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Created November 5, 2012 09:43
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<?php //shared functions
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
/* NoNonsense Forum v22 © Copyright (CC-BY) Kroc Camen 2012
licenced under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 <>
you may do whatever you want to this code as long as you give credit to Kroc Camen, <>
//formulate a URL (used to automatically fallback to non-pretty URLs when htaccess is not available),
//the domain is not included because it is not used universally throughout (absolute-base / relative links)
function url ($action='index', $path='', $file='', $page=0, $id='') {
$filepath = FORUM_PATH."$path$file";
if (substr ($filepath, strlen (FORUM_PATH.PATH_URL)) == FORUM_PATH.PATH_URL)
$filepath = substr ($filepath, strlen (FORUM_PATH.PATH_URL)+1)
//begin with the subfolder the forum is in, if any. all URLs must be absolute to be able to juggle the mix of
//htaccess vs. no-htaccess + running in root vs. running in a sub-folder
//if htaccess is on, then use pretty URLs:
? $filepath.($page ? "+$page" : '').rtrim ('?'.implode ('&', array_filter (array (
//single actions without any ID
!$id && in_array ($action, array ('delete', 'lock', 'unlock')) ? $action : '',
//otherwise, actions with an ID?
$id ? "$action=$id" : ''
))), '?')
//if htaccess is off, fallback to real URLs:
//which page to point to; append / delete actions are a part of 'thread.php',
//"delete" can be done without an ID (delete whole thread)
($id || in_array ($action, array ('delete', 'lock', 'unlock')) ? 'thread.php?' : "$action.php?").
//concatenate a query string
implode ('&', array_filter (array (
//actions without an ID
!$id && in_array ($action, array ('delete', 'lock', 'unlock')) ? $action : '',
//append or delete post
$id ? "$action=$id" : '',
//sub-forum? for no-htaccess, all links must be made relative from the NNF folder root
//if a file is specified (view thread, append, delete &c.)
$file ? "file=$file" : '',
//page number
$page ? "page=$page" : ''
//the shared template stuff for all pages
function prepareTemplate (
$filepath, //template file to load
$title=NULL //HTML title to use, if NULL, existing `<title>` is kept
) {
global $LANG, $MODS, $MEMBERS;
//load the template into DOM for manipulation. see 'domtemplate.php' for code and
//<> for documentation of this object
$template = new DOMTemplate (file_get_contents ($filepath));
//fix all absolute URLs (i.e. if NNF is running in a folder):
//(this also fixes the forum-title home link "/" when NNF runs in a folder)
foreach ($template->query ('//*/@href, //*/@src, //*/@content') as $node) if ($node->nodeValue[0] == '/')
//prepend the base path of the forum ('/' if on root, '/folder/' if running in a sub-folder)
$node->nodeValue = FORUM_PATH.ltrim ($node->nodeValue, '/')
/* translate!
//before we start changing element content, we run through the language translation, if necessary;
//if the current user-chosen language is in the list of available language translations for this theme,
//execute the array of XPath string replacements in the translation. see the 'lang.*.php' files for details
if (@$LANG[LANG]) $template->set ($LANG[LANG]['strings'], true)->setValue ('/html/@lang', LANG);
//template the language chooser
//the first item in the template should be your default language (mark it as selected if LANG is not blank)
$item = $template->repeat ('.nnf_lang')->remove (array ('./@selected' => LANG))->next ();
//build the list for each additional language
foreach ($LANG as $code => $lang) $item->set (array (
'./@value' => $code,
'.' => $lang['name']
))->remove (array (
'./@selected' => !($code == LANG)
))->next ();
} else {
$template->remove ('#nnf_lang');
/* HTML <head>
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//if no title is provided, the one already in the template remains (likely for translation purposes)
if (!is_null ($title)) $template->setValue ('/html/head/title', $title);
//remove 'custom.css' stylesheet if 'custom.css' is missing
if (!file_exists (THEME_ROOT.'custom.css')) $template->remove ('//link[contains(@href,"custom.css")]');
/* site header
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//site title
$template->setValue ('.nnf_forum-name', FORUM_NAME);
//are we in a sub-folder? if so, build the breadcrumb navigation
if (PATH) for (
//split the path by '/' to get each sub-forum
$items = explode ('/', trim (PATH, '/')), $item = $template->repeat ('.nnf_breadcrumb'),
$i = 0; $i < count ($items); $i++
) $item->set (array (
'a.nnf_subforum-name' => $items[$i],
'a.nnf_subforum-name@href' => url ('index',
//reconstruct the URL from each sub-forum up to the current one
implode ('/', array_map ('safeURL', array_slice ($items, 0, $i+1))).'/'
))->next ();
//not in a sub-folder? remove the breadcrumb navigation
if (!PATH) $template->remove ('.nnf_breadcrumb');
/* site footer
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//are there any local mods? create the list of local mods
if (!empty ($MODS['LOCAL'])): $template->setValue ('#nnf_mods-local-list', theme_nameList ($MODS['LOCAL']), true);
else: $template->remove ('#nnf_mods-local'); //remove the local mods list section
//are there any site mods? create the list of mods
if (!empty ($MODS['GLOBAL'])): $template->setValue ('#nnf_mods-list', theme_nameList ($MODS['GLOBAL']), true);
else: $template->remove ('#nnf_mods'); //remove the mods list section
//are there any members? create the list of members
if (!empty ($MEMBERS)): $template->setValue ('#nnf_members-list', theme_nameList ($MEMBERS), true);
else: $template->remove ('#nnf_members'); //remove the members list section
//set the name of the signed-in user
$template->setValue ('.nnf_signed-in-name', NAME)->remove (
//remove the relevant section for signed-in / out
AUTH_HTTP ? '.nnf_signed-out' : '.nnf_signed-in'
return $template;
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
//check to see if a name is a known moderator
function isMod ($name) {
global $MODS; return in_array (strtolower ($name), array_map ('strtolower', $MODS['GLOBAL'] + $MODS['LOCAL']));
//a member of a locked forum?
