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Created November 17, 2019 06:54
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"modeline": "/* vim: set ft=json: */ ",
"layer": "top",
"modules-left": ["sway/workspaces", "sway/mode", "custom/media"],
"modules-right": ["idle_inhibitor", "pulseaudio", "network", "cpu", "memory", "temperature", "backlight", "battery", "clock", "tray"],
"sway/workspaces": {
"all-outputs": true,
"format": "{name}:{icon}",
"format-icons": {
"urgent": "",
"focused": "",
"default": ""
"sway/mode": {
"format": "<span style=\"italic\">{}</span>"
"idle_inhibitor": {
"format": "{icon}",
"format-icons": {
"activated": "",
"deactivated": ""
"tray": {
"icon-size": 21,
"spacing": 5
"clock": {
"tooltip-format": "{:%Y-%m-%d | %H:%M}",
"format": "{:%F %T %Z}"
"cpu": {
"format": "{usage}% ",
"tooltip": false
"memory": {
"format": "{}% "
"temperature": {
"thermal-zone": 1,
"critical-threshold": 80,
"format": "{temperatureC}°C {icon}",
"format-icons": ["", "", ""]
"backlight": {
"format": "{percent}% {icon}",
"format-icons": [
"on-scroll-up": "light -A 1",
"on-scroll-down": "light -U 1"
"battery": {
"bat": "BAT0",
"states": {
"good": 95,
"warning": 30,
"critical": 15
"format": "{capacity}% {icon}",
"format-charging": "{capacity}% ",
"format-plugged": "{capacity}% ",
"format-alt": "{time} {icon}",
"format-icons": ["", "", "", "", ""]
"network": {
"format-wifi": "{essid} ({signalStrength}%) ",
"format-ethernet": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr} ",
"format-linked": "{ifname} (No IP) ",
"format-disconnected": "Disconnected ⚠",
"format-alt": "{ifname}: {ipaddr}/{cidr}"
"pulseaudio": {
"format": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
"format-bluetooth": "{volume}% {icon} {format_source}",
"format-bluetooth-muted": " {icon} {format_source}",
"format-muted": " {format_source}",
"format-source": "{volume}% ",
"format-source-muted": "",
"format-icons": {
"headphones": "",
"handsfree": "",
"headset": "",
"phone": "",
"portable": "",
"car": "",
"default": ["", "", ""]
"on-click": "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle",
"on-scroll-up": "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +1%",
"on-scroll-down": "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -1%"
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