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Created August 4, 2012 17:46
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test case for segfault
local ffi = require "ffi"
local bit = require "bit"
local C = ffi.C
local S = {}
local t = {}
local s = {}
ffi.cdef [[
typedef uint32_t socklen_t;
struct nlmsghdr {
uint32_t nlmsg_len;
uint16_t nlmsg_type;
uint16_t nlmsg_flags;
uint32_t nlmsg_seq;
uint32_t nlmsg_pid;
struct ifinfomsg {
unsigned char ifi_family;
unsigned char __ifi_pad;
unsigned short ifi_type;
int ifi_index;
unsigned ifi_flags;
unsigned ifi_change;
struct rtattr {
unsigned short rta_len;
unsigned short rta_type;
t.macaddr = ffi.metatype("struct {uint8_t mac_addr[6];}", {
__tostring = function(m)
local hex = {}
for i = 1, 6 do
hex[i] = string.format("%02x", m.mac_addr[i - 1])
return table.concat(hex, ":")
__new = function(tp, str)
local mac =
if str then
for i = 1, 6 do
local n = tonumber(str:sub(i * 3 - 2, i * 3 - 1), 16)
mac.mac_addr[i - 1] = n
return mac
t.ifinfomsg = ffi.typeof("struct ifinfomsg")
t.nlmsghdr = ffi.typeof("struct nlmsghdr")
t.rtattr = ffi.typeof("struct rtattr")
s.nlmsghdr = ffi.sizeof(t.nlmsghdr)
s.rtattr = ffi.sizeof(t.rtattr)
local function align(len, a) return + a - 1, bit.bnot(a - 1)) end
local function nlmsg_align(len) return align(len, 4) end
local nlmsg_hdrlen = nlmsg_align(s.nlmsghdr)
local function nlmsg_length(len) return len + nlmsg_hdrlen end
local function ifla_getmsg(args, messages, values, tab, lookup, af)
local msg = table.remove(args, 1)
local value
local tp = t.macaddr
value = table.remove(args, 1)
if not value then error("not enough arguments") end
if tp == "asciiz" then
error("not used")
if type(tp) == "string" and tp == "address" then
tp = S.addrtype[af]
if not ffi.istype(tp, value) then
value = tp(value)
len = nlmsg_align(s.rtattr) + nlmsg_align(ffi.sizeof(tp))
messages[#messages + 1] = t.rtattr
messages[#messages + 1] = tp
values[#values + 1] = {rta_type = msg, rta_len = 0}
values[#values + 1] = value
return len, args, messages, values
local function ifla_f(tab, lookup, af, ...)
local len
local messages, values = {}, {}
local args = {...}
while #args ~= 0 do
len, args, messages, values = ifla_getmsg(args, messages, values, tab, lookup, af)
ifla_f("ifla", "IFLA_", nil, "address", "46:9d:c9:06:dd:dd")
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