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Created July 25, 2012 14:07
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Executes SQL commands against server; uploads results to Google Spreadsheets
# Allows the user to take the result of a series of SQL queries
# and place them in Google docs, so that data can be easily shared
# Author: Glen Solsberry <>
# Copyright: Public Domain
use warnings;
use strict;
use Data::Printer;
use DBI;
use Getopt::Long::Descriptive;
use Net::Google::Spreadsheets;
my ($opt, $usage) = describe_options(
'%c %o',
[ 'sqlfile|s=s', "sql file to run commands from" ],
[ 'commandlist|c=s@', "list of sql commands to run; multiple values may be passed", { default => [ ] } ],
[ 'spreadsheet|n=s', "the name of the spreadsheet to use in google docs; defaults to $0", { default => $0 } ],
[ 'worksheet|n=s', "the name of the worksheet to create in google docs" ],
[ 'speed=i', "the number of rows to update at once", { default => 50 } ],
[ 'dryrun', "perform the query and display results, but do not store in GDocs", { default => 0 } ],
[ 'docsuser=s', "the username to log in to google docs with" ],
[ 'docspass=s', "the password to log in to google docs with" ],
[ 'dbhost=s', "the host to connect to for sql data" ],
[ 'dbport=s', "the port to connect to for sql data" ],
[ 'dbname=s', "the name of the database" ],
[ 'dbuser=s', "the user to connect with" ],
[ 'dbpass=s', "the password to connect with" ],
[ 'help', "print usage message and exit" ],
print($usage->text), exit if $opt->help;
print($usage->text), exit unless (
($opt->sqlfile || $opt->commandlist)
&& $opt->worksheet
&& ($opt->docsuser && $opt->docspass)
&& ($opt->dbhost && $opt->dbport && $opt->dbname && $opt->dbuser && $opt->dbpass)
my $service = Net::Google::Spreadsheets->new(
username => $opt->docsuser,
password => $opt->docspass
my $dbh = DBI->connect(sprintf("dbi:mysql:%s:%s:%s", $opt->dbname, $opt->dbhost, $opt->dbport), $opt->dbuser, $opt->dbpass, { AutoCommit => 1 });
die DBI->errstr unless $dbh;
my @commands;
if ($opt->sqlfile) {
if (! -e $opt->sqlfile) {
print $opt->sqlfile . " does not exist. Please create it";
print $usage->text;
open(my $fh, "<", $opt->sqlfile) || die "$!";
@commands = <$fh>;
} elsif ($opt->commandlist) {
@commands = @{$opt->commandlist};
} else {
warn "At least one of --sqlfile or --commandlist must be supplied";
die $usage->text;
# find a spreadsheet by title
my $spreadsheet = $service->spreadsheet({ title => $opt->spreadsheet });
die sprintf("No sheet found called %s. Please create it.", $opt->spreadsheet) unless $spreadsheet;
my $worksheet = $spreadsheet->worksheet({ title => $opt->worksheet }) unless $opt->dryrun;
my $sth;
my $command_id = 0;
foreach my $command (@commands) {
$sth = $dbh->prepare($command);
if ($command_id == @commands) {
my @names = $sth->{NAME};
my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref();
if (! $opt->dryrun) {
if (! $worksheet) {
$worksheet = $spreadsheet->add_worksheet({ title => $opt->sheetname, row_count => $sth->rows + 1, col_count => scalar(@{$names[0]}) });
my $row_id = 1;
my @row_map = create_row_map($row, $row_id, \@names);
if (! $opt->dryrun) {
} else {
$row_id = 2;
$row = clean_row($row);
@row_map = create_row_map($row, $row_id, \@names);
if (! $opt->dryrun) {
} else {
my @rows = ();
while (my $row = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
$row = clean_row($row);
push(@rows, create_row_map($row, $row_id, \@names));
if ($row_id % $opt->speed == 0) {
if (! $opt->dryrun) {
} else {
@rows = ();
print "\rUpdating " . $opt->speed . " rows";
# p(@rows);
if (! $opt->dryrun) {
print "\rUpdating " . scalar(@rows) . " rows";
print "\nDone";
sub clean_row {
my ($row) = @_;
foreach my $key (keys %{$row}) {
my $orig_key = $key;
$key =~ s/\W/_/g;
$row->{$key} = $row->{$orig_key};
delete($row->{$orig_key}) if $orig_key ne $key;
return $row;
sub create_row_map {
my ($row, $row_id, $names) = @_;
my @cell_map;
my $col = 0;
foreach my $key (@{$names->[0]}) {
$cell_map[$col] = {};
$cell_map[$col]->{'col'} = $col+1;
$cell_map[$col]->{'row'} = $row_id;
if ($row_id == 1) {
$cell_map[$col]->{'input_value'} = $key || '';
} else {
$cell_map[$col]->{'input_value'} = $row->{$key} || '';
return @cell_map;
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