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Created August 19, 2012 08:22
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Function FindIndex
Param (
for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Source.Length; $Index++)
if ($Source[$Index] -eq $Value)
return $Index
foreach($LogFile in $(Get-Item -Path $Path))
$LineNumber = 0
$Field = @()
$IndexOfDate = -1
$IndexOfTime = -1
Get-Content -Path $LogFile |
[String[]]$Column = $([String]$_).Split(' ')
if (($Column.Length -gt 0) -and (-not [String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Column[0])))
if ($Column[0] -ieq "#Fields:")
$Field = $Column[1..$($Column.Length - 1)] | %{ [String]::Join("", $($_.Split(@('-'; '('; ')')) | %{ $(Get-Culture).TextInfo.ToTitleCase($_) })) }
$IndexOfDate = FindIndex -Source $Field -Value "Date"
$IndexOfTime = FindIndex -Source $Field -Value "Time"
elseif (($Column[0][0] -ne "#") -and ($Column.Length -ge $Field.Length))
$Object = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name Path -Value $([System.IO.Path]::GetFullPath($LogFile)))
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name FileName -Value $([System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($LogFile)))
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name LineNumber -Value $LineNumber)
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name Line -Value $_)
if (($IndexOfDate -ge 0) -and ($IndexOfTime -ge 0))
$DateTime = [DateTime]::Parse($Column[$IndexOfDate] + " " + $Column[$IndexOfTime])
if (-not $Utc)
$DateTime = $DateTime.ToLocalTime()
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name DateTime -Value $DateTime)
for ($Index = 0; $Index -lt $Field.Length; $Index++)
[Void](Add-Member -InputObject $Object -Type NoteProperty -Name $Field[$Index] -Value $Column[$Index])
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