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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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# refer:
jsDir = "js"
ignoreDirs = [
destFile = "js/main"
fs = require "fs"
path = require "path"
util = require "util"
{spawn, exec} = require "child_process"
which = require('which').sync
catch err
if process.platform.match(/^win/)?
console.log 'WARNING: the which module is required for windows\ntry: npm install which'
which = null
# ANSI Terminal Colors
bold = '\x1b[0;1m'
green = '\x1b[0;32m'
reset = '\x1b[0m'
red = '\x1b[0;31m'
option "-m", "--map", "generate source map and save as .map files"
# Tasks
task 'build', 'compile source', (options) ->
build false, (-> log "Compile successful :-)", green), useMapping: useMapping =
# Internal Functions
log = (message, color, explanation) -> console.log color + message + reset + ' ' + (explanation or '')
launch = (cmd, options=[], callback) ->
cmd = which(cmd) if which
app = spawn cmd, options
app.on 'exit', (status) ->
if status is 0
log "Compile failed", red
coffeeInDir = (dir) ->
coffeeRe = /^([^\.].*)\.coffee$/
files = fs.readdirSync dir
rtn = {}
return null if dir in (e) ->
return path.join jsDir, e
for f in files
joinf = path.join dir, f
if fs.statSync(joinf).isDirectory()
d = coffeeInDir joinf
rtn[f] = d if d? and Object.keys(d).length
continue if joinf in (e) ->
return path.join jsDir, e
continue if joinf is "#{destFile}.coffee"
match = f.match coffeeRe
rtn[match[1]] = null if match?
return rtn
enumerateClasses = (obj, prefix) ->
reformat = (obj) ->
rtn = {}
for k, v of obj
sp = k.split('.')
post = sp.slice(1).join('.')
if sp.length > 1
ob = {}
ob[sp.slice(1).join('.')] = v
rtn[sp[0]] = reformat(ob)
if v? and typeof v is 'object'
rtn[k] = reformat(v)
else if v is null
rtn[k] = v
return if Object.keys(rtn).length then rtn else null
joinDot = (prefix, suffix) ->
toUpper = (str) ->
return str.substr(0,1).toUpperCase() + str.substr(1)
return if prefix? then (prefix + '.' + toUpper(suffix)) else toUpper(suffix)
rtn = []
for k, v of reformat(obj)
if v? and typeof v is 'object'
rtn.push joinDot(prefix, k)
arr = enumerateClasses v, joinDot(prefix, k)
rtn = rtn.concat arr
else if v is null
rtn.push joinDot(prefix, k)
return rtn
enumerateFiles = (obj, dir) ->
rtn = []
for k, v of obj
if v? and typeof v is 'object'
arr = enumerateFiles v, path.join(dir, k)
rtn = rtn.concat arr
else if v is null
rtn.push path.join(dir, k) + '.coffee'
return rtn
build = (watch, callback, {useMapping} = {}) ->
coffees = coffeeInDir jsDir
firstScript = enumerateClasses(coffees).map (e) ->
return "#{e} = {} unless #{e}?\n"
fs.writeFile "#{destFile}.coffee", firstScript, (err) ->
throw err if err
for filename in enumerateFiles(coffees, jsDir)
buf = fs.readFileSync filename
fs.appendFileSync "#{destFile}.coffee", "\n\n# #{filename}\n\n" + buf
useMapping ?= false
if typeof watch is 'function'
callback = watch
watch = false
options = ['-c', "#{destFile}.coffee"]
options.unshift '-m' if useMapping
options.unshift '-w' if watch
launch 'coffee', options, callback
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