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Created July 21, 2012 11:28
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Configurable thread pool for Clojure
;; Under the EPL license, the same as Clojure
package my.threadpool;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class ConfigurableThreadFactory implements ThreadFactory {
private static final AtomicInteger poolNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
private final ThreadGroup group;
private final AtomicInteger threadNumber = new AtomicInteger(1);
private final String namePrefix;
private final boolean daemonThreads;
public ConfigurableThreadFactory(String namePrefix, boolean daemonThreads) {
SecurityManager s = System.getSecurityManager(); = (s != null)? s.getThreadGroup() : Thread.currentThread().getThreadGroup();
this.namePrefix = (namePrefix == null ? "ConfigurableThreadFactory" : namePrefix) +
"-pool-" + poolNumber.getAndIncrement() + "-thread-";
this.daemonThreads = daemonThreads;
public Thread newThread(Runnable r) {
Thread t = new Thread(group, r, namePrefix + threadNumber.getAndIncrement(), 0);
if (t.getPriority() != Thread.NORM_PRIORITY)
return t;
;; Under the EPL license, the same as Clojure
(ns my.threadpool
(:import [java.util.concurrent Callable Executors ThreadPoolExecutor TimeUnit TimeoutException]
[my.threadpool ConfigurableThreadFactory]))
(defn cpu-count
"Returns the number of CPUs on this machine."
(.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)))
(defn t-pool
"Creates and return a new thread pool. The `type` can be:
:fixed - Thread pool with fixed number of threads and unbounded task queue.
This type has fixed number of threads that are never terminated
and are executing submitted tasks. If a new task is submitted, but
all threads are already executing other tasks, the task will be
queued for a future execution.
This type accepts these optional parameters:
:size - the number of threads (defaults to the number of available
CPUs + 2).
:cached - Thread pool with unbounded maximal number of threads and no task
queue. For any new submitted task a new thread is created which
will execute the task. The threads will be terminated if they have
been idle for more than their keep-alive time.
This type accepts these optional parameters:
:keepalive - the keep-alive time in milliseconds (defaults to
15000ms). This is the amount of time that threads
may remain idle before being terminated. A value
of zero will cause threads to terminate immediately
after they ended executing a task.
:variable - Thread pool with limited maximal number of threads and unbounded
task queue. When a new task is submitted, this type will create
a new thread unless the maximal allowed number of threads is
reached. If this occurs, the task will be queued for a future
execution. After the thread has finished executing the task, it
will wait for the keep-alive time and then terminated.
This type accepts these optional parameters:
:size - Maximal allowed number of threads (defaults to number
of available CPUs + 2).
:keepalive - The same as above, but must be greater then zero
(defaults to 15000ms).
All thread pool types also accept these optional parameters:
:daemon - Specifies whether the threads in this thread pool
are daemon or not (default is false).
The JVM will shut down when all non-daemon threads
have terminated, so daemon threads are threads
whose existence has no impact on whether the JVM
continues to execute or shuts down.
:prefix - Specifies the string prefix for the name of the threads.
This can be useful especially when debugging.
If no `type` is specified, defaults to the :fixed type with default values
for all available parameters.
(t-pool :fixed)
(t-pool :fixed :daemon true :prefix \"event-manager\")
(t-pool :fixed :size 5)
(t-pool :fixed :size 8 :daemon true)
(t-pool :cached)
(t-pool :cached :prefix \"server\")
(t-pool :cached :keepalive 60000)
(t-pool :variable :size 8)
(t-pool :variable :size 10 :keepalive 30000 :daemon true)
(t-pool :fixed))
([type & {:keys [size max keepalive daemon prefix]
:or {size (+ (cpu-count) 2)
keepalive 15000
daemon false
prefix "my-threadpool"}}]
{:pre [(< 0 size)]}
(case type
:fixed (Executors/newFixedThreadPool size)
:cached (doto (Executors/newCachedThreadPool)
(.setKeepAliveTime keepalive TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS))
:variable (doto (Executors/newFixedThreadPool size)
(assert (< 0 keepalive))
(.setKeepAliveTime keepalive TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)
(.allowCoreThreadTimeOut true))
(throw (RuntimeException. (str "Unsupported thread pool type: '" type "'."))))