function isMember ($name) {
global $MEMBERS; return in_array (strtolower ($name), array_map ('strtolower', $MEMBERS));
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
//sanitise input:
function safeGet ($data, $len=0, $trim=true) {
//remove PHP’s auto-escaping of text (depreciated, but still on by default in PHP5.3)
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc ()) $data = stripslashes ($data);
//remove useless whitespace. can be skipped (i.e for passwords)
if ($trim) $data = trim ($data);
//clip the length in case of a fake crafted request
return $len ? mb_substr ($data, 0, $len) : $data;
//sanitise output:
function safeHTML ($text) {
//encode a string for insertion into an HTML element
//(`ENT_XHTML` & `ENT_SUBSTITUTE` are PHP5.4+ only)
return htmlspecialchars ($text, ENT_NOQUOTES | @ENT_XHTML | @ENT_SUBSTITUTE, 'UTF-8');
function safeURL ($text) {
//encode a string to be used in a URL, keeping path separators
//WARNING: this does not sanitise against HTML, it’s assumed text is passed through `safeHTML` before output
return str_replace ('%2F', '/', rawurlencode ($text));
//safeTransliterate v2, copyright (cc-by 3.0) Kroc Camen <>
//generate a safe (a-z0-9_) string, for use as filenames or URLs, from an arbitrary string
function safeTransliterate ($text) {
//if available, this function uses PHP5.4's transliterate, which is capable of converting arabic, hebrew, greek,
//chinese, japanese and more into ASCII! however, we use our manual (and crude) fallback *first* instead because
//we will take the liberty of transliterating some things into more readable ASCII-friendly forms,
//e.g. "100℃" > "100degc" instead of "100oc"
/* manual transliteration list:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* this list is supposed to be practical, not comprehensive, representing:
1. the most common accents and special letters that get typed, and
2. the most practical transliterations for readability;
given that I know nothing of other languages, I will need your assistance to improve this list,
mail with help and suggestions.
this data was produced with the help of:
static $translit = array (
'a' => '/[ÀÁÂẦẤẪẨÃĀĂẰẮẴȦẲǠẢÅÅǺǍȀȂẠẬẶḀĄẚàáâầấẫẩãāăằắẵẳȧǡảåǻǎȁȃạậặḁą]/u',
'b' => '/[ḂḄḆḃḅḇ]/u', 'c' => '/[ÇĆĈĊČḈçćĉċčḉ]/u',
'd' => '/[ÐĎḊḌḎḐḒďḋḍḏḑḓð]/u',
'e' => '/[ÈËĒĔĖĘĚȄȆȨḔḖḘḚḜẸẺẼẾỀỂỄỆèëēĕėęěȅȇȩḕḗḙḛḝẹẻẽếềểễệ]/u',
'f' => '/[Ḟḟ]/u', 'g' => '/[ĜĞĠĢǦǴḠĝğġģǧǵḡ]/u',
'h' => '/[ĤȞḢḤḦḨḪĥȟḣḥḧḩḫẖ]/u', 'i' => '/[ÌÏĨĪĬĮİǏȈȊḬḮỈỊiìïĩīĭįǐȉȋḭḯỉị]/u',
'j' => '/[Ĵĵǰ]/u', 'k' => '/[ĶǨḰḲḴKķǩḱḳḵ]/u',
'l' => '/[ĹĻĽĿḶḸḺḼĺļľŀḷḹḻḽ]/u', 'm' => '/[ḾṀṂḿṁṃ]/u',
'n' => '/[ÑŃŅŇǸṄṆṈṊñńņňǹṅṇṉṋ]/u',
'o' => '/[ÒŌŎŐƠǑǪǬȌȎȬȮȰṌṎṐṒỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢØǾòōŏőơǒǫǭȍȏȭȯȱṍṏṑṓọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợøǿ]/u',
'p' => '/[ṔṖṕṗ]/u', 'r' => '/[ŔŖŘȐȒṘṚṜṞŕŗřȑȓṙṛṝṟ]/u',
