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Last active October 12, 2020 05:34
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import tactic.core
structure cnf :=
(ands_of_ors_of_maybe_nots : list (list (name × bool × string)))
def cnf.false : cnf := ⟨[[]]⟩
def cnf.true : cnf := ⟨[]⟩
def cnf.and : cnf → cnf → cnf
| ⟨c₁⟩ ⟨c₂⟩ := ⟨c₁ ++ c₂⟩
def cnf.or : cnf → cnf → cnf
| ⟨c₁⟩ ⟨c₂⟩ := ⟨do a ← c₁, b ← c₂, [a ++ b]⟩
def (n : name) (pos : bool) (s : string) : cnf :=
⟨[[(n, pos, s)]]⟩
instance : has_repr cnf :=
⟨λ ⟨m⟩, string.intercalate " ∧\n "
((λ x : list (name × bool × string),
"(" ++ (string.intercalate " ∨ " $ $ λ ⟨n, pos, s⟩,
to_string n ++ (if pos then " = " else " ≠ ") ++ repr s)
++ ")")
<$> m)⟩
open tactic interactive interactive.types
meta def cnfify_core (args : list expr) : expr → bool → tactic expr
| e pos := do
e ← whnf e transparency.all,
match e with
| `(%%e₁ ∧ %%e₂) := do
a ← cnfify_core e₁ pos,
b ← cnfify_core e₂ pos,
return $ if pos then `(cnf.and %%a %%b) else `(cnf.or %%a %%b)
| `(%%e₁ ∨ %%e₂) := do
a ← cnfify_core e₁ pos,
b ← cnfify_core e₂ pos,
return $ if pos then `(cnf.or %%a %%b) else `(cnf.and %%a %%b)
| `(%%e₁ → %%e₂) := do
a ← cnfify_core e₁ (bnot pos),
b ← cnfify_core e₂ pos,
return $ if pos then `(cnf.or %%a %%b) else `(cnf.and %%a %%b)
| `(%%e₁ ↔ %%e₂) := do
a ← cnfify_core e₁ (bnot pos),
b ← cnfify_core e₂ tt,
c ← cnfify_core e₁ pos,
d ← cnfify_core e₂ ff,
return $ `(cnf.and (cnf.or %%a %%b) (cnf.or %%c %%d))
| `(false) := return $ if pos then `(cnf.false) else `(cnf.true)
| `(true) := return $ if pos then `(cnf.true) else `(cnf.false)
| `(%%a = %%b) :=
if a ∈ args then do
type ← infer_type b,
if type = `(string) then
let n := a.local_pp_name in
return `( %%`(n) %%`(pos) %%b)
else do
pb <- to_string <$> pp b,
pt <- to_string <$> pp type,
fail $ "Expected string; found: " ++ pb ++ " of type " ++ pt
fail $ "Invalid variable; expected one of: "
++ string.intercalate ", " ( to_string)
++ "; found: " ++ a.local_pp_name.to_string
| e := do
pe <- to_string <$> pp e,
fail $ "Unhandled proposition! " ++ pe
meta def tactic.interactive.cnfify (p : parse texpr) : tactic unit :=
to_expr p >>= open_lambdas >>= λ ⟨args, e⟩, cnfify_core args e tt >>= exact
example (s : string) := by cnfify λ fn arg1,
fn ∈ ["f", "g", s] ∧
(fn = "f" → arg1 = "1")
example (n : nat) := let q := [1, n, 3].map to_string in by cnfify λ fn, fn ∈ q
example := by cnfify λ fn target message,
-- we may send and receive messages
fn ∈ ["send", "recv"] ∧
-- if we send a message to alice, the message must be "Hello"
(fn = "send" ∧ target = "alice" → message = "Hello") ∧
-- we can only receive messages as bob;
-- but cannot send messages to bob.
(fn = "recv" → target = "bob")
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