This table contains all the custom keybindings added by qute2k, find default qutebrowser bindings here
Leader is mapped to Space by default
Shortcut | Action |
H | Switch to the previous tab |
J | Go forward in history |
K | Go back in history |
L | Switch to the next tab |
O | Open in new window |
P | Open in private window |
Q | Close the browser |
W | Clone tab in new window |
a | Enter insert mode |
t | Open in new tab |
Ctrl-+ | Zoom in |
Ctrl-- | Zoom out |
Meta-+ | Zoom in |
Meta-- | Zoom out |
Leader x | Quit the browser |
Shortcut | Action |
Leader cb | Toggle status bar visibility |
Leader cc | Edit configuration file |
Leader ch | Open help page |
Leader ci | Open GitHub page in new tab |
Leader cr | Reload configuration file |
Leader cs | Set command in command mode |
Leader ct | Toggle tab bar visibility |
Shortcut | Action |
Leader dd | Open devtools |
Leader de | Edit text |
Leader dc | Edit command in $EDITOR |
Leader df | Focus on devtools |
Leader dp | Take a screenshot |
Leader ds | View page source in editor |
Shortcut | Action |
Leader fc | Yank link |
Leader fd | Download video with youtube-dl |
Leader ff | Open link in new background tab |
Leader fi | Activate hints for inputs |
Leader fo | Open link in new window |
Leader fp | Open link in private window |
Leader fv | Open link in mpv |
Leader fy | Yank link |
Shortcut | Action |
Leader qd | Close current tab |
Leader qq | Close the browser |
Leader qr | Restart the browser |
Leader qt | Close other tabs |
Leader qw | Close other windows |
Shortcut | Action |
Leader ta | Add bookmark |
Leader tb | List bookmarks |
Leader tc | Clone current tab |
Leader td | Clone tab in new window |
Leader tg | Give tab to another window |
Leader th | View history |
Leader tm | Move tab to a new position |
Leader tp | Pin current tab |
Leader tt | Open tab switcher |
Leader tu | Undo last action |
Leader tw | Take tab from another window |
To edit keybindings visit:
Keybinding | Action |
DEFAULT | DuckDuckGo |
am | Amazon |
aw | Arch Linux |
bn | Bing |
dd | DuckDuckGo |
gg | |
gh | GitHub |
gho | GitHub Open |
ghp | GitHub PRs |
ghr | GitHub Repo |
jr | JIRA Ticket |
mp | Google Maps |
rd | |
rds | Reddit Sub |
rt | Rotten Tomatoes |
so | Stack Overflow |
sp | Spotify |
tw | |
ud | Urban Dictionary |
wk | Wikipedia |
yt | YouTube |
ytm | YouTube Music |