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Last active October 6, 2015 22:07
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/// VoxelList.cpp
/// Created by Davide Pasca - 2012/7/4
/// See the file "license.txt" that comes with this project for
/// copyright info.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "VoxelList.h"
//#define TEST_WORK
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
# define TWASSERT
# define TWASSERT_RET(_X_) if (!(_X_)) return
DFORCEINLINE u_int log2ceil( u_int val )
for (u_int i=0; i < 32; ++i)
if ( ((u_int)1<<i) >= val )
return i;
return (u_int)DNPOS;
VoxelList::VoxelList() :
void VoxelList::BuildFromTrigs( const DVec<Float3> &trigs, float baseUnit )
mBBoxMin = Float3( FLT_MAX );
mBBoxMax = Float3( -FLT_MAX );
TWASSERT( trigs.size() % 3 == 0 );
for (size_t i=0; i < trigs.size(); ++i)
mBBoxMin = DMin( mBBoxMin, trigs[i] );
mBBoxMax = DMax( mBBoxMax, trigs[i] );
Float3 bboxSiz = mBBoxMax - mBBoxMin;
mN0 = log2ceil( (u_int)ceilf(bboxSiz[0] / baseUnit) );
mN1 = log2ceil( (u_int)ceilf(bboxSiz[1] / baseUnit) );
mN2 = log2ceil( (u_int)ceilf(bboxSiz[2] / baseUnit) );
mCells.resize( 1 << (mN0 + mN1 + mN2) );
float nn0 = (float)(1 << mN0);
float nn1 = (float)(1 << mN1);
float nn2 = (float)(1 << mN2);
mUnit[0] = bboxSiz[0] / nn0;
mUnit[1] = bboxSiz[1] / nn1;
mUnit[2] = bboxSiz[2] / nn2;
mVS_LS[0] = (nn0-1) / (bboxSiz[0] ? bboxSiz[0] : 1);
mVS_LS[1] = (nn1-1) / (bboxSiz[1] ? bboxSiz[1] : 1);
mVS_LS[2] = (nn2-1) / (bboxSiz[2] ? bboxSiz[2] : 1);
// avoid picking a 0 potential 2D gementry aligned to some axis
float minUnit = FLT_MAX;
const float EPS = 0.0001f;
if ( mUnit[0] > EPS ) minUnit = DMin( minUnit, mUnit[0] );
if ( mUnit[1] > EPS ) minUnit = DMin( minUnit, mUnit[1] );
if ( mUnit[2] > EPS ) minUnit = DMin( minUnit, mUnit[2] );
TWASSERT_RET( minUnit > EPS && minUnit != FLT_MAX );
mOOUnitForTess = 1.f / minUnit * 0.25f;
for (size_t i=0, j=0; i < trigs.size(); i += 3, j += 1)
j );
DFORCEINLINE void VoxelList::addElem( const Float3 &pos, u_int idx )
(pos[0] >= mBBoxMin[0] && pos[0] <= mBBoxMax[0]) &&
(pos[1] >= mBBoxMin[1] && pos[1] <= mBBoxMax[1]) &&
(pos[2] >= mBBoxMin[2] && pos[2] <= mBBoxMax[2]) );
Float3 cellIdxF = (pos - mBBoxMin) * mVS_LS;
int cell0 = (int)cellIdxF[0];
int cell1 = (int)cellIdxF[1];
int cell2 = (int)cellIdxF[2];
cell0 >= 0 && cell0 < (1 << mN0) &&
cell1 >= 0 && cell1 < (1 << mN1) &&
cell2 >= 0 && cell2 < (1 << mN2) );
Cell &cell = mCells[
(cell2 << (mN1 + mN0)) +
(cell1 << mN0) +
cell0 ];
cell.mData.find_or_push_back( (u_short)idx );
void VoxelList::tessQuad(
const Float3 &p00,
const Float3 &p01,
const Float3 &p10,
const Float3 &p11,
u_int idx )
Float3 dh0 = p01 - p00;
Float3 dh1 = p11 - p10;
Float3 dv0 = p10 - p00;
Float3 dv1 = p11 - p01;
float msqr_h0 = DLengthSqr( dh0 );
float msqr_h1 = DLengthSqr( dh1 );
float msqr_v0 = DLengthSqr( dv0 );
float msqr_v1 = DLengthSqr( dv1 );
float maxh = sqrtf( DMax( msqr_h0, msqr_h1 ) );
float maxv = sqrtf( DMax( msqr_v0, msqr_v1 ) );
// degenerate case.. when it's a line or a point
static const float EPS = 0.0001f;
if ( maxh < EPS || maxv < EPS )
float nhf = ceilf( maxh * mOOUnitForTess );
float nvf = ceilf( maxv * mOOUnitForTess );
TWASSERT( nhf != 0 && nvf != 0 );
float oonhf = 1.f / nhf;
float oonvf = 1.f / nvf;
Float3 ddv0 = dv0 * oonvf;
