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Created December 29, 2011 20:51
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macruby core animation Fireworks, have a nice macruby new year
framework 'Cocoa'
framework 'QuartzCore'
framework 'CoreGraphics' # Mountain Lion Update
class FireworkDelegate
attr_accessor :window
def initWithURL(url)
case url
when String
@firework_photo_url = NSURL.URLWithString(url)
when NSURL
@firework_photo_url = url
raise "The AppDelegate class was initiated with an unknown type object"
def applicationDidFinishLaunching(aNotification)
window.delegate = self
view = window.contentView
view.wantsLayer = true
@root_layer = CALayer.layer #create the root layer
#configure the layer attributes
@root_layer.bounds = view.frame
color = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1)
@root_layer.backgroundColor = color
# Load the spark image for the particle
data_provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithURL(@firework_photo_url)
image = CGImageCreateWithPNGDataProvider(data_provider, nil, false, KCGRenderingIntentDefault)
@mortor = CAEmitterLayer.layer
@mortor.emitterPosition = CGPointMake(320, 0)
@mortor.renderMode = KCAEmitterLayerAdditive
# Invisible particle representing the rocket before the explosion
rocket = CAEmitterCell.emitterCell
rocket.emissionLongitude = Math::PI / 2
rocket.emissionLatitude = 0
rocket.lifetime = 1.6
rocket.birthRate = 1
rocket.velocity = 400
rocket.velocityRange = 100
rocket.yAcceleration = -250
rocket.emissionRange = Math::PI / 4
color = CGColorCreateGenericRGB(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
rocket.color = color
rocket.redRange = 0.5
rocket.greenRange = 0.5
rocket.blueRange = 0.5
# Name the cell so that it can be animated later using keypath = "rocket"
# Flare particles emitted from the rocket as it flys
flare = CAEmitterCell.emitterCell
flare.contents = image
flare.emissionLongitude = (4 * Math::PI) / 2
flare.scale = 0.4
flare.velocity = 100
flare.birthRate = 45
flare.lifetime = 1.5
flare.yAcceleration = -350
flare.emissionRange = Math::PI / 7
flare.alphaSpeed = -0.7
flare.scaleSpeed = -0.1
flare.scaleRange = 0.1
flare.beginTime = 0.01
flare.duration = 0.7
# The particles that make up the explosion
firework = CAEmitterCell.emitterCell
firework.contents = image
firework.birthRate = 9999
firework.scale = 0.6
firework.velocity = 130
firework.lifetime = 2
firework.alphaSpeed = -0.2
firework.yAcceleration = -80
firework.beginTime = 1.5
firework.duration = 0.1
firework.emissionRange = 2 * Math::PI
firework.scaleSpeed = -0.1
firework.spin = 2
# Name the cell so that it can be animated later using keypath = "firework"
# preSpark is an invisible particle used to later emit the spark
preSpark = CAEmitterCell.emitterCell
preSpark.birthRate = 80
preSpark.velocity = firework.velocity * 0.70
preSpark.lifetime = 1.7
preSpark.yAcceleration = firework.yAcceleration * 0.85
preSpark.beginTime = firework.beginTime - 0.2
preSpark.emissionRange = firework.emissionRange
preSpark.greenSpeed = 100
preSpark.blueSpeed = 100
preSpark.redSpeed = 100
# Name the cell so that it can be animated later using keypath = "preSpark"
# The 'sparkle' at the end of a firework
spark = CAEmitterCell.emitterCell
spark.contents = image
spark.lifetime = 0.05
spark.yAcceleration = -250
spark.beginTime = 0.8
spark.scale = 0.4
spark.birthRate = 10
preSpark.emitterCells = [spark]
rocket.emitterCells = [flare, firework, preSpark]
@mortor.emitterCells = [rocket]
@root_layer.addSublayer @mortor
view.layer = @root_layer
view.needsDisplay = true # Force the view to update
def applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed the_application
def applicationShouldTerminate sender
application = NSApplication.sharedApplication
NSApplication.sharedApplication.activationPolicy = NSApplicationActivationPolicyRegular
application.delegate = FireworkDelegate.alloc.initWithURL(ARGV.shift || "")
# create the Application Window
frame = [0.0, 0.0, 660, 500]
window = NSWindow.alloc.initWithContentRect frame,
styleMask: NSTitledWindowMask | NSClosableWindowMask,
backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered,
defer: false
application.delegate.window = window
puts "Starting the app..."
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