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Created September 30, 2011 08:47
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Neopets Account Pricer
import re, urllib2, cookielib, webbrowser, sys
from time import sleep
from random import randint
from math import ceil
price_data = [e.split('|') for e in open('prices.txt').read().splitlines()]
prices = {}
for i in price_data:
prices[i[0]] = int(i[1])
cj = cookielib.CookieJar()
opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj))
opener.addheaders = [('User-Agent', 'Mozilla/5.0')]
un = raw_input('Username: ')
pw = raw_input('Password: ')
login ='', 'username=%s&password=%s' % (un, pw)).read()
if 'forgotpassword.phtml' in login:
print 'Error! Incorrect password.'
output = ''
np_worth, inv_worth, shop_worth, sdb_worth = 0, 0, 0, 0
print 'Getting inventory...'
inventory ='').read()
print 'Getting bank...'
bank ='').read()
print 'Getting shop till...'
till ='').read()
print 'Collecting NP data...'
on_hand = int(re.findall('=inventory">(.+?)</a>', inventory)[0].replace(',', ''))
print 'You have %d NP on hand.' % on_hand
banked = int(re.findall('align="center" style="font-weight: bold;">(.+?)<', bank)[0].replace(',', '').replace(' NP', ''))
print 'You have %d NP in the bank.' % banked
in_till = int(re.findall('You currently have <b>(.+?)</b>', till)[0].replace(',', '').replace(' NP', ''))
print 'You have %d NP in your shop till.' % in_till
np_worth = on_hand + banked + in_till
print 'Total NP: %d\n\n' % np_worth
output += '<h2>Neopoints</h2>On hand: %d<br />Bank: %d<br />Till: %d<h3>Total NP: %d</h3>' % (on_hand, banked, in_till, np_worth)
print 'Pricing inventory...'
inv_items = {}
items = re.findall('neopointItem"></A><BR>(.+?)<', inventory)
output += '<h2>Inventory</h2>'
for i in items:
inv_worth += prices[i]
inv_items[i] = int(prices[i])
except KeyError:
inv_worth += 0
inv_items[items[i]] = 0
print 'Your inventory is worth about %d NP.\n\n' % inv_worth
inv_items = sorted(inv_items.iteritems(), key = lambda (k, v): v, reverse = True)
for i in inv_items:
output += '%s: %d<br />' % (i)
output += '<h3>Estimated worth: %d</h3>' % inv_worth
print 'Getting shop...'
shop ='').read()
shop_items = {}
pages = int(ceil(int(re.findall('Stocked : <b>(\d+)</b>', shop)[0]) / 30.0))
for p in range(pages):
page ='' % ((p + 1) * 30)).read()
print 'Pricing page #%d...' % (p + 1)
items = re.findall('width=60 bgcolor=\'#ffffcc\'><b>(.+?)</b>', page)
qty = re.findall('align=center><b>(\d+)</b>', page)
page_worth = 0
for i in range(len(items)):
page_worth += prices[items[i]] * int(qty[i])
shop_items[items[i]] = int(prices[items[i]])
except KeyError:
page_worth += 0
shop_items[items[i]] = 0
shop_worth += page_worth
print 'Page %d is worth about %d NP.' % (p + 1, page_worth)
if p < pages - 1:
print 'Waiting a few seconds for safety...'
sleep(randint(1000, 3000) / 1000.0)
print 'Your shop is worth about %d NP.\n\n' % shop_worth
output += '<h2>Shop</h2>'
shop_items = sorted(shop_items.iteritems(), key = lambda (k, v): v, reverse = True)
for i in shop_items:
output += '%s: %d<br />' % (i)
output += '<h3>Estimated worth: %d</h3>' % shop_worth
print 'Getting SDB...'
sdb ='').read()
sdb_items = {}
pages = int(ceil(int(re.findall('Items:</b> (\d+) ', sdb)[0]) / 30.0))
for p in range(pages):
page ='' % (p * 30)).read()
print 'Pricing page #%d...' % (p + 1)
items = re.findall('<td align="left"><b>(.+?)<br><span class', page)
qty = re.findall('<td align="center"><b>(\d+)</b>', page)
page_worth = 0
for i in range(len(items)):
page_worth += prices[items[i]] * int(qty[i])
sdb_items[items[i]] = int(prices[items[i]])
except KeyError:
page_worth += 0
sdb_items[items[i]] = 0
sdb_worth += page_worth
print 'Page %d is worth about %d NP.' % (p + 1, page_worth)
if p < pages - 1:
print 'Waiting a few seconds for safety...'
sleep(randint(1000, 3000) / 1000.0)
print 'Your SDB is worth about %d NP.\n\n' % sdb_worth
output += '<h2>Safety Deposit Box</h2>'
sdb_items = sorted(sdb_items.iteritems(), key = lambda (k, v): v, reverse = True)
for i in sdb_items:
output += '%s: %d<br />' % (i)
output += '<h3>Estimated worth: %d</h3>' % sdb_worth
total_worth = np_worth + inv_worth + shop_worth + sdb_worth
print 'Total account worth: %d' % total_worth
output += 'Your account\'s assets total roughly: <h1>%d NP</h1>' % total_worth
open('results.html', 'w').write(output)'results.html')
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