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Created November 15, 2011 00:03
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Bridgesupport doc for Omnigraffle
Class: omniItem
properties (All of the object's properties.)
Method: closeSaving(param_1, savingIn: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: omniSavo
param_2: NSURL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: closeSaving:(omniSavo)saving savingIn:(NSURL *)savingIn
Documentation: Close an object.
Method: delete(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: delete
Documentation: Delete an object.
Method: duplicateTo(param_1, withProperties: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: SBObject
param_2: NSDictionary
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties
Documentation: Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
Method: exists(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: BOOL
Objective-C selector: exists
Documentation: Verify if an object exists.
Method: moveTo(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: SBObject
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: moveTo:(SBObject *)to
Documentation: Move object(s) to a new location.
Method: saveAs(param_1, in: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: NSString
param_2: NSURL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: saveAs:(NSString *)as in:(NSURL *)in_
Documentation: Save an object.
Method: bold(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: bold
Documentation: Bold some text
Method: italicize(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: italicize
Documentation: Italicize some text
Method: replaceReplacement(param_1, ignoreCase: param_2, regexp: param_3, string: param_4, wholeWords: param_5)
Param types:
param_1: NSString
param_2: BOOL
param_3: NSString
param_4: NSString
param_5: BOOL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: replaceReplacement:(NSString *)replacement ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCase regexp:(NSString *)regexp string:(NSString *)string wholeWords:(BOOL)wholeWords
Method: unbold(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: unbold
Documentation: Unbold some text
Method: underline(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: underline
Documentation: Underline some text
Method: unitalicize(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: unitalicize
Documentation: Unitalicize some text
Method: ununderline(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: ununderline
Documentation: Ununderline some text
Method: assembleSubgraph(param_1, tableShape: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: BOOL
param_2: NSArray
Returned: omniGroup
Objective-C selector: assembleSubgraph:(BOOL)subgraph tableShape:(NSArray *)tableShape
Documentation: Group graphics
Method: connectTo(param_1, withProperties: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: id
param_2: NSDictionary
Returned: omniLine
Objective-C selector: connectTo:(id)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties
Documentation: Draw a line between graphics
Method: flipOver(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: omniOGOr
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: flipOver:(omniOGOr)over
Documentation: Flip graphics
Method: importCategories(param_1, frameworks: param_2, instanceVariableTypes: param_3, instanceVariables: param_4, interactionAllowed: param_5, mapping: param_6, methodSignatures: param_7, methods: param_8, outlineTemplate: param_9, protocols: param_10)
Param types:
param_1: BOOL
param_2: BOOL
param_3: BOOL
param_4: BOOL
param_5: BOOL
param_6: NSDictionary
param_7: BOOL
param_8: BOOL
param_9: NSString
param_10: BOOL
Returned: omniDocument
Objective-C selector: importCategories:(BOOL)categories frameworks:(BOOL)frameworks instanceVariableTypes:(BOOL)instanceVariableTypes instanceVariables:(BOOL)instanceVariables interactionAllowed:(BOOL)interactionAllowed mapping:(NSDictionary *)mapping methodSignatures:(BOOL)methodSignatures methods:(BOOL)methods outlineTemplate:(NSString *)outlineTemplate protocols:(BOOL)protocols
Documentation: Open or import a file. The command can optionally specify settings to use when converting other file types to Graffle documents.
Method: layout(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: layout
Documentation: Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.
Method: pageAdjust(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: pageAdjust
Documentation: Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics
Method: slideBy(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: omniPoint
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: slideBy:(omniPoint *)by
Documentation: Slide graphics by a vector amount
Class: omniApplication
frontmost (Is this the frontmost (active) application?)
name (The name of the application.)
version (The version of the application.)
Method: documents(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: documents
Method: windows(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: windows
Method: open(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: NSURL
Returned: omniDocument
Objective-C selector: open:(NSURL *)x
Documentation: Open an object.
Method: print(param_1, printDialog: param_2, withProperties: param_3)
Param types:
param_1: NSURL
param_2: BOOL
param_3: omniPrintSettings
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: print:(NSURL *)x printDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties:(omniPrintSettings *)withProperties
Documentation: Print an object.
Method: quitSaving(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: omniSavo
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: quitSaving:(omniSavo)saving
Documentation: Quit an application.
Class: omniWindow
bounds (The bounding rectangle of the window.)
closeable (Whether the window has a close box.)
document (The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.)
floating (Whether the window floats.)
index (The index of the window, ordered front to back.)
miniaturizable (Whether the window can be miniaturized.)
miniaturized (Whether the window is currently miniaturized.)
modal (Whether the window is the application's current modal window.)
name (The full title of the window.)
resizable (Whether the window can be resized.)
titled (Whether the window has a title bar.)
visible (Whether the window is currently visible.)
zoomable (Whether the window can be zoomed.)
zoomed (Whether the window is currently zoomed.)
Method: id(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: NSInteger
Objective-C selector: id
Documentation: The unique identifier of the window.
Class: omniAttributeRun
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: textAttachments(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: textAttachments
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Class: omniCharacter
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: textAttachments(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: textAttachments
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Class: omniParagraph
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: textAttachments(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: textAttachments
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Class: omniText
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: textAttachments(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: textAttachments
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Class: omniWord
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: textAttachments(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: textAttachments
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
alignment (Alignment of the text.)
baselineOffset (Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.)
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
superscript (The superscript level of the text.)
text (The actual text content.)
underlined (Is the first character underlined?)
alignment (Alignment of the text.)
baselineOffset (Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.)
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
superscript (The superscript level of the text.)
text (The actual text content.)
underlined (Is the first character underlined?)
alignment (Alignment of the text.)
baselineOffset (Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.)
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
superscript (The superscript level of the text.)
text (The actual text content.)
underlined (Is the first character underlined?)
alignment (Alignment of the text.)
baselineOffset (Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.)
