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Created August 2, 2012 10:58
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Navigational properties
//LinqPad, C# program style, navigational properties
public class Musician {
public Musician() {
Songs = new List<Song>();
public int MusicianId {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
public List<Song> Songs {get; set;}
public class Song {
public Song() {
Plays=new List<AirTime>();
public int SongId {get; set;}
public Musician Musician {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
public List<AirTime> Plays {get; set;}
public class AirTime {
public int Id {get; set;}
public Song Song {get; set;}
public DateTime? Date {get; set;}
public int Duration {get; set;}
void Main()
//build "Database"
var Musicians = new List<Musician>();
var musician1 = new Musician {MusicianId=1, LastName="The Artist"}; Musicians.Add(musician1);
var musician2 = new Musician {MusicianId=2, LastName="Another Artist"}; Musicians.Add(musician2);
//no songs
var musician3 = new Musician {MusicianId=3, LastName="A New Artist"}; Musicians.Add(musician3);
var Songs = new List<Song>();
var song1=new Song {SongId=1, Musician = musician1, Title = "Song 1"}; Songs.Add(song1); musician1.Songs.Add(song1);
var song2=new Song {SongId=2, Musician = musician1, Title = "Song Number 2"}; Songs.Add(song2); musician1.Songs.Add(song2);
var song3=new Song {SongId=3, Musician = musician2, Title = "Another Song"};Songs.Add(song3); musician2.Songs.Add(song3);
//no airtime
var song4=new Song {SongId=4, Musician = musician2, Title = "Not popular"};Songs.Add(song4); musician2.Songs.Add(song4);
var AirTimes = new List<AirTime>();
var at1=new AirTime{Id=1, Song=song1, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=118}; AirTimes.Add(at1); song1.Plays.Add(at1);
var at2=new AirTime{Id=2, Song=song2, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=125}; AirTimes.Add(at2); song2.Plays.Add(at2);
var at3=new AirTime{Id=3, Song=song3, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=140}; AirTimes.Add(at3); song3.Plays.Add(at3);
var at4=new AirTime{Id=4, Song=song2, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=120}; AirTimes.Add(at4); song2.Plays.Add(at4);
var at5=new AirTime{Id=5, Song=song1, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,2), Duration=118}; AirTimes.Add(at5); song1.Plays.Add(at5);
var at6=new AirTime{Id=6, Song=song1, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,3), Duration=118}; AirTimes.Add(at6); song1.Plays.Add(at6);
//20120801 - 20120802
var firstDate = new DateTime(2012,8,1);
var lastDate = firstDate.AddDays(2);
//starting from AirTimes
var dump = (
from a in AirTimes
where a.Date >= firstDate && a.Date < lastDate
select new {
a.Song.Musician.LastName, a.Song.Title, a.Date, a.Duration
var grpTime = (
from a in AirTimes
where a.Date >= firstDate && a.Date < lastDate
group a by new {a.Song.Musician.LastName, a.Song.Title, a.Date} into grp
select new {
Plays = grp.Count(),
Seconds = grp.Sum(x => x.Duration)
grpTime.Dump("AirTimes grouping");
//starting from Musicians
var dumpMus = (
from m in Musicians
from s in m.Songs
from p in s.Plays
where p.Date >= firstDate && p.Date < lastDate
select new {
var grpMus = (
from m in Musicians
from s in m.Songs
from p in s.Plays
where p.Date >= firstDate && p.Date < lastDate
group p by new {m.LastName, s.Title, p.Date} into grp
select new {
Plays = grp.Count(),
Seconds= grp.Sum(x => x.Duration)
grpMus.Dump("Musicians grouping");
//Airtimes for musicians
var grpAir = (
from a in AirTimes
where a.Date >= firstDate && a.Date < lastDate
group a by new {a.Song.Musician, a.Date} into grp
select new {
//Musician instead of his LastName for joining. Id would work too
Plays = grp.Count(),
Secs = grp.Sum(x => x.Duration)
var res = (
from m in Musicians
join g in grpAir on m equals g.Musician into g2
from g in g2.DefaultIfEmpty()
orderby m.LastName
select new {
Date = (g==null ? null : g.Date),
Plays = (g==null ? 0 : g.Plays),
Secs = (g==null ? 0 : g.Secs)
res.Dump("All musicians and their airtime");
//LinqPad, C# program style, IDs only
public class Musician {
public int MusicianId {get; set;}
public string LastName {get; set;}
public class Song {
public int SongId {get; set;}
public int MusicianId {get; set;}
public string Title {get; set;}
public class AirTime {
public int Id {get; set;}
public int SongId {get; set;}
public DateTime Date {get; set;}
public int Duration {get; set;}
void Main()
var Musicians = new List<Musician>();
Musicians.Add(new Musician {MusicianId=1, LastName="The Artist"});
Musicians.Add(new Musician {MusicianId=2, LastName="Another Artist"});
var Songs = new List<Song>();
Songs.Add(new Song {SongId=1, MusicianId = 1, Title = "Song 1"});
Songs.Add(new Song {SongId=2, MusicianId = 1, Title = "Song number 2"});
Songs.Add(new Song {SongId=3, MusicianId = 2, Title = "A Song"});
var AirTimes = new List<AirTime>();
AirTimes.Add(new AirTime{Id=1, SongId=1, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=118});
AirTimes.Add(new AirTime{Id=2, SongId=2, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=125});
AirTimes.Add(new AirTime{Id=3, SongId=3, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=140});
AirTimes.Add(new AirTime{Id=4, SongId=2, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,1), Duration=120});
AirTimes.Add(new AirTime{Id=5, SongId=1, Date = new DateTime(2012,8,2), Duration=118});
var firstDate = new DateTime(2012,8,1);
var lastDate = firstDate.AddDays(1);
var dump = (
from a in AirTimes
join s in Songs on a.SongId equals s.SongId
join m in Musicians on s.MusicianId equals m.MusicianId
where a.Date >= firstDate && a.Date < lastDate
select new {
m.LastName, s.Title, a.Date, a.Duration
var tot = (
from a in AirTimes
join s in Songs on a.SongId equals s.SongId
join m in Musicians on s.MusicianId equals m.MusicianId
where a.Date >= firstDate && a.Date < lastDate
group a by new {m.LastName, s.Title, a.Date} into grp
select new {
Plays = grp.Count(),
Seconds = grp.Sum(x => x.Duration)
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