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Created February 17, 2012 02:08
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My fabfile with shipper lib
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os, sys
from fabric.api import *
from fabric.colors import *
sys.path.insert( 0, os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.realpath( os.path.curdir ), '../' ) ) )
from lib.server_ip_map import ServerIpMap, ServerIpMapException
from lib.modenv_parser import ModEnvParser
sim = ServerIpMap('/srv/sys_restore/etc/server_ip_mappings.txt')
env.user = 'deployer'
env.roledefs = {'staging': sim.get_group('www-staging', 'external_ip'),
'live': sim.get_group('www-live', 'external_ip')}
env.parallel = 'True'
#env.forward_agent = 'True'
def sshagent_run(cmd):
""" Helper function.
Runs a command with SSH agent forwarding enabled.
Note: Fabric (and paramiko) currently can't forward your SSH agent.
This helper uses your system's ssh to do so.
local('ssh -A %s@%s "%s"' % (env.user,, cmd))
def get_env():
""" This is really lame but Fabric doesn't tell you what role
it's currently running on. We must also compare with env.roles
because assets is actually in both staging and live.
if env.host_string in env.roledefs['staging'] and 'staging' in env.roles:
return 'staging'
elif env.host_string in env.roledefs['live'] and 'live' in env.roles:
return 'live'
return false
def clean_modules(mods):
""" converts and cleans modules list based on which instance we're on. """
modules = [int(i) for i in mods.split(';')]
modenv = ModEnvParser(get_env())
if 0 in modules:
# do all modules
modules = modenv.get_all_modids()
modules = modules.keys()
if env.host_string in env.roledefs['assets']:
# we handle assets (id 5) uniquely
modules = [x for x in modules if x == 5]
elif env.host_string not in env.roledefs['assets']:
modules = [x for x in modules if x != 5]
return modules
def host_type():
run('uname -a')
print "\n"
def ship(mods='0', branch=''):
""" ships code for defined modules.
does not deploy though.
if branch != '':
branch = ' -b '+branch
modules = clean_modules(mods)
if len(modules) < 1:
# don't run anything (wrong instance)
print blue("no modules to ship on this instance")
modenv = ModEnvParser(get_env())
cmds = []
for m in modules:
mod_script = modenv.get_ship_script(m)
cmds.append('./' + mod_script + ' -e ' + get_env() + branch)
full_cmd = ' && '.join(cmds)
cd_path = 'cd /srv/sys_restore/deployment/local/modules'
full_cmd = cd_path + ' && ' + full_cmd
print white(full_cmd)
# shipping needs key forwarding, so it can pull from github
# run(full_cmd)
def deploy(mods='0'):
""" deploys latest code for defined modules.
order matters here (assets should deploy first), thought it seems
order is determined by the host list
modules = clean_modules(mods)
if len(modules) < 1:
# don't run anything (wrong instance)
print blue("no modules to deploy on this instance")
modules = (',').join(map(str, modules)) # modules are ints; map to str first
cmd = './ -e ' + get_env() + ' -m ' + modules
cd_path = 'cd /srv/sys_restore/deployment/local'
full_cmd = cd_path + ' && ' + cmd
print "CMD: " + white(full_cmd)
import pprint, re, os, sys, time, shlex, shutil, glob
from subprocess import PIPE, Popen
from datetime import datetime
from modenv_parser import ModEnvParser
class ModuleShipper(object):
def __init__(self, env = None, branch = None):
self.env = env
self.branch = branch
self.mop = ModEnvParser(self.env)
def ship(self, mod):
""" ship! (but don't deploy yet) """
self.settings = self.mop.get_settings(mod)
if self.branch is None:
if 'default_branch' in self.settings:
self.branch = self.settings['default_branch']
self.branch = 'milestone_latest'
# a few simple sanity checks
if (not os.path.isdir(self.settings['target_path']) or
not os.path.isdir(self.settings['repository_path']) or
not os.path.isdir(self.settings['repository_path'] + '/' + self.settings['repository_dirname'])
print "Some path settings are wrong; is this the right environment?"
print "Halting shipment"
print 'Shipping env: %s, module: %s, branch: %s' % (self.env, mod, self.branch)
dt = datetime(2000,01,01)
datetag ='%Y%m%d')
folder = self.branch+'-'+datetag
version = 1
for item in os.listdir(self.settings['target_path']):
if re.match(folder, item):
print 'previous version found: %s' % item
version += 1
if version < 10:
version = '0'+str(version)
version = str(version)
pretag = folder+'.'+version
full_pretag_path = self.settings['target_path']+'/'+pretag
if self.env != 'live':
''' If we're NOT shipping on production, we allow switching branches.
