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Created September 14, 2011 17:36
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slowly Haskell code for Slide Puzzle of Google DevQuiz
date : 2011
author : Katsumi ISHIDA (isis331)
output sample
>runghc ./devquizslide.hs True 30 3 3 168452=30
import System
swap_elm :: Int -> Int -> [a] -> [a]
swap_elm x y d@(c:cs) = swap_elm' x y swxc swyc d
swxc = d!!(x-1)
swyc = d!!(y-1)
swap_elm' :: Int -> Int -> a -> a -> [a] -> [a]
swap_elm' x y swxc swyc [] = []
swap_elm' 0 0 swxc swyc d@(c:cs) = c : swap_elm' 0 0 swxc swyc cs
swap_elm' 0 1 swxc swyc d@(c:cs) = swxc : swap_elm' 0 0 swxc swyc cs
swap_elm' 0 y swxc swyc d@(c:cs) = c : swap_elm' 0 (y - 1) swxc swyc cs
swap_elm' 1 y swxc swyc d@(c:cs) = swyc : swap_elm' 0 (y - 1) swxc swyc cs
swap_elm' x y swxc swyc d@(c:cs) = c : swap_elm' (x - 1) (y - 1) swxc swyc cs
sort :: (Ord a) => [a] -> [a]
sort (x:xs) = lr ++ x:gr
lr = sort [ y | y <- xs, y < x]
gr = sort [ y | y <- xs, y >= x]
sort _ = []
lesserByLength :: [a] -> [a] -> Bool
lesserByLength [] [] = False
lesserByLength xs [] = False
lesserByLength [] ys = True
lesserByLength (x:xs) (y:ys) = lesserByLength xs ys
fsort :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
fsort f (x:xs) = lesser ++ x:greater
lesser = fsort f [y| y <- xs, (f y x) ]
greater = fsort f [y| y <- xs, not (f y x) ]
fsort f [] = []
findpos :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
findpos x [] = 0
findpos x (y : ys) | x == y = 1
| otherwise = 1 + findpos x ys
get_eqs_pos :: [Char] -> [Int]
get_eqs_pos cs = get_eqs_pos_ 0 cs
get_eqs_pos_ :: Int -> [Char] -> [Int]
get_eqs_pos_ pos [] = []
get_eqs_pos_ pos (c : cs)
| c == '=' = (pos+1) : get_eqs_pos_ (pos + 1) cs
| otherwise = get_eqs_pos_ (pos + 1) cs
erase_eqs :: [Char] -> [Char]
erase_eqs [] = []
erase_eqs (c:cs) | c == '=' = erase_eqs cs
| c == '0' = erase_eqs cs
| otherwise = c : erase_eqs cs
insert_eqs :: [Int] -> [Char] -> [Char]
insert_eqs ps cs = insert_eqs_ 1 ps cs
insert_eqs_ :: Int -> [Int] -> [Char] -> [Char]
insert_eqs_ pos ps [] = [] -- error
insert_eqs_ pos [] cs = cs ++ ['0']
insert_eqs_ pos (p:ps) str@(c:cs)
| pos == p = '=' : insert_eqs_ (pos+1) ps str
| otherwise = c : insert_eqs_ (pos+1) (p:ps) cs
getgoal :: [Char] -> [Char]
getgoal [] = []
getgoal str@(x : xs) = insert_eqs eqspos (sort (erased))
eqspos = get_eqs_pos str
erased = erase_eqs str
get_goal_permutation_ :: [Char] -> [Char] -> Int -> [Int]
get_goal_permutation_ [] gs k = []
get_goal_permutation_ (x : xs) gs k
| x == '=' = (k+1): (get_goal_permutation_ xs gs (k+1))
| otherwise = (findpos x gs) : (get_goal_permutation_ xs gs (k+1))
get_permutation pattern1 pattern2 = get_goal_permutation_ pattern1 pattern2 0
get_goal_permutation pattern = get_permutation pattern (getgoal pattern)
find_positions :: Ord a => [(a,a)] -> a -> [Int]
find_positions [] x = []
find_positions path x = reverse (find_positions' path x 1 [])
find_positions' [] x pos acc = acc
find_positions' path@(p@(f,s):ps) x pos acc
| x == s = find_positions' ps x (pos+1) (pos : acc)
| otherwise = find_positions' ps x (pos+1) acc
check_skippath :: [[Int]] -> [Int] -> Bool
check_skippath [] ps = False
check_skippath ctss@(ts:tss) ps = or (map (check) ctss)
