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Created August 17, 2012 16:00
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package kis.basicdb;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.NavigableMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
* Relational Database
public class App
public static void main( String[] args )
Context ctx = new Context();
Table shohin = Table.create("shohin",
new String[]{"shohin_id", "shohin_name", "kubun_id", "price"});
ctx.into(shohin).insert(1, "りんご", 1, 300)
.insert(2, "みかん", 1, 130)
.insert(3, "キャベツ", 2, 200)
.insert(4, "さんま", 3, 220)
.insert(5, "わかめ", null, 250)//区分がnull
.insert(6, "しいたけ", 4, 180)//該当区分なし
.insert(7, "ドリアン", 1, null);
Table kubun = Table.create("kubun",
new String[]{"kubun_id", "kubun_name"});
ctx.into(kubun).insert(1, "くだもの")
.insert(2, "野菜")
.insert(3, "魚");
shohin.addIndex("shohin_id", IndexType.HASH);
shohin.addIndex("price", IndexType.TREE);
kubun.addIndex("kubun_id", IndexType.HASH);
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").select("shohin_name", "price"));//射影
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 250));//フィルター
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").leftJoin("kubun", "kubun_id"));//結合
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").leftJoin("kubun", "kubun_id")//全部入り
.lessThan("price", 200).select("shohin_name", "kubun_name", "price"));
System.out.println(ctx //サブクエリー
.from(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 250))
.leftJoin(ctx.from("kubun").lessThan("kubun_id", 3), "kubun_id"));
System.out.println(ctx //一致比較
.leftJoin("kubun", "kubun_id")
.equalsTo("shohin_id", 2)
.select("shohin_id", "shohin_name", "kubun_name", "price"));
System.out.println(ctx //安い順に並べ替え
System.out.println(ctx //高い順に並べ替え
.orderBy("price", false));
System.out.println(ctx //集計
.groupBy("kubun_id", new Count("shohin_name"), new Average("price")))
.leftJoin("kubun", "kubun_id")
.select("kubun_id", "kubun_name", "count", "average"));
.from("shohin").between("price", 200, 250));
.from("shohin").between("price", 100, 150)
.from("shohin").between("price", 250, 300), true));
.from("shohin").between("price", 150, 200)
.from("shohin").between("price", 200, 250), true));
.from("shohin").between("price", 150, 200)
.from("shohin").between("price", 200, 250), false));
ctx.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 7).update(new SubstOperation("price", 150));
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200));
ctx.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 7).update(new SubstOperation("price", 80));
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200));
ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200).update(new AddOperation("price", 10));
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200));
ctx.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 2).update(new SubstOperation("price", null));
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200));
ctx.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 7).delete();
System.out.println(ctx.from("shohin").lessThan("price", 200));
Context ctx2 = new Context();
ctx.into("shohin").insert(8, "レタス", 2, 250);
System.out.println("no commit from ctx2\n" + ctx2.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 8));
System.out.println("no commit from ctx\n" + ctx.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 8));
System.out.println("commit from ctx2\n" + ctx2.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 8));
System.out.println("commit from other ctx2\n" + ctx2.from("shohin").equalsTo("shohin_id", 8));
/** テーブル一覧 */
private static Map<String, Table> tables = new HashMap<>();
/** トランザクションID */
static long currentTxid;
public static class Transaction{
/** トランザクションID */
long txid;
/** コミット時点でのトランザクションID
long commitTxid;
List<TableTaple> modified = new ArrayList<>();
public Transaction(long txid) {
this.txid = txid;
public void commit(long curTx){
commitTxid = curTx;
for(TableTaple tt : modified){
tt.commitTx = curTx;
public void abort(){
private void addModified(TableTaple taple) {
public boolean isAvailableTaple(TableTaple taple){
return taple.commitTx < txid;
return taple.createTx == txid;
public static class Context{
Transaction tx;
public void begin(){
throw new IllegalStateException("already begin.");
tx = new Transaction(currentTxid);
public void commit(){
tx = null;
public void abort(){
tx = null;
public boolean hasTransaction(){
return tx != null;
* クエリーのベースになるテーブルを選択
* @param tableName テーブル名
* @return
public QueryObj from(String tableName){
return from(new QueryObj(this, tables.get(tableName)));
* クエリーのベースになるリレーションを選択
