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Created March 21, 2012 20:39
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This is the current code for a JavaScript module that I'm working on. It is supposed to create a singleton named Parousia.
Parousia.minion = {};
(function(instance) {
var module = instance || {};
module.unit = function() {
* Graphical stats:
*/ = 0;
this.pixelx = 0;
this.pixely = 0;
this.tilex = 0;
this.tiley = 0;
* the next tile on the unit's path somewhere
this.enRouteX = -1;
this.enRouteY = -1;
* -1 means they're going nowhere
this.destinationX = -1;
this.destinationY = -1;
this.color = "rgba(153, 153, 255, 1)";
this.radius = 7;
* game stats specific to the instance of the creature
this.typeID = 2;
* The player who controls the creature
*/ = 0;
* 1 is alive
this.alive = 1;
* If the creature is on the battlefield yet or not. 1 if yes, 0 if not.
* Defaults to 0
this.onField = 0;
* array of buffs this creature has game stats from creatureType --
* unitType contains the base stats. After they go here, they can be
* changed by various buffs in battle. To reference the base stats for
* whatever reason, just use creatureType[creature[i].typeID].stat this
* "creatureType[this.typeID].ap;" thing doesn't seem to work. Have to
* set this in init() because this stuff is all defined before the
* creatures are created in their array.
this.buffs = new Array();
this.ap = creatureType[this.typeID].ap;
this.hp = creatureType[this.typeID].hp;
this.atk = creatureType[this.typeID].atk;
this.def = creatureType[this.typeID].def;
this.attackCost = creatureType[this.typeID].attackCost;
* ap cost of moving this.abilities = 0
this.movementCost = creatureType[this.typeID].movementCost;
* this.draw = function(){ var drawFRONT =
* $('drawArea').getContext("2d"); drawFRONT.fillStyle = this.color;
* drawFRONT.beginPath(); drawFRONT.arc(this.pixelx, this.pixely,
* this.radius, 0, Math.PI * 2, true); drawFRONT.closePath();
* drawFRONT.fill(); }
this.draw = function() { // experimental sprite use function
if (this.alive == 1) { // if alive
var sprite = new Image();
sprite.src = ''
+ creatureType[this.typeID].name + '.gif';
var drawFRONT = $('drawArea').getContext("2d");
drawFRONT.drawImage(sprite, this.pixelx - 13, this.pixely - 22)
} else { // if dead
var sprite = new Image();
sprite.src = '';
var drawFRONT = $('drawArea').getContext("2d");
drawFRONT.drawImage(sprite, this.pixelx - 13, this.pixely - 22)
this.attack = function(x, y) {
creature[grid[x][y].inhabitant].hp -= this.atk;
this.ability = function(x, y, abilityID) {
* adds the ability's buff to the target creature's list of buffs
return module;
* Notice: This file utilizes many of the tips provided at
* and
* The way this works is by creating an anonymous function that takes the
* argument "instance" which is the variable that holds the singleton of the
* entire module. This singleton can than be referred to throughout the
* application. --(DEA)
var Parousia = {};
(function (instance) {
var module = instance || {};
module.CANVASHEIGHT = 500;
module.CANVASWIDTH = 500;
module.GRIDHEIGHT = 25;
module.GRIDWIDTH = 25;
module.SCALE = 20;
// spawnpoints
module.SPAWN_A1X = 3;
module.SPAWN_A1Y = 3;
module.SPAWN_A2X = 8;
module.SPAWN_A2Y = 3;
module.SPAWN_A3X = 3;
module.SPAWN_A3Y = 8;
module.SPAWN_B1X = module.GRIDWIDTH - 4;
module.SPAWN_B1Y = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 4;
module.SPAWN_B2X = module.GRIDWIDTH - 9;
module.SPAWN_B2Y = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 4;
module.SPAWN_B3X = module.GRIDWIDTH - 4;
module.SPAWN_B3Y = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 9;
// controls
module.rightDown = false;
module.leftDown = false;
module.upDown = false;
module.downDown = false;
module.spaceDown = false;
module.shiftDown = false;
module.clicky = false;
// mouse position = 10; = 10;
module.mouseTileX = 0; // selected tile
module.mouseTileY = 0;
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
// arrow key positioning
module.kx = 110; = 110;
module.grid = new Array(module.GRIDWIDTH);
module.selectedX = 0; // tile that has been selected by mouse
module.selectedY = 0;
module.BRUSHSELECT = "n"; // the brush currently selected to paint with
module.EDITMODE = false;
module.LOADDATA = "";
module.TURN = 1;
* number of points Blue player has to spend on summoning creatures.