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
superscript (The superscript level of the text.)
text (The actual text content.)
underlined (Is the first character underlined?)
fileName (The path to the file for the attachment)
alignment (Alignment of the text.)
baselineOffset (Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.)
color (The color of the first character.)
font (The name of the font of the first character.)
size (The size in points of the first character.)
superscript (The superscript level of the text.)
text (The actual text content.)
underlined (Is the first character underlined?)
availableTemplates (A list of document templates that are currently available.)
currentExportSettings (The current export settings)
demo (Is this the demo version of the application)
professional (Whether this application is OmniGraffle or OmniGraffle Professional)
alignmentGuidesEnabled (Whether smart alignment guides are enabled)
distanceGuidesEnabled (Whether smart distance guides are enabled)
linksVisible (Whether link indicators are visible)
magnetsVisible (Whether magnets are visible)
pageBreaksVisible (Whether page breaks are visible)
showGuides (Whether manually set guides are visible)
canvas (Current canvas this window is viewing)
selection (Selected graphics)
zoom (Current zoom (magnification) setting for this document window)
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Method: attributeRuns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: attributeRuns
Method: characters(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: characters
Method: paragraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: paragraphs
Method: words(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: words
Method: documents(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: documents
Method: windows(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: windows
Method: objectSelf(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: omniGraphic
Objective-C selector: objectSelf
Documentation: Graphic clicked to start this script
Method: canvases(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: canvases
Method: template(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: NSString
Objective-C selector: template
Documentation: Set this to an available template name, or to the path to a Graffle file to use as a template for this document.
Method: setTemplate(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: NSString
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: setTemplate: (NSString *) template
Class: omniCanvas
adjustsPages (Adjust number of pages on the canvas automatically?)
canvasBackground (Canvas background graphic)
canvasSize (Size of the canvas (page size multiplied by number of pages))
columnAlignment (Column alignment)
columnSpacing (Spacing between graphics in a column)
grid (Settings for the grid)
horizontalPages (Horizontal pages)
layoutInfo (Settings for automatic layout)
name (Name of this canvas)
pageSize (Size of each page)
rowAlignment (Row alignment)
rowSpacing (Spacing between graphics in a row)
verticalPages (Vertical pages)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Method: groups(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: groups
Method: layers(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: layers
Method: lines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: lines
Method: shapes(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: shapes
Method: solids(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: solids
Method: subgraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: subgraphs
Method: id(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: NSInteger
Objective-C selector: id
Documentation: Unique identifier
Method: setId(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: NSInteger
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: setId: (NSInteger) id
Class: omniColumn
size (The size of this slice of the table)
width (The width of this table row or table column)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Class: omniGraphic
alignsEdgesToGrid (When snapped to the grid does this graphic align its edges to the grid? (The alternative is to align its center to the grid.))
allowsConnections (Does this graphic allow connections to it?)
canvas (Canvas that this graphic is on)
cornerRadius (Curvature of corners in the stroke path)
doubleStroke (Does this graphic have a double-lined stroke?)
drawsShadow (Does this graphic draw its shadow?)
drawsStroke (Does this graphic draw its stroke?)
flippedHorizontally (Is this graphic flipped horizontally?)
flippedVertically (Is this graphic flipped vertically?)
group (Which group (if any) this graphic is in)
jump (Destination canvas of jump action)
layer (Which layer this graphic is in)
locked (Is this graphic locked?)
notes (Notes for this graphic)
origin (Origin of the graphic (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle))
rankGroup (Rank group assigned to this graphic for hierarchical layout. There are two special groups: the maximum rank group (which is -1) and the minimum rank group (which is -2))
script (Source of attached AppleScript)
shadowColor (Color of the shadow)
shadowFuzziness (The 'fuzziness' of the graphic's shadow)
shadowVector (The direction of the graphic's shadow)
size (Size of the graphic (width and height of the bounding rectangle))
strokeCap (Type of cap at ends of the stroke)
strokeColor (Color of the stroke)
strokeJoin (Type of join between segments of the stroke)
strokePattern (Dash pattern of the stroke)
tag (Arbitrary string tag attached to this graphic and available for script use, it is stored as part of user data)
thickness (Thickness of the stroke)
url (Web link for this graphic)
userData (A dictionary attached to this graphic and available for script use)
Method: incomingLines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: incomingLines
Method: lines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: lines
Method: outgoingLines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: outgoingLines
Method: userDataItems(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: userDataItems
Method: id(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: NSInteger
Objective-C selector: id
Documentation: Unique identifier
Class: omniGroup
connectToGroupOnly (Only connect to the group?)
magnets (List of magnet points. (In a square from {-0.5,-0.5} to {0.5,0.5}.))
rotation (Rotation of the group in degrees)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Method: groups(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: groups
Method: lines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: lines
Method: shapes(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: shapes
Method: solids(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: solids
Method: subgraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: subgraphs
Class: omniIncomingLine
bezierPointList (A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.)
destination (Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.)
headMagnet (Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to)
headScale (Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
headType (Type of line ending on the head of the line)
hopType (The behavior when one line crosses over another line.)
lineType (Type of the line)
pointList (A list containing all the points of the line.)
source (Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.)
tailMagnet (Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to)
tailScale (Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
tailType (Type of line ending on the tail of the line)
Method: labels(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: labels
Method: points(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: points
Class: omniLayer
locked (are the layer's graphics locked?)
prints (do the layer's graphics print?)
visible (are the layer's graphics visible?)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Method: groups(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: groups
Method: lines(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: lines
Method: shapes(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: shapes
Method: solids(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: solids
Method: subgraphs(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: subgraphs
Class: omniLine
bezierPointList (A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.)
destination (Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.)
headMagnet (Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to)
headScale (Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
headType (Type of line ending on the head of the line)
hopType (The behavior when one line crosses over another line.)
lineType (Type of the line)
pointList (A list containing all the points of the line.)
source (Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.)
tailMagnet (Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to)
tailScale (Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
tailType (Type of line ending on the tail of the line)
Method: labels(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: labels
Method: points(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: points
Class: omniOutgoingLine
bezierPointList (A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.)
destination (Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.)
headMagnet (Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to)
headScale (Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
headType (Type of line ending on the head of the line)
hopType (The behavior when one line crosses over another line.)
lineType (Type of the line)
pointList (A list containing all the points of the line.)
source (Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.)
tailMagnet (Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to)
tailScale (Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size))
tailType (Type of line ending on the tail of the line)
Method: labels(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: labels
Method: points(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: points
Class: omniRow
size (The size of this slice of the table)
width (The width of this table row or table column)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Class: omniPolygon
arrowWidth (The arrow head width (in points) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.)
endAngle (The end angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.)
innerRadius (The inner radius (0.05 - 1) for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.)
name (name of the shape for a built-in tool ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera). A custom shape will be named "Bezier".)
pointList (A list containing all of the control knob points for a custom shape created by the pen tool.)
shaftHeight (The height of the arrow shaft relative to the height of the shape (0-1) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.)
starPoints (The number of points for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.)
startAngle (The start angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.)