* @param tableName テーブル名
* @return
public QueryObj from(QueryObj relation){
return relation;
public InsertObj into(String tableName){
return into(tables.get(tableName));
public InsertObj into(Table table){
return new InsertObj(this, table);
public static class InsertObj{
Context ctx;
Table table;
public InsertObj(Context ctx, Table table) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.table = table;
public InsertObj insert(Object... values){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
table.insert(ctx.tx, values);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
/** クエリーとして利用できるメソッド(補完時に不要なメソッドを出さないため) */
public static class QueryObj{
Context ctx;
AbstractRelation relation;
public QueryObj(Context ctx, AbstractRelation relation) {
this.ctx = ctx;
this.relation = relation;
public AbstractRelation getRelation() {
return relation;
* left join
* @param tableName 右側テーブル名
* @param matchingField 値を結合する基準になる属性名
* @return
public QueryObj leftJoin(String tableName, String matchingField){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.leftJoin(ctx.tx, tableName, matchingField);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
public QueryObj leftJoin(QueryObj rel, String matchingField){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.leftJoin(ctx.tx, rel.relation, matchingField);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 指定した値よりも小さいタプルを抽出
* @param columnName 比較するフィールド名
* @param value 比較する値
* @return
public QueryObj lessThan(String columnName, Integer value){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.lessThan(ctx.tx, columnName, value);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 指定した値の間のタプルを抽出
* @param columnName 比較するフィールド名
* @param lower 抽出範囲の下側
* @param upper 抽出範囲の上側
* @return
public QueryObj between(String columnName, Integer lower, Integer upper){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.between(ctx.tx, columnName, lower, upper);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 指定した値に一致するタプルを抽出
* @param columnName 比較するフィールド名
* @param value 比較する値
* @return
public QueryObj equalsTo(String columnName, Object value){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.equalsTo(ctx.tx, columnName, value);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 射影
* @param columnNames 抽出するフィールド名
* @return
public QueryObj select(String... columnNames){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation =, columnNames);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 昇順に並べ替え
* @param columnName 並べ替えるフィールド名
* @return
public QueryObj orderBy(String columnName){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.orderBy(ctx.tx, columnName);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 並べ替え
* @param columnName 並べ替えるフィールド名
* @param asc 昇順のばあいtrue
* @return
public QueryObj orderBy(String columnName, boolean asc){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.orderBy(ctx.tx, columnName, asc);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* グループ化
* @param columnName グループ化するフィールド名
* @param aggregations 集計関数
* @return
public QueryObj groupBy(String columnName, Aggregation... aggregations){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.groupBy(ctx.tx, columnName, aggregations);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
* 変更
* @param op 変更するフィールド
public void update(UpdateOperation... op){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation.update(ctx.tx, op);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
* 削除
public void delete(){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
* 連結
* 行の数や名前、順番が一致しない場合は連結しない
* @param relation 連結対象
* @param distinct テーブル同士の連結の場合、重複を省く
public QueryObj union(QueryObj rel, boolean distinct){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
relation = relation.union(ctx.tx, rel.relation, distinct);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return this;
public int count(){
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
int count = relation.count(ctx.tx);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return count;
public String toString() {
boolean hasTx = ctx.hasTransaction();
if(!hasTx) ctx.begin();
String result = relation.toString(ctx.tx);
if(!hasTx) ctx.commit();
return result;
/** 集計関数の基底 */
public static abstract class Aggregation{
String columnName;
public Aggregation(String columnName) {
this.columnName = columnName;
/** 関数名 */
public abstract String getName();
/** データ追加 */
public abstract void addData(Object value);
/** 結果取得 */
public abstract Object getResult();
/** リセット */
public abstract void reset();
/** 集計用カウント関数 */
public static class Count extends Aggregation{
int counter = 0;
