:02|% 67|+ 359|- 20]: release test-script-static-context
[07:02|% 67|+ 360|- 20]: release test-process-env
[07:02|% 68|+ 361|- 20]: release test-fs-read-file-sync-hostname
[07:03|% 68|+ 362|- 20]: release test-fs-read-file-sync
[07:03|% 68|+ 363|- 20]: release test-fs-write-sync
[07:03|% 68|+ 364|- 20]: release test-net-eaddrinuse
[07:03|% 68|+ 365|- 20]: release test-child-process-exec-cwd
[07:03|% 68|+ 366|- 20]: release test-http-parser
[07:03|% 69|+ 367|- 20]: release test-child-process-exec-env
[07:03|% 69|+ 368|- 20]: release test-child-process-stdout-flush
[07:03|% 69|+ 369|- 20]: release test-writeuint
[07:04|% 69|+ 370|- 20]: release test-repl
[07:04|% 69|+ 371|- 20]: release test-net-reconnect
[07:04|% 70|+ 372|- 20]: release test-http-agent
[07:04|% 70|+ 373|- 20]: release test-http-contentLength0
[07:04|% 70|+ 374|- 20]: release test-http-304
[07:04|% 70|+ 375|- 20]: release test-regress-GH-897
[07:04|% 70|+ 376|- 20]: release test-eval-require
[07:05|% 70|+ 377|- 20]: release test-tty-stdout-end
[07:05|% 71|+ 378|- 20]: release test-assert
[07:05|% 71|+ 379|- 20]: release test-http-unix-socket
[07:05|% 71|+ 380|- 20]: release test-regress-GH-877
[07:05|% 71|+ 381|- 20]: release test-event-emitter-modify-in-emit
[07:05|% 71|+ 382|- 20]: release test-net-connect-handle-econnrefused
[07:05|% 71|+ 383|- 20]: release test-tls-npn-server-client
[07:05|% 72|+ 384|- 20]: release test-child-process-exit-code
[07:06|% 72|+ 385|- 20]: release test-next-tick-starvation
[07:06|% 72|+ 386|- 20]: release test-net-connect-timeout
[07:06|% 72|+ 387|- 20]: release test-pump-file2tcp
[07:06|% 72|+ 388|- 20]: release test-fs-open
[07:06|% 73|+ 389|- 20]: release test-http-write-empty-string
[07:06|% 73|+ 390|- 20]: release test-http-abort-client
[07:06|% 73|+ 391|- 20]: release test-http-many-keep-alive-connections
[07:09|% 73|+ 392|- 20]: release test-tcp-wrap
[07:09|% 73|+ 393|- 20]: release test-util-inspect
[07:09|% 73|+ 394|- 20]: release test-http-wget
[07:09|% 74|+ 395|- 20]: release test-writedouble
[07:09|% 74|+ 396|- 20]: release test-http-buffer-sanity
[07:10|% 74|+ 397|- 20]: release test-http-status-code
[07:10|% 74|+ 398|- 20]: release test-child-process-ipc
=== release test-child-process-ipc ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-ipc
child said: "hello world\r\n"
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-ipc.js
--- CRASHED ---
[07:12|% 74|+ 398|- 21]: release test-umask
[07:12|% 75|+ 399|- 21]: release test-child-process-custom-fds
=== release test-child-process-custom-fds ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-custom-fds
Test 1...