* Innitially 3. Get 1 with each spawnpoint capture.
* number of points Pink player has to spend on summoning creatures.
* Innitially 3. Get 1 with each spawnpoint capture.
// unit stuff
module.numPlayaz = 12; // counts from 1 instead of 0. Creature 0 is default,
// does not exist, is null.
module.creature = new Array();
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
module.creature[i] = new Parousia.Unit();
module.creature[i].id = i;
* all of the below defining of creatures will eventually come from the
* server instead. Will be this way until accounts figured out.
// Blue Team's on-field creatures
module.creature[1].tilex = 3;
module.creature[1].tiley = 3;
module.creature[1].team = 1;
module.creature[1].typeID = 1;
module.creature[1].onField = 1;
module.creature[2].tilex = 8;
module.creature[2].tiley = 3;
module.creature[2].team = 1;
module.creature[2].typeID = 2;
module.creature[2].onField = 1;
module.creature[3].tilex = 3;
module.creature[3].tiley = 8;
module.creature[3].team = 1;
module.creature[3].typeID = 3;
module.creature[3].onField = 1;
// off-field Blue creatures
module.creature[4].team = 1;
module.creature[4].typeID = 1;
module.creature[4].onField = 0;
module.creature[5].team = 1;
module.creature[5].typeID = 2;
module.creature[5].onField = 0;
creature[6].team = 1;
creature[6].typeID = 3;
creature[6].onField = 0;
// Pink Team on-field creatures
module.creature[7].tilex = module.GRIDWIDTH - 4;
module.creature[7].tiley = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 4;
module.creature[7].team = 2;
module.creature[7].typeID = 1;
module.creature[7].onField = 1;
module.creature[8].tilex = module.GRIDWIDTH - 9;
module.creature[8].tiley = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 4;
module.creature[8].team = 2;
module.creature[8].typeID = 2;
module.creature[8].onField = 1;
module.creature[9].tilex = module.GRIDWIDTH - 4;
module.creature[9].tiley = module.GRIDHEIGHT - 9;
module.creature[9].color = "rgba(255, 105, 180, 1)";
module.creature[9].team = 2;
module.creature[9].typeID = 3;
module.creature[9].onField = 1;
// off-field Blue creatures
module.creature[10].team = 2;
module.creature[10].typeID = 1;
module.creature[10].onField = 0;
module.creature[11].team = 2;
module.creature[11].typeID = 2;
module.creature[11].onField = 0;
module.creature[12].team = 2;
module.creature[12].typeID = 3;
module.creature[12].onField = 0;
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
module.creature[i].enRouteX = module.creature[i].tilex
module.creature[i].enRouteY = module.creature[i].tiley
module.randomFromTo = function(from, to) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from + 1) + from);
module.init = function() {
document.onmousemove = mouseMoved;
document.onmousedown = mouseDownified;
document.onmouseup = mouseUpified;
document.onkeydown = onKeyDown;
document.onkeyup = onKeyUp;
module.drawFRONT = module.$('drawArea').getContext("2d");
module.drawBACK = module.$('terrainArea').getContext("2d");
for ( var x = 0; x < module.GRIDWIDTH; x++) {
module.grid[x] = new Array(module.GRIDHEIGHT);
for ( var y = 0; y < module.GRIDHEIGHT; y++) {
for ( var x = 0; x < module.GRIDWIDTH; x++) {
var t = new Tile();
var pos = getPos(x, y);
t.x = pos[0];
t.y = pos[1];
module.grid[x][y] = t;
* the creature[] array has been created, and the creatures have been
* put on the canvas, but their creatureType stats haven't updated yet:
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
module.creature[i].ap = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].ap;
module.creature[i].hp = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].hp;
module.creature[i].atk = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].atk;
module.creature[i].def = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].def;
module.creature[i].attackCost = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].attackCost;
module.creature[i].movementCost = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].movementCost;
module.creature[i].abilities = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].abilities;
// setting the spawnpointss