public String getName() {
return "count";
public Count(String columnName) {
public void addData(Object value) {
public Object getResult() {
return counter;
public void reset() {
counter = 0;
/** 集計用平均関数 */
public static class Average extends Aggregation{
int counter = 0;
int total = 0;
public Average(String columnName) {
public String getName() {
return "average";
public void addData(Object value) {
total += (Integer)value;
public Object getResult() {
return (double)total / counter;
public void reset() {
counter = 0;
total = 0;
/** リレーション */
public static abstract class AbstractRelation{
public abstract List<Column> getColumns();
public abstract List<Taple> getTaples(Transaction tx);
* 射影
public AbstractRelation select(Transaction tx, String... columnNames){
List<Integer> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
List<Column> newColumns = new ArrayList<>();
for(String n : columnNames){
newColumns.add(new Column(n));
int idx = findColumn(n);
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for(int idx : indexes){
if(idx < tp.values.size()){
newTaples.add(new Taple(values));
return new Relation(newColumns, newTaples);
* left join
public AbstractRelation leftJoin(Transaction tx, String tableName, String matchingField){
Table tbl = tables.get(tableName);
return leftJoin(tx, tbl, matchingField);
public AbstractRelation leftJoin(Transaction tx, AbstractRelation relation, String matchingField){
Relation tbl = (Relation) relation;
List<Column> newColumns = new ArrayList<>(getColumns());
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
int leftColumnIdx = findColumn(matchingField);
int rightColumnIdx = tbl.findColumn(matchingField);
if(leftColumnIdx >= getColumns().size() || rightColumnIdx >= tbl.getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(newColumns, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
Taple ntpl = new Taple(new ArrayList<>(tp.values));
while(ntpl.values.size() < getColumns().size()){
Object leftValue = ntpl.values.get(leftColumnIdx);
Relation leftRel = (Relation)relation.equalsTo(tx, matchingField, leftValue);
for(Object v : leftRel.getTaples(tx).get(0).values){//今回は、タプルの対応は一対一まで
while(ntpl.values.size() < newColumns.size()){
return new Relation(newColumns, newTaples);
* 指定した値よりも小さいタプルを抽出
public AbstractRelation lessThan(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer value){
if(value == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
if((Integer)tp.values.get(idx) < value){
}catch(NullPointerException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex){}
return new Relation(getColumns(), newTaples);
* 指定した値に一致するタプルを抽出
public AbstractRelation equalsTo(Transaction tx, String columnName, Object value) {
if(value == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
return new Relation(getColumns(), newTaples);
public AbstractRelation between(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer lower, Integer upper) {
if(lower == null || upper == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
int v = (Integer)tp.values.get(idx);
if(lower <= v && v <= upper){
}catch(NullPointerException | ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex){}
return new Relation(getColumns(), newTaples);
public AbstractRelation orderBy(Transaction tx, String columnName) {
return orderBy(tx, columnName, true);
public AbstractRelation orderBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, final boolean asc) {
final int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return this;
List<Taple> newTaple = new ArrayList<>(getTaples(tx));
Collections.sort(newTaple, new Comparator<Taple>(){
public int compare(Taple o1, Taple o2) {
Object v1 = o1.values.size() > idx ? o1.values.get(idx) : null;
Object v2 = o2.values.size() > idx ? o2.values.get(idx) : null;
if(v1 == null){
if(v2 == null){
return 0;
return 1;
if(v2 == null){
return -1;
return ((Comparable)v1).compareTo(v2) * (asc ? 1 : -1);
return new Relation(getColumns(), newTaple);
public AbstractRelation groupBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, Aggregation... aggregations) {
List<Column> newColumns = new ArrayList<>();
newColumns.add(new Column(columnName));
List<Integer> colIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
newColumns.add(new Column(agg.getName()));
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(newColumns, Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
Relation sorted = (Relation) orderBy(tx, columnName);
Object current = null;
List<Taple> newTaples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : sorted.getTaples(tx)){
if(tp.values.size() <= idx) continue;
Object v = tp.values.get(idx);
