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Created January 5, 2012 03:04
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Extract from my kea project showing the description of a gz80 processor.
# Each of these mathematical/logic instructions is used in the definition/execution/decompiling of a processor.
def add(a, b):
return a + b
def sub(a, b):
return a - b
def andl(a, b):
return a & b
def xorl(a, b):
return a ^ b
def orl(a, b):
return a | b
def bit(bit, val):
mask = ~(1 << bit)
return int(not (val ^ mask))
def gt(a, b):
return int(a > b)
def lt(a, b):
return int(a < b)
def eq(a, b):
return int(a == b)
def mul(a, b):
return a * b
def mod(val, d):
return val % d
class Memory8(object):
def __init__(self, addr):
self.addr = addr
def __repr__(self):
if type(self.addr) is int:
return "(0x%04x)" % self.addr
return "(%s)" % self.addr
class Memory16(object):
def __init__(self, addr):
self.addr = addr
def __repr__(self):
if type(self.addr) is int:
return "(0x%04x)" % self.addr
return "(%s)" % self.addr
def rotleft(shift, size, value):
value = value << shift
value = (value & ((1 << size) - 1)) | value >> size
return value
def rotright(shift, size, value):
overflow = value & ((1 << shift) -1)
value = (value >> shift) | overflow << (size - shift)
return value
def shiftleft(shift, value):
return value << shift
def shiftright(shift, value):
return value >> shift
def if_(cond, expr1, expr2):
if cond:
return expr1
return expr2
from interface import *
from functions import *
# Each instruction is described as a list of mathematical operations describing the outcome of executing the instruction on each effected register (or memory address)
# The mathematical operations are described in a lisp like language based on python lists.
# Each statement is a list in the form of [operation, operand, operand]
# For example, [add, 1, 2] would add 1 and 2.
# An operand can also be another statement, so [mul, [add, 3, [sub, 22, 15]], 11] means (3+(22-15))*11
# Even the program counter is treated as a general purpose register.
# This is just a prototype. The idea is to create a nice file format for describing a cpu like this.
regs = ["b", "c", "d", "e", "h", "l", Memory8("hl"), "a"]
regpairs = ["bc", "de", "hl", "sp"]
x0z2 = [Instruction("ld (bc),a", {Memory8("bc"): "a", "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld a,(bc)", {"a": Memory8("bc"), "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld (de),a", {Memory8("de"): "a", "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld a,(de)", {"a": Memory8("de"), "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld (hl+),a", {Memory8("hl"): "a", "hl": [add, "hl", 1], "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld a,(hl+)", {"a": Memory8("hl"), "hl": [add, "hl", 1], "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld (hl-),a", {Memory8("hl"): "a", "hl": [sub, "hl", 1], "pc": [add, "pc", 1]}),
Instruction("ld a,(hl-)", {"a": Memory8("hl"), "hl": [sub, "hl", 1], "pc": [add, "pc", 1]})]
x0z7 = [Instruction("rlca",
{"a": [rotleft, 1, 8, "a"],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": 0, "n": 0, "h": 0, "c": [bit, 7, "a"]}),
{"a": [rotright, 1, 8, "a"],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": 0, "n": 0, "h": 0, "c": [bit, 0, "a"]}),
{"a": [orl, [shiftleft, 1, "a"], [shiftleft, 7, "c"]],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": 0, "n": 0, "h": 0, "c": [bit, 7, "a"]}),
{"a": [orl, [shiftright, 1, "a"], [shiftleft, 7, "c"]],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": 0, "n": 0, "h": 0, "c": [bit, 0, "a"]}),
Instruction("daa", #This instruction is going to give me nightmares
{"a": [if_, [orl, "h", [gt, [xorl, "a", 0xf], 0x9]],
[if_, [orl, [gt, [xorl, [add, "a", 0x06], 0xf0], 0x90], "c"],
[add, "a", 0x66],
[add, "a", 0x06]],
[if_, [orl, [gt, [xorl, "a", 0xf0], 0x90], "c"],
[add, "a", 0x60],
"a"]], # Maybe this should be optimised later to get rid of the if statements
"c": [orl, [gt, [xorl, [add, "a", [mul, 0x06, [orl, "h", [gt, [xorl, "a", 0xf], 0x9]]]], 0xf0], 0x90], "c"],
"h": 0,
"z": [eq, [if_, [orl, "h", [gt, [xorl, "a", 0xf], 0x9]],
[if_, [orl, [gt, [xorl, [add, "a", 0x06], 0xf0], 0x90], "c"],
[add, "a", 0x66],
[add, "a", 0x06]],
[if_, [orl, [gt, [xorl, "a", 0xf0], 0x90], "c"],
[add, "a", 0x60],
"a"]], 0],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]}), # end of daa
{"a": [xorl, "a", 0xff],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"n": 1, "h": 1}),
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 1}),
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})]
class gz80(Processor):
def getDescription(self):
return { "pc" : ProgramCounter(16),
"af" : Register(16),
"bc" : Register(16),
"de" : Register(16),
"hl" : Register(16),
"sp" : Register(16),
"a" : SubRegister("af", 8, 7),
"b" : SubRegister("bc", 8, 7),
"c" : SubRegister("bc", 8, 0),
"d" : SubRegister("de", 8, 7),
"e" : SubRegister("de", 8, 0),
"h" : SubRegister("hl", 8, 7),
"l" : SubRegister("hl", 8, 0),
# cpu state
"interupts": Register(1),
"halted": Register(1),
# flags
"z" : SubRegister("af", 1, 7),
