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Created February 8, 2012 02:01
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GMSH Meshing updates for EIDORS
function status= call_gmsh(geo_file,dim)
% call_gmsh: call Gmsh to create a vol_file from a geo_file
% status= call_netgen(geo_file, vol_file, msz_file, finelevel)
% staus = 0 -> success , negative -> failure
% geo_file = geometry file (input)
% vol_file = FEM mesh file (output)
% msz_file = Meshsize file in netgen format
% Finelevel controls the fineness of the mesh
% default is '' -> coarse
% valid values are 'fine' or 'veryfine'
% $Id: call_gmsh.m 2628 2011-07-11 13:13:50Z aadler $
% (C) 2009 Bartosz Sawicki. Licensed under GPL V2
% default to 2-D model
if nargin<2
dim = 2;
% Gmsh executable filename
gmsh_name = 'gmsh';
while( 1 )
if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION') && strcmp(uname.sysname,'Linux')
islinux =1;
elseif strfind(system_dependent('getos'),'Linux')
islinux =1;
s=version; ff= find(s=='.');
if str2double(s(1:ff(2)-1))>=7
%Version 7 under linux sets the LD_LIBRARY_PATH and that breaks netgen
ldpath ='LD_LIBRARY_PATH=;';
islinux =0;
switch dim
case 2
status= system(sprintf( '%s %s %s -2 -v 2', ldpath, gmsh_name, geo_file));
case 3
status= system(sprintf( '%s %s %s -3 -v 2', ldpath, gmsh_name, geo_file));
if status==0; break; end
if islinux
disp(['It seems you are running Linux and Gmsh has not worked. ' ...
'Check that it is installed and on the path. \n' ...
'Perhaps LD_LIBRARY_PATH needs to be set?' ]);
fprintf([ ...
'Gmsh call failed. Is Gmsh installed and on the search path?\n' ...
'You are running under windows, I can attempt to create\n' ...
'a batch file to access gmsh.\n' ...
'Please enter the directory in which to find gmsh.\n' ...
'If you dont have a copy, download it from' ...
'\n\n' ...
'Note that you *MUST* use names without spaces. Thus\n' ...
'instead of C:/Program Files/ write C:/Progra~1/\n\n' ]);
% gmsh_path = input('gmsh_path? ','s');
% if exist( sprintf('%s/gmsh.exe',gmsh_path) , 'file' )
% disp('Found gmsh.');
% fid= fopen('ng.bat','w');
% fprintf(fid,'set TCL_LIBRARY=%s/lib/tcl8.3\n', netgen_path);
% fprintf(fid,'set TIX_LIBRARY=%s/lib/tix8.1\n', netgen_path);
% fprintf(fid,'%s/netgen.exe %%*\n', netgen_path);
% fclose(fid);
% elseif exist( sprintf('%s/ng431.exe',netgen_path) , 'file' )
% disp('Found netgen version 4.3.1');
% fid= fopen('ng.bat','w');
% fprintf(fid,'set TCL_LIBRARY=%s/lib/tcl8.3\n', netgen_path);
% fprintf(fid,'set TIX_LIBRARY=%s/lib/tcl8.2\n', netgen_path);
% fprintf(fid,'%s/ng431.exe %%*\n', netgen_path);
% fclose(fid);
% else
% warning(['cannot find a version of netgen that I know about\n' ...
% 'Install netgen 4.4 or 4.3.1 or check the path\n']);
% end
function [mdl, mat_indices] = create_2d2l_mesh_gmsh(basename, in_rad, ext_rad, no_elec)
% Create a 2D Circular FEM using GMSH
% mdl= CREATE_GMSH_2D_CIRCLE(rad, n_elec)
% mdl - EIDORS forward model
% rad - model radius
% (C) 2006 Andy Adler. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
% $Id: create_2d2l_mesh_gmsh.m 2628 2011-07-11 13:13:50Z aadler $
geo_filename = sprintf('%s.geo', basename);
geo_fid= fopen(geo_filename,'w');
% Electrodes points on external boundary
theta= linspace(0,2*pi, no_elec+1); theta(end)=[];
point_no = 1;
for th=theta
fprintf(geo_fid,'Point(%d) = {%f,%f,%f,%f};\n',point_no, x,y,z, ext_rad/100);
fprintf(geo_fid,'Physical Point("%s%d") = {%d};\n','electrode-',point_no, point_no);
point_no = point_no + 1;
% Points to define internal layer
center_no = point_no;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Point(%d) = {%f,%f,%f,%f};\n',center_no, 0, 0, 0, 1);
point_no = point_no + 1;
inpoint1_no = point_no;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Point(%d) = {%f,%f,%f,%f};\n',inpoint1_no, in_rad, 0,0, ext_rad/30);
point_no = point_no + 1;
inpoint2_no = point_no;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Point(%d) = {%f,%f,%f,%f};\n',inpoint2_no, -in_rad, 0,0, ext_rad/30);
point_no = point_no + 1;
% External lines / electrodes
line_no = 1;
for i = 1:no_elec
start_point = i;
end_point= i+1;
if end_point > no_elec
end_point = 1;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Line(%d) = {%d, %d};\n', line_no, start_point, end_point);
line_no = line_no + 1;
extloop_no = line_no;
line_no = line_no + 1;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Line Loop(%d) = {', extloop_no);
for i = 1:(no_elec-1)
fprintf(geo_fid,'%d,', i);
fprintf(geo_fid, '%d};\n', no_elec);
% Internal circle and loop
circle1_no = line_no;
line_no = line_no + 1;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Circle(%d) = {%d, %d, %d};\n', circle1_no, inpoint1_no, ...