throw new assert.AssertionError({
<error: TypeError: Converting circular structure to JSON>
at Object.oncomplete (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js:50:12)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-custom-fds.js
[07:12|% 75|+ 399|- 22]: release test-crypto
[07:13|% 75|+ 400|- 22]: release test-regress-GH-1531
[07:13|% 75|+ 401|- 22]: release test-fs-readfile-empty
[07:13|% 75|+ 402|- 22]: release test-os
=== release test-os ===
Path: simple/test-os
hostname = ryannode
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: This version of sunos doesn't support getifaddrs
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-os.js:66:21)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-os.js
[07:13|% 75|+ 402|- 23]: release test-script-new
[07:13|% 76|+ 403|- 23]: release test-http-dns-error
[07:13|% 76|+ 404|- 23]: release test-http-upgrade-server2
[07:13|% 76|+ 405|- 23]: release test-net-bytes-stats
[07:13|% 76|+ 406|- 23]: release test-fs-watch-file
[07:19|% 76|+ 407|- 23]: release test-https-simple
[07:19|% 76|+ 408|- 23]: release test-http-expect-continue
[07:19|% 77|+ 409|- 23]: release test-next-tick-ordering2
[07:19|% 77|+ 410|- 23]: release test-http-head-response-has-no-body
[07:19|% 77|+ 411|- 23]: release test-next-tick-doesnt-hang
[07:19|% 77|+ 412|- 23]: release test-c-ares
[07:19|% 77|+ 413|- 23]: release test-event-emitter-add-listeners
[07:19|% 78|+ 414|- 23]: release test-dgram-unix-anon
=== release test-dgram-unix-anon ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-unix-anon
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: unix_dgram sockets are not supported any more.
at newHandle (dgram_uv.js:84:11)
at new Socket (dgram_uv.js:93:16)
at Object.createSocket (dgram_uv.js:110:10)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js:40:16)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-unix-anon.js
[07:19|% 78|+ 414|- 24]: release test-http-dns-fail
[07:20|% 78|+ 415|- 24]: release test-http-set-timeout
[07:20|% 78|+ 416|- 24]: release test-dgram-multicast
=== release test-dgram-multicast ===
Path: simple/test-dgram-multicast
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: not yet implemented
at Socket.setBroadcast (dgram_uv.js:226:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js:48:12)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-dgram-multicast.js
[07:20|% 78|+ 416|- 25]: release test-tls-set-encoding
[07:21|% 78|+ 417|- 25]: release test-http
[07:21|% 79|+ 418|- 25]: release test-pump-file2tcp-noexist
[07:21|% 79|+ 419|- 25]: release test-tls-client-verify
[07:21|% 79|+ 420|- 25]: release test-stream-pipe-error-handling
[07:21|% 79|+ 421|- 25]: release test-fs-write-file-buffer
[07:21|% 79|+ 422|- 25]: release test-module-load-list
[07:21|% 80|+ 423|- 25]: release test-child-process-customfd-bounded
[07:21|% 80|+ 424|- 25]: release test-script-context
[07:22|% 80|+ 425|- 25]: release test-http-curl-chunk-problem
[07:22|% 80|+ 426|- 25]: release test-fs-chmod
=== release test-fs-chmod ===
Path: simple/test-fs-chmod
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: 511 == 329
at Object.oncomplete (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-chmod.js:52:14)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-chmod.js
[07:22|% 80|+ 426|- 26]: release test-readdouble
[07:22|% 80|+ 427|- 26]: release test-tls-junk-closes-server
[07:22|% 81|+ 428|- 26]: release test-net-server-bind
[07:23|% 81|+ 429|- 26]: release test-listen-fd
=== release test-listen-fd ===
Path: simple/test-listen-fd
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: Not implemented
at Server.listenFD (net_uv.js:752:9)