Method: points(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: points
Class: omniShape
arrowWidth (The arrow head width (in points) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.)
endAngle (The end angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.)
innerRadius (The inner radius (0.05 - 1) for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.)
name (name of the shape for a built-in tool ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera). A custom shape will be named "Bezier".)
pointList (A list containing all of the control knob points for a custom shape created by the pen tool.)
shaftHeight (The height of the arrow shaft relative to the height of the shape (0-1) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.)
starPoints (The number of points for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.)
startAngle (The start angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.)
Method: points(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: points
Class: omniTable
Method: columns(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: columns
Method: rows(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: rows
Class: omniTableSlice
size (The size of this slice of the table)
width (The width of this table row or table column)
Method: graphics(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: SBElementArray
Objective-C selector: graphics
Class: omniPrintSettings
copies (the number of copies of a document to be printed)
collating (Should printed copies be collated?)
startingPage (the first page of the document to be printed)
endingPage (the last page of the document to be printed)
pagesAcross (number of logical pages laid across a physical page)
pagesDown (number of logical pages laid out down a physical page)
requestedPrintTime (the time at which the desktop printer should print the document)
errorHandling (how errors are handled)
faxNumber (for fax number)
targetPrinter (for target printer)
Method: closeSaving(param_1, savingIn: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: omniSavo
param_2: NSURL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: closeSaving:(omniSavo)saving savingIn:(NSURL *)savingIn
Documentation: Close an object.
Method: delete(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: delete
Documentation: Delete an object.
Method: duplicateTo(param_1, withProperties: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: SBObject
param_2: NSDictionary
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties
Documentation: Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
Method: exists(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: BOOL
Objective-C selector: exists
Documentation: Verify if an object exists.
Method: moveTo(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: SBObject
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: moveTo:(SBObject *)to
Documentation: Move object(s) to a new location.
Method: saveAs(param_1, in: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: NSString
param_2: NSURL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: saveAs:(NSString *)as in:(NSURL *)in_
Documentation: Save an object.
Method: bold(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: bold
Documentation: Bold some text
Method: italicize(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: italicize
Documentation: Italicize some text
Method: replaceReplacement(param_1, ignoreCase: param_2, regexp: param_3, string: param_4, wholeWords: param_5)
Param types:
param_1: NSString
param_2: BOOL
param_3: NSString
param_4: NSString
param_5: BOOL
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: replaceReplacement:(NSString *)replacement ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCase regexp:(NSString *)regexp string:(NSString *)string wholeWords:(BOOL)wholeWords
Method: unbold(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: unbold
Documentation: Unbold some text
Method: underline(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: underline
Documentation: Underline some text
Method: unitalicize(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: unitalicize
Documentation: Unitalicize some text
Method: ununderline(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: ununderline
Documentation: Ununderline some text
Method: assembleSubgraph(param_1, tableShape: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: BOOL
param_2: NSArray
Returned: omniGroup
Objective-C selector: assembleSubgraph:(BOOL)subgraph tableShape:(NSArray *)tableShape
Documentation: Group graphics
Method: connectTo(param_1, withProperties: param_2)
Param types:
param_1: id
param_2: NSDictionary
Returned: omniLine
Objective-C selector: connectTo:(id)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties
Documentation: Draw a line between graphics
Method: flipOver(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: omniOGOr
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: flipOver:(omniOGOr)over
Documentation: Flip graphics
Method: importCategories(param_1, frameworks: param_2, instanceVariableTypes: param_3, instanceVariables: param_4, interactionAllowed: param_5, mapping: param_6, methodSignatures: param_7, methods: param_8, outlineTemplate: param_9, protocols: param_10)
Param types:
param_1: BOOL
param_2: BOOL
param_3: BOOL
param_4: BOOL
param_5: BOOL
param_6: NSDictionary
param_7: BOOL
param_8: BOOL
param_9: NSString
param_10: BOOL
Returned: omniDocument
Objective-C selector: importCategories:(BOOL)categories frameworks:(BOOL)frameworks instanceVariableTypes:(BOOL)instanceVariableTypes instanceVariables:(BOOL)instanceVariables interactionAllowed:(BOOL)interactionAllowed mapping:(NSDictionary *)mapping methodSignatures:(BOOL)methodSignatures methods:(BOOL)methods outlineTemplate:(NSString *)outlineTemplate protocols:(BOOL)protocols
Documentation: Open or import a file. The command can optionally specify settings to use when converting other file types to Graffle documents.
Method: layout(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: layout
Documentation: Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.
