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Created January 27, 2016 21:55
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memory impact
yury@ares ~/benchmarks $ python3.5 -b all ../test2/cpython/python ../tmp/cpython/python -m
INFO:root:Suppressing performance data due to --track_memory
INFO:root:Automatically selected timer: perf_counter
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark html5lib_warmup; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark spambayes; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowunpickle; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark pybench; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark rietveld; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark bzr_startup; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowpickle; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark html5lib; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark slowspitfire; not compatible with Python 3.6
INFO:root:Skipping benchmark hg_startup; not compatible with Python 3.6
[ 1/43] 2to3...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3`
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3` 1 time
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python lib3/2to3/2to3 -f all lib/2to3` 1 time
[ 2/43] call_method...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
[ 3/43] call_method_slots...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
[ 4/43] call_method_unknown...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
[ 5/43] call_simple...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 150 --timer perf_counter`
[ 6/43] chameleon_v2...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[ 7/43] chaos...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[ 8/43] django_v3...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[ 9/43] etree_generate...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter generate`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter generate`
[10/43] etree_iterparse...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter iterparse`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter iterparse`
[11/43] etree_parse...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter parse`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter parse`
[12/43] etree_process...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter process`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter process`
[13/43] fannkuch...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[14/43] fastpickle...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle`
[15/43] fastunpickle...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle`
[16/43] float...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[17/43] formatted_logging...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter formatted_output`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter formatted_output`
[18/43] go...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[19/43] hexiom2...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 2 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 2 --timer perf_counter`
[20/43] json_dump_v2...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[21/43] json_load...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter json_load`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter json_load`
[22/43] mako_v2...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 500 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 500 --timer perf_counter`
[23/43] meteor_contest...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[24/43] nbody...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[25/43] normal_startup...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python -c i = 0
while i < 200000: i += 1` 1000 times
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python -c i = 0
while i < 200000: i += 1` 1000 times
[26/43] nqueens...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[27/43] pathlib...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 500 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 500 --timer perf_counter`
[28/43] pickle_dict...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_dict`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_dict`
[29/43] pickle_list...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_list`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle pickle_list`
[30/43] pidigits...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[31/43] raytrace...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[32/43] regex_compile...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[33/43] regex_effbot...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[34/43] regex_v8...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[35/43] richards...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[36/43] silent_logging...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter no_output`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter no_output`
[37/43] simple_logging...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter simple_output`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter simple_output`
[38/43] spectral_norm...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[39/43] startup_nosite...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python -S -c i = 0
while i < 200000: i += 1` 2000 times
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python -S -c i = 0
while i < 200000: i += 1` 2000 times
[40/43] telco...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter`
[41/43] tornado_http...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 100 --timer perf_counter`
[42/43] unpack_sequence...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50000 --timer perf_counter`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50000 --timer perf_counter`
[43/43] unpickle_list...
INFO:root:Running `../tmp/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle_list`
INFO:root:Running `../test2/cpython/python performance/ -n 50 --timer perf_counter --use_cpickle unpickle_list`
Report on Linux 4.1.2 #10 SMP Fri Jul 10 19:14:52 EDT 2015 x86_64 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 v2 @ 3.70GHz
Total CPU cores: 8
### 2to3 ###
Mem max: 42316.000 -> 42840.000: 1.0124x larger
### call_method ###
Mem max: 7600.000 -> 7596.000: 1.0005x smaller
### call_method_slots ###
Mem max: 7552.000 -> 7612.000: 1.0079x larger
### call_method_unknown ###
Mem max: 7660.000 -> 7700.000: 1.0052x larger
### call_simple ###
Mem max: 7592.000 -> 7632.000: 1.0053x larger
### chameleon_v2 ###
Mem max: 367232.000 -> 366912.000: 1.0009x smaller
### chaos ###
Mem max: 17540.000 -> 17608.000: 1.0039x larger
### django_v3 ###
Mem max: 24328.000 -> 24420.000: 1.0038x larger
### etree_generate ###
Mem max: 14044.000 -> 13928.000: 1.0083x smaller
### etree_iterparse ###
Mem max: 14048.000 -> 14032.000: 1.0011x smaller
### etree_parse ###
Mem max: 13620.000 -> 13636.000: 1.0012x larger
### etree_process ###
Mem max: 14724.000 -> 14800.000: 1.0052x larger
### fannkuch ###
Mem max: 7516.000 -> 7548.000: 1.0043x larger
### fastpickle ###
Mem max: 8704.000 -> 8748.000: 1.0051x larger
### fastunpickle ###
Mem max: 8756.000 -> 8808.000: 1.0059x larger
### float ###
Mem max: 42392.000 -> 43256.000: 1.0204x larger
### formatted_logging ###
Mem max: 54736.000 -> 55408.000: 1.0123x larger
### go ###
Mem max: 14240.000 -> 14308.000: 1.0048x larger
### hexiom2 ###
Mem max: 7884.000 -> 7956.000: 1.0091x larger
### json_dump_v2 ###
Mem max: 10592.000 -> 10680.000: 1.0083x larger
### json_load ###
Mem max: 8412.000 -> 8456.000: 1.0052x larger
### mako_v2 ###
Mem max: 22396.000 -> 22544.000: 1.0066x larger
### meteor_contest ###
Mem max: 9516.000 -> 9552.000: 1.0038x larger
### nbody ###
Mem max: 7664.000 -> 7700.000: 1.0047x larger
### normal_startup ###
Mem max: 5544.000 -> 5564.000: 1.0036x larger
### nqueens ###
Mem max: 7784.000 -> 7852.000: 1.0087x larger
### pathlib ###
Mem max: 11572.000 -> 11584.000: 1.0010x larger
### pickle_dict ###
Mem max: 8704.000 -> 8800.000: 1.0110x larger
### pickle_list ###
Mem max: 8704.000 -> 8736.000: 1.0037x larger
### pidigits ###
Mem max: 7616.000 -> 7676.000: 1.0079x larger
### raytrace ###
Mem max: 8092.000 -> 8224.000: 1.0163x larger
### regex_compile ###
Mem max: 15476.000 -> 15600.000: 1.0080x larger
### regex_effbot ###
Mem max: 8220.000 -> 8264.000: 1.0054x larger
### regex_v8 ###
Mem max: 12736.000 -> 12732.000: 1.0003x smaller
### richards ###
Mem max: 7788.000 -> 7996.000: 1.0267x larger
### silent_logging ###
Mem max: 8092.000 -> 8116.000: 1.0030x larger
### simple_logging ###
Mem max: 47604.000 -> 40176.000: 1.1849x smaller
### spectral_norm ###
Mem max: 7532.000 -> 7572.000: 1.0053x larger
### startup_nosite ###
Mem max: 4684.000 -> 4704.000: 1.0043x larger
### telco ###
Mem max: 8076.000 -> 8108.000: 1.0040x larger
### tornado_http ###
Mem max: 28512.000 -> 28628.000: 1.0041x larger
### unpack_sequence ###
Mem max: 12128.000 -> 12712.000: 1.0482x larger
### unpickle_list ###
Mem max: 8760.000 -> 8720.000: 1.0046x smaller
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