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Last active August 17, 2016 16:43
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"Le compte est bon" resolver ("the total is right", see
## Yassine chaouche
## Jun 16 2012 - 19:21
import sys
def main():
numbers = sys.argv[1:-1]
result = sys.argv[-1]
solutions = []
iterations = 0
found = False
for possibility in combo(numbers):
possibility = possibility[1:-1] # removes protecting parentheses
evaluation = evaluate(possibility)
if evaluation !=None and int(evaluation) == int(result):
print "found one solution after %s tries" % (number_pprint(iterations)),possibility," = ",result
found = True
iterations += 1
if not found:
string = "there seems to be no solution to this problem. I've exhausted all %s combinations (for %s numbers)"
print string % (iterations,len(sys.argv[1:-1]))
for s in solutions :
print s, "=", result
string = "found %s solutions to this problem amongst a total of %s possible combinations (%s numbers)"
print string % (number_pprint(len(solutions)),number_pprint(iterations),len(sys.argv[1:-1]))
def evaluate(expression):
if is_number(expression):
return int(expression)
left,operation,right = tokenize(expression)
if left != None and right != None and operation != None and is_operation(operation):
return do_op(evaluate(remove_parens(left)),operation,evaluate(remove_parens(right)))
def tokenize(s):
s = remove_spaces(s)
if s[0] not in ('(',')') :
# we're reading a number
# XXX : it can't be an operand otherwise the expression is malformed -> crash
first = read_number(s)
second = s[len(first)]
third = s[len(first)+1:]
# we're reading an expression
pos = next_token(s)
first = s[0:pos+1]
second = s[pos+1]
third = s[pos+2:]
return first,second,third
def next_token(s):
n = 0
pos = 0
for x in s:
if x == '(':
n += 1
elif x == ')':
n -= 1
if n == 0:
# function should always exit here
return pos
pos += 1
# this should only happen when parentheses are unablanced
return pos
def read_number(s):
c = ""
while s[0].isdigit():
c += s[0]
s = s[1:] # s++;
return c
def do_op(left,operation,right):
# TODO : Can we optimise thise function a little bit and get rid of all those ifs ?
# print "do_op(%s,%s,%s)" % (left,operation,right)
if left == None or right == None: # Left or Right might be None in a case of a previous
return # impossible operation, like division by zero.
if operation == "+" :
return left + right
elif operation == "*" :
return left * right
elif operation == "/" :
if right != 0 :
result = left / right
if not left % right : # we don't allow fractions
return result
elif operation == "-" :
return left - right
def is_number(s):
return s.isdigit()
def is_operation(s):
return s in ["+","/","*","-"]
def remove_spaces(s):
return "".join(s.split(" "))
def is_parenthized(s):
return s.startswith("(")
def remove_parens(s):
# defensive programming
if is_parenthized(s) :
return s[1:-1]
return s
def combo(S):
if len(S) == 2: # If there's only two numbers remaining in the stack
for c in _combo(S[0],S[1]):
yield ("("+c+")")
original = list(S)
for e in original:
#s = combo(S) # don't throw away the yields ! use the generator
for es in combo(S) :
for c in _combo(e,es):
yield ("("+c+")")
def _combo(a,b):
L = []
#L.append( b+"+"+a) # addition and multiplication are abelian,
#L.append( b+"*"+a) # no need to repeat them
return L
def number_pprint(number):
string_number = list(str(number))
i = 0
result = []
while string_number:
if i and not (i % 3):
n = string_number.pop()
i += 1
return "".join(result)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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