Method: pageAdjust(param_1)
Param types:
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: pageAdjust
Documentation: Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics
Method: slideBy(param_1)
Param types:
param_1: omniPoint
Returned: Nothing
Objective-C selector: slideBy:(omniPoint *)by
Documentation: Slide graphics by a vector amount
* omni.h
#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <ScriptingBridge/ScriptingBridge.h>
@class omniItem, omniApplication, omniColor, omniDocument, omniWindow, omniAttributeRun, omniCharacter, omniParagraph, omniText, omniTextAttachment, omniWord, omniCanvas, omniColumn, omniExportSettings, omniGraphic, omniGrid, omniGroup, omniIncomingLine, omniLayer, omniLayoutInfo, omniLine, omniOutgoingLine, omniPoint, omniRow, omniSharedLayer, omniSolid, omniPolygon, omniShape, omniConnectableShape, omniLabel, omniSubgraph, omniTable, omniTableSlice, omniUserDataItem, omniPrintSettings;
enum omniSavo {
omniSavoAsk = 'ask ' /* Ask the user whether or not to save the file. */,
omniSavoNo = 'no ' /* Do not save the file. */,
omniSavoYes = 'yes ' /* Save the file. */
typedef enum omniSavo omniSavo;
enum omniOTta {
omniOTtaCenter = 'OTa1',
omniOTtaJustified = 'OTa3',
omniOTtaLeft = 'OTa0',
omniOTtaNatural = 'OTa4',
omniOTtaRight = 'OTa2'
typedef enum omniOTta omniOTta;
enum omniOGta {
omniOGtaClip = 'OGt3',
omniOGtaFull = 'OGt1',
omniOGtaOverflow = 'OGt0',
omniOGtaVerticallyOnly = 'OGt2'
typedef enum omniOGta omniOGta;
enum omniOGFT {
omniOGFTLinearFill = 'OGf2',
omniOGFTNoFill = 'OGf0',
omniOGFTRadialFill = 'OGf3',
omniOGFTSolidFill = 'OGf1'
typedef enum omniOGFT omniOGFT;
enum omniOGSC {
omniOGSCButt = 'OGbu',
omniOGSCRound = 'OGro',
omniOGSCSquare = 'OGsq'
typedef enum omniOGSC omniOGSC;
enum omniOGlt {
omniOGltCircular = 'OGl3' /* circular */,
omniOGltForceDirected = 'OGl1' /* force-directed */,
omniOGltHierarchical = 'OGl0' /* hierarchical */,
omniOGltRadial = 'OGl2' /* radial */
typedef enum omniOGlt omniOGlt;
enum omniOGLO {
omniOGLOCustom = 'OGX4',
omniOGLOHorizontal = 'OGX0',
omniOGLOParallel = 'OGX2',
omniOGLOPerpendicular = 'OGX3',
omniOGLOVertical = 'OGX1'
typedef enum omniOGLO omniOGLO;
enum omniOGOr {
omniOGOrHorizontally = 'OGO0',
omniOGOrVertically = 'OGO1'
typedef enum omniOGOr omniOGOr;
enum omniOGIS {
omniOGISManual = 'OGI0',
omniOGISStretched = 'OGI1',
omniOGISTiled = 'OGI2'
typedef enum omniOGIS omniOGIS;
enum omniOGLT {
omniOGLTBezier = 'OGL4',
omniOGLTCurved = 'OGL2',
omniOGLTOrthogonal = 'OGL3',
omniOGLTStraight = 'OGL1'
typedef enum omniOGLT omniOGLT;
enum omniOGld {
omniOGldBottomToTop = 'OGd3' /* bottom to top */,
omniOGldLeftToRight = 'OGd2' /* left to right */,
omniOGldRightToLeft = 'OGd4' /* right to left */,
omniOGldTopToBottom = 'OGd1' /* top to bottom */
typedef enum omniOGld omniOGld;
enum omniOGHT {
omniOGHTBridgeHop = 'OGH7',
omniOGHTGapHop = 'OGH6',
omniOGHTIgnoreHop = 'OGH5',
omniOGHTNoHop = 'OGH0',
omniOGHTRoundHop = 'OGH1',
omniOGHTRoundUnderHop = 'OGH8',
omniOGHTSquareHop = 'OGH2',
omniOGHTSquareUnderHop = 'OGH9',
omniOGHTThreeSideHop = 'OGH4',
omniOGHTThreeSideUnderHop = 'OGHb',
omniOGHTTwoSideHop = 'OGH3',
omniOGHTTwoSideUnderHop = 'OGHa'
typedef enum omniOGHT omniOGHT;
enum omniOGea {
omniOGeaAllGraphics = 'OGe1',
omniOGeaCurrentCanvas = 'OGe3',
omniOGeaEntireDocument = 'OGe4',
omniOGeaManualRegion = 'OGe2',
omniOGeaSelectedGraphics = 'OGe0'
typedef enum omniOGea omniOGea;
enum omniOGha {
omniOGhaCenter = 'OTa1',
omniOGhaLeft = 'OTa0',
omniOGhaRight = 'OTa2'
typedef enum omniOGha omniOGha;
enum omniOGSJ {
omniOGSJBevel = 'OGbe',
omniOGSJMiter = 'OGmi',
omniOGSJRound = 'OGro'
typedef enum omniOGSJ omniOGSJ;
enum omniOGva {
omniOGvaBottom = 'OGv2',
omniOGvaCenter = 'OTa1',
omniOGvaTop = 'OGv0'
typedef enum omniOGva omniOGva;
enum omniEnum {
omniEnumStandard = 'lwst' /* Standard PostScript error handling */,
omniEnumDetailed = 'lwdt' /* print a detailed report of PostScript errors */
typedef enum omniEnum omniEnum;
* Standard Suite
// A scriptable object.
@interface omniItem : SBObject
@property (copy) NSDictionary *properties; // All of the object's properties.
- (void) closeSaving:(omniSavo)saving savingIn:(NSURL *)savingIn; // Close an object.
- (void) delete; // Delete an object.
- (void) duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties; // Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
- (BOOL) exists; // Verify if an object exists.
- (void) moveTo:(SBObject *)to; // Move object(s) to a new location.
- (void) saveAs:(NSString *)as in:(NSURL *)in_; // Save an object.
- (void) bold; // Bold some text
- (void) italicize; // Italicize some text
- (void) replaceReplacement:(NSString *)replacement ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCase regexp:(NSString *)regexp string:(NSString *)string wholeWords:(BOOL)wholeWords;
- (void) unbold; // Unbold some text
- (void) underline; // Underline some text
- (void) unitalicize; // Unitalicize some text
- (void) ununderline; // Ununderline some text
- (omniGroup *) assembleSubgraph:(BOOL)subgraph tableShape:(NSArray *)tableShape; // Group graphics
- (omniLine *) connectTo:(id)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties; // Draw a line between graphics
- (void) flipOver:(omniOGOr)over; // Flip graphics
- (omniDocument *) importCategories:(BOOL)categories frameworks:(BOOL)frameworks instanceVariableTypes:(BOOL)instanceVariableTypes instanceVariables:(BOOL)instanceVariables interactionAllowed:(BOOL)interactionAllowed mapping:(NSDictionary *)mapping methodSignatures:(BOOL)methodSignatures methods:(BOOL)methods outlineTemplate:(NSString *)outlineTemplate protocols:(BOOL)protocols; // Open or import a file. The command can optionally specify settings to use when converting other file types to Graffle documents.
- (void) layout; // Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.
- (void) pageAdjust; // Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics
- (void) slideBy:(omniPoint *)by; // Slide graphics by a vector amount
// An application's top level scripting object.
@interface omniApplication : SBApplication
- (SBElementArray *) documents;
- (SBElementArray *) windows;
@property (readonly) BOOL frontmost; // Is this the frontmost (active) application?
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // The name of the application.
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *version; // The version of the application.
- (omniDocument *) open:(NSURL *)x; // Open an object.
- (void) print:(NSURL *)x printDialog:(BOOL)printDialog withProperties:(omniPrintSettings *)withProperties; // Print an object.
- (void) quitSaving:(omniSavo)saving; // Quit an application.
