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Created September 6, 2012 17:15
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Save ympbyc/3658681 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Little Smalltalk to js translator.
* BlockParser
* convert smalltalk style block to javascript's closure
(function () {
'use strict';
var Packrat, BlockParser,
__each = function (obj, fn) {
for (var key in obj)
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key))
fn(obj[key], key);
__template = function (template, hashmap) {
var dest_str = template;
__each(hashmap, function (it, key) {
dest_str = dest_str.replace(new RegExp('%'+key+'%', 'g'), it || "");
return dest_str;
try {
Packrat = require('packrat');
} catch (err) {
Packrat = window.Packrat || throw "packrat.js is required";
function BlockParser (input) {
this.cache = {};
this.input = input;
this.destinationTemplate = "function (%parameters%) { %body% }";
BlockParser.prototype = new Packrat("");
BlockParser.prototype.expr = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("expr", function () {
var parameters, body;
parameters = _this.blockHead();
body = _this.body();
return __template(this.destinationTemplate, {parameters:parameters, body:body});
}; = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("space", function () { return _this.regex(/[\s\n\t]+/); });
BlockParser.prototype.blockStart = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("blockStart", function () {return _this.chr("[");});
BlockParser.prototype.blockEnd = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("blockEnd", function () {return _this.chr("]");});
BlockParser.prototype.variable = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("variable", function () {return _this.regex(/[a-zA-Z]+/);});
BlockParser.prototype.colon = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("colon", function () {return _this.chr(":");});
BlockParser.prototype.variables = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("variables", function () {
vars = "";
_this.many(function () {
vars += _this.variable() + ", ";
return vars.slice(0, -2);
BlockParser.prototype.colonVariable = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("colonVariable", function () {
return _this.sequence(_this.colon, _this.variable);
BlockParser.prototype.verticalBar = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("verticalBar", function () {return _this.chr("|");});
BlockParser.prototype.blockHead = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("blockHead", function () {
return _this.optional(function () {
var params;
params = _this.variables();
return params;
BlockParser.prototype.body = function () {
var _this = this;
return this.cacheDo("body", function () {
return _this.many(function () {
return _this.notFollowedBy(_this.blockEnd) === null ? _this.anyChar() : null;
if ( ! exports) var exports = window;
exports.BlockParser = BlockParser;
(function () {
" examples "
new BlockParser("[:foo :bar | return bar]").expr(); // function (foo bar ) { return bar }
new BlockParser("[block without parameters]").expr(); // function () { block without parameters }

Little Smallscript

Little Smalltalk楽しい。
というわけでLittle Smalltalk -> Javascriptコンパイラ作る。
Little Smalltalkの処理系が手に入らなかったので本を見ながら作る。


  • 最初は基本型はjsの基本型のみをサポートする。(ListやらBagやらは作らない)
  • 出発点がjsの作成支援なので、最初のバージョンは最適化等は考えず、単純な翻訳機に徹する。
    • function () {} が [] になるだけでも相当恩恵はある。
  • メッセージ式はそのままjsのメソッド呼び出しに変換する。
    • 参照:
    • オブジェクトobjへの単項メッセージobj unaryはobj.unary()、キーワード引数obj keyword: 1 keyword2: 2はobj.keyword1_keyword2(1, 2)、二項メッセージは後回し
    • このときunaryやkeyword1_keyword2はjsでobjのコンストラクタのprototypeに定義することとする。
    • 予約語やメソッド名に使えない記号のときは他の名前に変換できる仕組みを用意する。 (辞書?)



Class Klass :superClass
| someArray index |
someArray <- Array new.
index <- 0
^ someArray at: index
current: replacement
someArray at: index put: replacement.
^ self
incrementPointer | origin |
origin <- index deepCopy.
index <- index + 1.
(origin, ' to ', index) print.
^ index
(Klass new ; incrementPointer ; current: 3) current print.
#(1 2 3 4) inject: 0 into: [:a :lastres | lastres + a].



