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Created October 12, 2011 21:12
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Monitis Top GetProcessMonitor
Function GetProcessMonitors(aObjHttp, oNames, aObjAgent, aShowProcesses)
url = "" & apikey & "&output=xml&action=topProcessByCPUUsage&limit=50&detailedResults=true" "GET", url, False
Set oRes = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM")
oRes.async = False
Set oNode = oRes.selectSingleNode("data/tests")
For Each t In oNode.childnodes
Set oTest = t.selectSingleNode("testName")
If Not oTest Is Nothing Then
If ShowThisProcess(oTest.text, aShowProcesses) Then
'Create a new monitor object
Set Monitor = New class_Monitor
Monitor.Id = t.selectSingleNode("id").text
Monitor.Name = t.selectSingleNode("testName").text
Monitor.DisplayName = GetMonitorName(t.selectSingleNode("testName").text)
'Retrieve the results for this monitor
GetResult t, Monitor, SupportedMonitors.Item("process")
'Add the monitor to the list of agents
aObjAgent.MonitorList.Add Monitor.Id, Monitor
End If
End If
End Function
Function ShowThisProcess(aProcess, aShowProcesses)
ShowThisProcess = False
For Each sp In aShowProcesses
If (InStr(LCase(aProcess), LCase(sp)) > 0) Or (sp = "all") Then
ShowThisProcess = True
End If
End Function
Function GetResult(aNode, aMonitor, aFields)
arrValues = Split(aFields, "|")
For Each value In arrValues
'Split each value in the API field name and the suffix string
arrDetails = Split(value,",")
strValue = arrDetails(0)
strSuffix = arrDetails(1)
'Retrieve the result for the given counter
Set t = aNode.selectSingleNode(strValue)
If Not t Is Nothing Then
'Create a new metric object
Set Metric = New class_Metric
Metric.Name = strValue
Metric.Result = t.text & strSuffix
'Add the metric object to the current monitor object
aMonitor.MetricList.Add Metric.Name, Metric
End If
End Function
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