You’ll need a relatively recent version (v6 or newer, v7 ideally) of node.js installed. On OS X, a great way of doing this without disturbing your existing dev environment is to install NVM. Installation instructions are here
You’ll know everything is set up properly when you can run
nvm --version # might look like "0.31.4"
node --version # might look like "v7.7.3"
For one exercise, you’ll need to install ImageMagick, a command line tool for editing images.
On OS X you can install it with homebrew by running
brew install imagemagick
We’ll be deploying apps to heroku. Sign up for an account here: Heroku | Sign up Install the heroku command line tool here: Heroku CLI | Heroku Dev Center Visual Studio Code
Particularly if you’ve never tried it before, you should install Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Some fantastic extensions that I use regularly include
- vscode-icons
- Sublime Text Keymap - Install if you’re used to sublime text keyboard shortcuts Some chrome extensions
You should install some chrome extensions that we’ll refer
- LiveReload - Chrome Web Store
- SEO META in 1 CLICK - Chrome Web Store
- Lighthouse - Chrome Web Store
- JSONView - Chrome Web Store
git clone
cd seo-workshop
npm install
then attempt to start the app up
./run -e deploy
the project builds, you should be able to see a welcome screen at http://localhost:3000