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Created November 12, 2011 12:56
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Debugger entered--Lisp error: (end-of-file)
byte-code("\302\300\"\210\303 \304\"\210\300\305\"\207" [error process debug slime-net-close t "net-read error: %S"] 3)
slime-net-read-or-lose(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
slime-process-available-input(#<process SLIME Lisp>)
slime-net-filter(#<process SLIME Lisp> #("bey. abdijvanegmond in Holland and seminarist at the Tiltenberg.\\\", :profile_text_color \\\"333333\\\", :screen_name \\\"broedersteve\\\"} {:profile_use_background_image true, :follow_request_sent nil, :default_profile true, :profile_sidebar_fill_color \\\"DDEEF6\\\", :protected true, :following nil, :profile_background_image_url \\\"\\\", :default_profile_image false, :contributors_enabled false, :favourites_count 0, :time_zone \\\"Amsterdam\\\", :name \\\"Ilse\\\", :id_str \\\"273495874\\\", :listed_count 2, :utc_offset 3600, :profile_link_color \\\"0084B4\\\", :profile_background_tile false, :location \\\"Amsterdam\\\", :statuses_count 250, :followers_count 21, :friends_count 124, :created_at \\\"Mon Mar 28 16:12:07 +0000 2011\\\", :lang \\\"en\\\", :profile_sidebar_border_color \\\"C0DEED\\\", :url \\\"\\\", :notifications nil, :profile_background_color \\\"C0DEED\\\", :geo_enabled true, :show_all_inline_media false, :profile_image_url_https \\\"\\\", :is_translator false, :profile_image_url \\\"\\\", :verified false, :id 273495874, :profile_background_image_url_https \\\"\\\", :description \\\"Werk: Acceptatie Analist bij Blue Bricks.\\\\r\\\\n\\\\r\\\\nPrivé: vriend, katten, genieten, uitgaan, roze olifantje in je porseleinkast.\\\", :profile_text_color \\\"333333\\\", :screen_name \\\"ilsefokker\\\"} {:status {:text \\\"Herinnering: Wim Does op di 19. jul 16:30 - 17:30 (Orgelconcerten agenda)\\\", :retweet_count 0, :coordinates nil, :in_reply_to_status_id_str nil, :contributors nil, :in_reply_to_user_id_str nil, :id_str \\\"90791473582317569\\\", :in_reply_to_screen_name nil, :retweeted false, :truncated false, :created_at \\\"Tue Jul 12 14:35:48 +0000 2011\\\", :geo nil, :place nil, :in_reply_to_status_id nil, :favorited false, :source \\\"<a href=\\\\\\\"\\\\\\\" rel=\\\\\\\"nofollow\\\\\\\">The Visitor Widget</a>\\\", :id 90791473582317569, :in_reply_to_user_id nil}, :profile_use_background_image true, :follow_request_sent nil, :default_profile false, :profile_sidebar_fill_color \\\"C0DFEC\\\", :protected false, :following nil, :profile_background_image_url \\\"\\\", :default_profile_image false, :contributors_enabled false, :favourites_count 0, :time_zone \\\"Amsterdam\\\", :name \\\"\\\", :id_str \\\"122028449\\\", :listed_count 19, :utc_offset 3600, :profile_link_color \\\"0084B4\\\", :profile_background_tile false, :location \\\"Nederland\\\", :statuses_count 221, :followers_count 285, :friends_count 851, :created_at \\\"Thu Mar 11 10:45:10 +0000 2010\\\", :lang \\\"en\\\", :profile_sidebar_border_color \\\"a8c7f7\\\", :url \\\"\\\", :notifications nil, :profile_background_color \\\"022330\\\", :geo_enabled false, :show_all_inline_media false, :profile_image_url_https \\\"\\\", :is_translator false, :profile_image_url \\\"\\\", :verified false, :id 122028449, :profile_background_image_url_https \\\"\\\", :description \\\"Alle orgelconcerten, -bespelingen en samenzang op een rijtje.\\\", :profile_text_color \\\"333333\\\", :screen_name \\\"Orgelconcert\\\"})\") 64)" 0 3416 (charset iso-8859-1)))
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