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Created August 1, 2012 22:01
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ICFPC 2012 submission
time_start = process.hrtime!
String::replaceAt = (idx, c) ->
@substr(0, idx) + c + @substr(idx + c.length)
PF = require \pathfinding
fs = require \fs
read-map = ->
arr = fs.readFileSync it, \ascii |> (.split \\n)
idx = 0
find (-> idx++; it is ''), arr
game-state.water = 0
game-state.waterproof = 10
game-state.flooding = 0
if arr.length > idx
raw-opts = arr.slice idx
handle-opt = ->
[opt, val] = it.split ' '
val = parseInt val, 10
switch opt | \Water => game-state.water = val
| \Flooding => game-state.flooding = val
| \Waterproof => game-state.waterproof = val
each handle-opt, raw-opts
#it.slice 0, idx
res =
map: arr.slice 0, idx - 1
game-state = new Object!
game-state.get-cell = (x, y) -> @map[@height - y][x - 1]
game-state.update-cell = (x, y, c) ->
str = @map[@height - y]
@map[@height - y] = str.replaceAt x - 1, c
game-state.init-map = ->
@height = @map.length
@width = map (.length), @map |> maximum
@rocks = new Array!
@walls = new Array!
@earth = new Array!
@lambdas = new Array!
@lambdas-next-gen = new Array!
@lambdas-generation = 0
@robot = new Object!
@robot-old = new Object!
@lift = new Object!
@turn = 0
@score = 0
@steps-in-water = 0
for x from 1 to @width
for y from 1 to @height
switch @get-cell x, y | \\ => @lambdas.push x: x, y: y
| \# => @walls.push x: x, y: y
| \* => @rocks.push x: x, y: y
| \L => @lift = x: x, y: y
| \R => @robot = x: x, y: y
| \. => @earth.push x: x, y: y
_map = read-map \/dev/stdin =
game-state.init-map! = (x, y) -> @get-cell(x, y) is \* = (x, y) -> @get-cell(x, y) is \# = (x, y) -> @get-cell(x, y) is \. = (x, y) -> @get-cell(x, y) is \\ = (x, y) -> @get-cell(x, y) is ' '
game-state.not-passable = (x, y) -> cell = @get-cell(x, y); cell is '#' or cell is '*'
check-rock = (rock) ->
if game-state.robot.x is rock.x and game-state.robot.y is rock.y and rock.x + 1, rock.y and game-state.robot-old.x is rock.x - 1
return rock: rock, action: \pushed-right
if game-state.robot.x is rock.x and game-state.robot.y is rock.y and rock.x - 1, rock.y and game-state.robot-old.x is rock.x + 1
return rock: rock, action: \pushed-left
if rock.x, rock.y - 1
return rock: rock, action: \fall
if ( rock.x, rock.y - 1) and
( rock.x + 1, rock.y) and
( rock.x + 1, rock.y - 1)
return rock: rock, action: \fall-right
if ( rock.x, rock.y - 1) and
((! rock.x + 1, rock.y) or
(! rock.x + 1, rock.y - 1)) and
( rock.x - 1, rock.y) and ( rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1)
return rock: rock, action: \fall-left
if ( rock.x, rock.y - 1) and
( rock.x + 1, rock.y) and
( rock.x + 1, rock.y - 1)
return rock: rock, action: \fall-right
return undefined
process-actions = (action) ->
{rock, action} = action
switch action
when \fall
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y, ' '
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y - 1, \*
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y, true
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, false
rock.y = rock.y - 1
when \fall-left
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y, ' '
game-state.update-cell rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, \*
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, true
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1 - 1, rock.y - 1 - 1, false
rock.x = rock.x - 1
rock.y = rock.y - 1
when \fall-right
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y, ' '
game-state.update-cell rock.x + 1, rock.y - 1, \*
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, true
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x + 1 - 1, rock.y - 1 - 1, false
rock.x = rock.x + 1
rock.y = rock.y - 1
when \pushed-right
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y, ' '
game-state.update-cell rock.x + 1, rock.y, \*
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, true
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x + 1 - 1, rock.y - 1, false
rock.x = rock.x + 1
when \pushed-left
game-state.update-cell rock.x, rock.y, ' '
game-state.update-cell rock.x - 1, rock.y, \*
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1, rock.y - 1, true
game-state.grid.setWalkableAt rock.x - 1 - 1, rock.y - 1, false
rock.x = rock.x - 1
get-element-with-minimum-distance = (elem, arr) ->
distance = (a, b) -> abs(a.x - b.x) + abs(a.y - b.y)
compare = (current, next) ->
if distance(elem, current) > distance(elem, next)
return next
else return current
foldr compare, arr[0], arr
game-state.process-map = ->
if @flooding > 0
if @flooding % @turn is 0
if @water > 0
if @robot.y <= @water
@steps-in-water = 0
if @steps-in-water is @waterproof
process.stdout.write \A\n
process.exit 0
actions = map check-rock, @rocks |> filter id