// A color.
@interface omniColor : omniItem
// A document.
@interface omniDocument : omniItem
@property (readonly) BOOL modified; // Has the document been modified since the last save?
@property (copy) NSString *name; // The document's name.
@property (copy) NSString *path; // The document's path.
// A window.
@interface omniWindow : omniItem
@property NSRect bounds; // The bounding rectangle of the window.
@property (readonly) BOOL closeable; // Whether the window has a close box.
@property (copy, readonly) omniDocument *document; // The document whose contents are being displayed in the window.
@property (readonly) BOOL floating; // Whether the window floats.
- (NSInteger) id; // The unique identifier of the window.
@property NSInteger index; // The index of the window, ordered front to back.
@property (readonly) BOOL miniaturizable; // Whether the window can be miniaturized.
@property BOOL miniaturized; // Whether the window is currently miniaturized.
@property (readonly) BOOL modal; // Whether the window is the application's current modal window.
@property (copy) NSString *name; // The full title of the window.
@property (readonly) BOOL resizable; // Whether the window can be resized.
@property (readonly) BOOL titled; // Whether the window has a title bar.
@property BOOL visible; // Whether the window is currently visible.
@property (readonly) BOOL zoomable; // Whether the window can be zoomed.
@property BOOL zoomed; // Whether the window is currently zoomed.
* Text Suite
// This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.
@interface omniAttributeRun : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) textAttachments;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
// This subdivides the text into characters.
@interface omniCharacter : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) textAttachments;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
// This subdivides the text into paragraphs.
@interface omniParagraph : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) textAttachments;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
// Rich (styled) text
@interface omniText : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) textAttachments;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
// Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.
@interface omniTextAttachment : omniText
@property (copy) NSString *fileName; // The path to the file for the attachment
// This subdivides the text into words.
@interface omniWord : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) textAttachments;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
* Extended Text Suite
// This subdivides the text into chunks that all have the same attributes.
@interface omniAttributeRun (ExtendedTextSuite)
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property omniOTta alignment; // Alignment of the text.
@property double baselineOffset; // Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
@property NSInteger superscript; // The superscript level of the text.
@property (copy) NSString *text; // The actual text content.
@property BOOL underlined; // Is the first character underlined?
// This subdivides the text into characters.
@interface omniCharacter (ExtendedTextSuite)
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property omniOTta alignment; // Alignment of the text.
@property double baselineOffset; // Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
@property NSInteger superscript; // The superscript level of the text.
@property (copy) NSString *text; // The actual text content.
@property BOOL underlined; // Is the first character underlined?
// This subdivides the text into paragraphs.
@interface omniParagraph (ExtendedTextSuite)
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property omniOTta alignment; // Alignment of the text.
@property double baselineOffset; // Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
@property NSInteger superscript; // The superscript level of the text.
@property (copy) NSString *text; // The actual text content.
@property BOOL underlined; // Is the first character underlined?
// Rich (styled) text
@interface omniText (ExtendedTextSuite)
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property omniOTta alignment; // Alignment of the text.
@property double baselineOffset; // Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
@property NSInteger superscript; // The superscript level of the text.
@property (copy) NSString *text; // The actual text content.
@property BOOL underlined; // Is the first character underlined?
// Represents an inline text attachment. This class is used mainly for make commands.
@interface omniTextAttachment (ExtendedTextSuite)
@property (copy) NSString *fileName; // The path to the file for the attachment
// This subdivides the text into words.
@interface omniWord (ExtendedTextSuite)
- (SBElementArray *) attributeRuns;
- (SBElementArray *) characters;
- (SBElementArray *) paragraphs;
- (SBElementArray *) words;
@property omniOTta alignment; // Alignment of the text.
@property double baselineOffset; // Number of pixels shifted above or below the normal baseline.
@property (copy) NSColor *color; // The color of the first character.
@property (copy) NSString *font; // The name of the font of the first character.
@property NSInteger size; // The size in points of the first character.
@property NSInteger superscript; // The superscript level of the text.
@property (copy) NSString *text; // The actual text content.
@property BOOL underlined; // Is the first character underlined?
* OmniGraffle
// OmniGraffle
@interface omniApplication (OmniGraffle)
- (SBElementArray *) documents;
- (SBElementArray *) windows;
@property (copy, readonly) NSArray *availableTemplates; // A list of document templates that are currently available.
@property (copy, readonly) omniExportSettings *currentExportSettings; // The current export settings
@property (readonly) BOOL demo; // Is this the demo version of the application
@property (readonly) BOOL professional; // Whether this application is OmniGraffle or OmniGraffle Professional
- (omniGraphic *) objectSelf; // Graphic clicked to start this script
// A canvas
@interface omniCanvas : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
- (SBElementArray *) groups;
- (SBElementArray *) layers;
- (SBElementArray *) lines;
- (SBElementArray *) shapes;
- (SBElementArray *) solids;
- (SBElementArray *) subgraphs;
@property BOOL adjustsPages; // Adjust number of pages on the canvas automatically?
@property (copy, readonly) omniSolid *canvasBackground; // Canvas background graphic
@property (copy) omniPoint *canvasSize; // Size of the canvas (page size multiplied by number of pages)
@property omniOGha columnAlignment; // Column alignment
@property double columnSpacing; // Spacing between graphics in a column
@property (copy) omniGrid *grid; // Settings for the grid
@property NSInteger horizontalPages; // Horizontal pages
- (NSInteger) id; // Unique identifier
- (void) setId: (NSInteger) id;
@property (copy) omniLayoutInfo *layoutInfo; // Settings for automatic layout
@property (copy) NSString *name; // Name of this canvas
@property (copy, readonly) omniPoint *pageSize; // Size of each page
@property omniOGva rowAlignment; // Row alignment
@property double rowSpacing; // Spacing between graphics in a row
@property NSInteger verticalPages; // Vertical pages
// A column (vertical slice) of a table.
@interface omniColumn : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
@property (copy) omniPoint *size; // The size of this slice of the table
@property double width; // The width of this table row or table column
// An OmniGraffle document
@interface omniDocument (OmniGraffle)
- (SBElementArray *) canvases;
@property BOOL alignmentGuidesEnabled; // Whether smart alignment guides are enabled
@property BOOL distanceGuidesEnabled; // Whether smart distance guides are enabled
@property BOOL linksVisible; // Whether link indicators are visible
@property BOOL magnetsVisible; // Whether magnets are visible
@property BOOL pageBreaksVisible; // Whether page breaks are visible
@property BOOL showGuides; // Whether manually set guides are visible
- (NSString *) template; // Set this to an available template name, or to the path to a Graffle file to use as a template for this document.