if(v == null) continue;
if(current != null){
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
newTaples.add(new Taple(values));
current = v;
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
for(int i = 0; i < aggregations.length; ++i){
int aidx = colIndexes.get(i);
if(tp.values.size() <= aidx) continue;
Object cv = tp.values.get(aidx);
if(cv == null) continue;
Aggregation ag = aggregations[i];
if(current != null){
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
newTaples.add(new Taple(values));
return new Relation(newColumns, newTaples);
* データ更新
* @param op 更新
public void update(Transaction tx, UpdateOperation... op){
ArrayList<Taple> iterateTaples = new ArrayList<>(getTaples(tx));//ループ中で要素を削除する可能性があるため
for(Taple tp : iterateTaples){
if(tp instanceof TableTaple){
((TableTaple)tp).parent.execUpdate(tx, tp, op);
* データ削除
public void delete(Transaction tx){
ArrayList<Taple> iterateTaples = new ArrayList<>(getTaples(tx));//ループ中で要素を削除する可能性があるため
for(Taple tp : iterateTaples){
if(tp instanceof TableTaple){
((TableTaple)tp).parent.execDelete(tx, tp);
public AbstractRelation union(Transaction tx, AbstractRelation relation, boolean distinct) {
AbstractRelation rel = (AbstractRelation) relation;
if(getColumns().size() != rel.getColumns().size()){
return this;
for(int i = 0; i < getColumns().size(); ++i){
return this;
List<Taple> result = new ArrayList<>();
Set<Long> oids = new HashSet<>();
for(Taple tp : getTaples(tx)){
if(distinct && tp instanceof TableTaple){
long oid = ((TableTaple)tp).oid;
for(Taple tp : rel.getTaples(tx)){
if(distinct && tp instanceof TableTaple){
long oid = ((TableTaple)tp).oid;
return new Relation(getColumns(), result);
public int count(Transaction tx){
return getTaples(tx).size();
* 属性を探す
* @param name 属性名
* @return 属性のインデックス。みつからなかったときは属性数(インデックスからあふれる)を返す
public int findColumn(String name){
for(int i = 0; i < getColumns().size(); ++i){
return i;
return getColumns().size();
public String toString(Transaction tx) {
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw);
for(Column cl : getColumns()){
if(cl.parent != null && !cl.parent.isEmpty()){
pw.print(cl.parent + ".");
int c = 0;
for(Taple t : getTaples(tx)){
for(Object v : t.values){
if(c > 10) break;
return sw.toString();
/** アップデート用演算 */
public static abstract class UpdateOperation{
String tapleName;
Object value;
public UpdateOperation(String tapleName, Object value) {
this.tapleName = tapleName;
this.value = value;
public abstract Object eval(Object oldValue);
/** 代入 */
public static class SubstOperation extends UpdateOperation{
public SubstOperation(String tapleName, Object value) {
super(tapleName, value);
public Object eval(Object oldValue) {
return value;
/** 足し算 */
public static class AddOperation extends UpdateOperation{
public AddOperation(String tapleName, int value) {
super(tapleName, value);
public Object eval(Object oldValue){
return (Integer)oldValue + (Integer)value;
public static class Relation extends AbstractRelation{
/** 属性 */
private List<Column> columns;
/** データ */
protected List<Taple> taples;
public Relation(List<Column> columns, List<Taple> taples) {
this.columns = columns;
this.taples = taples;
public List<Column> getColumns() {
return columns;
public List<Taple> getTaples(Transaction tx) {
return taples;
/** 現在のオブジェクトID */
static long currentOid = 0;
/** テーブル */
public static class Table extends Relation{
/** テーブル名 */
String name;
/** インデックス */
List<Index> indexes = new ArrayList<>();
/** テーブル生成 */
public static Table create(String name, String[] columnNames){
List<Column> columns = new ArrayList<>();
for(String n : columnNames){
columns.add(new TableColumn(name, n));
Table t = new Table(name, columns);
tables.put(name, t);
return t;
* テーブルオブジェクトの生成
* @param name テーブル名
* @param columns 属性
private Table(String name, List<Column> columns) {
super(columns, new ArrayList<Taple>()); = name;
public List<Taple> getTaples(Transaction tx) {
List<Taple> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : taples){
TableTaple ttp = (TableTaple) tp;
return result;
public AbstractRelation lessThan(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer value) {
if(value == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
TableColumn column = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
if(column.treeIndex != null){
return column.treeIndex.lessThan(tx, columnName, value);
return super.lessThan(tx, columnName, value);
public AbstractRelation equalsTo(Transaction tx, String columnName, Object value) {
if(value == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
TableColumn column = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
if(column.hashIndex != null){