if actions.length > 0
#console.log 'processed map, actions: ', actions
each process-actions, actions
if @is-rock @robot.x, @robot.y + 1
@grid.setWalkableAt @robot.x, @robot.y - 1, false
unload-coords = -> [it.x - 1, it.y - 1]
path-to-commands = (path) ->
res = for i from 0 to path.length - 2
[_ax, _ay, _bx, _by] = path[i].concat path[i + 1]
switch | _ax > _bx => 'L'
| _ax < _bx => 'R'
| _ay > _by => 'D'
| _ay < _by => 'U'
res.join ''
game-state.set-walk = (x, y, status) -> @grid.setWalkableAt x - 1, y - 1, status
take-steps = ->
commands = ''
path = undefined
filter_movements = ->
r = game-state.robot
g-s = game-state
if ( r.x, r.y + 1) or # rock above
( r.x + 1, r.y and r.x + 1, r.y + 1) # rock on rock at right
g-s.set-walk r.x, r.y - 1, false
#if ((( r.x - 1, r.y) and (( r.x - 1, r.y - 1) or ( r.x - 1, r.y - 1))) or
# (( r.x + 1, r.y) and ( r.x + 1, r.y - 1))) and ( r.x, r.y - 1)
# g-s.set-walk r.x, r.y - 1, false # rock at side, don't go down
#if ( r.x, r.y + 1) and ( r.x, r.y + 1) and
# (g-s.not-passable r.x + 1, r.y + 1) and (g-s.not-passable r.x - 1, r.y + 1)
# g-s.set-walk r.x, r.y + 1, false
func = (rock) ->
if - 1, rock.y) and + 1, rock.y)
g-s.set-walk rock.x, rock.y, true
if + 1, rock.y) and (r.x is rock.x - 1)
g-s.set-walk rock.x, rock.y, true
if - 1, rock.y) and (r.x is rock.x + 1)
g-s.set-walk rock.x, rock.y, true
#console.log 'GENERATION: ', g-s.lambdas-generation
each func, if g-s.lambdas-generation > 0
setup_pathfinder = (target, final = false, allow_pushing = false) ->
game-state.lambdas-generation = 1 if allow_pushing
game-state.grid = new PF.Grid game-state.width, game-state.height
obstacles = game-state.walls
obstacles = obstacles.concat [game-state.lift] unless final
map (-> x: it.x - 1, y: it.y - 1), obstacles |> each (-> game-state.grid.setWalkableAt it.x, it.y, false)
finder = new PF.AStarFinder allowDiagonal: false
_start = unload-coords game-state.robot
_end = unload-coords target
path := finder.findPath _start[0], _start[1], _end[0], _end[1], game-state.grid
#if res.length is 0 # manual control, just go somewhere, where empty
# g-s = game-state
# r = g-s.robot
# if r.x, r.y + 1
# res = [[_start[0], _start[1]], [_start[0], _start[1] + 1]]
#path := res
get-path-for-lambda = ->
prev-gen-pos = undefined
while true
if game-state.lambdas.length is 0
return undefined if (prev-gen-pos = game-state.robot) and (game-state.lambdas-generation > 2)
#console.log 'lambdas', game-state.lambdas
#console.log 'next-gen', game-state.lambdas-next-gen
prev-gen-pos = game-state.robot
game-state.lambdas = game-state.lambdas-next-gen
game-state.lambdas-next-get = new Array!
target = get-element-with-minimum-distance game-state.robot, game-state.lambdas
setup_pathfinder get-element-with-minimum-distance game-state.robot, game-state.lambdas
#console.log game-state.grid.nodes
#console.log 'get-path-for-lambda', path
if path.length > 1
#console.log 'PATH', path
return path
#console.log 'PUSHIG'
game-state.lambdas = reject (-> it.x is target.x and it.y is target.y), game-state.lambdas
game-state.lambdas-next-gen.push target
while game-state.lambdas.length > 0
#process.stdout.write commands
path = get-path-for-lambda!
break unless path
#commands += path-to-commands [path[0], path[1]]
#console.log commands
process.stdout.write path-to-commands [path[0], path[1]]
game-state.update-cell game-state.robot.x, game-state.robot.y, ' '
game-state.robot-old = game-state.robot
game-state.robot = x: path[1][0] + 1, y: path[1][1] + 1
got_lambda = path[1][0] + 1, path[1][1] + 1
if got_lambda
game-state.score += 25
game-state.lambdas = reject (-> it.x is path[1][0] + 1 and it.y is path[1][1] + 1), game-state.lambdas
#console.log 'lambdas left: ', game-state.lambdas.length
game-state.update-cell game-state.robot.x, game-state.robot.y, 'R'
unless game-state.lambdas.length > 0 or game-state.lambdas-next-gen.length > 0
setup_pathfinder game-state.lift, true
setup_pathfinder game-state.lift, true, true if path.length is 0
while path.length > 1
#console.log path
setup_pathfinder game-state.lift, true
#commands += path-to-commands [path[0], path[1]]
#console.log commands
process.stdout.write path-to-commands [path[0], path[1]]
game-state.update-cell game-state.robot.x, game-state.robot.y, ' '
game-state.robot-old = game-state.robot
game-state.robot = x: path[1][0] + 1, y: path[1][1] + 1
game-state.update-cell game-state.robot.x, game-state.robot.y, 'R'
#commands += \A\n
#console.log commands
process.stdout.write \A\n
print-state = ->
# if 34 < game-state.turn < 38
console.error "=====\nTurn: #{game-state.turn}, Score: #{game-state.score}\n"
console.error \\n
#path-to-commands path |> console.log
time_end = process.hrtime time_start
#console.error "Run time: #{time_end[0] + time_end[1] * (10 ** -8)}"
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