- (void) setTemplate: (NSString *) template;
// Export settings
@interface omniExportSettings : omniItem
@property omniOGea areaType; // The type of area to be exported
@property double borderAmount; // The number of pixels of border area to include in exported graphics
@property BOOL copyLinkedImages; // Whether to copy in any linked images when exporting in graffle format
@property BOOL drawsBackground; // Draw the background canvas color (if false, leaves the background transparent during export).
@property BOOL exportReadOnly; // Whether to export in graffle format as a read-only document
@property double exportScale; // The scale to use during export
@property (copy) NSString *htmlImageType; // The format to save the image in for HTML image map export
@property BOOL includeBorder; // Whether or not to include a border area around the exported graphics
@property (copy) omniPoint *origin; // Origin of the manual export region (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle)
@property double resolution; // The number of pixels per point in the resulting exported image (1.0 for 72 DPI).
@property (copy) omniPoint *size; // Size of the manual export region (width and height of the bounding rectangle)
// A graphic
@interface omniGraphic : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) incomingLines;
- (SBElementArray *) lines;
- (SBElementArray *) outgoingLines;
- (SBElementArray *) userDataItems;
@property BOOL alignsEdgesToGrid; // When snapped to the grid does this graphic align its edges to the grid? (The alternative is to align its center to the grid.)
@property BOOL allowsConnections; // Does this graphic allow connections to it?
@property (copy, readonly) omniCanvas *canvas; // Canvas that this graphic is on
@property double cornerRadius; // Curvature of corners in the stroke path
@property BOOL doubleStroke; // Does this graphic have a double-lined stroke?
@property BOOL drawsShadow; // Does this graphic draw its shadow?
@property BOOL drawsStroke; // Does this graphic draw its stroke?
@property BOOL flippedHorizontally; // Is this graphic flipped horizontally?
@property BOOL flippedVertically; // Is this graphic flipped vertically?
@property (copy, readonly) omniGroup *group; // Which group (if any) this graphic is in
- (NSInteger) id; // Unique identifier
@property (copy) omniCanvas *jump; // Destination canvas of jump action
@property (copy) omniLayer *layer; // Which layer this graphic is in
@property BOOL locked; // Is this graphic locked?
@property (copy) omniText *notes; // Notes for this graphic
@property (copy) omniPoint *origin; // Origin of the graphic (position of the upper-left corner of the bounding rectangle)
@property NSInteger rankGroup; // Rank group assigned to this graphic for hierarchical layout. There are two special groups: the maximum rank group (which is -1) and the minimum rank group (which is -2)
@property (copy) NSString *script; // Source of attached AppleScript
@property (copy) NSColor *shadowColor; // Color of the shadow
@property double shadowFuzziness; // The 'fuzziness' of the graphic's shadow
@property (copy) omniPoint *shadowVector; // The direction of the graphic's shadow
@property (copy) omniPoint *size; // Size of the graphic (width and height of the bounding rectangle)
@property omniOGSC strokeCap; // Type of cap at ends of the stroke
@property (copy) NSColor *strokeColor; // Color of the stroke
@property omniOGSJ strokeJoin; // Type of join between segments of the stroke
@property NSInteger strokePattern; // Dash pattern of the stroke
@property (copy) NSString *tag; // Arbitrary string tag attached to this graphic and available for script use, it is stored as part of user data
@property double thickness; // Thickness of the stroke
@property (copy) NSString *url; // Web link for this graphic
@property (copy) NSDictionary *userData; // A dictionary attached to this graphic and available for script use
// The grid of a canvas
@interface omniGrid : omniItem
@property BOOL drawsInFront; // Does the grid draw in front of all shapes?
@property BOOL major; // Does the grid have 'major' lines?
@property NSInteger majorSpacing; // The number of minor grid lines for each major line
@property (copy) NSColor *scriptGridColor; // Color of the grid
@property (copy) NSColor *scriptMajorGridColor; // Color of major lines
@property BOOL snaps; // Do points snap to the grid?
@property double spacing; // Number of pixels between minor grid lines
@property BOOL visible; // Is the grid visible?
// A grouped set of graphics
@interface omniGroup : omniGraphic
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
- (SBElementArray *) groups;
- (SBElementArray *) lines;
- (SBElementArray *) shapes;
- (SBElementArray *) solids;
- (SBElementArray *) subgraphs;
@property BOOL connectToGroupOnly; // Only connect to the group?
@property (copy) NSArray *magnets; // List of magnet points. (In a square from {-0.5,-0.5} to {0.5,0.5}.)
@property double rotation; // Rotation of the group in degrees
// Incoming line
@interface omniIncomingLine : omniGraphic
- (SBElementArray *) labels;
- (SBElementArray *) points;
@property (copy) NSArray *bezierPointList; // A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *destination; // Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger headMagnet; // Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
@property double headScale; // Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *headType; // Type of line ending on the head of the line
@property omniOGHT hopType; // The behavior when one line crosses over another line.
@property omniOGLT lineType; // Type of the line
@property (copy) NSArray *pointList; // A list containing all the points of the line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *source; // Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger tailMagnet; // Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
@property double tailScale; // Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *tailType; // Type of line ending on the tail of the line
// A layer
@interface omniLayer : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
- (SBElementArray *) groups;
- (SBElementArray *) lines;
- (SBElementArray *) shapes;
- (SBElementArray *) solids;
- (SBElementArray *) subgraphs;
@property BOOL locked; // are the layer's graphics locked?
@property BOOL prints; // do the layer's graphics print?
@property BOOL visible; // are the layer's graphics visible?
// Automated layout for a canvas
@interface omniLayoutInfo : omniItem
@property BOOL automaticLayout; // Enable/disable automatic layout
@property double circularLineLength; // Circular layout line length (0-108)
@property omniOGld direction; // Hierarchical layout direction
@property double forceDirectedLineLength; // Default line length in force directed layout (0.125 - 2.75)
@property double forceDirectedSeparation; // Separation between objects in force directed layout (0-1)
@property double objectSeparation; // Separation between objects in hieararchical layout (in inches)
@property double radialLineLength; // Radial layout line length (9-200)
@property double radialSeparation; // Separation between objects in radial layout (0-1)
@property double rankSeparation; // Separation between ranks in hieararchical layout (in inches)
@property omniOGlt type; // Type of layout to perform
// A line
@interface omniLine : omniGraphic
- (SBElementArray *) labels;
- (SBElementArray *) points;
@property (copy) NSArray *bezierPointList; // A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *destination; // Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger headMagnet; // Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
@property double headScale; // Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *headType; // Type of line ending on the head of the line
@property omniOGHT hopType; // The behavior when one line crosses over another line.
