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Created February 1, 2013 13:15
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Special Olympics, part 3
Задача и алгоритм:
Тестовые данные ниже. Первая строчка - число переменных, дальше проверки в формате "переменная - пробел - переменная". Если номер переменной отрицательный, то она должна быть False, если положительный - True.
Большой файл для примера: у меня обрабатывается 6 минут, ответ "solved"
module Main where
import Data.Functor
import Data.Function
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
import Debug.Trace
type Clause = (Int, Int)
type Clauses = U.Vector Clause
type Var = (Bool, Bool)
type Vars = U.Vector Var
readClause :: String -> Clause
readClause s = let [v1, v2] = words s
in (read v1, read v2)
getVar :: Vars -> Int -> Var
getVar vars i = vars `U.unsafeIndex` (abs i - 1)
checkVar :: Vars -> Int -> Bool
checkVar vars i
| not isset = True
| otherwise = value == (i > 0)
(isset, value) = getVar vars i
checkClause :: Vars -> Clause -> Bool
checkClause vars (i1, i2) = checkVar vars i1 || checkVar vars i2
1 2
-1 3
3 4
-2 -4
checkClauses :: Clauses -> Vars -> Bool
checkClauses cl vars = U.all (checkClause vars) cl
-- find unset var and set it to value. return new vars or nothing, if all vars set
setVar :: Bool -> Vars -> Maybe Vars
setVar v vars = case U.findIndex (\(isset, _) -> not isset) vars of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just i -> Just $ vars U.// [(i, (True, v))]
-- create list of forces vars, may be empty
getUpdates :: Clauses -> Vars -> [(Int, Var)]
getUpdates cl vars = U.foldr upd [] cl
-- fixvar a b c d _ | trace ("fv " ++ show a ++ " " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show c +
+ " " ++ show d) False = undefined
fixvar i1 (True, v1) i2 (False, _) xs | (i1 > 0) /= v1 = (abs i2 - 1, (True, i2
> 0)) : xs
fixvar i1 (False, _) i2 (True, v2) xs | (i2 > 0) /= v2 = (abs i1 - 1, (True, i1 > 0)) : xs
fixvar _ _ _ _ xs = xs
-- upd clause _ | not $ checkClause vars clause = error "clause failed"
upd (i1, i2) = fixvar i1 (getVar vars i1) i2 (getVar vars i2)
-- force vars to required values. return new var list or nothing if contradiction
forceVars :: Clauses -> Vars -> Maybe Vars
forceVars cl vars
-- | trace ("force " ++ show vars) False = undefined
| not $ checkClauses cl vars = Nothing
| null updates = Just vars
| otherwise = forceVars cl $ vars `U.unsafeUpd` updates
updates = getUpdates cl vars
solve :: Clauses -> Maybe Vars -> Vars -> Maybe Vars
solve cl backtrack vars
-- | trace ("solve " ++ show vars ++ " " ++ show forced) False = undefined
| isJust forced && isNothing nextvars = forced
| isJust forced = trace (show unset) $ solve cl (Just vars) (fromJust nextvars)
| isNothing backtrack = Nothing
| otherwise = solve cl Nothing (fromJust btvars)
forced = forceVars cl vars
nextvars = setVar True (fromJust forced)
btvars = setVar False (fromJust backtrack)
unset = U.foldr' (\(isset,_) c -> if not isset then c + 1 else c) (0 :: Int) $ fromJust nextvars
-- put most used vars in front of list, to be filled first
rewriteClauses :: Int -> Clauses -> (Int, Clauses)
rewriteClauses nvars clauses = (used, fixclause clauses)
base = U.replicate nvars 0
sums = U.accum (+) base $ U.foldr (\(v1, v2) xs -> (abs v1 - 1, 1):(abs v2 - 1, 1):xs) [] clauses
used = U.length $ U.filter (/= 0) sums
counts = sortBy (flip (compare `on` snd)) $ zip [1..] $ U.toList sums
newvals = base U.// zipWith (\n (i, _) -> (i - 1, n)) [1..] counts
fixval i = signum i * (newvals U.! (abs i - 1))
fixclause (i1, i2) = (fixval i1, fixval i2)
main :: IO ()
main = do
(hdr:body) <- lines <$> getContents
let nvars = read hdr
let clauses = U.fromList $ map readClause body
let (used, newclauses) = rewriteClauses nvars clauses
let vars = U.replicate used (False, False)
let answer = solve newclauses Nothing vars
print $ "using " ++ show used ++ " vars of " ++ show nvars
print $ case answer of
Nothing -> "unsolvable"
Just avars -> do
let checkset = U.all fst avars
let testcl = checkClauses newclauses avars
if checkset && testcl then "solved"
else "algorithm error:" ++ show checkset ++ " " ++ show testcl
1 2
-1 -2
3 -2
3 2
1 2
-1 3
3 4
-2 -4
1 1
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-2 -3
4 5
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