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Created January 21, 2012 06:10
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{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Main where
import qualified Control.Monad as C
import qualified Data.Char as CH
import qualified Data.Maybe as M
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Network.Memcache as MC
import qualified Network.Memcache.Protocol as MCP
import qualified Network.Memcache.Key as MCK
-- note: we are trying to find any wordchain, not the optimal one
type Chain = Maybe [String]
type Pair = (String,String)
tests = [("A","A"),("cat","dog"),("cat","let"),("cat","lot")] :: [Pair]
-- is the word in memcache?
keyExists :: (MC.Memcache a, MCK.Key k) => a -> k -> IO Bool
keyExists conn word = do
word_v <- MC.get conn word
case word_v of
Nothing -> return False
Just (s :: String) -> return True
-- a heuristic for measuring the distance between two words
wordDist :: String -> String -> Int
wordDist src tgt =
let lsrc = length src
ltgt = length tgt
ldiff = abs $ lsrc - ltgt
shortl = minimum [lsrc,ltgt] in
case (ldiff == 0) of
True -> f src tgt
False -> ldiff + (wordDist (take shortl src) (take shortl tgt))
where f s t = sum $ zipWith (\a b -> if (a == b) then 0 else 1) s t
-- will build try-words by moving left to right, changing letters with
-- substitutions from the alphabet that form new strings. we don't know
-- if the words are valid in the dictionary, and hopefully as they are
-- lazily consumed, a word with a superior wordDist to the src word can
-- be found
letterSwaps :: String -> [String]
letterSwaps s = f s 0 where
f s l =
let r = l + 1
subs = filter (\x -> x /= "") $
map (\c -> if (c == s!!l) then ""
else take l s ++ [c] ++ drop r s) ['a'..'z']
if (r == length s) then subs else subs ++ f s (l+1)
-- try to find a word that is in the dictionary and has a lower wordDist
tryWord conn chain src tgt =
let dist = wordDist src tgt
swaps = filter (\s -> not $ elem s chain) (letterSwaps src)
betterStrings = L.sortBy (\x y -> compare (fst x) (fst y)) $
map (\s -> ((wordDist s tgt),s)) (swaps)
-- remove the tuples that have swapstrs not in the dict
betterWords <- C.filterM ((keyExists conn) . snd) betterStrings
return $ (snd . head) betterWords
wordChain :: MC.Memcache a => a -> [String] -> String -> String -> Int
-> IO (Chain)
wordChain conn chain src tgt i =
if (i > 9) then (return Nothing) else
case (src == tgt) of
True -> return (Just chain)
False ->
src' <- tryWord conn chain src tgt
wordChain conn (chain ++ [src']) src' tgt (i+1)
-- strChain serves to do some basic checking (are both strs actually words?)
-- and set up the args to call wordChain
strChain :: MC.Memcache a => a -> Pair -> IO (Pair,Chain)
strChain conn pair =
let src = map CH.toLower $ fst pair
tgt = map CH.toLower $ snd pair in
inDict <- C.liftM (and) $ C.mapM (keyExists conn) [src,tgt]
case inDict of
False -> return (pair,Nothing)
True -> do
areChained <- wordChain conn [src] src tgt 0
case areChained of
Nothing -> return (pair,Nothing)
Just chain -> return (pair,Just chain)
main :: IO ()
main = do
conn <- MCP.connect "" 11212
r <- C.mapM (strChain conn) tests
print r
MCP.disconnect conn
return ()
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