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Created December 1, 2011 18:00
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MMRambotics OOP Lessons
// RobotClasses.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Robot {
string teamName;
Robot(string name):
cout << endl;
void Autonomous(int length) {
cout << "Team " << teamName << " is entering autonomous mode for " << length << " seconds." << endl;
void TeleOp(int length) {
cout << "Team " << teamName << " is entering tele op mode for " << length << " seconds." << endl;
class Simbot : public Robot {
Simbot(string name) : Robot(name) {}
void Autonomous(int length) {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
cout << teamName << " ";
cout << endl;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
Robot robot = Robot("");
cout << robot.teamName << endl;
Robot rambot = Robot("MMRambotics");
Simbot simbot = Simbot("Simbotics");
int temp; cin >> temp;
return 0;
class Robot(object):
def __init__(self, team_name = None):
self.team_name = team_name
def autonomous(self, length):
print "Team %s is entering autonomous mode for %d seconds!" % (self.team_name, length)
def tele_op(self, length):
print "Team %s is entering tele operated mode for %d seconds!" % (self.team_name, length)
class Simbot(Robot):
def autonomous(self, length):
print (self.team_name + " ") * length
robot = Robot(None)
rambot = Robot("MMRambotics")
simbot = Simbot("Simbotics")
print "\nExecuting autonomous mode for all robots on the field!"
robots_on_the_field = [robot, rambot, simbot]
for current_robot in robots_on_the_field:
def autonomous(robot, length):
print "Team %s is entering autonomous mode for %d seconds!" % (robot["team_name"], length)
def tele_op(robot, length):
print "Team %s is entering tele operated mode for %d seconds!" % (robot["team_name"], length)
def simbotics_autonomous(robot, length):
print (robot["team_name"] + " ") * length
robot = {
"autonomous": autonomous,
"tele_op": tele_op,
"team_name": None
robot["autonomous"](robot, 10)
robot["tele_op"](robot, 120)
rambot = robot.copy()
rambot["team_name"] = "MMRambotics"
simbot = robot.copy()
simbot["team_name"] = "Simbotics"
simbot["autonomous"] = simbotics_autonomous
robots_on_the_field = [rambot, simbot]
for current_robot in robots_on_the_field:
current_robot["autonomous"](current_robot, 10)
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