Float3 ddv1 = dv1 * oonvf;
Float3 pv0 = p00;
Float3 pv1 = p01;
u_int nh = (u_int)nhf;
u_int nv = (u_int)nvf;
for (u_int i=0; i < nv; ++i, pv0 += ddv0, pv1 += ddv1)
Float3 ddh = (pv1 - pv0) * oonhf;
Float3 ph = pv0;
for (u_int j=0; j < nh; ++j, ph += ddh)
addElem( ph, idx );
void VoxelList::tessTri(
const Float3 &v0,
const Float3 &v1,
const Float3 &v2,
u_int idx )
Float3 mid = (v0 + v1 + v2) * (1.0f/3);
Float3 a = (v0 + v1) * 0.5f;
Float3 b = (v1 + v2) * 0.5f;
Float3 c = (v0 + v2) * 0.5f;
tessQuad( v0, a, c, mid, idx );
tessQuad( v1, a, b, mid, idx );
tessQuad( v2, b, c, mid, idx );
DFORCEINLINE void halfSpace(
Float3 &v,
const Float3 &d,
float lim,
u_int x,
u_int y0,
u_int y1 )
float adj = lim - v[x];
v[x] = lim;
if ( d[x] ) {
adj /= d[x];
v[y0] += adj * d[y0];
v[y1] += adj * d[y1];
bool VoxelList::clipLine( Float3 verts[2] ) const
const Float3 &v0 = verts[0];
const Float3 &v1 = verts[1];
// early check ..if both ends in the wrong quadrant
if ((v0[0] < mBBoxMin[0] && v1[0] < mBBoxMin[0]) ||
(v0[1] < mBBoxMin[1] && v1[1] < mBBoxMin[1]) ||
(v0[2] < mBBoxMin[2] && v1[2] < mBBoxMin[2]) ||
(v0[0] > mBBoxMax[0] && v1[0] > mBBoxMax[0]) ||
(v0[1] > mBBoxMax[1] && v1[1] > mBBoxMax[1]) ||
(v0[2] > mBBoxMax[2] && v1[2] > mBBoxMax[2]) )
return false;
// do the half-space clipping
for (int i=0; i < 2; ++i)
Float3 &v = verts[i];
if ( v[0] < mBBoxMin[0] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMin[0], 0, 1, 2 );
if ( v[1] < mBBoxMin[1] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMin[1], 1, 2, 0 );
if ( v[2] < mBBoxMin[2] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMin[2], 2, 0, 1 );
if ( v[0] > mBBoxMax[0] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMax[0], 0, 1, 2 );
if ( v[1] > mBBoxMax[1] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMax[1], 1, 2, 0 );
if ( v[2] > mBBoxMax[2] ) halfSpace( v, verts[1]-verts[0], mBBoxMax[2], 2, 0, 1 );
// last check.. returns false if it's still outside
// (different ends outside different quadrants and line doesn't intersect bbox)
v0[0] >= mBBoxMin[0] && v0[1] >= mBBoxMin[1] && v0[2] >= mBBoxMin[2] &&
v0[0] <= mBBoxMax[0] && v0[1] <= mBBoxMax[1] && v0[2] <= mBBoxMax[2] &&
v1[0] >= mBBoxMin[0] && v1[1] >= mBBoxMin[1] && v1[2] >= mBBoxMin[2] &&
v1[0] <= mBBoxMax[0] && v1[1] <= mBBoxMax[1] && v1[2] <= mBBoxMax[2];
bool VoxelList::FindClosestNonEmptyCellCtr(
const Float3 &posLS,
Float3 &out_foundCellCenterLS ) const
int nn0 = 1 << mN0;
int nn1 = 1 << mN1;
int nn2 = 1 << mN2;
// position to check in Voxel Space
Float3 posVS = mVS_LS * (posLS - mBBoxMin);
float closestSqr = FLT_MAX;
Float3 closestCtrVS( 0, 0, 0 );
for (int i2=0; i2 < nn2; ++i2)
for (int i1=0; i1 < nn1; ++i1)
for (int i0=0; i0 < nn0; ++i0)
const Cell &cell = mCells[
(i2 << (mN1 + mN0)) +
(i1 << mN0) +
i0 ];
// make sure that it's not empty
if NOT( cell.mData.size() )
// center of the cell in Voxel Space
Float3 cellCtrVS(
((float)i0+0.5f) * mUnit[0],
((float)i1+0.5f) * mUnit[1],
((float)i2+0.5f) * mUnit[2] );
float distSqr = DLengthSqr( cellCtrVS - posVS );
if ( distSqr < closestSqr )
closestSqr = distSqr;
closestCtrVS = cellCtrVS;
if ( closestSqr == FLT_MAX )
return false;
// give out the center of the cell in Local Space
out_foundCellCenterLS = closestCtrVS * mUnit + mBBoxMin;
return true;
const DVec<VoxelList::Cell *>