"n" : SubRegister("af", 1, 6),
"h" : SubRegister("af", 1, 5),
"c" : SubRegister("af", 1, 4)}
def decode(self, state, stream):
b = stream.read8()
x = b >> 6
y = (b >> 3) & 0x7
z = b & 0x7
p = y >> 1
q = y & 1
if x == 1:
if y == 6 and z == 6:
return Instruction("halt", {"pc": [add, "pc", 1], "halted": 1})
return Instruction("ld %s, %s" % (regs[y], regs[z]),
{regs[y]: regs[z],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if x == 2:
if y == 0:
return Instruction("add a,%s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [add, "a", regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [xorl, [add, "a", regs[z]], 0xff], 0],
"n": 0,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], [xorl, regs[z], 0xf]], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", regs[z]], 0xff]})
if y == 1:
return Instruction("adc a,%s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [add, [add, "a", regs[z]], "c"],
"z": [eq, [xorl, [add, [add, "a", regs[z]], "c"], 0xff], 0],
"n": 0,
"h": [gt, [add, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], [xorl, regs[z], 0xf]], "c"], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, [add, "a", regs[z]], "c"], 0xff]})
if y == 2:
return Instruction("sub %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [sub, "a", regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, "a", regs[z]], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], [xorl, regs[z], 0xf]], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", regs[z]], 0xff]})
if y == 3:
return Instruction("sbc a,%s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [sub, [sub, "a", regs[z]], "c"],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, [sub, "a", regs[z]], "c"], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [sub, [sub, [xorl, "a", 0xf], [xorl, regs[z], 0xf]], "c"], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [sub, [sub, "a", regs[z]], "c"], 0xff]})
if y == 4:
return Instruction("and %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [andl, "a", regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [andl, "a", regs[z]], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 1, "c": 0})
if y == 5:
return Instruction("xor %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [xorl, "a", regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [xorl, "a", regs[z]], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})
if y == 6:
return Instruction("or %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"a": [orl, "a", regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [orl, "a", regs[z]], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})
if y == 7:
return Instruction("cp %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, "a", regs[z]], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], [xorl, regs[z], 0xf]], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", regs[z]], 0xff]})
if x == 0:
if z == 0:
if y == 0:
return Instruction("nop", {"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if y == 1:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("ld 0x%04x,sp" % nn,
{Memory8(nn): "sp", "pc": [add, "pc", 3]})
if y == 2:
return Instruction("stop", {"pc": [add, "pc", 1], "halted": 1})
d = stream.read8s()
if y == 3:
return Instruction("jr %i" % d, {"pc": [add, "pc", d+2]})
if y == 4:
return Instruction("jr nz,%i" % d,
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 2],
[add, "pc", d+2]]})
if y == 5:
return Instruction("jr z,%i" % d,
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", d+2],
[add, "pc", 2]]})
if y == 6:
return Instruction("jr nc,%i" % d,
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 2],
[add, "pc", d+2]]})
if y == 7:
return Instruction("jr c,%i" % d,
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", d+2],
[add, "pc", 2]]})
if z == 1:
if q == 0:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("ld %s,0x%04x" % (regpairs[p], nn),
{regpairs[p]: nn,
"pc": [add, "pc", 3]})
if q == 1:
return Instruction("add hl,%s" % regpairs[p],
{"hl": [add, "hl", regpairs[p]],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"n": 0,
# h is undefined for 16 bit adds
"c": [gt, [add, "hl", regpairs[p]], 0xffff]})
if z == 2:
return x0z2[y]
if z == 3 and not q:
return Instruction("inc %s" % regpairs[p],
{regpairs[p]: [add, regpairs[p], 1],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if z == 3 and q:
return Instruction("dec %s" % regpairs[p],
{regpairs[p]: [add, regpairs[p], 1],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if z == 4:
return Instruction("inc %s" % regs[y],
{regs[y]: [add, regs[y], 1],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": [eq, regs[y], 0xff],
"n": 0,
"h": [eq, [xorl, regs[y], 0xf], 0xf]})
if z == 5:
return Instruction("dec %s" % regs[y],
{regs[y]: [sub, regs[y], 1],
"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
"z": [eq, regs[y], 0x01],
"n": 1,
"h": [eq, [xorl, regs[y], 0xf], 0x0]})
if z == 6:
n = stream.read8()
return Instruction("ld %s,0x%02x" % (regs[y],n),
{regs[y]: n,
"pc": [add, "pc", 2]})
if z == 7:
return x0z7[y]
if x == 3:
if z == 0:
if y == 0:
return Instruction("ret nz",