-- matchhead_ :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
matchhead_ [] [] = True
matchhead_ ps [] = True
matchhead_ [] ts = False
matchhead_ (p:ps) (t:ts)
| p == t = matchhead_ ps ts
| otherwise = False
check ts = (matchhead_ ps ts)
transpositions_tpl :: Int -> Int -> [Char] -> [(Int,Int)]
transpositions_tpl x y xs =
[ (p,q) |
p <- [1 .. (x * y)], (xs!!(p-1)) /= '=',
q <- [1 .. (x * y)], (xs!!(q-1)) /= '=',
( ((p == q + 1) && (q `mod` x) /= 0)
|| ((p == q - 1) && (p `mod` x) /= 0)
|| (p == q-x)
|| (p == q+x))
make_transpositions_tpl_seq :: Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Int -> [[(Int,Int)]]
make_transpositions_tpl_seq d transs start
= (map_ (make_transpositions_tpl_seq' d transs) (make_start_transpositions start))
-- make_skippathpattern_sub :: Int -> [Int]
make_skippathpattern_sub t = map ((*)(t)) [1..2]
-- make_skippathpattern :: Int -> Int -> [[Int]]
make_skippathpattern {- x y -} = map make_skippathpattern_sub [4..80]
cts = make_skippathpattern {- x y -}
--make_next :: (a,a) -> [(a,a)]
make_next previous@(p@(prev,start):ps)
= [ (p,q) | (p,q) <- transs, p == start && q /= prev, not (check_skippath cts (find_positions previous q)) ]
-- make_next_lst :: [(a,a)] -> [[(a,a)]]
make_next_lst prev@(p:ps) = map (:prev) (make_next prev)
make_next_lst_first prev@(p:ps) = map (:[]) (make_next prev)
make_start_transpositions start = map_ (\x->[x]) (make_next_lst_first [(0,start)])
-- map_ :: ([a] -> [[a]]) -> [[a]] -> [[a]]
map_ f [] = []
map_ f (x:xs) = (f x) ++ (map_ f xs)
-- make_transpositions_tpl_seq' :: Int -> [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)] -> [[(a,a)]]
make_transpositions_tpl_seq' 0 transs prev = []
make_transpositions_tpl_seq' d transs prev
= (map reverse (make_next_lst prev)) ++ (map_ (make_transpositions_tpl_seq' (d-1) transs) (make_next_lst prev))
make_transpositions_tpl_seq_from_pattern :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> [[(Int,Int)]]
make_transpositions_tpl_seq_from_pattern d x y pattern =
make_transpositions_tpl_seq d (transpositions_tpl x y pattern) st
st = findpos '0' pattern
solve_by_transpositions_tpl_seq :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> Int -> [Char] -> [(Int,Int)]
solve_by_transpositions_tpl_seq bydepth d x y pattern
| bydepth = map_ (check_ start) pathlist
| otherwise = map_ (check_ start) (fsort lesserByLength pathlist)
st = findpos '0' pattern
start = get_goal_permutation pattern
goal = [1..(x*y)]
moves :: [a] -> [(Int,Int)] -> [a]
moves per path@(p0@(fst0,snd0):[]) = (swap_elm (min fst0 snd0) (max fst0 snd0) per)
moves per path@(p0@(fst0,snd0):p1@(fst1,snd1):ps)
| fst0 /= fst1 = moves (swap_elm (min fst0 fst1) (max fst0 fst1) per) (p1:ps)
| otherwise = moves per (p1:ps)
check_ start path
| goal == (moves start path) = path
| otherwise = []
map_ f [] = []
map_ f (x:xs)
| r == [] = map_ f xs
| otherwise = r
where r = f x
pathlist = (make_transpositions_tpl_seq_from_pattern d x y pattern)
main :: IO ()
main = do
args <- getArgs
if ((length args) < 5)
print "runghc ./devquizslide.hs bydepth depth w h pattern"
print (solve_by_transpositions_tpl_seq (read (args!!0)::Bool) (read (args!!1)::Int) (read (args!!2)::Int) (read (args!!3)::Int) (args!!4))
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