@property omniOGLT lineType; // Type of the line
@property (copy) NSArray *pointList; // A list containing all the points of the line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *source; // Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger tailMagnet; // Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
@property double tailScale; // Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *tailType; // Type of line ending on the tail of the line
// Outgoing line
@interface omniOutgoingLine : omniGraphic
- (SBElementArray *) labels;
- (SBElementArray *) points;
@property (copy) NSArray *bezierPointList; // A list containing all the points and control points of a bezier type line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *destination; // Graphic that the head of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger headMagnet; // Which magnet of the destination graphic the line attaches to
@property double headScale; // Scale of line ending on the head of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *headType; // Type of line ending on the head of the line
@property omniOGHT hopType; // The behavior when one line crosses over another line.
@property omniOGLT lineType; // Type of the line
@property (copy) NSArray *pointList; // A list containing all the points of the line.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *source; // Graphic that the tail of the line is connected to.
@property NSInteger tailMagnet; // Which magnet of the source graphic the line attaches to
@property double tailScale; // Scale of line ending on the tail of the line (1.0 being the normal size)
@property (copy) NSString *tailType; // Type of line ending on the tail of the line
// A point
@interface omniPoint : omniItem
@property (readonly) double x; // x position
@property (readonly) double y; // y position
// A row (horizontal slice) of a table.
@interface omniRow : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
@property (copy) omniPoint *size; // The size of this slice of the table
@property double width; // The width of this table row or table column
// A layer that can be shared by multiple canvases
@interface omniSharedLayer : omniLayer
// Any graphic which is solid instead of a line. Includes polygons and shapes.
@interface omniSolid : omniGraphic
@property omniOGta autosizing; // Autosizing behavior of the solid around the text
@property (copy) NSColor *blendColor; // For double linear and radial fills, this is the middle blending color.
@property double blendFraction; // For double linear and radial fills, this is the position of the blend color from 0 to 1.
@property omniOGFT fill; // The type of fill for this solid
@property (copy) NSColor *fillColor; // The fill color. For linear and radial gradient fills this is the starting color
@property double gradientAngle; // Angle of a linear gradient fill.
@property (copy) omniPoint *gradientCenter; // Starting point of a radial gradient fill. (In a square from {-1,-1} to {1,1} so {0,0} is the center of the solid.)
@property (copy) NSColor *gradientColor; // For linear and radial fills, this is the ending color.
@property (copy) NSString *image; // Set to a file name to load an image fill.
@property (copy) omniPoint *imageOffset; // For manual image fills, the offset of the image in the solid
@property double imageScale; // For manual image fills, the scale of the image
@property omniOGIS imageSizing; // How to size and display the image fill.
@property double intercharacterSpacing; // Extra space (tracking or kerning) between characters of text
@property double interlineSpacing; // Extra space (leading) between lines of text
@property (copy) omniLine *labelConnection; // If this graphic is a label, the line which it is connected to.
@property double labelOffset; // If this graphic is a label, the offset from the line which it is connected to.
@property double labelPosition; // If this graphic is a label, the position along the line which it is connected to.
@property omniOGLO labelRotation; // If this graphic is a label, the type of rotation around the line which it is connected to.
@property (copy) NSArray *magnets; // List of magnet points. (In a square from {-0.5,-0.5} to {0.5,0.5}.)
@property BOOL relativeTextRotation; // Whether the rotation of the text is from horizontal, or from the shape's existing rotation
@property double rotation; // Rotation of the graphic in degrees
@property NSInteger sidePadding; // Padding at the left and right of the graphic's text space
@property (copy) omniText *text; // The text inside the solid
@property omniOGva textPlacement; // Placement of the text inside the solid
@property (copy) omniPoint *textPosition; // Position of the graphic's text space in proportion to the graphic's size
@property double textRotation; // Rotation of the graphic's text
@property (copy) omniPoint *textSize; // Size of the graphic's text space in proportion to the graphic's size
@property NSInteger verticalPadding; // Padding at the top and bottom of the graphic's text space
// This class is leftover from the scripting support in OmniGraffle 3. What were formerly polygons are now all custom shapes.
@interface omniPolygon : omniSolid
- (SBElementArray *) points;
@property double arrowWidth; // The arrow head width (in points) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.
@property double endAngle; // The end angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.
@property double innerRadius; // The inner radius (0.05 - 1) for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.
@property (copy) NSString *name; // name of the shape for a built-in tool ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera). A custom shape will be named "Bezier".
@property (copy) NSArray *pointList; // A list containing all of the control knob points for a custom shape created by the pen tool.
@property double shaftHeight; // The height of the arrow shaft relative to the height of the shape (0-1) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.
@property NSInteger starPoints; // The number of points for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.
@property double startAngle; // The start angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.
// A graphic with a shape
@interface omniShape : omniSolid
- (SBElementArray *) points;
@property double arrowWidth; // The arrow head width (in points) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.
@property double endAngle; // The end angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.
@property double innerRadius; // The inner radius (0.05 - 1) for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.
@property (copy) NSString *name; // name of the shape for a built-in tool ("Rectangle", "Circle", et cetera). A custom shape will be named "Bezier".
@property (copy) NSArray *pointList; // A list containing all of the control knob points for a custom shape created by the pen tool.
@property double shaftHeight; // The height of the arrow shaft relative to the height of the shape (0-1) for shapes with "AdjustableArrow" and "AdjustableDoubleArrow" shape names.
@property NSInteger starPoints; // The number of points for shapes with "AdjustableStar" shape names.
@property double startAngle; // The start angle for shapes with "AdjustableArc" and "AdjustableWedge" shape names.
// A shape that can be connected between two graphics
@interface omniConnectableShape : omniShape
@property (copy) omniGraphic *destination; // Graphic that the shape is connected to.
@property (copy) omniGraphic *source; // Graphic that shape is connected from.