(.setThreadFactory (ConfigurableThreadFactory. prefix daemon)))))
(defn shutdown!
"Executes all previously submitted tasks, shutdowns the thread `pool` and
returns it."
(.shutdown pool)
(defn shutdown-now!
"Shutdowns the thread `pool` immediately, stopping all executing tasks and
returns it."
(.shutdownNow pool)
(defn shutdown?
"Returns whether the thread `pool` has been already shut down."
(.isShutdown pool))
(defn terminated?
"Returns whether the thread `pool` has already terminated (shutdown and
also all tasks ended."
(.isTerminated pool))
(defn submitted-tasks
"Returns the approximate total number of tasks
that have ever been submitted for execution."
(.getTaskCount pool))
(defn completed-tasks
"Returns the approximate total number of tasks
that have completed execution."
(.getCompletedTaskCount pool))
(defn active-tasks
"Returns the approximate number of threads
that are actively executing tasks."
(.getActiveCount pool))
(defn queued-tasks
"Returns the number of tasks that have been submitted and
are waiting for execution."
(.size (.getQueue pool)))
(defn queue-capacity
"Returns maximal capacity of the queue of the provided thread pool."
(let [q (.getQueue pool)]
(+ (.size q) (.remainingCapacity q))))
(defn min-size
"Returns the core number of threads, which are the threads that aren't
terminated even when they are idle (unless the pool is of :variable type)."
(.getCorePoolSize pool))
(defn max-size
"Returns the maximum allowed number of threads."
(.getMaximumPoolSize pool))
(defn current-size
"Returns the current number of threads in the pool."
(.getPoolSize pool))
(defn peak-size
"Returns the largest number of threads that
have ever simultaneously been in the pool."
(.getLargestPoolSize pool))
(defn core-thread-timeout?
"Returns true if this pool allows core threads to time out and terminate
if no tasks arrive within the keepAlive time, being replaced if needed
when new tasks arrive."
(.allowsCoreThreadTimeOut pool))
(defn keepalive-time
"Returns the thread keep-alive time, which is the amount of time that
threads in excess of the core pool size may remain idle before being
(.getKeepAliveTime pool TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS))
(defn to-future
"Takes a java.util.concurrent.Future and returns a Clojure future made
from it."
{:static true}
(deref [_] (.get fut))
(deref [_ timeout-ms timeout-val]
(try (.get fut timeout-ms TimeUnit/MILLISECONDS)
(catch TimeoutException e timeout-val)))
(isRealized [_] (.isDone fut))
(get [_] (.get fut))
(get [_ timeout unit] (.get fut timeout unit))
(isCancelled [_] (.isCancelled fut))
(isDone [_] (.isDone fut))
(cancel [_ interrupt?] (.cancel fut interrupt?))))
(defn to-callable
"Takes a function of zero arguments and returns
a java.util.concurrent.Callable made from it."
{:static true}
(call [_] (f))))
(defn submit
"Submits function `f` for execution by thread `pool` and returns a future
representing the value returned by the function."
[pool f]
(.submit pool (to-callable f))))
(defmethod print-method ThreadPoolExecutor
[p w]
(.write w (str "#<ThreadPoolExecutor: "
(if (shutdown? p) "SHUTDOWN - " "")
(if (terminated? p) "and TERMINATED - " "")
"Tasks: "
(submitted-tasks p) " submitted, "
(completed-tasks p) " completed, "
(active-tasks p) " active, "
(queued-tasks p) " queued "
"(limit is "
(queue-capacity p) "); "
"Threads: "
(if (core-thread-timeout? p) "0" (min-size p)) " min, "
(max-size p) " max, "
(current-size p) " current, "
(peak-size p) " peak; "
"Timeout: "
(keepalive-time p) "ms"
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