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Created April 20, 2012 19:41
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(ns ^{ :doc "Library implemented eventual value abstraction."
:author "Irakli Gozalishvili" }
(defprotocol IDeferred
"Protocol for deferred values"
(-realize [this value] "Resolves deferred with this value"))
(defprotocol IEventual
"Protocol for eventual values"
[this realized]
[this realized rejected]
"Returns new eventual value that is realized into
`realized(@this)` if this is promise is realized or realized into
`rejected(@this)` if this promise is rejected. If rejected is not
passed than rejection will propagate to a returned one.")
(-when [this realized rejected]
"Registers observers for `resolved` or `rejected` handler depending on promise state"))
;; Default implementation of IEventual for all types just fulfills
;; value with itself. Most imprtantly it provides implementation of
;; -then that every data type can get for free by just providing
;; -when.
(extend-type default
;; If no observers registered then returned promise will be
;; exact equivalent so we just return this.
([this] this)
;; If rejection observer is not provided we fallback to identity.
;; This way rejections will propagate through the promise chain.
([this realize] (-then this realize identity))
([this realize reject]
;; We wrap both listeners into `attempt` that will return
;; rejeciton of thrown error. That way exceptions in listeners
;; will propaget to resulting promise.
(let [realized (attempt realize)
rejected (attempt reject)
deferred (defer nil)]
;; when this eventual value is realized we fulfill resulting
;; promise into return value of a listener.
(-when this
#(-realize deferred (realized %))
#(-realize deferred (rejected %)))
;; we return dereferrenced promise, that way if promise is
;; already delivered we will return actual value instead of
;; eventual one.
;; Default implementation assumes that `this` is not eventual
;; so we just resolve imeddiately.
(-when [this realized _] (realized this)))
;; Implementation for nil and js/Object assume that all values are
;; non-eventual meaning that they are realized, there for they just
;; return / resolve to themselfs.
(extend-type nil
(-then [this realize _] (realize this))
(-when [this realized _] (realized this)))
;; All errors are rejections, meaning that if value was realized
;; to error it means it was rejected. There for errors reject with
;; themself.
(extend-type js/Error
(-when [this _ rejected] (rejected this)))
;; We define special `Deferred` type that will implement both
;; IDeferred and IEventual protocols. Values of this type may
;; be created to represent eventual results. Like content that
;; eventually will be read form the server asynchrously. These
;; are basically promises that can be delivered using `deliver`
;; funciton only once. Dereferencing deferreds returns either
;; fulfillment value (if realized) or deferred itself if pending.
(deftype Deferred [meta state observers]
(-meta [this] meta)
(-equiv [this other] (identical? this other))
(-realized? [this] (:done @state))
(-deref [this]
;; FIX: if promise resolved with a promise fulfillment `value`
;; will be a promise so dereferencing this will return a promise
;; instead of expected value.
(if (-realized? this) (:value @state) this))
(-pr-seq [this opts]
(concat ["#<Deferred: "]
(if (-realized? this) "realized" "pending") ">"))
(-realize [this value]
;; Deferreds can be realized only once.
(if-not (-realized? this)
(reset! state { :done true, :value value })
;; Once realized all observers are notified. Please note that
;; observers are not called instead they are registered as
;; observers on the fulfillment value. This way if promise is
;; resolved with another promise resolution value will
;; propagate.
(doseq [{ realize :realize reject :reject } @observers]
(-when value realize reject))
(reset! observers nil)
(-when [this realized rejected]
(if (-realized? this)
(-when @this realized rejected)
(swap! observers conj {:realize realized, :reject rejected}))))
;; Decorator takes `f` function and wraps it so that returned
;; function returns result of (apply f ...) or an error if
;; error was thrown by `f`.
(defn attempt [f]
(fn [& rest] (try (apply f rest)(catch js/Error error error))))
(defn defer [meta]
(Deferred. meta (atom { :done false }) (atom [])))
;; Fufilles given deferred with a value.
(defn realize [deferred value] (-realize deferred value))
;; throws exception with a given message string.
(defn raise [message] (throw (js/Error. message)))
(defn group [promises]
(reduce (fn [promises promise]
(fn [value]
(fn [values] (conj values value))))))
[] promises))
;; Executes `f` with rest of the args once they are realized and
;; returns eventual value that is realized with (apply f args).
;; If any of the args is rejected rejection will propagate to the
;; returned result.
(defn ! [f & input]
(-then (group input)
(fn [ args ] (apply f args))))
;; Allows `f` to recover from errors. Kind of try-catch for
;; the eventual values. `f` is called only if eventual is
;; rejected passing a rejeciton reason to `f`. Returned
;; promise will be realized to whatever `f` will return once
;; called. If eventual is not rejected that returned value
;; will be identical to given `eventual`.
(defn ?! [f eventual] (-then eventual identity f))
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Gozala commented Apr 21, 2012


;; make an eventual value `a`
(def a (defer))           ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; make eventual result `b` of (+ a 2)
(def b (! + a 2))         ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; make eventual result `c` of (+ b a 17)
(def c (! + b a 17))    ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; once `c` is realized print it 
(! print c)                   ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; realize `a` with `11`
(realize a 11)

;; eventually prints

;; errors / rejections propagate through promise chains

;; make eventual value for (raise "Boom!") that throws exception 
(def e (! raise "Boom!"))         ;;  #<Error: Boom!>
(def a2 (! + e 13))                   ;; #<Error: Boom!>
(def b2 (! + a2 7))                   ;; #<Error: Boom!>

(?! #(print "Failed:" %) b2)     ;; nil

;; Will print
Error: Boom!

;; Also eventual errors are supported

(def e2 (defer))                                                                 ;; #<Deferred: pending>
(def a3 (! + e2 11))                                                            ;; #<Deferred: pending>
(def b3 (! - a2 a3))                                                            ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; handle error and recover

(def r (?! #(do (print "Recovering from: " %) 17) b3))       ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; print `r` once resolved
(! print r)                                                                            ;; #<Deferred: pending>

;; reject into e2
(realize e2 (js/Error. "Brax"))

;; prints
Recovering from:  #<Error: Brax>

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