// A label on a line
@interface omniLabel : omniShape
// A grouped set graphics with a background graphic. Can be collapsed to show as a single graphic.
@interface omniSubgraph : omniGroup
@property (copy, readonly) omniShape *background; // The background for the subgraph
@property double bottomMargin;
@property BOOL collapsed; // Is the subraph collapsed?
@property double leftMargin;
@property double rightMargin;
@property double topMargin;
// A tabular grouping of graphics
@interface omniTable : omniGroup
- (SBElementArray *) columns;
- (SBElementArray *) rows;
// A slice (row or column) of a table
@interface omniTableSlice : omniItem
- (SBElementArray *) graphics;
@property (copy) omniPoint *size; // The size of this slice of the table
@property double width; // The width of this table row or table column
// A user-defined data value
@interface omniUserDataItem : omniItem
@property (copy, readonly) NSString *name; // The name of this user-defined data value
@property (copy) NSString *value; // User-supplied data value
// An OmniGraffle window
@interface omniWindow (OmniGraffle)
@property (copy) omniCanvas *canvas; // Current canvas this window is viewing
@property (copy) NSArray *selection; // Selected graphics
@property double zoom; // Current zoom (magnification) setting for this document window
* Type Definitions
@interface omniPrintSettings : SBObject
@property NSInteger copies; // the number of copies of a document to be printed
@property BOOL collating; // Should printed copies be collated?
@property NSInteger startingPage; // the first page of the document to be printed
@property NSInteger endingPage; // the last page of the document to be printed
@property NSInteger pagesAcross; // number of logical pages laid across a physical page
@property NSInteger pagesDown; // number of logical pages laid out down a physical page
@property (copy) NSDate *requestedPrintTime; // the time at which the desktop printer should print the document
@property omniEnum errorHandling; // how errors are handled
@property (copy) NSString *faxNumber; // for fax number
@property (copy) NSString *targetPrinter; // for target printer
- (void) closeSaving:(omniSavo)saving savingIn:(NSURL *)savingIn; // Close an object.
- (void) delete; // Delete an object.
- (void) duplicateTo:(SBObject *)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties; // Copy object(s) and put the copies at a new location.
- (BOOL) exists; // Verify if an object exists.
- (void) moveTo:(SBObject *)to; // Move object(s) to a new location.
- (void) saveAs:(NSString *)as in:(NSURL *)in_; // Save an object.
- (void) bold; // Bold some text
- (void) italicize; // Italicize some text
- (void) replaceReplacement:(NSString *)replacement ignoreCase:(BOOL)ignoreCase regexp:(NSString *)regexp string:(NSString *)string wholeWords:(BOOL)wholeWords;
- (void) unbold; // Unbold some text
- (void) underline; // Underline some text
- (void) unitalicize; // Unitalicize some text
- (void) ununderline; // Ununderline some text
- (omniGroup *) assembleSubgraph:(BOOL)subgraph tableShape:(NSArray *)tableShape; // Group graphics
- (omniLine *) connectTo:(id)to withProperties:(NSDictionary *)withProperties; // Draw a line between graphics
- (void) flipOver:(omniOGOr)over; // Flip graphics
- (omniDocument *) importCategories:(BOOL)categories frameworks:(BOOL)frameworks instanceVariableTypes:(BOOL)instanceVariableTypes instanceVariables:(BOOL)instanceVariables interactionAllowed:(BOOL)interactionAllowed mapping:(NSDictionary *)mapping methodSignatures:(BOOL)methodSignatures methods:(BOOL)methods outlineTemplate:(NSString *)outlineTemplate protocols:(BOOL)protocols; // Open or import a file. The command can optionally specify settings to use when converting other file types to Graffle documents.
- (void) layout; // Layout some graphics, or a whole document using the document's Layout Info.
- (void) pageAdjust; // Change the number of pages to fit the current graphics
- (void) slideBy:(omniPoint *)by; // Slide graphics by a vector amount
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Ruby 1.9 only
require 'json'
file = ARGV.first
raise "Can't find #{file.inspect}" unless File.exist?(file)
header =
doc = {}
properties = {}
File.foreach(header) do |line|
if line =~ /^@interface /
@current_class = line[/^@interface\s(.*)\s:/, 1]
elsif line =~ /^- /
doc[@current_class] ||= []
returned_class = line[/^- \((.*?)\)/, 1].gsub(' *', '')
selector = line[/^- \(.*?\)(.*);/, 1].strip
selector =~ /(.*?):/
method_name = $1 || selector
types = selector.scan(/\((.*?)\)/).flatten
selector_args = [method_name] + selector.scan(/\s(\w.*?):/).flatten
ruby_method = Hash[]
comment = line[/\/\/(.*)/, 1]
comment = comment.strip unless comment.nil?
doc[@current_class] << { :returned => returned_class,
:selector => selector,
:method_signature => selector_args,
:method_argument_types => types,
:method => ruby_method,
:comment => comment}
elsif line =~ /^@property/
properties[@current_class] ||= []
property = line[/\s([a-z|\*|[0-9]]*?);/i, 1].gsub('*', '')
comment = line[/\/\/(.*)/, 1]
comment = comment.strip unless comment.nil?
properties[@current_class] << {:name => property, :comment => comment}
# puts doc.inspect
#"doc.json", "w"){|w| w << doc.to_json; w << "\n" }
doc.each do |klass, methods|
puts "Class: #{klass}"
if properties.has_key?(klass)
puts "Properties:"
properties[klass].each do |prop|
puts " #{prop[:name]} (#{prop[:comment]})"
puts "\n"
methods.each do |meth|
flat_meth = meth[:method].flat_map
meth_name, first_param = flat_meth.first
# method
print "Method: "
print meth[:method_signature].shift
print "(param_1"
if meth[:method_signature]
meth[:method_signature].each_with_index do |karg, idx|
print ", "
print "#{karg}: param_#{idx+2}"
print ")\n"
# argument type
puts "Param types:" if meth[:method_argument_types]
meth[:method_argument_types].each_with_index do |type, idx|
puts " param_#{idx+1}: #{type.gsub(' *', '')}"
puts "Returned: #{meth[:returned] == 'void' ? 'Nothing' : meth[:returned]}"
puts "Objective-C selector: #{meth[:selector]}"
unless meth[:comment].nil?
print "Documentation: "
puts meth[:comment]
puts "----\n"
puts "\n\n"
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