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Created March 4, 2012 04:02
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layout: post
title: Scroll Page 表单提交后页面重新滚回原来滚动条所在位置
comments: true
date: 2004-09-20 13:55
- 前端开发
<p>作者<span style="text-decoration: underline;"><span style="color: #800080;"><a href="">scottwater</a><br /></span></span>原文地址:<a href=""></a><br />感谢<a href="">scottwater</a>先生!<br />我做了一点修改,使其支持横向滚动条位置的记忆</p>
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web.UI;
namespace ShangGu.XaTaxi.Components
/// <summary>
/// Summary description for ScrollPage.
/// </summary>
public class ScrollPage : System.Web.UI.Page
public ScrollPage()
private bool _useScrollPersistence = true;
/// <summary>
/// There could be PostBack senarios where we do not want to remember the scroll position. Set this property to false
/// if you would like the page to forget the current scroll position
/// </summary>
public bool UseScrollPersistence
get {return this._useScrollPersistence;}
set {this._useScrollPersistence = value;}
private string _bodyID;
/// <summary>
/// Some pages might already have the ID attribute set for the body tag. Setting this property will not render the ID or change
/// the existing value. It will simply update the javascript written out to the browser.
/// </summary>
public string BodyID
get {return this._bodyID;}
set {this._bodyID = value;}
//Last chance. Do we want to maintain the current scroll position
protected override void OnPreRender(EventArgs e)
base.OnPreRender (e);
protected override void Render(HtmlTextWriter writer)
//No need processing the HTML if the user does not want to maintain scroll position or already has
//set the body ID value
TextWriter tempWriter = new StringWriter();
base.Render(new HtmlTextWriter(tempWriter));
if(BodyID == null)
writer.Write(Regex.Replace(tempWriter.ToString(),"<body","<body id="thebody" ",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
//2004-9-16 武眉博 修正了因BodyID不空时造成javascript错误的bug
writer.Write(Regex.Replace(tempWriter.ToString(),"<body","<body id=""+BodyID+"" ",RegexOptions.IgnoreCase));
//2004-9-20 武眉博 增加了隐藏文本域"__SCROLLPOS_LEFT",以增加对横向滚动条位置的记忆功能
private static string saveScrollPosition = "<script language='javascript'>function saveScrollPosition() {{document.forms[0].__SCROLLPOS_TOP.value = {0}.scrollTop;document.forms[0].__SCROLLPOS_LEFT.value = {0}.scrollLeft ;}}{0}.onscroll=saveScrollPosition;</script>";
private static string setScrollPosition = "<script language='javascript'>function setScrollPosition() {{{0}.scrollTop ="{1}"; {0}.scrollLeft ="{2}"}}{0}.onload=setScrollPosition;</script>";
//Write out javascript and hidden field
private void RetainScrollPosition()
RegisterHiddenField("__SCROLLPOS_TOP", "0");
RegisterHiddenField("__SCROLLPOS_LEFT", "0");
string __bodyID = BodyID == null ? "thebody" : BodyID;
RegisterStartupScript("saveScroll", string.Format(saveScrollPosition,__bodyID));
RegisterStartupScript("setScroll", string.Format(setScrollPosition,__bodyID, Request.Form["__SCROLLPOS_TOP"],Request.Form["__SCROLLPOS_LEFT"]));
layout: post
title: 自定义控件实现广告内容后期加载,以及NamingContainer层次的应用
comments: true
date: 2007-08-05 13:49
- 自定义控件
- NamingContainer
<p>自定义控件:广告内容后期加载。以及NamingContainer层次的应用<br />网站上的广告内容可能会因加载过慢而导致整个网页加载过慢<br />我们可以考虑将广告内全部放在网页最底部,等整个页面加载完毕後<br />再采用javascript使其显示,考虑给控件一个TargetContainerID标识<br />控件广告内容将要被显示的容器ID,然后从控件自己所处的 开始向上查找该ID<br />所指定的控件,(我们只向上找而没有向下找,并且没有处理某层次的<br />子NamingContainer,所以不一定能够找到,这里没有考虑从Page对象向下递归查找<br />主要考虑为了提高性能),如果没有找到,则考虑给用户一个事件让用户自己处理TargetContainer</p>
// Copyright (c) All rights reserved.