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js:47:5)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-listen-fd.js
[07:23|% 81|+ 429|- 27]: release test-net-stream
[07:23|% 81|+ 430|- 27]: release test-tls-securepair-server
[07:23|% 81|+ 431|- 27]: release test-process-kill-null
[07:23|% 81|+ 432|- 27]: release test-process-wrap
[07:23|% 82|+ 433|- 27]: release test-eio-race
[07:23|% 82|+ 434|- 27]: release test-http-head-response-has-no-body-end
[07:23|% 82|+ 435|- 27]: release test-http-get-pipeline-problem
[07:24|% 82|+ 436|- 27]: release test-tls-peer-certificate
[07:24|% 82|+ 437|- 27]: release test-regression-object-prototype
[07:24|% 83|+ 438|- 27]: release test-http-response-readable
[07:24|% 83|+ 439|- 27]: release test-http-eof-on-connect
[07:24|% 83|+ 440|- 27]: release test-readint
[07:25|% 83|+ 441|- 27]: release test-eval
[07:25|% 83|+ 442|- 27]: release test-url
[07:25|% 83|+ 443|- 27]: release test-tls-server-verify
[07:25|% 84|+ 444|- 27]: release test-tls-client-resume
[07:26|% 84|+ 445|- 27]: release test-child-process-stdin
[07:26|% 84|+ 446|- 27]: release test-util-format
[07:26|% 84|+ 447|- 27]: release test-http-client-abort
[07:26|% 84|+ 448|- 27]: release test-net-binary
[07:26|% 85|+ 449|- 27]: release test-http-mutable-headers
[07:26|% 85|+ 450|- 27]: release test-net-keepalive
[07:28|% 85|+ 451|- 27]: release test-tls-securepair-client
[07:28|% 85|+ 452|- 27]: release test-pipe-stream
[07:28|% 85|+ 453|- 27]: release test-fs-utimes
=== release test-fs-utimes ===
Path: simple/test-fs-utimes
Assertion failed: r == 0, file ../src/, line 1004
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-fs-utimes.js
[07:30|% 85|+ 453|- 28]: release test-http-client-parse-error
[07:30|% 86|+ 454|- 28]: release test-net-can-reset-timeout
[07:30|% 86|+ 455|- 28]: release test-script-static-this
[07:30|% 86|+ 456|- 28]: release test-debugger-client
[07:31|% 86|+ 457|- 28]: release test-tls-request-timeout
[07:32|% 86|+ 458|- 28]: release test-require-cache-without-stat
[07:32|% 86|+ 459|- 28]: release test-sync-fileread
[07:32|% 87|+ 460|- 28]: release test-delayed-require
[07:32|% 87|+ 461|- 28]: release test-event-emitter-check-listener-leaks
[07:32|% 87|+ 462|- 28]: release test-readdir
[07:32|% 87|+ 463|- 28]: release test-net-large-string
[07:32|% 87|+ 464|- 28]: release test-http-head-request
[07:32|% 88|+ 465|- 28]: release test-http-legacy
[07:33|% 88|+ 466|- 28]: release test-child-process-spawn-node
=== release test-child-process-spawn-node ===
Path: simple/test-child-process-spawn-node
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
TypeError: undefined is not a function
at Object.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js:5:9)
at Module._compile (module.js:416:26)
at Object..js (module.js:434:10)
at Module.load (module.js:335:31)
at Function._load (module.js:294:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:454:10)
at EventEmitter._tickCallback (node.js:195:26)
Command: out/Release/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/simple/test-child-process-spawn-node.js
[07:33|% 88|+ 466|- 29]: release test-http-exceptions
[07:33|% 88|+ 467|- 29]: release test-utf8-scripts
[07:33|% 88|+ 468|- 29]: release test-http-malformed-request
[07:33|% 88|+ 469|- 29]: release test-net-isip
[07:33|% 89|+ 470|- 29]: release test-regress-GH-746
[07:33|% 89|+ 471|- 29]: release test-regress-GH-892
[07:43|% 89|+ 472|- 29]: release test-child-process-kill
[07:43|% 89|+ 473|- 29]: debug test-child-process-spawn-loop
[07:50|% 89|+ 474|- 29]: debug test-regress-GH-814
[07:59|% 90|+ 475|- 29]: debug test-next-tick-loops-quick
[08:02|% 90|+ 476|- 29]: debug test-timers