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A1X][module.SPAWN_A1Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A1X][module.SPAWN_A1Y].team = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A2X][module.SPAWN_A2Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A2X][module.SPAWN_A2Y].team = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A3X][module.SPAWN_A3Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_A3Y][module.SPAWN_A3Y].team = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B1X][module.SPAWN_B1Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B1X][module.SPAWN_B1Y].team = 2;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B2X][module.SPAWN_B2Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B2X][module.SPAWN_B2Y].team = 2;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B3X][module.SPAWN_B3Y].is_spawn = 1;
module.grid[module.SPAWN_B3Y][module.SPAWN_B3Y].team = 2;
* for(var i = 0; i < 600; i++) { console.log(Math.round((i - (SCALE /
* 2))/SCALE)); }
return module.setInterval(draw, 1);
module.drawTerrain = function() {
var drawBACK = module.$('terrainArea').getContext("2d");
for ( var y = 0; y < module.GRIDHEIGHT; y++) {
for ( var x = 0; x < module.GRIDWIDTH; x++) {
drawBACK.strokeRect(module.grid[x][y].x,module. grid[x][y].y, module.SCALE, module.SCALE);
* telling the creatures what their pixel locations are. NOT needed for
* drawing the creatures, because that is done by the tiles. This is for
* movement information.
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
module.creature[i].pixelx = module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].x
+ module.SCALE * .5;
module.creature[i].pixely = module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].y
+ module.SCALE * .5;
module.draw = function() {
var drawFRONT = module.$('drawArea').getContext("2d");
var drawBACK = module.$('terrainArea').getContext("2d");
module.mouseTileX = module.pixel2tile(mx);
module.mouseTileY = module.pixel2tile(my);
* Highlight the attack tiles but only if you own the creature.
if (module.MOUSEDOWHAT == "attack"
&& module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant != 0) {
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].team == module.TURN) {
module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY - 1]
.highlight("rgba(180, 0, 0, .3)"); // north
module.grid[module.selectedX + 1][module.selectedY + 0]
.highlight("rgba(180, 0, 0, .3)"); // east
module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY + 1]
.highlight("rgba(180, 0, 0, .3)"); // south
module.grid[module.selectedX - 1][module.selectedY + 0]
.highlight("rgba(180, 0, 0, .3)"); // west
* // failed attempt at movement highlight: //need to take the ap
* available and divy it between x or y in every combination. so if
* ap=10: (X+10,y+0) (X+9,y+1) (X+8,y+2) etc if (MOUSEDOWHAT == "move" &&
* grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant != 0){//highlight the moveable
* tiles if(creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].team ==
* TURN){ //but only if you own the creature var apDirectional =
* (creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].ap)/2; //ap to be
* split between x and y //console.log(apDirectional); for(var i=0;i<apDirectional;i++){
* console.log(i); if (selectedX+i < GRIDWIDTH && selectedY-i <
* GRIDHEIGHT && selectedX+i >= 0 && selectedY-i >= 0) //if the place to
* be highlighted is on the canvas
* grid[selectedX+i][selectedY-i].highlight(); // if ap is 10, initially
* will be (10,0), then (9,1),(8,2)...(1,9),(0,10) } } } }
if (module.mouseTileX < module.GRIDWIDTH && module.mouseTileY < module.GRIDHEIGHT
&& module.mouseTileX >= 0 && module.mouseTileY >= 0) {
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY].highlight("rgba(255, 255, 0, .5)");
if (module.TURN == 1) {
// if blue's turn, make their cursor blue
module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].highlight("rgba(100, 50, 200, .5)");
if (module.TURN == 2) {
// if pink's turn, make their cursor pink
module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].highlight("rgba(255, 105, 180, .5)");
if (module.EDITMODE == false) {
// if it's not in edit mode, then you can play the game
if (module.mouseTileX < module.GRIDWIDTH && module.mouseTileY < module.GRIDHEIGHT
&& module.clicky == true) {
if (module.MOUSEDOWHAT != "attack" && module.MOUSEDOWHAT == "null") {
module.selectedX = module.mouseTileX;
module.selectedY = module.mouseTileY;
// if the mouse is in move mode
if (module.MOUSEDOWHAT == "move") {
if (module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant != 0
&& module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY].inhabitant == 0) {
* If the previously selected tile has a creature, move
* it to the currently highlighted tile. If the
* currently selected tile has a creature on it already,
* move on to the else statement below, slectint the
* newly clicked on creature instead.
