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Created January 5, 2012 13:22
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My SublimeLinter's settings
The minimum delay in seconds (fractional seconds are okay) before
a linter is run when the "sublimelinter" setting is true. This allows
you to have background linting active, but defer the actual linting
until you are idle. When this value is greater than the built in linting delay,
errors are erased when the file is modified, since the assumption is
you don't want to see errors while you type.
"sublimelinter_delay": 2,
// jshint: options for linting JavaScript. See for more info.
// By deault, eval is allowed.
/*"evil": true,
"regexdash": true,
"browser": true,
"wsh": true,
"trailing": true,
"sub": true*/
"browser" : false,
"devel" : false,
"jquery" : false,
"mootools" : false,
"node" : false,
"prototypejs" : false,
"rhino" : false,
"wsh" : false,
"asi" : false,
"bitwise" : false,
"boss" : true,
"curly" : false,
"debug" : false,
"eqeqeq" : false,
"eqnull" : true,
"es5" : true,
"evil" : false,
"expr" : true,
"forin" : false,
"globalstrict" : false,
"immed" : true,
"latedef" : false,
"laxbreak" : true,
"laxcomma" : true,
"loopfunc" : false,
"maxerr" : 50,
"newcap" : true,
"noarg" : true,
"noempty" : true,
"nonew" : true,
"nomen" : false,
"onevar" : false,
"passfail" : false,
"plusplus" : false,
"regexdash" : false,
"regexp" : false,
"undef" : false, // since latedef isn't working just assume we know what we are doing
"scripturl" : false,
"shadow" : false,
"smarttabs" : true,
"strict" : false,
"sub" : true,
"supernew" : false,
"trailing" : false,
"white" : false
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