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Forked from anonymous/gist:1590658
Created January 10, 2012 19:47
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ugly macro
(defmacro defcontroller [name & actions]
(let [iname (symbol (str "I" name))]
(defprotocol ~iname
~@(for [[m as & fs] actions]
`(~m [~@as])))
(deftype ~name []
~@(for [[m as & fs] actions]
`(~(with-meta m {:tag "test"}) [~'this ~@as] ~@fs))))))
user> (set! *print-meta* true)
user> (macroexpand-1 '(defcontroller Foo (x [a] (inc a))))
(do (defprotocol IFoo (x [a]))
(deftype Foo [] IFoo
(^"test" x [this a] ^{:line 1} (inc a))))
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