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].team == module.TURN) {
* If the selected unit belongs to the player whose
* turn it is
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].ap >= module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].movementCost) {
module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].destinationX = module.mouseTileX;
module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].destinationY = module.mouseTileY;
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
} else {
* if you don't have the ap to move
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
* tells the old tile no one's on it anymore
module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant = 0;
} else {
* If you don't own the thing you're trying to move
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* If you're trying to move with a tile has no creature
* on it, stop.
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
if (module.MOUSEDOWHAT == "attack") {
if (module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant != 0
&& module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY].inhabitant != 0) {
* If the previously selected tile has a creature, move
* it to the currently highlighted tile. If the
* currently selected tile has a creature on it already,
* move on to the else statement below, selectint the
* newly clicked on creature instead.
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].team == module.TURN) {
* If the selected unti belongs to the player whose
* turn it is
if (module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY - 1]
|| // north // if the creature player is
// attempt6ing to attack is in range
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 1][module.selectedY + 0]
|| // east
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY + 1]
|| // south
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX - 1][module.selectedY + 0]) { // west
* ap cost of attack
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].ap >= module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].attackCost) {
.attack(module.mouseTileX, module.mouseTileY);
module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].ap -= module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].attackCost;
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
} else {
* if you don't have the AP to attack
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if you suck and selected something not in
* range, unselect creature
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if it doesn't belong to you you can't attack with
* it
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if you have a tile selected that has no one on it,
* you can't attack with it obviously
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
if (module.MOUSEDOWHAT == "ability") {
if (module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant != 0
&& module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY].inhabitant != 0) {
* If the previously selected tile has a creature, move
* it to the currently highlighted tile. If the
* currently selected tile has a creature on it already,
* move on to the else statement below, selectint the
* newly clicked on creature instead.
if (module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].team == module.TURN) {
* If the selected unit belongs to the player whose
* turn it is
if (module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY - 1]
|| // north // if the creature player is
// attempt6ing to attack is in range
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 1][module.selectedY + 0]
|| // east
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX + 0][module.selectedY + 1]
|| // south
module.grid[module.mouseTileX][module.mouseTileY] == module.grid[module.selectedX - 1][module.selectedY + 0]) { // west
* ap cost of attack
if (creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].ap >= creatureType[creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].typeID].attackCost) {
creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].ap -= creatureType[creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].typeID].apCost;
* Now that someone's had an ability used on
* them, update their buffs
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
} else {
* if you don't have the AP to attack
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if you suck and selected something not in
* range, unselect creature
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if it doesn't belong to you you can't attack with
* it
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
} else {
* if you have a tile selected that has no one on it,
* you can't attack with it obviously
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "null";
module.selectedX = 0;
module.selectedY = 0;
if (module.EDITMODE == true) {
if (module.mouseTileX < module.GRIDWIDTH && module.mouseTileY < module.GRIDHEIGHT
&& module.clicky == true) {
if (module.shiftDown) {
} else {
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
* If the creature is on the field
if (module.creature[i].onField == 1) {
* dead creature can't be drawn
if (module.creature[i].hp > 0) {
if (module.creature[i].destinationX >= 0
&& module.creature[i].destinationY >= 0
&& module.creature[i].ap >= 1) {
* if it has a destination takes the final destination
* (destinationX&Y) and uses pathfinding to figure out
* which tiles to go to first (enRoutX&Y) on way there.
