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Created June 21, 2012 11:28
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Free functors
, RankNTypes
, TypeOperators
, FlexibleInstances
, MultiParamTypeClasses
, UndecidableInstances
, ScopedTypeVariables
import Data.Constraint
import Data.Constraint.Forall
import Control.Monad
import Control.Comonad
import Data.Monoid hiding ((<>))
import Data.Default
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Foldable hiding (foldr1)
import Data.Traversable
newtype Free c a = Free { runFree :: forall b. c b => (a -> b) -> b }
leftAdjunct :: (Free c a -> b) -> a -> b
leftAdjunct f a = f (Free ($ a))
rightAdjunct :: c b => (a -> b) -> Free c a -> b
rightAdjunct f g = runFree g f
rightAdjunct' :: ForallF c f => (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b
rightAdjunct' = h instF rightAdjunct
h :: ForallF c f
=> (ForallF c f :- c (f b))
-> (c (f b) => (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b)
-> (a -> f b) -> Free c a -> f b
h (Sub Dict) f = f
rightAdjunct'' :: ForallT c t => (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b
rightAdjunct'' = h instT rightAdjunct
h :: ForallT c t
=> (ForallT c t :- c (t f b))
-> (c (t f b) => (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b)
-> (a -> t f b) -> Free c a -> t f b
h (Sub Dict) f = f
instance Functor (Free c) where
fmap f (Free g) = Free (g . (. f))
instance Applicative (Free c) where
pure = leftAdjunct id
fs <*> as = Free $ \k -> runFree fs (\f -> runFree as (k . f))
instance ForallF c (Free c) => Monad (Free c) where
return = pure
(>>=) = flip rightAdjunct'
instance (ForallF c Identity, ForallF c (Free c), ForallF c (Compose (Free c) (Free c)))
=> Comonad (Free c) where
extract = runIdentity . rightAdjunct' Identity
extend g = fmap g . getCompose . rightAdjunct' (Compose . return . return)
newtype LiftAFree c f a = LiftAFree { getLiftAFree :: f (Free c a) }
instance ForallT c (LiftAFree c) => Foldable (Free c) where
foldMap = foldMapDefault
instance ForallT c (LiftAFree c) => Traversable (Free c) where
traverse f = getLiftAFree . rightAdjunct'' (LiftAFree . fmap pure . f)
convert :: (c (f a), Applicative f) => Free c a -> f a
convert = rightAdjunct pure
type List = Free Monoid
instance Monoid (List a) where
mempty = Free $ pure mempty
Free fa `mappend` Free fb = Free $ liftA2 mappend fa fb
instance Applicative f => Monoid (LiftAFree Monoid f a) where
mempty = LiftAFree $ pure mempty
LiftAFree fa `mappend` LiftAFree fb = LiftAFree $ liftA2 mappend fa fb
toList :: List a -> [a]
toList = convert
type Opt = Free Default
instance Default (Opt a) where
def = Free def
toMaybe :: Opt a -> Maybe a
toMaybe = convert
type NonEmpty = Free Semigroup
instance Semigroup (NonEmpty a) where
Free fa <> Free fb = Free $ liftA2 (<>) fa fb
instance Semigroup (Identity a) where
a <> _ = a
instance Semigroup (Compose NonEmpty NonEmpty a) where
Compose l <> Compose r = Compose $ ((<> extract r) <$> l) <> r
toNonEmpty :: [a] -> NonEmpty a
toNonEmpty = foldr1 (<>) . map return
fromNonEmpty :: NonEmpty a -> [a]
fromNonEmpty = convert
test :: [Int]
test = fromNonEmpty $ extend (Prelude.sum . fromNonEmpty) $ (pure 1 <> pure 2) <> (pure 3 <> pure 4)
type f :~> g = forall b. f b -> g b
newtype HFree c f a = HFree { runHFree :: forall g. (c g, Functor g) => (f :~> g) -> g a }
hleftAdjunct :: (HFree c f :~> g) -> f :~> g
hleftAdjunct f fa = f (HFree $ \k -> k fa)
hrightAdjunct :: (c g, Functor g) => (f :~> g) -> HFree c f :~> g
hrightAdjunct f h = runHFree h f
