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Created February 28, 2012 07:15
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Scala Source Code and Density
//Syntax higlighting for:
val site = config.sites.find( == siteName).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find site " + siteName))
val group = config.groups.find( == groupName).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot find group " + groupName))
group.repositories.foreach { repo =>
val repoDir = new File(group.path,
println("Backing up to repository %s at %s starting..." format (, repoDir))
if (repoDir.mkdir())
println("Created directory %s" format repoDir)
repo.facets.foreach { facet =>
println("Exporting facet %s..." format
val source = site.databases.find( == facet.source).getOrElse(
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"Facet %s references non-existing database %s" format (, facet.source)))
println("Source database is %s:%s at %s" format (source.kind,, source.url))
(source.kind, facet) match {
case ("neo4j", Facet(name, sourceName, "node", typeName, "json")) =>
val outFileName = new File(name + ".json")
println("Exporting %s nodes to %s" format (typeName, outFileName))
val dbDir = new File(new URI(source.url))
println("Neo4j database directory: %s" format dbDir)
val graphDb = new EmbeddedReadOnlyGraphDatabase(dbDir.getPath)
val (rowMeta, rows) = try {
val exporter = new Neo4jNodeExporter(graphDb, typeName)
println("Fetching meta...")
val rowMeta = exporter.fetchMeta()
println("Columns are: " + rowMeta.columns.mkString(", "))
val rows = exporter.export(rowMeta)
(rowMeta, rows)
} finally {
println("Reading rows...")
val mapper = new ObjectMapper
mapper.getSerializationConfig.set(Feature.INDENT_OUTPUT, true)
val jsonRows = { row =>
val obj = mapper.createObjectNode()
for ((value, i) <- row.values.view.zipWithIndex) {
if (value != null)
obj.put(rowMeta.columns(i), value)
val jsonArray = mapper.createArrayNode().addAll(jsonRows.toList)
val jsonData = mapper.createObjectNode()
jsonData.put("data", jsonArray)
val outFile = new File(repoDir, outFileName.toString)
print("Writing %s..." format outFile)
mapper.writeValue(outFile, jsonData)
println(" [OK]")
case x: Any => println("Skipping unrecognized facet: " + x)
println("Backing up to repository %s finished." format
sites = List(
Site(name = "dev", databases = List(
Database(name = "graph", kind = "neo4j", url = "file:///together/project/SatukanCinta/satukancinta-neo4j-db_dev_1.6/"))),
Site(name = "test",
databases = List(Database(name = "graph", kind = "neo4j", url = "file:///together/project/SatukanCinta/dumptest/graph")))),
groups = List(Group(name = "main", path = "/together/project/SatukanCinta/dump_main",
repositories = List(
Repository(name = "like", kind = "*", facets = List(
Facet(name = "user", source = "graph", primitive = "node", typeName = "com.satukancinta.domain.User", format = "json"),
Facet(name = "topic", source = "graph", primitive = "node", typeName = "com.satukancinta.domain.Interest", format = "json"),
Facet(name = "like", source = "graph", primitive = "relationship", typeName = "LIKE", format = "graphml"))))))) {
val indexHits = graphDb.getAllNodes.par.filter(_.getProperty("__type__") == typeName)"Index for {} returned {} nodes", typeName, indexHits.size)
val columnNames = indexHits.par.flatMap( node =>
node.getPropertyKeys.filter( _ != "__type__" ) ).toSet
val sortedColumns = columnNames.toList.sorted"Columns for {}: {}", typeName, sortedColumns.mkString(", "))
RowMeta(columns = sortedColumns)
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