center_no, inpoint2_no);
circle2_no = line_no;
line_no = line_no + 1;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Circle(%d) = {%d, %d, %d};\n', circle2_no, inpoint2_no, ...
center_no, inpoint1_no);
inloop_no = line_no;
line_no = line_no + 1;
fprintf(geo_fid,'Line Loop(%d) = {%d,%d};\n', inloop_no, circle1_no, ...
fprintf(geo_fid, 'Plane Surface(%d) = {%d, %d};\n', line_no, extloop_no, ...
fprintf(geo_fid, 'Physical Surface("extcircle") = {%d};\n', line_no);
line_no = line_no + 1;
fprintf(geo_fid, 'Plane Surface(%d) = {%d};\n', line_no, inloop_no);
fprintf(geo_fid, 'Physical Surface("incircle") = {%d};\n', line_no);
line_no = line_no + 1;
% Call Gmsh
disp('Calling Gmsh. Please wait ...');
call_gmsh( geo_filename);
msh_filename = sprintf('%s.msh', basename);
disp(['Now reading back data from file: ' msh_filename])
[mdl, mat_indices]= gmsh_mk_fwd_model( msh_filename, ...
'Gmsh based 2 layer circural model' );
function [fwd_mdl, mat_indices]= ...
gmsh_mk_fwd_model( vol_filename, name, eprefix, z_contact)
% GMSH_MK_FWD_MODEL: create a fwd_model object from a Gmsh file
% [fwd_mdl, mat_indices]= ...
% gmsh_mk_fwd_model( vol_filename, centres, ...
% name, stim_pattern, z_contact)
% vol_filename: filename output from Gmsh
% name: name for object (if [] use vol_filename)
% eprefix: prefix used for names of electrodes
% (if [] or omitted use 'electrode-')
% stim_pattern: a stimulation pattern structure
% empty ([]) if stim_pattern is not available
% z_contact: vector or scalar electrode contact impedance
% fwd_mdl: eidors format fwd_model
% mat_indices: cell array of material indices from eidors
% Gmsh mesher for EIRODS was based on Netgen interface.
% (C) 2009 Bartosz Sawicki. License: GPL version 2 or version 3
% Modified by James Snyder
if isempty(name);
name = ['fwd_mdl based on ', vol_filename];
if nargin<4
eprefix = 'electrode-';
if isempty(eprefix);
eprefix = 'electrode-';
if nargin<5
z_contact=0.01; % singular if z_contact=0
% Model Geometry
[srf,vtx,fc,bc,simp,edg,mat_ind,phys_names] = gmsh_read_mesh(vol_filename);
fwd_mdl= construct_fwd_model(srf,vtx,simp,bc, name, ...
stim_pattern, eprefix, z_contact, fc,phys_names);
mat_indices= mk_mat_indices( mat_ind);
% build fwd_model structure
function fwd_mdl= construct_fwd_model(srf,vtx,simp,bc, name, ...
