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Created October 4, 2011 21:47
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Inject into ActionFilter
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using System.Web.Routing;
using Spring.Context;
using Spring.Context.Support;
namespace SpringActionFilterSample
/// <summary>
/// Spring.NET-specific HttpApplication for ASP.NET MVC integration.
/// </summary>
public abstract class SpringMvcApplication : HttpApplication
/// <summary>
/// Executes custom initialization code after all event handler modules have been added.
/// </summary>
public override void Init()
//the Spring HTTP Module won't have built the context for us until now so we have to delay until the init
/// <summary>
/// Handles the BeginRequest event of the Application control.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
/// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
protected virtual void Application_BeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
var resolver = BuildDependencyResolver();
/// <summary>
/// Builds the dependency resolver.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The <see cref="IDependencyResolver"/> instance.</returns>
/// You must override this method in a derived class to control the manner in which the
/// <see cref="IDependencyResolver"/> is created.
protected virtual IDependencyResolver BuildDependencyResolver()
return new SpringMvcDependencyResolver(ContextRegistry.GetContext());
/// <summary>
/// Configures the <see cref="Spring.Context.IApplicationContext"/> instance.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You must override this method in a derived class to control the manner in which the
/// <see cref="Spring.Context.IApplicationContext"/> is configured.
/// </remarks>
protected virtual void ConfigureApplicationContext()
/// <summary>
/// Registers the DependencyResolver implementation with the MVC runtime.
/// <remarks>
/// You must override this method in a derived class to control the manner in which the
/// <see cref="SpringMvcDependencyResolver"/> is registered.
/// </remarks>
/// </summary>
public virtual void RegisterDependencyResolver(IDependencyResolver resolver)
/// <summary>
/// Thread-safe class that ensures that the <see cref="IDependencyResolver"/> is registered only once.
/// </summary>
protected static class ThreadSafeDependencyResolverRegistrar
private static bool _isInitialized = false;
private static readonly Object @lock = new Object();
/// <summary>
/// Registers the specified resolver.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="resolver">The resolver.</param>
public static void Register(IDependencyResolver resolver)
if (_isInitialized)
lock (@lock)
if (_isInitialized)
_isInitialized = true;
/// <summary>
/// Spring-based implementation of the <see cref="IDependencyResolver"/> interface.
/// </summary>
public class SpringMvcDependencyResolver : IDependencyResolver
private IApplicationContext _context;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SpringMvcDependencyResolver"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The context.</param>
public SpringMvcDependencyResolver(IApplicationContext context)
_context = context;
/// <summary>
/// Gets the application context.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The application context.</value>
public IApplicationContext ApplicationContext
if (_context == null || _context.Name != ApplicationContextName)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ApplicationContextName))
_context = ContextRegistry.GetContext();
_context = ContextRegistry.GetContext(ApplicationContextName);
return _context;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the name of the application context.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Defaults to using the root (default) Application Context.
/// </remarks>
/// <value>The name of the application context.</value>
public static string ApplicationContextName { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Resolves singly registered services that support arbitrary object creation.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceType">The type of the requested service or object.</param>
/// <returns>The requested service or object.</returns>
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
object service = null;
if (serviceType != null)
var services = ApplicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(serviceType);
if (services.Count > 0)
service = services.Cast<DictionaryEntry>().First().Value;
return service;
/// <summary>
/// Resolves multiply registered services.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceType">The type of the requested services.</param>
/// <returns>The requested services.</returns>
public IEnumerable<object> GetServices(Type serviceType)
var services = ApplicationContext.GetObjectsOfType(serviceType);
return services.Values.Cast<object>();
public class FilterProvider : FilterAttributeFilterProvider, IApplicationContextAware
public IApplicationContext ApplicationContext
public override IEnumerable<Filter> GetFilters(ControllerContext controllerContext, ActionDescriptor actionDescriptor)
var filters = base.GetFilters(controllerContext, actionDescriptor);
foreach (var filter in filters)
ApplicationContext.ConfigureObject(filter.Instance, filter.Instance.GetType().Name);
yield return filter;
public class MvcApplication : SpringMvcApplication
public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)
"Default", // Route name
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", // URL with parameters
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional } // Parameter defaults
protected void Application_Start()
<context type="Spring.Context.Support.WebApplicationContext, Spring.Web">
<resource uri="config://spring/objects"/>
<objects xmlns="">
<object id="HomeController" type="SpringActionFilterSample.Controllers.HomeController, SpringActionFilterSample" singleton="false">
<property name="Message" value=":-) Test message from"/>
<object id="FilterProvider" type="SpringActionFilterSample.FilterProvider, SpringActionFilterSample">
<object id="SpringActionFilterAttribute" type="SpringActionFilterSample.SpringActionFilterAttribute, SpringActionFilterSample" singleton="false">
<property name="Message" value="Test message from"/>
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