instance Functor (HFree c f) where
fmap f (HFree g) = HFree (fmap f . g)
hfmap :: (f :~> g) -> HFree c f :~> HFree c g
hfmap f (HFree g) = HFree $ \k -> g (k . f)
liftFree :: f a -> HFree c f a
liftFree = hleftAdjunct id
lowerFree :: (c f, Functor f) => HFree c f a -> f a
lowerFree = hrightAdjunct id
hconvert :: (c (t f), Functor (t f), Monad f, MonadTrans t) => HFree c f a -> t f a
hconvert = hrightAdjunct lift
instance Monad (HFree Monad f) where
return a = HFree $ const (return a)
HFree f >>= g = HFree $ \k -> f k >>= (\a -> runHFree (g a) k)
instance Applicative (HFree Applicative f) where
pure a = HFree $ const (pure a)
HFree f <*> HFree g = HFree $ \k -> f k <*> g k
instance Applicative (HFree Alternative f) where
pure a = HFree $ const (pure a)
HFree f <*> HFree g = HFree $ \k -> f k <*> g k
instance Alternative (HFree Alternative f) where
empty = HFree $ const empty
HFree f <|> HFree g = HFree $ \k -> f k <|> g k
data Cofree c b where
Cofree :: c a => (a -> b) -> a -> Cofree c b
leftAdjunctCF :: c a => (a -> b) -> a -> Cofree c b
leftAdjunctCF f a = Cofree f a
rightAdjunctCF :: (a -> Cofree c b) -> a -> b
rightAdjunctCF f a = case f a of Cofree k a' -> k a'
leftAdjunctCF' :: ForallF c f => (f a -> b) -> f a -> Cofree c b
leftAdjunctCF' = h instF leftAdjunctCF
h :: ForallF c f
=> (ForallF c f :- c (f a))
-> (c (f a) => (f a -> b) -> f a -> Cofree c b)
-> (f a -> b) -> f a -> Cofree c b
h (Sub Dict) f = f
instance Functor (Cofree c) where
fmap f (Cofree k a) = Cofree (f . k) a
instance ForallF c (Cofree c) => Comonad (Cofree c) where
extract = rightAdjunctCF id
extend = leftAdjunctCF'
instance (ForallF c Identity, ForallF c (Cofree c), ForallF c (Compose (Cofree c) (Cofree c)))
=> Applicative (Cofree c) where
pure = leftAdjunctCF' runIdentity . Identity
(<*>) = ap
instance (ForallF c Identity, ForallF c (Cofree c), ForallF c (Compose (Cofree c) (Cofree c)))
=> Monad (Cofree c) where
return = pure
m >>= g = leftAdjunctCF' (extract . extract . getCompose) (Compose $ fmap g m)
convertCF :: (c (w a), Comonad w) => w a -> Cofree c a
convertCF wa = Cofree extract wa
class Action i s where
act :: i -> s -> s
type Automaton i = Cofree (Action i)
instance Action i (Automaton i o) where
act i (Cofree k s) = Cofree k (act i s)
instance Action i (Identity a) where
act _ = id
instance Action i (Compose (Automaton i) (Automaton i) o) where
act i = Compose . fmap (act i) . act i . getCompose
data ActionD i s = ActionD (i -> s -> s) s
instance Action i (ActionD i s) where
act i (ActionD f s) = ActionD f (f i s)
unfoldAutomaton :: (i -> s -> s) -> (s -> o) -> s -> Automaton i o
unfoldAutomaton fi fo = Cofree (\(ActionD _ s) -> fo s) . ActionD fi
type Stream = Automaton ()
unfoldStream :: (s -> (a, s)) -> s -> Stream a
unfoldStream f = unfoldAutomaton (const (snd . f)) (fst . f)
headS :: Stream a -> a
headS = extract
tailS :: Stream a -> Stream a
tailS = act ()
fromStream :: Stream a -> [a]
fromStream = map headS . iterate tailS
class Project a p where
project :: p -> a
type Prod a = Cofree (Project a)
instance Project a (Prod a b) where
project (Cofree _ p) = project p
instance Monoid m => Project m (Identity a) where
project _ = mempty
instance Monoid m => Project m (Compose (Prod m) (Prod m) a) where
project (Compose p) = project p `mappend` project (extract p)
class Inject b s where
inject :: b -> s
type Coprod b = Free (Inject b)
instance Inject b (Coprod b a) where
inject b = Free $ \_ -> inject b
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