stim_pattern, eprefix, z_contact, fc, phys_names)
mdl.nodes = vtx;
mdl.elems = simp;
mdl.boundary = srf;
mdl.gnd_node = 1;
mdl.np_fwd_solve.perm_sym = '{n}'; = name;
% Model Stimulation
if ~isempty(stim_pattern)
mdl.stimulation= stim_pattern;
% Electrodes
electrodes = find_elec(phys_names,eprefix,z_contact);
mdl.electrode = electrodes;
mdl.solve= @np_fwd_solve;
mdl.jacobian= @np_calc_jacobian;
mdl.system_mat= @np_calc_system_mat;
fwd_mdl= eidors_obj('fwd_model', mdl);
% Output cell array of indices into each material type
% array order is sorted by length of material type
function mat_indices= mk_mat_indices( mat_ind);
% find length of mat_indices
% test example: mat_ind=[10 12 14 14 12 12 14 12];
sort_mi= sort(mat_ind(:));
find_mi= find( diff([-1e8;sort_mi]) );
len_mi = diff([find_mi;length(sort_mi)+1]);
[jnk,idxs]= sort(-len_mi); %reverse sort
l_idxs= length(idxs);
mat_indices= cell(1, l_idxs);
for i= 1:l_idxs;
mat_idx_i= sort_mi(find_mi(idxs(i)));
mat_indices{i}= find(mat_ind == mat_idx_i);
% Assumes that electrodes are numbered starting at 1, with prefix provided
function electrodes = find_elec(phys_names,prefix,z_contact)
phys_elecs = find(arrayfun(@(x)strncmp(,prefix,length(prefix)),phys_names));
for i = 1:length(phys_elecs)
cur_elec = arrayfun(@(x)strcmp(sprintf('%s%d',prefix,i),,phys_names(phys_elecs));
electrodes(i).nodes = unique(phys_names(phys_elecs(cur_elec)).nodes(:));
electrodes(i).z_contact = z_contact;
function[srf,vtx,fc,bc,simp,edg,mat_ind,phys_names] = gmsh_read_mesh(filename)
%[srf,vtx,fc,bc,simp,edg,mat_ind,phys_names] = gmsh_read_mesh(filename)
% Function to read in a mesh model from Gmsh and saves it in
% five arrays; surface (srf), veritices (vtx), face no. (fc)
% volume (simp) and edges (edg)
% srf = The surfaces indices into vtx
% simp = The volume indices into vtx
% vtx = The vertices matrix
% fc = A one column matrix containing the face numbers
% edg = Edge segment information
% filename = Name of file containing NetGen .vol information
% mat_ind = Material index
% phys_names = Structure of "Physical" entities in the mesh
% .dim = dimension
% .name = name (string)
% .tag = physical tag
% .nodes = N-x-dim array of indices into vtx
% $Id: gmsh_read_mesh.m 2628 2011-07-11 13:13:50Z aadler $
% (C) 2009 Bartosz Sawicki. Licensed under GPL V2
% Modified by James Snyder <>
fid = fopen(filename,'r');
phys_names = [];
while 1
tline = fgetl(fid);
if ~ischar(tline); fclose(fid); break; end
if strcmp(tline,'$Elements')
elements= parse_elements( fid );
elseif strcmp(tline,'$Nodes')
nodes= get_lines_with_nodes( fid );
elseif strcmp(tline,'$PhysicalNames')
phys_names= parse_names( fid );
if ~isempty(phys_names)
for i = 1:length(phys_names)
tmpelements = find(arrayfun(@(x)x.phys_tag==phys_names(i).tag,elements));
phys_names(i).nodes = cat(1,elements(tmpelements).simp);
edg = [];
bc = [];
mat_ind = [];
% Select 2d vs 3d model by checking if Z is all the same
if length( unique( nodes(:,4) ) ) > 1
vtx = nodes(:,2:4);
% Type 2: 3-node triangle
tri = find(arrayfun(@(x)x.type==2,elements));
% Type 4: 4-node tetrahedron
tet = find(arrayfun(@(x)x.type==4,elements));
simp = cat(1,elements(tet).simp);
srf = cat(1,elements(tri).simp);
vtx = nodes(:,2:3);
tri = find(arrayfun(@(x)x.type==2,elements));
simp = cat(1,elements(tri).simp);
srf = [];
elemtags = cat(1,elements.phys_tag);
fc = elemtags(tri,1);
function mat = get_lines_with_nodes( fid )
% Line Format:
% node-number x-coord y-coord z-coord
tline = fgetl(fid);
n_rows = sscanf(tline,'%d');
mat= fscanf(fid,'%f',[4,n_rows])';
function names = parse_names( fid )
% Line Format:
% physical-dimension physical-number "physical-name"
tline = fgetl(fid);
n_rows = sscanf(tline,'%d');
names = struct('tag',{},'dim',{},'name',{});
for i = 1:n_rows
tline = fgetl(fid);
if exist('OCTAVE_VERSION')
parts = strsplit(tline,' ');
parts = regexp(tline,' ','split');
nsz = size(names,2)+1;
names(nsz).dim = str2double( parts(1) );
names(nsz).tag = str2double( parts(2) );
tname = parts(3);
names(nsz).name = strrep(tname{1},'"','');
function elements = parse_elements( fid )
% Line Format:
% elm-number elm-type number-of-tags < tag > ... node-number-list
tline = fgetl(fid);
n_rows = sscanf(tline,'%d');
elements = struct('simp',{},'phys_tag',{},'geom_tag',{});
for i = 1:n_rows
tline = fgetl(fid);
n = sscanf(tline, '%d')';
nsz = size(elements,2)+1;
elements(nsz).simp = n(n(3) + 4:end);
elements(nsz).type = n(2);
if n(3) > 0 % get tags if they exist
% By default, first tag is number of parent physical entity
% second is parent elementary geometrical entity
% third is number of parent mesh partitions followed by
% partition ids
tags = n(4:3+n(3));
if length(tags) >= 1
elements(nsz).phys_tag = tags(1);
if length(tags) >= 2
elements(nsz).geom_tag = tags(2);
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