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Created March 22, 2012 01:40
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Example of moving background with Angry Birds clone in JS
class window.GhostsAndMonstersGame
# to set up Easel-Box2d world
gravityX = 0
gravityY = 10
# game-specific
frameRate = 20
forceMultiplier = 5
constructor: (canvas, debugCanvas, statsCanvas) ->
@world = new EaselBoxWorld(this, frameRate, canvas, debugCanvas, gravityX, gravityY, PIXELS_PER_METER)
# optional: set up frame rate display
@stats = new Stats()
statsCanvas.appendChild @stats.domElement
@worldWidthPixels = canvas.width
worldHeightPixels = canvas.height
@initHeadXPixels = 100
groundLevelPixels = worldHeightPixels - (37/2)
@world.addImage("/img/sky.jpg", {scaleX: 1.3, scaleY: 1.3})
@world.addImage("/img/trees.png", {scaleX: 0.5, scaleY: 0.5, y: worldHeightPixels - 400 * 0.55})
@world.addImage("/img/mountains.png", {scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, y: worldHeightPixels - 254 * 1})
@ground = @world.addEntity(
widthPixels: 1024,
heightPixels: 37,
imgSrc: '/img/ground-cropped.png',
type: 'static',
xPixels: 0,
yPixels: groundLevelPixels)
@world.addImage("/img/catapult_50x150.png", {x: @initHeadXPixels - 30, y: worldHeightPixels - 160})
# setup head
@head = @world.addEntity(
radiusPixels: 20,
imgSrc: '/img/exorcist_40x50.png',
type: 'static',
xPixels: @initHeadXPixels,
yPixels: groundLevelPixels - 140)
@head.selected = false
@head.easelObj.onPress = (eventPress) =>
@head.selected = true
@head.initPositionXpixels = eventPress.stageX
@head.initPositionYpixels = eventPress.stageY
eventPress.onMouseMove = (event) =>
@head.setState(xPixels: event.stageX, yPixels: event.stageY)
eventPress.onMouseUp = (event) =>
@head.selected = false
@head.setType "dynamic"
forceX = (@head.initPositionXpixels - event.stageX) * forceMultiplier
forceY = (@head.initPositionYpixels - event.stageY) * forceMultiplier
@world.vector(forceX, forceY),
@world.vector(@head.body.GetPosition().x, @head.body.GetPosition().y)
# draw pyramid
blockWidth = 15
blockHeight = 60
leftPyamid = 300
levels = 3
topOfPyramid = groundLevelPixels - levels * (blockHeight + blockWidth) + 26
for i in [0...levels]
for j in [0..i+1]
x = leftPyamid + (j-i/2) * blockHeight
y = topOfPyramid + i * (blockHeight + blockWidth)
myBlock = @world.addEntity(
widthPixels: blockWidth,
heightPixels: blockHeight,
imgSrc: '/img/block1_15x60.png',
xPixels: x,
yPixels: y)
if j <= i
myBlock = @world.addEntity(
widthPixels: blockWidth,
heightPixels: blockHeight,
imgSrc: '/img/block1_15x60.png',
xPixels: x + blockHeight / 2,
yPixels: y - (blockHeight + blockWidth) / 2
angleDegrees: 90)
ghost = @world.addEntity(
widthPixels: 30,
heightPixels: 36,
imgSrc: '/img/ghost_30x36.png',
xPixels: x + (blockHeight / 2),
yPixels: y + 11)
# optional: a callback for each EaselBox2dWorld tick()
tick: () ->
headTravel = @head.easelObj.x - @initHeadXPixels
if headTravel > 500
@world.easelStage.x = 0 - headTravel
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