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Created January 15, 2012 23:25
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Proposed object system for Jim Tcl
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Models - A flexible object system for Jim
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XXX Observation after writing all the code below: [ref]erences are _not_
# used to store things. They are only used to invoke finalizers.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Stubs
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
package require ensemble
# Pure-Tcl stub for statics (limited, no destruction).
# The idea is that every /command/ (not just every procedure) has a separate
# variable scope attached to it, with its lifetime controlled by the owner.
# Static variables fit into this model as a special case.
proc procvar {procName args} {
foreach {otherVar myVar} $args {
uplevel 1 [list upvar #0 $procName#$otherVar $myVar]
proc {info statics} {procName} {
set names {}
foreach longName [info globals $procName#*] {
lappend names [string range $longName [string length $procName]+1 end]
set names
# Simplified version similar to [global]. XXX Not completely similar:
# [lindex [info level -1] 0] instead of $proc. But this version is more
# useful.
proc static {proc args} {
foreach varName $args {
lappend argList $varName $varName
uplevel 1 [list procvar $proc] {*}$argList
# XXX Set operations.
proc lintersect {list args} {
set dicts [lmap otherList $args {
set dict {}
foreach item $otherList {
lappend dict $item {}
set dict
lmap item $list {
set ok 1
foreach dict $dicts {
if {![dict exists $dict $item]} {set ok 0; break}
if {$ok} then {set item} else continue
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Core
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XXX These are somewhat primitive, but I don't know whether I should put
# them in a namespace (or use qualified names).
proc slot {name value} {
proc $name {self args} {value} {
set value {*}$args
proc handle {name} {
if {$name eq "#auto"} {
set name [ref {} handle]
finalize $name handle.destroy
ensemble $name: self
# XXX GC *never* finds our objects because the line below introduces
# a circular reference. Bummer. =(
alias $name $name: $name
alias [concat $name: unknown] handle.unknown $name
# XXX Attention: prototype and mask can't be normal instance variables
# because they should not be inherited.
slot [concat $name: prototype] {}
slot [concat $name: protomask] {}
set name
proc handle.destroy {name contents} {
rename $name ""
rename $name: ""
proc handle.unknown {name self selector args} {
set prototype [$name: $self prototype]
set prototypeMask [$name: $self protomask]
if {$prototype eq "" || $selector in $prototypeMask} {
return -code error "invalid command name \"$name $selector\""
alias [concat $name: $selector] $prototype: .. $selector
tailcall [concat $name: $selector] $self {*}$args
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Objects
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# XXX Got sick of trying to invent a clever name. [models] is supposed to be
# a namespace for model objects like Self's traits.
ensemble models
handle {models object}
proc {models object: clone} {self {name #auto}} {
set name [handle $name]
$name prototype $self
foreach varName [{info statics} $self] {
procvar $self $varName source
procvar $name $varName target
set target $source
return $name
# No helper methods ([proc] or [set] or ...) here. This is intentional.
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Components
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# As in Snit.
if 0 {
# XXX Turns out to be more complex than I thought. <Explain the problem>
proc {object: ensemble} {self name argList} {
ensemble [concat $self $name:]
alias [concat $self: $name] [concat $self $name:]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Multimethods
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Prototype-based multiple dispatch, like Slate or Cecil.
proc multi {args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"multi word ...\""
foreach part [lrange $args 0 end-1] {
lappend path $part
if {![exists -command $path]} {ensemble $path arg}
alias $args multi.dispatch $args
foreach part $args {
lappend spec $part {models object}
# XXX [curry] should be using the optimized [alias].
method {*}$spec [curry multi.unknown $args]
# XXX Hmm, a good candidate for a C implementation.
proc multi.dispatch {sels args} {
if {[llength $args] < [llength $sels]} {
return -code error "wrong # args: not enough object arguments to \"$sels\""
set objs [lrange $args 0 [llength $sels]-1]
# Calculate the set of all reachable methods
set selector [join $sels _]_
for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $objs]} {incr i} {
set ms [[lindex $objs $i] $selector $i]
lappend methods [join $ms]
set ord {}; set rank 0
foreach mlist $ms {
foreach method $mlist {set ord($method) $rank}
incr rank
lappend ordering $ord
# Find and rank the applicable ones
set candidates [lintersect {*}$methods]