Here we check if current branch is legit (dirty files? etc.) and
switch branches accordingly if necessary '''
p1 = Popen(['git', 'status'], stdout=PIPE)
p2 = Popen(['head', '-1'], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE)
cur_branch = p2.communicate()[0].strip()
cur_branch = re.split(' ', cur_branch)[3]
if self.branch != cur_branch:
''' we need to switch branches ...
but only if working directory is clean, and branch exists '''
print 'Switching from branch %s to %s' % (cur_branch, self.branch)
cmd = 'git status'
p1 = Popen(['git', 'status'], stdout=PIPE)
branch_clean = p1.communicate()[0]
branch_clean = re.split('\n', branch_clean, 3)[1] # get second line
branch_clean = re.split(' ', branch_clean, 3)
if len(branch_clean) > 3:
branch_clean = branch_clean[3]
branch_clean = False
if branch_clean != '(working directory clean)':
print "Working directory not clean! Exiting ..."
return False
# current branch is clean, so we can change to another
p1 = Popen(['git', 'branch'], stdout=PIPE)
branches = p1.communicate()[0]
branches = re.split('\n', branches)
branch_exists = False
for b in branches:
''' current branch in list starts with '*', but we can ignore
that one since we're trying to switch branches anyways '''
b = b.strip()
if b == self.branch:
branch_exists = True
if branch_exists:
p1 = Popen(['git', 'checkout', self.branch], stdout=PIPE)
p1.communicate() # wait for child process to return
# branch not tracked; make sure it's at least remote ...
p1 = Popen(['git', 'branch', '-r'], stdout=PIPE)
branches = p1.communicate()[0]
branches = re.split('\n', branches)
branch_exists = False
for b in branches:
b = b.strip()
if b == 'origin/'+self.branch:
branch_exists = True
if branch_exists:
cmd = 'git checkout --track -b '+self.branch+' origin/'+self.branch
p1 = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE)
p1.communicate() # wait for child process to return
print "I don't know branch '%s' ... exiting ..." % self.branch
return False
# we are ready to pull the repo now
p1 = Popen(['git', 'pull'])
# archive / "export" code and unpack into folder outside the repo
archive_file = pretag+'.zip'
cmd = 'git archive --format=zip --prefix='+pretag+'/ --output='+archive_file+' refs/heads/'+self.branch
# print cmd
print 'archiving for export ...'
p1 = Popen(shlex.split(cmd), stdout=PIPE)
p1.communicate() # waits for child process (archiving) to finish
shutil.move(archive_file, self.settings['target_path'])
print 'archive moved; unzipping ...'
p1 = Popen(['unzip', archive_file], stdout=PIPE)
p1.communicate() # waits for child process (unzipping) to finish
p1 = Popen(['touch', pretag], stdout=PIPE) # folder timestamp sometimes must be updated
# set permissions stuff; sucks but shell way is much ... faster ...
p1 = Popen(['sudo', 'chgrp', '-R', 'www-data', pretag])
p1.communicate() # waits for child process to finish
p1 = Popen(['sudo', 'chmod', '-R', 'g+w', pretag])
p1.communicate() # waits for child process to finish
self.pretag = pretag
# code 'shipped' but not deployed yet; caller should now setup symlinks, etc.
print 'Initial shipment complete ...'
return True
def get_settings(self):
return self.settings
def get_env(self):
return self.env
def get_pretag(self):
return self.pretag
def get_modid(self):
return self.settings['module_id']
def get_shipped_tags(self, mod):
settings = self.mop.get_settings(mod)
shipped_regex = re.compile('(.*)-(\d+\.\d*)')
tags = filter(os.path.isdir, glob.glob(settings['target_path']+'/*')) # get shipped folders
tags = filter(shipped_regex.match, tags) # filter out api_logs, uploads, etc.
tags.sort(key=lambda x: os.path.getmtime(x))
tags = [x.replace(settings['target_path']+'/', '') for x in tags]
return tags
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