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Created November 23, 2021 22:37
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Build ansible inventory from SSH config
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cat $HOME/.ssh/config | awk -v RS= -v FS=\\n -v IGNORECASE=1 -v keybasepath="$keybasepath" '
ip = ""
alias = ""
id_file = ""
username = ""
port = ""
result = ""
for (j = 1; j <= NF; ++j) {
split($j, tmp, " ")
if (tmp[1] == "Host") { alias = tmp[2] }
if (tmp[1] == "Hostname") { ip = tmp[2] }
if (tmp[1] == "IdentityFile") { id_file = substr(tmp[2], 8) }
if (tmp[1] == "User") { username = tmp[2] }
if (tmp[1] == "Port") { port = tmp[2] }
if (ip || alias && alias != "*") {
result = sprintf("%-35s ansible_host=%-25s ",alias,ip)
if (username) result = sprintf("%s ansible_user=%-20s",result,username)
if (port) result = sprintf("%s ansible_port=%-5s",result,port)
if (id_file) result = sprintf("%s ansible_ssh_private_key_file=%s%s",result,keybasepath,id_file)
printf "%s\n",result
' > hosts.txt
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