parsing expression


連接 a b

選択 a / b

繰り返し a*
aの0回以上の繰り返し. 配列が返る。

1回以上の繰り返し a+

先読みAnd &a

先読みNot !a

/* packratparser.js - javascript clone of
* packratparser.js is part of Little Smallscript.
(function () {
'use strict';
var Packrat,
__toArray = function (a) { return []; },
__valid = function (vari) { return /*vari !== null &&*/ vari !== undefined; };
* Packrat Parser is an implementation of PEG
* new this constructor function with input you want to parse
* to generare parsers.
Packrat = (function () {
var Packrat, NoParse;
/* constructor */
function Packrat (input) {
this.input = input;
this.index = 0;
this.cache = {};
* Cache parsers instead of evaluating them every time.
* s = parser name, fn = the parser returned by the parser
Packrat.prototype.cacheDo = function (s, fn) {
fn = fn || function () {}; //block
var c = {}; // c={fn:,idx:}
if ((this.cache[s] || (this.cache[s] = {}))[this.index]) {
c = this.cache[s][this.index];
if (c.idx) {
this.index = c.idx;
return c.fn;
return this.noParse();
try {
c.idx = this.index;
c.fn =;
this.cache[s][c.idx] = {fn:c.fn, idx:this.index};
return c.fn;
} catch (err) {
this.cache[s][c.idx] = null;
throw err;
* constructor for Error objects that is thrown on failure
NoParse = (function () {
function NoParse () {
NoParse.prototype = new Error;
return NoParse;
* throw NoParse
Packrat.prototype.noParse = function () {
throw new NoParse;
/*--- Definition of basic combinators ---*/
/* available pegs
* a b, a / b, a?, a*, a+, &a, !a, (a)
* ordered or
* a / b / ...
Packrat.prototype.try_ = function (/* &rest arguments */) {
var i, ret, _this = this;
i = this.index;
__toArray(arguments).forEach(function (a) {
if (ret) return;
try {
ret =;
} catch (err) {
if ( ! err instanceof NoParse) throw err;
_this.index = i;
return __valid(ret) ? ret : this.noParse();
* match all or none
* a b ...
Packrat.prototype.sequence = function (/* &rest arguments */) {
var i, ret, fail, _this = this;
i = this.index;
ret = "";
fail = false;
__toArray(arguments).forEach(function (a) {
if (fail) return;
try {
ret +=;
} catch (err) {
if ( ! err instanceof NoParse) throw err;
_this.index = i;
fail = true;
return __valid(ret) ? ret : this.noParse();
* succeeds even when the parser doesn't match
* a?
Packrat.prototype.optional = function (fn) {
var i;
i = this.index;
try {
} catch (err) {
if ( ! err instanceof NoParse) throw err;
this.index = i; //backtraq
return null;
* succeeds if the given parser matches.
* this parser doesn't consume the input
* &a
Packrat.prototype.followedBy = function (fn) {
var f = true,
i = this.index;
try {;
f = false;
} catch (err) {
if ( ! err instanceof NoParse) throw err;
this.index = i; //backtraq
return f ? this.noParse() : null;
* opposite of followedBy
* !a
Packrat.prototype.notFollowedBy = function (fn) {
var f = false,
i = this.index;
try {;
f = true;
} catch (err) {
if ( ! err instanceof NoParse) throw err;
this.index = i;
return f ? this.noParse() : null;
* 0 or more ocuurance.
* a*
Packrat.prototype.many = function (fn) {
var _this = this;
return this.try_(
function () { return _this.many1( function () { return; } ); },
function () { return ""; }
* 1 or more occurance.
* a+
Packrat.prototype.many1 = function (fn) {
var v, vs, _this = this;
v =;
vs = this.many(function () { return; });
return v += vs;
* Matchs and consumes any one character.
Packrat.prototype.anyChar = function () {
var c;
c = this.input[this.index];
this.index += 1;
return __valid(c) ? c : this.noParse();
* Takes predicate block and consumes a character if satisfied.
Packrat.prototype.satisfyChar = function (fn) {
var c;
c = this.anyChar();
return, c) ? c : this.noParse();
* Matches the given character.
Packrat.prototype.chr = function (ch) {
var c;
c = this.anyChar();
return c == ch ? c : this.noParse()
* Matches the given string.
Packrat.prototype.string = function (str) {
var _this = this;
str.split('').forEach(function (ch) {
var c;
c = _this.anyChar();
if (c !== ch) _this.noParse();
return str;
* Reular expression
Packrat.prototype.regex = function (regex) {
var rc, match;
rc = regex.exec(this.input.substring(this.index));
if (rc) {
match = rc[0]+"";
this.index += match.length;
return match;
return Packrat;
if ( ! exports) var exports = window;
exports.Packrat = Packrat;
(function () {
var Klass,
__hasProp = {}.hasOwnProperty,
__extends = function(child, parent) { for (var key in parent) { if (, key)) child[key] = parent[key]; } function ctor() { this.constructor = child; } ctor.prototype = parent.prototype; child.prototype = new ctor(); child.__super__ = parent.prototype; return child; };
Klass = (function (_super) {
__extends(Klass, _super);
function Klass () {
this.someArray = null;
this.index = null;
Klass.prototype.init = function () {
this.someArray = Array.new_();
this.index = 0;
Klass.prototype.current = function () {
return this.someArray.at_(this.index);
Klass.prototype.current_ = function (replacement) {
this.someArray.at_put_(this.index, replacement);
return this;
Klass.prototype.incrementPointer = function () {
var origin;
origin = index.deepCopy();
index = index.plus_(1);
(origin.concat_(' to ').concat_(index)).print();
return index;
(function () {
var _cascade;
_cascade = Klass.new_();
[1, 2, 3, 4].inject_into_(0, function (a, lastres) { return lastres.plus_(a); });
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