return column.hashIndex.equalsTo(tx, columnName, value);
}else if(column.treeIndex != null){
return column.treeIndex.equalsTo(tx, columnName, value);
return super.equalsTo(tx, columnName, value);
public AbstractRelation between(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer lower, Integer upper) {
if(lower == null || upper == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
TableColumn column = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
if(column.treeIndex != null){
return column.treeIndex.between(tx, columnName, lower, upper);
return super.between(tx, columnName, lower, upper);
public AbstractRelation orderBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, boolean asc) {
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return this;
TableColumn column = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
if(column.treeIndex != null){
return column.treeIndex.orderBy(tx, columnName, asc);
return super.orderBy(tx, columnName, asc);
public AbstractRelation groupBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, Aggregation... aggregations) {
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()){
return super.groupBy(tx, columnName, aggregations);
TableColumn column = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
Index index = column.treeIndex;
if(index == null){
index = column.hashIndex;
if(index != null){
return index.groupBy(tx, columnName, aggregations);
return super.groupBy(tx, columnName, aggregations);
* タプルの追加
* @param values 値
* @return
public Table insert(Transaction tx, Object... values){
TableTaple taple = new TableTaple(tx, currentOid, this, Arrays.asList(values));
for(Index index : indexes){
return this;
* インデックス追加
* @param columnName フィールド名
* @param type インデックス種別
public Index addIndex(String columnName, IndexType type){
int idx = findColumn(columnName);
TableColumn col = (TableColumn) getColumns().get(idx);
Index index;
if(type == IndexType.TREE){
if(col.treeIndex == null){
index = new TreeIndex(this, col, idx);
col.treeIndex = (TreeIndex) index;
return col.treeIndex;
}else if(type == IndexType.HASH){
if(col.hashIndex == null){
index = new HashIndex(this, col, idx);
col.hashIndex = (HashIndex) index;
return col.hashIndex;
return null;
for(Taple tp : taples){
return index;
private void execDelete(Transaction tx, Taple tp) {
for(Index index : indexes){
private void execUpdate(Transaction tx, Taple tp, UpdateOperation[] op) {
if(op.length == 0) return;
List<UpdatedField> updated = new ArrayList<>();
for(UpdateOperation uo : op){
int idx = findColumn(uo.tapleName);
if(idx >= getColumns().size()) continue;
Object oldValue = tp.values.size() <= idx ? null : tp.values.get(idx);
Object newValue = uo.eval(oldValue);
if((oldValue == null && newValue != null) || (oldValue != null && !oldValue.equals(newValue))){
while(tp.values.size() <= idx){
tp.values.set(idx, newValue);
updated.add(new UpdatedField(uo.tapleName, idx, oldValue, newValue));
for(Index index : indexes){
index.update(tp, updated);
/** タプル */
public static class Taple{
/** 保持する値 */
List<Object> values;
public Taple(List<Object> values) {
this.values = values;
/** テーブルのタプル */
public static class TableTaple extends Taple{
Table parent;
long oid;
long createTx;
long commitTx;
public TableTaple(Transaction tx, long oid, Table parent, List<Object> values) {
this.oid = oid;
this.parent = parent;
this.createTx = tx.txid;
void commit(long curTxid){
commitTx = curTxid;
boolean isCommited(){
return commitTx != 0;
/** 属性 */
public static class Column{
/** テーブルなどの名前 */
String parent;
/** 属性名 */
String name;
public Column(String parent, String name) {
this.parent = parent; = name;
public Column(String name) {
this("", name);
/** テーブルのカラム定義 */
public static class TableColumn extends Column{
HashIndex hashIndex;
TreeIndex treeIndex;
public TableColumn(String parent, String name) {
super(parent, name);
/** インデックス種別 */
public static enum IndexType{
/** インデックス */
public static abstract class Index extends AbstractRelation{
Relation parent;
Column belongs;
int colIndex;
public Index(Relation parent, Column belongs, int colIndex) {
this.parent = parent;
this.belongs = belongs;
this.colIndex = colIndex;
public List<Column> getColumns() {
return parent.getColumns();
public abstract void insert(Taple taple);
public abstract void delete(Taple taple);
public abstract void update(Taple newtaple, List<UpdatedField> updated);
public static class UpdatedField{
String columnName;
int columnIndex;
Object oldValue;
Object newValue;
public UpdatedField(String columnName, int columnIndex, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
this.columnName = columnName;
