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Created July 15, 2012 14:17
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Google Calendar submissions for
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
# Additional Modules
use Crypt::SSLeay;
use Data::Dumper;
use DateTime;
use Getopt::ArgvFile default => 1;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;
use Net::Google::Calendar;
# Variables
my %calendars = (
# birmingham calendars
'Barbie Perl Monger' => 1, # mine
'Birmingham Perl Mongers' => 1, # ours
'' => 0, # not ours
# perl calendars
"Perl 'Local' Community Calendar" => 0, # not ours
# other calendars - big events
# 'The Perl Review: Perl Community Events' => 0, # not ours
my (%options,%settings,@myevents);
# Code
my $cal = Net::Google::Calendar->new;
unless($cal->login($settings{guser}, $settings{gpass})) {
die "Failed Google login\n";
for my $title (keys %calendars) {
print "Calendar ... $title\n";
my $c;
for ($cal->get_calendars) {
# print $_->title."\n";
# print $_->id."\n\n";
$c = $_ if ($_->title eq $title);
if($c) {
my @events = $cal->get_events( 'start-min' => DateTime->now, 'max-results' => 100 );
# Functions
sub init {
GetOptions( \%options,
) or usage();
usage('No source file provided') unless($options{file});
usage('No user name provided') unless($options{user});
usage('No password provided') unless($options{pass});
$settings{guser} = rot13($options{user});
$settings{gpass} = rot13($options{pass});
my $fh = IO::File->new($options{file}) or die "Cannot open file [$options{file}]: $!\n";
while(<$fh>) {
next if(/^#/ || /^\s*$/);
my @field = split('¬');
push @myevents, {
start => $field[0],
end => $field[1],
location => $field[2], # html_format($field[2]),
author => $field[3],
title => $field[4],
content => $field[5], # html_format($field[5]),
timezone => $field[6]
sub myevents {
my ($mycal,$events,$myevents) = @_;
#print "MINE=".scalar(@$myevents).", LIVE=".scalar(@$events)."\n";
#for my $event (@$events) {
# my ($start,$end) = $event->when;
# $start =~ s/[:-]//g;
# $end =~ s/[:-]//g;
# printf "TEST:%s,%s,%s\n",$event->title, $start, $end;
for my $myevent (@$myevents) {
my $found;
for my $event (@$events) {
my ($start,$end) = $event->when;
$start =~ s/[:-]//g;
$end =~ s/[:-]//g;
#printf "LIVE:%s,%s,%s\n",$event->title, $start, $end;
#printf "MINE:%s,%s,%s\n",$myevent->{title}, $myevent->{start}, $myevent->{end};
if( $event->title eq $myevent->{title}
&& substr($start,0,8) eq substr($myevent->{start},0,8)
&& substr($end,0,8) eq substr($myevent->{end},0,8)
) {
$found = $event;
# found a matching entry
# ... and it's our calendar (cal==1)
# ... ... or we're allowed to update (cal==2)
# ... ... or I'm the organsier
# then update it!
if($found &&
($calendars{$mycal} ||
$myevent->{author} =~ /barbie\ {
print "Updating entry ... $myevent->{title}\n";
my $r = $cal->delete_entry($found);
if($r) {
$r = $cal->add_entry(mkentry($myevent));
print "... FAILED: $@\n" unless($r);
# no matching entry found
# ... and it's our calendar (cal==1)
# ... ... or we're allowed to update (cal==2)
# ... ... or I'm the organsier
# then add it!
} elsif(!$found &&
($calendars{$mycal} ||
$myevent->{author} =~ /barbie\ {
print "Adding entry ... $myevent->{title}\n";
my $r = $cal->add_entry(mkentry($myevent));
print "... FAILED: $@\n" unless($r);
# ignore these events
} else {
print "Ignored entry ... $myevent->{title}, $myevent->{start}, $myevent->{end}\n";
sub mkentry {
my $myevent = shift;
my $e = shift || Net::Google::Calendar::Entry->new();
my @date = $myevent->{start} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;
my $start = DateTime->new(
year => $date[0],
month => $date[1],
day => $date[2],
hour => $date[3],
minute => $date[4],
second => $date[5],
time_zone => $myevent->{timezone}
@date = $myevent->{end} =~ /^(\d\d\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)T(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)/;
my $end = DateTime->new(
year => $date[0],
month => $date[1],
day => $date[2],
hour => $date[3],
minute => $date[4],
second => $date[5],
time_zone => $myevent->{timezone}
$myevent->{content} =~ s/<[^>]+>//g;
my ($name,$email) = $myevent->{author} =~ /^(.*?)(?: <([^>]+)>)?/;
my $a = Net::Google::Calendar::Person->new();
$a->name($name) if($name);
$a->email($email) if($email);
$e->author($a) if($a);
return $e;
sub rot13 {
my $str = shift;
$str =~ tr/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/;
return $str;
sub html_format {
my $html = shift;
$html =~ s!(http://[^\s]+)!<a href="$1">$1</a>!g;
return $html;
sub usage {
my $msg = shift || '';
print "$msg\n\n" if($msg);
print "Usage: $0 -u=<user> -p=<password> -f=<file>\n";
exit 0;
# start time, end time, venue + link, organiser, title, description, timezone
20120808T180000¬20120808T230000¬The Dragon Inn,¬Barbie <>¬ Social Meeting¬See our social meetings pages for further details,¬Europe/London
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