=== debug test-timers ===
Path: pummel/test-timers
diff: 336
throw new assert.AssertionError({
AssertionError: true == false
at Timer.<anonymous> (/home/ryan/projects/node/test/pummel/test-timers.js:61:10)
at Timer.ontimeout (timers_uv.js:208:14)
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/pummel/test-timers.js
[08:03|% 90|+ 476|- 30]: debug test-net-timeout
[08:08|% 90|+ 477|- 30]: debug test-net-pause
[08:11|% 90|+ 478|- 30]: debug test-vm-memleak
[08:17|% 90|+ 479|- 30]: debug test-exec
[08:21|% 91|+ 480|- 30]: debug test-process-uptime
[08:24|% 91|+ 481|- 30]: debug test-regress-GH-814_2
[08:34|% 91|+ 482|- 30]: debug test-watch-file
[08:39|% 91|+ 483|- 30]: debug test-https-large-response
=== debug test-https-large-response ===
Path: pummel/test-https-large-response
build body...done
got request
Command: out/Debug/node /home/ryan/projects/node/test/pummel/test-https-large-response.js
--- TIMEOUT ---
[12:39|% 91|+ 483|- 31]: debug test-net-pingpong-delay
[12:42|% 91|+ 484|- 31]: debug test-net-throttle
[12:45|% 92|+ 485|- 31]: debug test-http-client-reconnect-bug
[12:46|% 92|+ 486|- 31]: debug test-http-upload-timeout
[12:49|% 92|+ 487|- 31]: debug test-net-pingpong
[12:53|% 92|+ 488|- 31]: debug test-timer-wrap
[12:55|% 92|+ 489|- 31]: debug test-tls-throttle
[13:02|% 93|+ 490|- 31]: debug test-keep-alive
[13:03|% 93|+ 491|- 31]: debug test-net-many-clients
[13:08|% 93|+ 492|- 31]: debug test-timer-wrap2
[13:09|% 93|+ 493|- 31]: release test-child-process-spawn-loop
[13:11|% 93|+ 494|- 31]: release test-regress-GH-814
[13:20|% 93|+ 495|- 31]: release test-next-tick-loops-quick
[13:22|% 94|+ 496|- 31]: release test-timers
[13:25|% 94|+ 497|- 31]: release test-net-timeout
[13:29|% 94|+ 498|- 31]: release test-net-pause
[13:31|% 94|+ 499|- 31]: release test-vm-memleak
[13:37|% 94|+ 500|- 31]: release test-exec
[13:40|% 95|+ 501|- 31]: release test-process-uptime
[13:42|% 95|+ 502|- 31]: release test-regress-GH-814_2
=== release test-regress-GH-814_2 ===
Path: pummel/test-regress-GH-814_2
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'
what(): std::bad_alloc
Command: out/Release/node --expose_gc /home/ryan/projects/node/test/pummel/test-regress-GH-814_2.js
--- TIMEOUT ---
[14:43|% 95|+ 502|- 32]: release test-watch-file
[14:48|% 95|+ 503|- 32]: release test-https-large-response
[15:14|% 95|+ 504|- 32]: release test-net-pingpong-delay
[15:17|% 95|+ 505|- 32]: release test-net-throttle
[15:17|% 96|+ 506|- 32]: release test-http-client-reconnect-bug
[15:18|% 96|+ 507|- 32]: release test-http-upload-timeout
[15:20|% 96|+ 508|- 32]: release test-net-pingpong
[15:21|% 96|+ 509|- 32]: release test-timer-wrap
[15:22|% 96|+ 510|- 32]: release test-tls-throttle
[15:24|% 96|+ 511|- 32]: release test-keep-alive
[15:24|% 97|+ 512|- 32]: release test-net-many-clients
[15:25|% 97|+ 513|- 32]: release test-timer-wrap2
[15:25|% 97|+ 514|- 32]: debug hello_world
[15:26|% 97|+ 515|- 32]: debug throw_non_error
[15:27|% 97|+ 516|- 32]: debug stack_overflow
[15:28|% 98|+ 517|- 32]: debug throw_custom_error
[15:29|% 98|+ 518|- 32]: debug undefined_reference_in_new_context
[15:30|% 98|+ 519|- 32]: debug 2100bytes
[15:31|% 98|+ 520|- 32]: release hello_world
[15:31|% 98|+ 521|- 32]: release throw_non_error
[15:31|% 98|+ 522|- 32]: release stack_overflow
[15:31|% 99|+ 523|- 32]: release throw_custom_error
[15:31|% 99|+ 524|- 32]: release undefined_reference_in_new_context
[15:31|% 99|+ 525|- 32]: release 2100bytes
[15:31|% 99|+ 526|- 32]: debug test-dns
[15:32|% 99|+ 527|- 32]: release test-dns
[15:32|% 100|+ 528|- 32]: Done
gmake: *** [test-all] Error 1
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