this.columnIndex = columnIndex;
this.oldValue = oldValue;
this.newValue = newValue;
public static abstract class MapIndex extends Index{
Map<Object, List<Taple>> indexed;
public MapIndex(Relation parent, Column belongs, int colIndex, Map<Object, List<Taple>> indexed) {
super(parent, belongs, colIndex);
this.indexed = indexed;
public void insert(Taple taple) {
Object value = taple.values.get(colIndex);
if(value == null){
List<Taple> taples = indexed.get(value);
if(taples == null){
taples = new ArrayList<>();
indexed.put(value, taples);
public void delete(Taple taple) {
if(taple.values.size() <= colIndex) return;
Object value = taple.values.get(colIndex);
removeValue(value, taple);
public void update(Taple newtaple, List<UpdatedField> updated) {
for(UpdatedField uf : updated){
if(uf.columnIndex == colIndex){
removeValue(uf.oldValue, newtaple);
/** 値にひもづけられた行を削除 */
private void removeValue(Object value, Taple taple) {
if(value == null) return;
List<Taple> list = indexed.get(value);
if (list == null) {
System.out.println("なぜか" + value + "がインデックスにない");
public List<Taple> getTaples(Transaction tx) {
return flatten(tx, indexed.values());
public AbstractRelation equalsTo(Transaction tx, String columnName, Object value) {
List<Taple> taples = indexed.get(value);
if(taples == null){
return new Relation(getColumns(), Collections.EMPTY_LIST);
List<Taple> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(Taple tp : taples){
if(!(tp instanceof TableTaple) || tx.isAvailableTaple((TableTaple)tp)){
return new Relation(getColumns(), result);
public AbstractRelation groupBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, Aggregation... aggregations) {
List<Column> newColumns = new ArrayList<>();
newColumns.add(new Column(columnName));
List<Integer> colIndexes = new ArrayList<>();
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
newColumns.add(new Column(agg.getName()));
List<Taple> taples = new ArrayList<>();
for(Map.Entry<Object, List<Taple>> me : indexed.entrySet()){
List<Object> values = new ArrayList<>();
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
for(Taple tp : me.getValue()){
if(tp instanceof TableTaple){
for(int i = 0; i < colIndexes.size(); ++i){
int idx = colIndexes.get(i);
if(idx >= tp.values.size()) continue;
Object value = tp.values.get(idx);
if(value == null) continue;
Aggregation ag = aggregations[i];
for(Aggregation agg : aggregations){
taples.add(new Taple(values));
return new Relation(newColumns, taples);
* リストのリストを平坦にする
* @param taples
* @return
static List<Taple> flatten(Collection<List<Taple>> taples){
List<Taple> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(List<Taple> vl : taples){
for(Taple tp : vl){
return result;
static List<Taple> flatten(Transaction tx, Collection<List<Taple>> taples){
List<Taple> result = new ArrayList<>();
for(List<Taple> vl : taples){
for(Taple tp : vl){
if(!(tp instanceof TableTaple) || tx.isAvailableTaple((TableTaple)tp)){
return result;
/** ツリーインデックス */
public static class TreeIndex extends MapIndex{
public TreeIndex(Relation parent, Column belongs, int colIndex) {
super(parent, belongs, colIndex, new TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>>());
public AbstractRelation lessThan(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer value) {
TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>> tindexed = (TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>>) indexed;
NavigableMap<Object, List<Taple>> headMap = tindexed.headMap(value, false);
return new Relation(getColumns(), flatten(tx, headMap.values()));
public AbstractRelation between(Transaction tx, String columnName, Integer lower, Integer upper) {
TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>> tindexed = (TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>>) indexed;
NavigableMap<Object, List<Taple>> betweenMap = tindexed.subMap(lower, true, upper, true);
return new Relation(getColumns(), flatten(tx, betweenMap.values()));
public AbstractRelation orderBy(Transaction tx, String columnName, boolean asc) {
Collection<List<Taple>> values;
values = indexed.values();
TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>> tindexed = (TreeMap<Object, List<Taple>>) indexed;
values = tindexed.descendingMap().values();
return new Relation(getColumns(), flatten(tx, values));
/** ハッシュインデックス */
public static class HashIndex extends MapIndex{
public HashIndex(Relation parent, Column belongs, int colIndex) {
super(parent, belongs, colIndex, new LinkedHashMap<Object, List<Taple>>());
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kishida commented Aug 18, 2012


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