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 1],
"sp": [if_, "z",
None, # None means nothing happens
[add, "sp", 2]]})
if y == 1:
return Instruction("ret z",
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 1]],
"sp": [if_, "z",
[add, "sp", 2],
None]}) # None means nothing happens
if y == 2:
return Instruction("ret nc",
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 1],
"sp": [if_, "c",
None, # None means nothing happens
[add, "sp", 2]]})
if y == 3:
return Instruction("ret c",
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 1]],
"sp": [if_, "c",
[add, "sp", 2],
None]}) # None means nothing happens
if y == 4:
n = stream.read8()
return Instruction("ld (0xff00 + 0x%02x), a" % n,
{Memory8(0xff00+n): "a",
"pc": [add, "pc", 2]})
if y == 5:
d = stream.read8s()
return Instruction("add sp,%i" % d,
{"sp": [add, "sp", d],
"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"z": 0,
"n": 0,
# h is undefined for 16 bit adds
"c": [gt, [add, "sp", d], 0xffff]}) # Question, what happens on underflow?
if y == 6:
n = stream.read8()
return Instruction("ld a,(0xff00+0x%02x)" % n,
{"a": Memory8(0xff00+n),
"pc": [add, "pc", 2]})
if y == 7:
d = stream.read8s()
return Instruction("ld hl,sp+%i" % d,
{"hl": [add, "sp", d],
"pc": [add, "pc", 2]})
if z == 1:
if q == 0:
return Instruction("pop %s" % regpairs[p],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
regpairs[p]: Memory16("sp"),
"sp": [add, "sp", 2]})
if p == 0:
return Instruction("ret",
{"pc": Memory16("sp"),
"sp": [add, "sp", 2]})
if p == 1:
return Instruction("reti",
{"pc": Memory16("sp"),
"sp": [add, "sp", 2]})
if p == 2:
return Instruction("reti",
{"pc": Memory16("sp"),
"sp": [add, "sp", 2]})
if p == 3:
return Instruction("ld sp, hl",
{"sp": "hl",
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if z == 2:
if y == 0:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("jp nz,0x%04x" % nn,
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 3],
"sp": [add, "sp", 2]})
if y == 1:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("jp z,0x%04x" % nn,
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 3]]})
if y == 2:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("jp nc,0x%04x" % nn,
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 3],
if y == 3:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("jp c,0x%04x" % nn,
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 3]]})
if y == 4:
return Instruction("ld (0xff00+c),a",
{Memory8([add, 0xff00, "c"]): "a",
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if y == 5:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("ld (0x%04x),a" % nn,
{Memory8(nn): "a",
"pc": [add, "pc", 3]})
if y == 6:
return Instruction("ld a,(0xff00+c)",
{"a": Memory8([add, 0xff00, "c"]),
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if y == 7:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("ld a,(0x%04x)" % nn,
{"a": Memory8(nn),
"pc": [add, "pc", 3]})
if z == 3:
if y == 0:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("jp 0x%04x" % nn, {"pc": nn})
if y == 1:
return self.CBdecode(stream.read8())
if y == 6:
return Instruction("di",
{"interupts": 0,
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if y == 7:
return Instruction("ei",
{"interupts": 1,
"pc": [add, "pc", 1]})
if z == 4:
if y == 0:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("call nz",
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 3],
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [if_, "z",
None, # None means nothing happens
[add, "pc", 3]],
"sp": [if_, "z",
[sub, "sp", 2]]})
if y == 1:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("call z",
{"pc": [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 3]],
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [if_, "z",
[add, "pc", 3],
None], # None means nothing happens
"sp": [if_, "z",
[sub, "sp", 2],
if y == 2:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("call nc",
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 3],
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 3]],
"sp": [if_, "c",
[sub, "sp", 2]]})
if y == 3:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("call c",
{"pc": [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 1]],
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [if_, "c",
[add, "pc", 3],
None], # None means nothing happens
"sp": [if_, "c",
[sub, "sp", 2],
if z == 5:
if q == 0:
return Instruction("push %s" % regpairs[p],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 1],
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): regpairs[p],
"sp": [sub, "sp", 2]})
if p == 0:
nn = stream.read16()
return Instruction("call 0x%04x" % nn,
{"pc": nn,
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [add, "pc", 3],
"sp": [sub, "sp", 2]})
if z == 6:
n = stream.read8()
if y == 0:
return Instruction("add a,0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [add, "a", n],
"z": [eq, [xorl, [add, "a", n], 0xff], 0],
"n": 0,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], n ^ 0xf], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", n], 0xff]})
if y == 1:
