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Created May 3, 2023 11:00
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Script for removal all users except a list from all repos in a file. Do not forget to update vars section.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# You will need a file `repos` with the list of repos in the next format:
### VARS ###
clientId="wu" # get from bb oauth consumer
clientSecret="TY" # get from bb oauth consumer
callbackUrL="http://localhost:8000/callback" # do not touch. Set this as a callback url in the bitbucket oauth consumer.
appPassword="ATBB" # get from bb personal settings
username="username" # bb username
workspace="workspace" # bb workspace (organization)
# User1, User2
adminIds=(userid1 userid2) # IDs of users that need to be left in all repositories
bitbucketUrl="" # do not touch
### END VARS ###
# authenticate
resp=$(curl -s -X POST -u "${clientId}:${clientSecret}" \ \
-d grant_type=client_credentials \
-d redirect_uri="${callbackUrl}")
accessToken=$(echo $resp | jq .access_token | sed 's/"//g')
# get all repo slugs
repos=($(awk -F "$workspace" '{print $(2)}' ./repos | awk -F '/' {'print $2'}))
for repo in "${repos[@]}"
# get all users in repo
resp=$(curl --request GET \
--url "$bitbucketUrl$usersInRepoEndpoint" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $accessToken" \
--header "Accept: application/json")
echo $resp | jq
output=$(echo $resp | jq .values[].user.account_id)
output=$(echo "${output}" | tr -d '"')
mapfile -t uuids <<< "${output}"
#for uuid in "${uuids[@]}"; do
# if [[ ! " ${adminIds[*]} " =~ " $uuid " ]]; then
# nonAdminUuids+=("$uuid")
# fi
#printf '%s\n' "${nonAdminUuids[@]}"
# delete not admin users
for uuid in "${uuids[@]}"; do
if [[ ! " ${adminIds[*]} " =~ " $uuid " ]]; then
curl --request DELETE \
--url "$bitbucketUrl$deleteUserFromRepoEndpoint" \
--user "$username:$appPassword"
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