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Created June 20, 2012 11:45
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Helper to add networks to the IntranetSubNetwork Plugin for Piwik - Also updating previous entries in the database. See .
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from sys import exit
from platform import system
import ipaddress
# see
# and
except ImportError:
print(" This script needs to be run with Python3.3 or newer in order to have the new ipaddress module.")
def help_with_name_and_nets(netName, text):
nets = evaluate_text_containing_networks(text)
if len(nets) == 0:
print("Could not detect any networks in your input. Check it again. Exiting.")
print_PHP(netName, nets)
print_SQL(netName, nets)
def evaluate_text_containing_networks(text):
fragments = []
for line in text.split("\n"):
fragments += line.split(' ')
nets = []
for fragment in fragments:
net = None
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(fragment, strict=False)
net = ipaddress.IPv4Network(fragment, strict=False)
net = ipaddress.IPv6Network(fragment, strict=False)
if not net:
print("Could not parse IP/network " + fragment)
return nets
def print_PHP(netName, nets):
print("""\nHere are the lines that you have to add to the IntranetSubNetwork
plugin to match the network '%s' from now on:\n""".replace(' ','') % netName)
for ip in nets:
print(" if (Piwik_IP::isIpInRange($visitorInfo['location_ip'], array('%s'))) { $networkName = '%s'; }" % (ip, netName))
def print_SQL(netName, nets):
print("""\nHere is the SQL statement you have to
run in your Piwik database in order to update
older entries to the network name '%s'.
Also you have to remove the archived blob
tables afterwards and recalculate the archive.\n""".replace(' ','') % netName)
sql = create_single_SQL(netName, nets)
#sql = create_multi_SQL(netName, nets)
# print the indented SQL commands:
print("\n".join([" "+line for line in sql.split("\n")]) + "\n")
def create_multi_SQL(netName, nets):
Create SQL commands for the Piwik plugin IntranetSubNetwork.
This function creates multiple SQL commands that updates the old entries.
The commands have the same effect as running the single SQL created by create_single_SQL().
sql_v4 = """
UPDATE `piwik_log_visit`
SET `location_IntranetSubNetwork`='%s'
conv(hex(location_ip), 16,10) >= INET_ATON('%s') AND conv(hex(location_ip), 16,10) <= INET_ATON('%s');
sql_v6 = """
UPDATE `piwik_log_visit`
SET `location_IntranetSubNetwork`='%s'
location_ip >= x'%s' AND location_ip <= x'%s';
sql = ""
for ip in nets:
if ip.version == 4:
sql += sql_v4 % (netName, ip[0], ip[-1])
else: # IPv6
sql += sql_v6 % (netName, "{:032x}".format(int(ip[0])), "{:032x}".format(int(ip[-1])))
return sql.replace(' ','')
def create_single_SQL(netName, nets):
Create an SQL command for the Piwik plugin IntranetSubNetwork.
This function creates a single SQL command that updates the old entries.
This might take longer to run but is simpler.
sql = """
UPDATE `piwik_log_visit`
SET `location_IntranetSubNetwork`='%s'
""" % netName
conditions = []
for ip in nets:
if ip.version == 4:
conditions.append("( conv(hex(location_ip), 16,10) >= INET_ATON('%s') AND conv(hex(location_ip), 16,10) <= INET_ATON('%s') ) \n"
% (ip[0], ip[-1]) )
else: # IPv6
conditions.append("( location_ip >= x'%s' AND location_ip <= x'%s' )"
% ("{:032x}".format(int(ip[0])), "{:032x}".format(int(ip[-1]))) )
sql += "\n OR ".join(conditions)
sql += ";"
return sql.replace(' ','')
if __name__ == "__main__":
netName = input('Please enter a name for the networks: ')
eof_key = "[CTRL]-[Z] and [ENTER] again" if system() == 'Windows' else "[CTRL]-[D]"
print("Now you need to enter the networks that should match that network name.\n" \
"An example would be ' 2610:130:10:10::/64'.\n" \
"They can be separated by spaces and/or line breaks.\n" \
"Text that cannot be interpreted as an IP or IP network will be dropped.\n" \
"The networks you enter will be aggregated if possible.\n" \
"When finished, press [Enter] and %s:" % eof_key )
networks = []
import sys
for line in sys.stdin.readlines():
networks = "\n".join(networks)
help_with_name_and_nets(netName, networks)
if system() == 'Windows':
input("Press [Enter] to leave the tool.")
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