return Instruction("adc a,0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [add, [add, "a", n], "c"],
"z": [eq, [xorl, [add, [add, "a", n], "c"], 0xff], 0],
"n": 0,
"h": [gt, [add, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], n^0xf], "c"], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, [add, "a", n], "c"], 0xff]})
if y == 2:
return Instruction("sub 0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [sub, "a", n],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, "a", n], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], n^0xf], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", n], 0xff]})
if y == 3:
return Instruction("sbc a,0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [sub, [sub, "a", n], "c"],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, [sub, "a", n], "c"], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [sub, [sub, [xorl, "a", 0xf], n^0xf], "c"], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [sub, [sub, "a", n], "c"], 0xff]})
if y == 4:
return Instruction("and 0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [andl, "a", n],
"z": [eq, [andl, "a", n], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 1, "c": 0})
if y == 5:
return Instruction("xor 0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [xorl, "a", n],
"z": [eq, [xorl, "a", n], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})
if y == 6:
return Instruction("or 0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"a": [orl, "a", n],
"z": [eq, [orl, "a", n], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})
if y == 7:
return Instruction("cp 0x%02x" % n,
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"z": [eq, [mod, [sub, "a", n], 0xff], 0],
"n": 1,
"h": [gt, [add, [xorl, "a", 0xf], n^0xf], 0xf],
"c": [gt, [add, "a", n], 0xff]})
if z==7:
return Instruction("rst 0x%02x" % y*8,
{"pc": y*8,
Memory16([sub, "sp", 2]): [add, "pc", 1],
"sp": [sub, "sp", 2]})
def CBdecode(self, b):
x = b >> 6
y = (b >> 3) & 0x7
z = b & 0x7
if x == 0:
if y == 0:
return Instruction("rlc %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [rotleft, 1, 8, regs[z]],
"z": [eq, regs[z], 0],
"c": [bit, 7, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 1:
return Instruction("rrc %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [rotright, 1, 8, regs[z]],
"z": [eq, regs[z], 0],
"c": [bit, 0, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 2:
return Instruction("rl %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [orl, [shiftleft, 1, regs[z]], "c"],
"z": [eq, [orl, [xorl, regs[z], 0x7f], "c"], 0],
"c": [bit, 7, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 3:
return Instruction("rr %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [orl, [shiftright, 1, regs[z]], [shiftleft, "c", 7]],
"z": [eq, [orl, [shiftright, 1, regs[z]], "c"], 0],
"c": [bit, 0, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 4:
return Instruction("sla %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [shiftleft, 1, regs[z]],
"z": [eq, [xorl, regs[z], 0x7f], 0],
"c": [bit, 7, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 5:
return Instruction("sra %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [orl, [shiftright, 1, regs[z]], [xorl, regs[z], 0x80]],
"z": [lt, regs[z], 2],
"c": [bit, 0, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if y == 6:
return Instruction("swap %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [orl, [shiftleft, 4, regs[z]], [shiftright, 4, regs[z]]],
"z": [eq, regs[z], 0],
"n": 0, "h": 0, "c": 0})
if y == 7:
return Instruction("srl %s" % regs[z],
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [shiftright, 1, regs[z]],
"z": [lt, regs[z], 2],
"c": [bit, 0, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if x == 1:
return Instruction("bit %i,%s" % (y, regs[z]),
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
"z": [bit, y, regs[z]],
"n": 0, "h": 0})
if x == 2:
return Instruction("set %i,%s" % (y, regs[z]),
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [orl, regs[z], 1 << y]})
if x == 3: Instruction("res %i,%s" % (y, regs[z]),
{"pc": [add, "pc", 2],
regs[z]: [xorl, regs[z], ~(1 << y)]})
class Processor(object):
""" All Processor modules implement this class."""
def getDescription(self):
""" Returns the register layout of the cpu """
return None
def decodeInstruction(self, state, stream):
""" Decodes a single instruction.
State contains any registers that might effect the decoding
for example, thumb mode on arm.
Stream is a source of bytes for the processor module to decode.
Returns an Instruction object.
return None
class Register(object):
def __init__(self, size):
self.size = size
class ProgramCounter(Register):
class SubRegister(Register):
def __init__(self, parent, size, offset):
self.parent = parent
self.size = size
self.offset = offset
class Instruction(object):
def __init__(self, asm, effects):
self.asm = asm
self.effects = effects
def __repr__(self):
return self.asm
def prettyPrint(self):
return self.asm
class Address(object):
def __init__(self, addr):
class RealtiveAddress(Address):
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