* This routine is really really fucking slow. Maybe try
* changing "x+1" etc to a numeric key, so "x+1" = 1,
* "x-1" = 2, "y+1" =3, "y-1" = 4*
var direction = module.pathfind(module.creature[i].tilex,
module.creature[i].tiley, module.creature[i].destinationX,
* pathfind tells the creature the next tile it needs to
* go to on its way to its final destination. Prints out
* something like "x+1"
if (direction == "x+1") {
module.creature[i].enRouteX = module.creature[i].tilex + 1;
module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].inhabitant = 0;
module.startWalken(i, module.creature[i].enRouteX,
} else if (direction == "x-1") {
module.creature[i].enRouteX = module.creature[i].tilex - 1;
module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].inhabitant = 0;
module.startWalken(i, module.creature[i].enRouteX,
} else if (direction == "y+1") {
module.creature[i].enRouteY = module.creature[i].tiley + 1;
module.grid[creature[i].tilex][creature[i].tiley].inhabitant = 0;
module.startWalken(i, module.creature[i].enRouteX,
} else if (direction == "y-1") {
module.creature[i].enRouteY = module.creature[i].tiley - 1;
module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].inhabitant = 0;
module.startWalken(i, module.creature[i].enRouteX,
if (module.creature[i].destinationX == module.creature[i].tilex) {
// creature[i].destinationX = 0;
if (module.creature[i].destinationY == module.creature[i].tiley) {
// creature[i].destinationY = 0;
// creature[i].tilex = pixel2tile(creature[i].pixelx); way
// too slow
if (module.creature[i].tilex >= 0 && module.creature[i].tiley >= 0) {
module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].inhabitant = i;
* Tell the tile that the creature is inhabiting it.
* Faster than going to every tile to check if it has a
* creature. Currently, I have to do this too anyways,
* just to tell them they're empty.
* Detecting if spawnpoint captured
* If the creature is blue team
if (module.creature[i].team == 1) {
* and if that blue team creature is on a pink
* spawnpoint
if (module.grid[module.creature[i].tilex][module.creature[i].tiley].tileType == "ps") {
* Kill that spawnpoint
* If the creature is out of AP, set the destination to the
* current location so it doesn't try to continue going
* there next turn
if (module.creature[i].ap < creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].movementCost) {
module.creature[i].destinationX = module.creature[i].tilex;
module.creature[i].destinationY = module.creature[i].tiley;
} else {
* the creature is dead. Do dead stuff
module.creature[i].alive = 0;
// creature[i].typeID = 0;
* If on the battlefield
} else {
* where should a creature be if it's not on the battlefield?
* Will this create problems?
* display for off-field creatures
* victory conditions. TODO: Shoddily done. Will obviously be done
* differently
if (module.creature[1].alive == 0 && module.creature[2].alive == 0
&& module.creature[3].alive == 0) {
drawFRONT.strokeText("PINK VICTORY", (module.CANVASWIDTH / 2) - 20,
(Cmodule.ANVASHEIGHT / 2) - 2);
drawFRONT.strokeText("BLUE DEFEAT", (CANVASWIDTH / 2) - 20,
(CANVASHEIGHT / 2) + 8);
if (module.creature[4].alive == 0 && module.creature[5].alive == 0
&& module.creature[6].alive == 0) {
drawFRONT.strokeText("BLUE VICTORY", (CANVASWIDTH / 2) - 20,
(CANVASHEIGHT / 2) - 2);
drawFRONT.strokeText("PINK DEFEAT", (CANVASWIDTH / 2) - 20,
(CANVASHEIGHT / 2) + 8);
* Clear it first, or else it'll add endlessly!
module.$("creatures").innerHTML = "";
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
* TODO: Could combine this with the other cycle through creatures
* thing above...maybe do that later?
