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Created February 13, 2018 20:01
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{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
import Control.Monad.State (State, evalState, get, gets, modify, put)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (unionBy)
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
type Name = String
data VLiteral
= LInteger Integer
| LBoolean Bool
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Expr
= ELam Name Expr
| EApp Expr Expr
| ELit VLiteral
| EVar Name
deriving (Show, Eq)
intLit = ELit . LInteger
data TLiteral
= TInt
| TBool
deriving (Eq)
instance Show TLiteral where
show TInt = "Int"
show TBool = "Bool"
data Type
= TLam Type Type
| TVar Name
| TLit TLiteral
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Type where
show (TLam a@TLam{} b) = "(" ++ show a ++ ")" ++ " -> " ++ show b
show (TLam a b) = show a ++ " -> " ++ show b
show (TLit lit) = show lit
show (TVar name) = name
intTy = TLit TInt
boolTy = TLit TBool
data Constraint
= Constraint Type Type
cmap f (Constraint a b) = Constraint (f a) (f b)
instance Show Constraint where
show (Constraint a b) = show a ++ " <=> " ++ show b
data ConState
= ConState
{ conFreshId :: Int
, conEnv :: Map Name Type
} deriving (Show)
type Con a = State ConState a
freshTVar :: Con Type
freshTVar = do
i <- gets conFreshId
modify (\s -> s { conFreshId = 1 + i })
pure $ TVar ("a" ++ show i)
lookupType :: Name -> Con Type
lookupType name = gets (fromMaybe notFound . Map.lookup name . conEnv)
notFound = error ("name not found: " ++ name)
insertType :: Name -> Type -> Con ()
insertType name ty = do
env <- gets conEnv
modify (\s -> s { conEnv = Map.insert name ty env })
literalType :: VLiteral -> Type
literalType (LInteger _) = intTy
literalType (LBoolean _) = boolTy
scoped :: State s a -> State s a
scoped action = do
s <- get
action <* put s
constrain :: Expr -> Con (Type, [Constraint])
constrain (ELit lit) = pure (literalType lit, [])
constrain (EVar name) = (, []) <$> lookupType name
constrain (ELam var body) = do
tvar <- freshTVar
(tbody, ctrs) <- scoped (insertType var tvar *> constrain body)
pure (TLam tvar tbody, ctrs)
constrain (EApp left right) = do
(lty, lctrs) <- constrain left
(rty, rctrs) <- constrain right
tvar <- freshTVar
pure (tvar, lctrs ++ rctrs ++ [Constraint lty (TLam rty tvar)])
data Substitution
= Substitution Name Type
subMap f (Substitution name ty) = Substitution name (f ty)
subName (Substitution name _) = name
instance Show Substitution where
show (Substitution name ty) = name ++ " => " ++ show ty
applySub :: Substitution -> Type -> Type
applySub (Substitution target ty) = go
go (TLam head body) = TLam (go head) (go body)
go (TVar name) = if name == target then ty else TVar name
go stuff = stuff
applySubs :: [Substitution] -> Type -> Type
applySubs subs subject = foldr applySub subject subs
combine :: [Substitution] -> [Substitution] -> [Substitution]
combine left right = right' `merge` left
right' = map (subMap (applySubs left)) right
merge = unionBy ((==) `on` subName)
unify :: Type -> Type -> Either String [Substitution]
unify tyA tyB
| tyA == tyB = Right []
| otherwise =
case (tyA, tyB) of
(TLam argA bodyA, TLam argB bodyB) -> do
argSub <- unify argA argB
bodySub <- unify (applySubs argSub bodyA)
(applySubs argSub bodyB)
Right $ combine bodySub argSub
(TVar name, ty) -> Right $ [Substitution name ty]
(ty, TVar name) -> Right $ [Substitution name ty]
otherwise -> Left ("Cannot unify `" ++ show tyA ++ "` with `" ++ show tyB ++ "`")
solve :: [Constraint] -> Either String [Substitution]
solve = go []
go final [] = Right final
go final (Constraint a b:cs) = do
sub <- unify a b
go (combine sub final)
(map (cmap $ applySubs sub) cs)
stdLib =
[ ("add", TLam intTy (TLam intTy intTy))
, ("gt", TLam intTy (TLam intTy boolTy))
, ("if", TLam boolTy (TLam (TVar "a") (TLam (TVar "a") (TVar "a"))))
, ("fix", TLam (TLam (TVar "b") (TVar "b")) (TVar "b"))
emptyConState = ConState 0 stdLib
infer :: Expr -> Either String Type
infer expr =
let (ty, ctrs) = evalState (constrain expr) emptyConState
in (\cs -> applySubs cs ty) <$> solve ctrs
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