if {[llength $candidates] == 0} {
# This is a failure harder than multi.unknown.
return -code error "no candidates for multi call \"$call\""
set ranks [lmap cand $candidates {
lmap ord $ordering {
set ord($cand)
# Find the winning method
set maxCand [lindex $candidates 0]
set maxRank [lindex $ranks 0]
foreach cand $candidates rank $ranks {
set replace 1
foreach r $rank s $maxRank {
if {$r < $s} {set replace 0; break}
if {$replace} {
set maxCand $cand
set maxRank $rank
# Check for conflicts (XXX this doesn't check for methods with identical
# ranks)
set conflict 0
foreach rank $ranks {
foreach r $rank s $maxRank {
if {$r > $s} {set conflict 1; break}
if {$conflict} {
foreach sel $sels obj $objs {lappend call $sel $obj}
return -code error "ambiguous multi call \"$call\""
# Call the winning method
tailcall $maxCand {*}$args
proc multi.unknown {sels args} {
foreach selector $sels object [lrange $args 0 [llength $sels]] {
lappend call $selector $object
return -code error "invalid multi call \"$call\""
proc method {args proc} {
foreach {part object} $args {
append selector ${part}_
set position 0
foreach {part object} $args {
set procName [concat $object: $selector]
if {![exists -command $procName]} {
# XXX Update this as soon as statics become real.
proc $procName {self position} {object selector} {
static [concat $object: $selector] methods
set prototype [$object: $self prototype]
if {$prototype ne ""} {
set mro [$prototype: $self $selector $position]
lappend mro [lindex $methods $position]
static $procName methods
lappend methods
if {[llength $methods] <= $position} {
lappend methods {*}[lrepeat [- $position [llength $methods] -1] {}]
set ms [lindex $methods $position]
lappend ms $proc
lset methods $position $ms
incr position
proc mproc {args} {
if {[llength $args] % 2 == 0} {
set signature [lrange $args 0 end-2]
set defnArgs [lrange $args end-1 end]
} else {
set signature [lrange $args 0 end-3]
set defnArgs [lrange $args end-2 end]
method {*}$signature [lambda {*}$defnArgs]
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Traits
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# This is a mechanism for combining functionality orthogonal to cloning. See
ensemble traits
models object clone {traits blank}
proc abstract {name self args} {
return -code error "abstract procedure \"$self $name\" is not implemented"
# Storage interface ---------------------------------------------------------
# The "true" way to define a trait proc.
proc {models trait: alias} {self name command args} {
static $self procs
set defn [list $command {*}$args]
if {$name in $procs} {
set procs($name) $defn
} else {
tailcall $self conflict $name $defn
proc {models trait: procs} {self} {
static $self procs
dict keys procs
proc {models trait: body} {self procName} {
static $self procs
set procs($procName)
proc {models trait: rename} {self oldName newName} {
static $self procs
set defn $procs($oldName)
unset procs($oldName)
if {$newName ne ""} {
$self alias $newName {*}$defn
# Composition logic ---------------------------------------------------------
multi add and
# XXX This should have been a symmetric multimethod, but we don't have these.
mproc add {traits blank} and {traits blank} {first second} {
set sum [traits blank clone]
foreach procName [$first procs] {
$sum alias $procName [$first body $procName]
foreach procName [$second procs] {
$sum alias $procName [$second body $procName]
proc {models trait: conflict} {self procName impl} {
set myImpl [$self body $procName]
if {$myImpl eq $impl} {
# We don't need to do anything
$self rename $procName ""
$self alias $procName abstract $procName
# Application ---------------------------------------------------------------
# XXX Rewrite this.
proc {traits blank: attach} {self object} {
if {[exists -command [concat $object: trait]] &&
[lindex [$object trait] 0] eq $object
} then {
[lindex [$object trait] 1] detach $object
proc [concat $object: trait] {self} {object {trait self}} {
return [list $object $trait]
foreach procName [$self procs] {
alias [concat $object: $procName] [$self body $procName]
proc {traits blank: detach} {self object} {
if {![exists -command [concat $object: trait]] ||
[$object trait] ne [list $object $self]
return -code error "cannot detach trait \"$self\": not attached"
foreach procName [$self procs] {
rename [concat $object: $procName] ""
# Helpers -------------------------------------------------------------------
proc {traits blank: proc} {self name args} {
if {[llength $args] == 0 || [llength $args] > 3} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"$self proc name abstract|args ?statics? body\""
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
$self alias $name abstract $name
} else {
$self alias $name [lambda {*}$args]
proc {traits blank: delete} {self method} {
$self rename $method ""
proc {traits blank: +} {self trait args} {
set sum [add $self and $trait]
tailcall $sum {*}$args
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Tests
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
models object clone {models box}
proc {models box: set} {self args} {
static $self value
if {[llength $args] > 1} {
return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"box: $self set ?value?\""
} elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
set value [lindex $args 0]
set value
set b [models box clone]
$b set "Hello world!"
puts [$b set]
$b set boo
puts [$b set]
models object clone {models base}
models object clone {models base'}
models base clone {models derived}
models base' clone {models derived'}
multi intersect and
proc putv {args} {puts $args}
method intersect {models base} and {models base} [curry putv {base & base}]
method intersect {models base} and {models derived} [curry putv {base & derived}]
# method intersect {models derived} and {models base} [curry putv {derived & base}]
# method intersect {models derived} and {models derived} [curry putv {derived & derived}]
method intersect {models base} and {models base'} [curry putv {base & base'}]
set x [models derived clone]
set y [models base' clone]
intersect $x and $x foo bar
# intersect $y and $y big bang
intersect $x and $y baz boom
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