namespace HBZ.Ads.Controls
using System;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using HBZ.Ads;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
[Designer( typeof( HBZ.Ads.Controls.AdRotatorDesigner ) )]
public class AdRotator : WebControl
private Dictionary findControlHelperCacheList = new Dictionary( );
private readonly string scriptFormat = " var {0}_target = document.getElementById(\"{0}\"); var {1}_base = document.getElementById(\"{1}\"); if ({0}_target) {{ {0}_target.innerHTML = {1}_base.innerHTML; {1}_base.innerHTML = \"\"; }}";
private static readonly object eventObj = new object( );
public event FindTargetContainerEventHandler FindTargetContainer
Events.AddHandler( eventObj , value );
Events.RemoveHandler( eventObj , value );
public AdRotator( )
: base( HtmlTextWriterTag.Span )
[TypeConverter( typeof( ValidatedControlConverter ) )]
[DefaultValue( "" ) , Category( "Data" ) , Description( "广告位后期加载后显示的位置的控件ID" )]
public string TargetContainerID
return (string)this.ViewState[ "TargetContainerID" ] ?? string.Empty;
this.ViewState[ "TargetContainerID" ] = value;
[Bindable( true ) , Category( "Data" ) , DefaultValue( "" ) , Description( "广告位的默认内容" )]
public string DefaultContent
return (string)this.ViewState[ "DefaultContent" ] ?? "广告位招租";
this.ViewState[ "DefaultContent" ] = value;
protected override void OnPreRender( EventArgs e )
base.OnPreRender( e );
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( TargetContainerID ) )
this.Style.Add( HtmlTextWriterStyle.Display , "none" );
ClientScriptManager cs = Page.ClientScript;
if ( !cs.IsStartupScriptRegistered( this.ClientID ) )
cs.RegisterStartupScript( this.GetType( ) , this.ClientID , GetLazyLoadingScript( ) , true );
protected virtual string GetLazyLoadingScript( )
Control target = FindControlHelper( TargetContainerID );
if ( target == null )
throw new TargetContainerNotFoundException( );
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder( );
sb.AppendFormat( scriptFormat , target.ClientID , this.ClientID );
return sb.ToString( );
protected virtual void RenderAdvertisement( Advertisement ad , HtmlTextWriter writer )
// 广告内容
protected override void RenderContents( HtmlTextWriter writer )
// call RenderAdvertisement method
protected Control FindControlHelper( string id )
Control c = null;
if ( findControlHelperCacheList.ContainsKey( id ) )
c = findControlHelperCacheList[ id ];
c = base.FindControl( id ); // 注意:我们从自己开始向上沿NamingContainer层次查找
Control nc = NamingContainer;
while ( ( null == c ) && ( null != nc ) )
c = nc.FindControl( id );
nc = nc.NamingContainer;
if ( null == c )
// 因为我们是从自己开始向上沿NamingContainer层次查找,而没有向下找,
// 并且没有找每一层NamingContainer内的其他NamingContainer,
// 所以这种查找有可能出现没有找到id对应的控件
// 当没此时有找到时,激发FindTargetContainer事件交给用户自己设定Target Container Control
FindTargetContainerEventArgs args = new FindTargetContainerEventArgs( id );
OnFindTargetContainer( args );
c = args.Control;
if ( null != c )
findControlHelperCacheList[ id ] = c;
return c;
protected virtual void OnFindTargetContainer( FindTargetContainerEventArgs e )
FindTargetContainerEventHandler hander = Events[ eventObj ] as FindTargetContainerEventHandler;
if ( hander != null )
hander( this , e );
public delegate void FindTargetContainerEventHandler( object src , FindTargetContainerEventArgs e );
public class FindTargetContainerEventArgs : EventArgs
private string controlID;
private Control control;
public FindTargetContainerEventArgs( string controlId )
controlID = controlId;
public string ControlID
return controlID;
public Control Control
return control;
control = value;
public class TargetContainerNotFoundException : Exception
string exceptionMessage = string.Empty;
public TargetContainerNotFoundException( )
: this( "TargetContainerID所指定的控件没有找到!您或许应该处理一下FindTargetContainer事件" )
public TargetContainerNotFoundException( string message )
: base( message )
this.exceptionMessage = message;
public override string Message
if ( exceptionMessage != null )
return exceptionMessage;
return base.Message;
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Follen commented Mar 4, 2012


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