&VoxelList::CheckLine( const Float3 &lineSta, const Float3 &lineEnd )
// clip local-space line
Float3 clipped[2] = { lineSta, lineEnd };
if NOT( clipLine( clipped ) )
return mCheckRes; // just get out
// voxel-space line
Float3 vox[] = {
(clipped[0] - mBBoxMin) * mVS_LS,
(clipped[1] - mBBoxMin) * mVS_LS
TWASSERT( (int)vox[0][0] >= 0 && (int)vox[0][0] < (int)(1 << mN0) );
TWASSERT( (int)vox[0][1] >= 0 && (int)vox[0][1] < (int)(1 << mN1) );
TWASSERT( (int)vox[0][2] >= 0 && (int)vox[0][2] < (int)(1 << mN2) );
TWASSERT( (int)vox[1][0] >= 0 && (int)vox[1][0] < (int)(1 << mN0) );
TWASSERT( (int)vox[1][1] >= 0 && (int)vox[1][1] < (int)(1 << mN1) );
TWASSERT( (int)vox[1][2] >= 0 && (int)vox[1][2] < (int)(1 << mN2) );
Float3 diff = vox[1] - vox[0];
u_int ia, ta;
u_int ib, tb;
u_int ic, tc;
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
u_int nna, nnb, nnc;
float adiff0 = fabs( diff[0] );
float adiff1 = fabs( diff[1] );
float adiff2 = fabs( diff[2] );
if ( adiff0 > adiff1 )
if ( adiff0 > adiff2 ) {
ia = 0; ta = 0;
ib = 1; tb = mN0;
ic = 2; tc = mN0 + mN1;
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
nna = 1 << mN0;
nnb = 1 << mN1;
nnc = 1 << mN2;
} else {
ia = 2; ta = mN0 + mN1;
ib = 0; tb = 0;
ic = 1; tc = mN0;
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
nna = 1 << mN2;
nnb = 1 << mN0;
nnc = 1 << mN1;
if ( adiff1 > adiff2 ) {
ia = 1; ta = mN0;
ib = 2; tb = mN0 + mN1;
ic = 0; tc = 0;
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
nna = 1 << mN1;
nnb = 1 << mN2;
nnc = 1 << mN0;
} else {
ia = 2; ta = mN0 + mN1;
ib = 0; tb = 0;
ic = 1; tc = mN0;
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
nna = 1 << mN2;
nnb = 1 << mN0;
nnc = 1 << mN1;
if ( vox[0][ia] > vox[1][ia] ) {
std::swap( vox[0], vox[1] );
diff = -diff;
u_int a0 = (u_int)vox[0][ia];
u_int a1 = (u_int)vox[1][ia];
//float fa = vox[0][ia] - (float)a0;
u_int lena = a1 - a0 + 1;
mCheckRes.resize( lena );
float oolena = 1.f / (float)lena;
float db = diff[ib] * oolena;
float dc = diff[ic] * oolena;
float b = vox[0][ib];// + fa * db;
float c = vox[0][ic];// + fa * dc;
for (u_int a=a0; a <= a1; a += 1, b += db, c += dc)
#if defined(TEST_WORK)
TWASSERT( (u_int)a < nna && (u_int)b < nnb && (u_int)c < nnc );
u_int a_idx = (u_int)a << ta;
u_int b_idx = (u_int)b << tb;
u_int c_idx = (u_int)c << tc;
mCheckRes[a-a0] = &mCells[ a_idx + b_idx + c_idx ];
return mCheckRes;
/// VoxelList.h
/// Created by Davide Pasca - 2012/7/4
/// See the file "license.txt" that comes with this project for
/// copyright info.
class VoxelList
class Cell
DVec<u_short> mData;
DVec<Cell> mCells;
DVec<Cell*> mCheckRes;
Float3 mBBoxMin;
Float3 mBBoxMax;
Float3 mUnit;
Float3 mVS_LS; // Voxel Space from Local Space (scale only)
float mOOUnitForTess;
u_int mN0;
u_int mN1;
u_int mN2;
void BuildFromTrigs( const DVec<Float3> &trigs, float baseUnit );
const DVec<Cell *> &CheckLine( const Float3 &lineSta, const Float3 &lineEnd );
bool FindClosestNonEmptyCellCtr(
const Float3 &posLS,
Float3 &out_foundCellCenterLS ) const;
void tessQuad(
const Float3 &p00,
const Float3 &p01,
const Float3 &p10,
const Float3 &p11,
u_int idx );
void tessTri(
const Float3 &v0,
const Float3 &v1,
const Float3 &v2,
u_int idx );
void addElem( const Float3 &pos, u_int idx );
bool clipLine( Float3 verts[2] ) const;
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