* If the creature belongs to the player whose turn it is
if (module.creature[i].team == module.TURN) {
* if the creature is alive and on the field
if (module.creature[i].alive == 1 && module.creature[i].onField == 1) {
module.$("creatures").innerHTML += "<font color=\"green\">"
+ creatureType[creature[i].typeID].name
+ "</font> (alive & onfield)<br/>";
* if the creature is off the field
if (module.creature[i].alive == 1 && module.creature[i].onField == 0) {
module.$("creatures").innerHTML += "<font color=\"blue\">"
+ creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].name
+ "</font> (alive & offfield)<br/>";
* if the creature is dead
if (module.creature[i].alive == 0 && module.creature[i].onField == 1) {
module.$("creatures").innerHTML += "<font color=\"red\">"
+ creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].name
+ "</font> (dead)<br/>";
* Print the team color
if (TURN == 1) {
module.$("TURN").innerHTML = "BLUE";
} else if (TURN == 2) {
module.$("TURN").innerHTML = "PINK";
if (module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant != 0) {
module.$("id").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].id;
module.$("team").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].team;
* $("tileX").innerHTML=
* creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].tilex;
* $("tileY").innerHTML=
* creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].tiley;
* $("enRouteX").innerHTML=
* creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].destinationX;
* $("enRouteY").innerHTML=
* creature[grid[selectedX][selectedY].inhabitant].destinationY;
module.$("AP").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].ap;
module.$("HP").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].hp;
module.$("type").innerHTML = creatureType[module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].typeID].name;
module.$("atk").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].atk;
module.$("def").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].def;
// prints the attack cost in the attack button
module.$("attackButton").value = "Attack ("
+ module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].attackCost
+ "ap) "
+ module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].atk
+ " damage";
// prints the move cost in the move button
module.$("moveButton").value = "Move ("
+ module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].movementCost
+ "ap)";
module.$("buffs").innerHTML = module.creature[module.grid[module.selectedX][module.selectedY].inhabitant].buffs;
if (module.mouseTileX < module.GRIDWIDTH && module.mouseTileY < module.GRIDHEIGHT
&& module.mouseTileX >= 0 && module.mouseTileY >= 0) {
module.$("printsomething").innerHTML = grid[mouseTileX][mouseTileY].inhabitant;
module.$("brushType").innerHTML = module.BRUSHSELECT;
module.$("selectedxprint").innerHTML = module.selectedX;
module.$("selectedyprint").innerHTML = module.selectedY;
module.startWalken = function(unitID, destTileX, destTileY) {
// console.log(unitID + "," + destTileX + "," + destTileY);
var destPixelX = module.grid[destTileX][destTileY].x;
var destPixelY = module.grid[destTileX][destTileY].y;
// if North
if (module.creature[unitID].pixely < destPixelY + module.SCALE * .5) {
module.creature[unitID].pixely = module.creature[unitID].pixely + 1;
* When the creature arrives at tile destination in pixels make the
* the creature's tile
if (module.creature[unitID].pixely == destPixelY + module.SCALE * .5) {
module.creature[unitID].tiley = destTileY;
module.creature[unitID].ap -= module.creature[unitID].movementCost;
// if East
if (module.creature[unitID].pixelx < destPixelX + module.SCALE * .5) {
module.creature[unitID].pixelx = module.creature[unitID].pixelx + 1;
* When the creature arrvies at tile de
if (module.creature[unitID].pixelx == destPixelX + module.SCALE * .5) {
* When the creature arrives at tile destination in pixels make
* the the creature's tile
module.creature[unitID].tilex = destTileX;
module.creature[unitID].ap -= module.creature[unitID].movementCost;
// if South
if (module.creature[unitID].pixely > destPixelY + module.SCALE * .5) {
