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Created December 8, 2011 03:08
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Integrating SendGrid with CF
<html lang="en-US">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>SendGrid Demo</title>
<form action="process.cfm" method="POST">
<label for="emails">
E-mail Address(es)
<input type="text" name="emails" id="emails" />
<label for="subs">
Real Name(s)
<input type="text" name="subs" id="subs" />
<label for="subject">
Subject Line
<input type="text" name="subject" id="subject" />
<label for="body">
Body Text
<textarea name="body" id="body"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Send!" />
api = new smtpApiHeader();
// Convert our lists into arrays
addresses = listToArray( form.emails );
names = listToArray( form.subs );
// Add our e-mail addresses to the JSON string
api.addTo( addresses );
// Add our substitutions to the JSON string
// SendGrid will look for %name% in our e-mail
// and replace it with the appropriate value
api.addSubVal( '%name%', names );
// Create our HTTP service so that we can send
// this to the Web API
httpSvc = new http();
httpSvc.setUrl( '' );
// Add params containg the information we need to send
// This is the JSON string that smtpApiHeader built for us
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'x-smtpapi', value = api.asJSON(), type = 'url' );
// The "to" address appears to be ignored if there is a "to"
// array in x-smtpapi. I just set it to the same value as the
// "from address"
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'to', value = '', type = 'url' );
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'from', value = '', type = 'url' );
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'subject', value = form.subject, type = 'url' );
// We could also specify HTML content here by adding another
// param named "html"
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'text', value = form.body, type = 'url' );
// Your api_user and api_key are your SendGrid username and password
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'api_user', value = 'YOUR_API_USER', type = 'url' );
httpSvc.addParam( name = 'api_key', value = 'YOUR_API_KEY', type = 'url' );
// Send our request!
httpResult = httpSvc.send().getPrefix();
// Github won't syntax highlight this unless I wrap it in cfscript..bleh
component {
public smtpApiHeader function init() { = {};
return this;
public void function addTo( required addresses ) {
if( !isDefined( '' ) ) {['to'] = [];
if( isArray( arguments.addresses ) ) { = arrayMerge( arguments.addresses, );
} else {
arrayAppend(, arguments.addresses );
public void function addSubVal( required string key, required array values ) {
if( !isDefined( '' ) ) {['sub'] = {};
if( !isArray( '["#arguments.key#"]' ) ){["#arguments.key#"] = [];
}["#arguments.key#"] = arrayMerge(["#arguments.key#"], arguments.values );
public void function setUniqueArgs( required struct values ) {['unique_args'] = arguments.values;
public void function setCategory( required string category ) {['category'] = arguments.category;
public void function addFilterSetting( filter, setting, value ) {
if( !isDefined( '' ) ) {['filters'] = {};
if( !isStruct( '["#arguments.filter#"]' ) ) {['filters']["#arguments.filter#"] = {};
if( !isStruct( '["#arguments.filter#"]["settings"]' ) ) {['filters']["#arguments.filter#"]['settings'] = {};
}['filters']["#arguments.filter#"]['settings']["#arguments.setting#"] = arguments.value;
* Appends array2 to the bottom of array1
private array function arrayMerge( required array array1, required array array2 ) {
var i = '';
for( i = 1; i LTE arrayLen( arguments.array2 ); i++ ) {
arrayAppend( arguments.array1, arguments.array2[i] );
return arguments.array1;
public string function asJSON() {
var json = serializeJSON( );
// Adds spaces so that if the string wraps, data isn't broken.
json = reReplace( json, '(["\]}])([,:])(["\[{])', '\1\2 \3', 'all' );
return json;
public string function asString() {
var json = asJSON();
var str = 'X-SMTPAPI: ' & wrap( json, 76 );
return str;
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