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Created May 16, 2012 20:43
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Weird type/syntax checker/walker thing
(ns l-seed.syntax)
(defn- fixed-seq [syntax]
(take-while #(not= :& %) syntax))
(defn- multi-seq [syntax]
(second (drop-while #(not= :& %) syntax)))
(defn- extend-seq-syntax
"Turn [fixed-seq :& multi-seq] into [fixed-seq multi-seq multi-seq ...] to match ast"
[syntax ast]
(let [fixed-seq (fixed-seq syntax)
multi-seq (multi-seq syntax)
repeats (- (count ast) (count fixed-seq))]
(concat fixed-seq (repeat repeats multi-seq))))
(defn- walk* [f name syntax ast] ;; name is the last var encountered
(if (var? syntax)
(recur f syntax @syntax ast)
;; a literal symbol
(symbol? syntax) (f name :literal syntax ast)
;; a primitive type (eg :integer)
(keyword? syntax) (f name :type syntax ast)
;; a union of literal symbols
(set? syntax) (f name :union syntax ast)
;; a sequence of types
(vector? syntax) (let [new-ast (dorun (map #(walk* f name %1 %2) (extend-seq-syntax syntax ast) ast))]
(f name :seq syntax ast))
;; a tagged union of types
(map? syntax) (let [tag (first ast)
sub-ast (rest ast)
sub-syntax (get syntax tag)
new-ast (walk* f name sub-syntax sub-ast)]
(f name :tagged-union syntax (cons tag new-ast))))))
(defn walk [f syntax ast]
(walk* f nil syntax ast))
(defn- check* [name kind syntax ast]
(assert syntax)
(assert ast)
(condp = kind
:literal (assert (= syntax ast))
:type (condp = syntax
:integer (assert (integer? ast))
:string (assert (string? ast)))
:union (assert (contains? syntax ast))
:seq (assert (if (multi-seq syntax)
(<= (count (fixed-seq syntax)) (count ast))
(= (count (fixed-seq syntax)) (count ast))))
:tagged-union (assert (contains? syntax (first ast))))
(defn check [syntax ast]
(walk check* syntax ast))
(ns l-seed.genotype)
(def name :string)
(def tag :string)
(def global
#{'length 'direction})
(def relation
#{'== '> '>= '< '<=})
(def condition
{'and [:& #'condition]
'or [:& #'condition]
'not [#'condition]
'tag [#'tag]
'stem [#'global #'relation :integer]})
(def action
{'grow-by [:integer]
'grow-to [:integer]
'turn [:integer]
'tag [#'tag]
'blossom [#'tag]
'branch [:& [:& #'action]]})
(def rule
{'rule [#'name #'condition :& #'action]})
(def syntax
[:& #'rule])
(in-ns 'user)
'[(rule "blossom"
(and (tag "blossoming")
(stem length > 6))
(tag "blossomed")
(blossom "sprout"))])
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