module.creature[unitID].pixely = module.creature[unitID].pixely - 1;
if (module.creature[unitID].pixely == destPixelY + module.SCALE * .5) {
* When the creature arrives at tile destination in pixels make
* the the creature's tile
module.creature[unitID].tiley = destTileY;
module.creature[unitID].ap -= module.creature[unitID].movementCost;
// if West
if (module.creature[unitID].pixelx > destPixelX + module.SCALE * .5) {
module.creature[unitID].pixelx = module.creature[unitID].pixelx - 1;
if (module.creature[unitID].pixelx == destPixelX + module.SCALE * .5) {
* When the creature arrives at tile destination in pixels make
* the the creature's tile
module.creature[unitID].tilex = destTileX;
module.creature[unitID].ap -= module.creature[unitID].movementCost;
module.pathfind = function(startX, startY, endX, endY) {
// if X first
if (Math.abs(startX - endX) > Math.abs(startY - endY)) {
if (startX - endX < 0) {
return "x+1";
if (startX - endX > 0) {
return "x-1";
// if Y first
} else if (Math.abs(startX - endX) < Math.abs(startY - endY)) {
if (startY - endY < 0) {
return "y+1";
if (startY - endY > 0) {
return "y-1";
* If the distance to travel in xs and ys is equal just start
* working on the x
} else if (Math.abs(startX - endX) == Math.abs(startY - endY)
&& Math.abs(startX - endX) != 0) {
if (startX - endX < 0) {
return "x+1";
if (startX - endX > 0) {
return "x-1";
} else {
return "0"
module.$ = function(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
* @param rnum
* number to round
* @param rlength
* number of decimal places
module.roundNumber = function(rnum, rlength) {
var newnumber = Math.round(rnum * Math.pow(10, rlength))
/ Math.pow(10, rlength);
// parseFloat(newnumber);
return newnumber;
* Find the distance between two pixels
module.pixelDistance = function(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
module.pixel2tile = function(banana) {
return Math.round((banana - (SCALE / 2)) / SCALE);
* Communicating with the pallette buttons in HTML
module.palette = function(brushType) {
module.BRUSHSELECT = brushType;
module.editMode = function() {
module.EDITMODE = true;
module.gameMode = function() {
module.EDITMODE = false;
* TODO: @Chunkofwhat - Fuck, don't remember what this does, but it's
* important.
module.getPos = function(x, y) {
var ret = new Array(x * module.SCALE, y * module.SCALE);
return ret;
module.addUnit = function() {
module.endTurn = function() {
if (module.TURN == 2) { // swaps whos turn it is
module.TURN = 1;
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
if (module.creature[i].team == 1) {
module.creature[i].ap = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].ap;
} else if (module.TURN == 1) {
module.TURN = 2;
for ( var i = 1; i <= module.numPlayaz; i++) {
if (module.creature[i].team == 2) {
module.creature[i].ap = creatureType[module.creature[i].typeID].ap;
module.attackToggle = function() {
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "attack";
module.moveToggle = function() {
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "move";
module.abilityToggle = function() {
module.MOUSEDOWHAT = "ability";
module.applyBuff = function(creatureID) {
// number of buffs on creature
var numBuffs = module.creature[creatureID].buffs.length;
for ( var i = 0; i < numBuffs; i++) {
var buffID = module.creature[creatureID].buffs[i];
module.creature[creatureID].def = module.creature[creatureID].def
* module.buffType[buffID].defMulti + module.buffType[buffID].def;
} = function() {
var SAVEDATA = "&#60;lev w='" + module.GRIDWIDTH + "'&#62;</br>";
for ( var y = 0; y < module.GRIDHEIGHT; y++) {
for ( var x = 0; x < module.GRIDWIDTH; x++) {
module.SAVEDATA += (module.grid[x][y].tileType + "*");
if (x == module.GRIDWIDTH - 1) {
module.SAVEDATA += "<br/>"
module.$("saveout").innerHTML = SAVEDATA + "&#60;/lev&#62;";
module.load = function() {
LOADDATA = module.$("loadin").value;
var loadArray = LOADDATA.split("*");
var i = 0;
for ( var x = 0; x < module.GRIDWIDTH; x++) {
for ( var y = 0; y < module.GRIDHEIGHT; y++) {
// setting spawn zones
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