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Created February 23, 2010 12:41
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(ns net.gensoukyou.monad-protocol)
(declare *current-monad*)
(defprotocol Monad
(pure-impl [M v] "Lift a value into the same monad as M")
(bind [mv f]))
(defprotocol MonadPlus
(++ [mv1 mv1])
(zero-impl [mv]))
(defn mzero [] (zero-impl *current-monad*))
(defn pure [v]
(pure-impl *current-monad* v))
(defn lift
"I can't believe this works"
(fn this
([v v2 & rest]
(bind (this v v2) (fn [x] (apply this (pure x) rest))))
([v v2]
(bind v (fn [x] (bind v2 (partial (comp pure f) x)))))
(bind v (comp pure f))))))
(defmacro with-monad [monad & body]
`(binding [*current-monad* ~monad]
(deftype MaybeM [val] :as this
(pure-impl [v] (MaybeM. v))
(bind [mf] (if-let [v (:val this)]
(mf v)
(++ [mv2] (if (:val this)
(zero-impl [] (MaybeM. nil)))
(def Maybe (MaybeM nil)) ;; for use in with-monad
(extend-type clojure.lang.ISeq
(pure-impl [M v] (list v))
(bind [mv mf]
(mapcat mf mv)))
(with-monad Maybe
(bind (pure 4) (comp pure inc)))
(with-monad ()
(bind (seq [1 2 3])
(fn [x]
(bind (seq [1 2 3])
(fn [y] (pure (+ x y)))))))
(with-monad Maybe
((lift +) (MaybeM 5) (MaybeM 3) (MaybeM 3) (MaybeM 4) (MaybeM 22)))
(with-monad ()
((lift +) '(1 2) '(3 4 5)))
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