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Created September 24, 2011 15:58
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Solution of the ITA's "Strawberry Fields" puzzle.
import Data.Array
import Data.Char
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord
import Control.Applicative
import System.Environment
import System.IO.Unsafe
import Data.Hashable
import qualified Data.HashTable.IO as H
-- Ugly (but more performant) memoization using 'unsafePerformIO' as described in:
-- To further improve performance we use mutable hash tables from the 'hashtables'
-- package instead of Data.Map
memoIO :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> b) -> IO (a -> IO b)
memoIO f = do
t <- :: IO (H.CuckooHashTable a b)
let f' x = do v <- H.lookup t x
case v of
Nothing -> do let { r = f x }; H.insert t x r; return r
Just r -> return r
return f'
memo :: (Eq a, Hashable a) => (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
memo f = let f' = unsafePerformIO (memoIO f) in \x -> unsafePerformIO (f' x)
data Strawberry = Strawberry { strawberryID :: !Int
, strawberryX :: !Int
, strawberryY :: !Int }
instance Eq Strawberry where
Strawberry id1 _ _ == Strawberry id2 _ _ = id1 == id2
instance Hashable Strawberry where
hash = strawberryID
data Greenhouse = Greenhouse !Int !Int !Int !Int deriving Eq
type Field = [Strawberry]
data Cover = Cover [Greenhouse] Cost
type Area = Int
type Cost = Int
strawberries :: Array (Int, Int) Strawberry
strawberries = array ((0, 0), (50, 50)) [((i, j), Strawberry (51 * i + j) i j)
| i <- [0..50]
, j <- [0..50]]
mkStrawberry :: Int -> Int -> Strawberry
mkStrawberry i j = strawberries ! (i, j)
merge :: Cover -> Cover -> Cover
merge (Cover gs1 p1) (Cover gs2 p2) = Cover (gs1 ++ gs2) (p1 + p2)
{-# INLINE merge #-}
area :: Greenhouse -> Area
area (Greenhouse xmin ymin xmax ymax) = (xmax - xmin + 1) * (ymax - ymin + 1)
{-# INLINE area #-}
cost :: Cover -> Cost
cost (Cover _ p) = p
{-# INLINE cost #-}
-- Return the minimum bounding greenhouse of a field.
boundingGreenhouse :: Field -> Greenhouse
boundingGreenhouse ((Strawberry _ x1 y1):ss)
= foldl extend (Greenhouse x1 y1 x1 y1) ss
extend (Greenhouse xmin ymin xmax ymax) (Strawberry _ x y)
= Greenhouse (min xmin x) (min ymin y) (max xmax x) (max ymax y)
-- Cover a field with exactly n greenhouses. Return Just a cover or
-- Nothing if no such cover exists. The cover is not guaranteed to
-- be optimal among all possible covers, but it is optimal among the
-- covers that can be obtained by successively subdividing the field
-- into subfields by vertical and horizontal cuts and shrinking the
-- obtained rectangles.
cover' :: (Int, Field) -> Maybe Cover
cover' (n, field) | n > length field = Nothing
cover' (1, field) = Just (Cover [g] p)
g = boundingGreenhouse field
p = area g + 10
cover' (n, field) = minimumByCost maybe_covers
maybe_cover1 = coverSplit strawberryX n field
maybe_cover2 = coverSplit strawberryY n field
maybe_covers = [maybe_cover1, maybe_cover2]
minimumByCost :: [Maybe Cover] -> Maybe Cover
minimumByCost maybe_covers
| null covers
= Nothing
| otherwise
= Just $ minimumBy (comparing cost) covers
covers = catMaybes maybe_covers
-- Split a field at a given point along the axis specified by the
-- coordinate function coord. Returns a pair of subfields.
splitField :: (Strawberry -> Int) -> Int -> Field -> (Field, Field)
splitField coord point = partition ((<= point) . coord)
You would think that
init . sort . nub . map coord $ field
cannot be more efficient than the following function that computes
possible split points in linear time (the idea is borrowed from
Bird's "Pearls of Functional Algorithm Design"):
splitPoints :: (Strawberry -> Int) -> Field -> [Int]
splitPoints coord field = tail (indices checklist)
checklist = accumArray (||) False (0, 50)
[(coord strawberry, True) | strawberry <- field]
But at least at the sample inputs the program with the above function
runs 3 (!) times slower (2m6s while the program with the computes the
split points naively runs in under 43s). Mysteriously, it also uses
more memory. Apparently, GHC does a pretty good job at fusing the
loops in init . sort . nub . map coord $ field. Also, our fields are
relatively small, so it may happen that even though splitPoints
requires linear time, the constant factors screw us.
-- Find an optimal cover of a field by n greenhouses by splitting the
-- field along the axis given by the coordinate function coord at all
-- possible places, covering the subfields, and combining the covers.
coverSplit :: (Strawberry -> Int) -> Int -> Field -> Maybe Cover
coverSplit coord n field = minimumByCost maybe_covers
split_points = init . sort . nub . map coord $ field
maybe_covers = [liftA2 merge (memoCover' (i, field1))
(memoCover' (n-i, field2))
| i <- [1..n-1], point <- split_points
, let (field1, field2) = splitField coord point field]
memoCover' = memo cover'
-- Try to cover a field with at most n greenhouses and choose a cover
-- with the lowest cost.
cover :: Int -> Field -> Cover
cover n field = fromJust $ minimumByCost [memoCover' (i, field) | i <- [1..n]]
-- Parse a field from its matrix representation.
parseField :: [String] -> Field
parseField ls = concat $ zipWith parseLine ls [1..]
-- Parse one line of a matrix representation of the field.
parseLine :: String -> Int -> Field
parseLine line x = [mkStrawberry x y | (c, y) <- zip line [1..], c == '@']
-- Format a cover. Here (n, m) is the size of the original field.
-- Puts the cost of the cover in the first line.
showCover :: Cover -> (Int, Int) -> String
showCover (Cover gs p) (n, m) = unlines $ show p : [showLine x | x <- [1..n]]
labelledGreenhouses = zip gs ['A'..]
showLine x = [showPoint (x, y) | y <- [1..m]]
isInside (x, y) (Greenhouse xmin ymin xmax ymax, _)
= xmin <= x && x <= xmax && ymin <= y && y <= ymax
showPoint (x, y)
| Just (_, label) <- find (isInside (x,y)) labelledGreenhouses
= label
| otherwise
= '.'
-- A generalization of 'words' and 'lines' allowing to split a list
-- into sublists delimited by the elements satisfying a predicate.
splitBy :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitBy p xs = case dropWhile p xs of
[] -> []
xs' -> w : splitBy p xs''
where (w, xs'') = break p xs'
isEmptyLine :: String -> Bool
isEmptyLine = all isSpace
-- Process an example.
processExample :: [String] -> IO Cost
processExample (s:ss) = putStrLn (showCover c (rows, cols)) >> return p
n = read s :: Int
rows = length ss
cols = length (head ss)
field = parseField ss
c = cover n field
p = cost c
-- Read examples from a file whose name is supplied as a command-line
-- argument, and process each example.
main = do args <- getArgs
case args of
[file] -> do text <- readFile file
let examples = splitBy isEmptyLine (lines text)
costs <- mapM processExample examples
let totalCost = sum costs
putStrLn $ "Total cost: " ++ show totalCost
_ -> putStrLn usageMessage
usageMessage = "usage: strawberry-fields <file>"
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