's' => '/[ŚŜŞŠȘṠṢṤṦṨſśŝşšșṡṣṥṧṩ]/u', 'ss' => '/[ß]/u',
't' => '/[ŢŤȚṪṬṮṰţťțṫṭṯṱẗ]/u', 'th' => '/[Þþ]/u',
'u' => '/[ÙŨŪŬŮŰŲƯǓȔȖṲṴṶṸṺỤỦỨỪỬỮỰùũūŭůűųưǔȕȗṳṵṷṹṻụủứừửữựµ]/u',
'v' => '/[ṼṾṽṿ]/u', 'w' => '/[ŴẀẂẄẆẈŵẁẃẅẇẉẘ]/u',
'x' => '/[ẊẌẋẍ×]/u', 'y' => '/[ÝŶŸȲẎỲỴỶỸýÿŷȳẏẙỳỵỷỹ]/u',
'z' => '/[ŹŻŽẐẒẔźżžẑẓẕ]/u',
//combined letters and ligatures:
'ae' => '/[ÄǞÆǼǢäǟæǽǣ]/u', 'oe' => '/[ÖȪŒöȫœ]/u',
'dz' => '/[DŽDžDZDzdždz]/u',
'ff' => '/[ff]/u', 'fi' => '/[ffifi]/u', 'ffl' => '/[fflfl]/u',
'ij' => '/[IJij]/u', 'lj' => '/[LJLjlj]/u', 'nj' => '/[NJNjnj]/u',
'st' => '/[ſtst]/u', 'ue' => '/[ÜǕǗǙǛüǖǘǚǜ]/u',
'eur' => '/[€]/u', 'cents' => '/[¢]/u', 'lira' => '/[₤]/u', 'dollars' => '/[$]/u',
'won' => '/[₩]/u', 'rs' => '/[₨]/u', 'yen' => '/[¥]/u', 'pounds' => '/[£]/u',
'pts' => '/[₧]/u',
'degc' => '/[℃]/u', 'degf' => '/[℉]/u',
'no' => '/[№]/u', 'tm' => '/[™]/u'
//do the manual transliteration first
$text = preg_replace (array_values ($translit), array_keys ($translit), $text);
//flatten the text down to just a-z0-9 and dash, with underscores instead of spaces
$text = preg_replace (
//remove punctuation //replace non a-z //deduplicate //trim underscores from start & end
array ('/\p{P}/u', '/[^_a-z0-9-]/i', '/_{2,}/', '/^_|_$/'),
array ('', '_', '_', ''),
//attempt transliteration with PHP5.4's transliteration engine (best):
//(this method can handle near anything, including converting chinese and arabic letters to ASCII.
// requires the 'intl' extension to be enabled)
function_exists ('transliterator_transliterate') ? transliterator_transliterate (
//split unicode accents and symbols, e.g. "Å" > "A°":
'NFKD; '.
//convert everything to the Latin charset e.g. "ま" > "ma":
//(splitting the unicode before transliterating catches some complex cases,
// such as: "㏳" >NFKD> "20日" >Latin> "20ri")
'Latin; '.
//because the Latin unicode table still contains a large number of non-pure-A-Z glyphs (e.g. "œ"),
//convert what remains to an even stricter set of characters, the US-ASCII set:
//(we must do this because "Latin/US-ASCII" alone is not able to transliterate non-Latin characters
// such as "ま". this two-stage method also means we catch awkward characters such as:
// "㏀" >Latin> "kΩ" >Latin/US-ASCII> "kO")
'Latin/US-ASCII; '.
//remove the now stand-alone diacritics from the string
'[:Nonspacing Mark:] Remove; '.
//change everything to lowercase; anything non A-Z 0-9 that remains will be removed by
//the letter stripping above
//attempt transliteration with iconv: <>
: strtolower (function_exists ('iconv') ? str_replace (array ("'", '"', '`', '^', '~'), '', strtolower (
//note: results of this are different depending on iconv version,
// sometimes the diacritics are written to the side e.g. "ñ" = "~n", which are removed
iconv ('UTF-8', 'US-ASCII//IGNORE//TRANSLIT', $text)
)) : $text)
//old iconv versions and certain inputs may cause a nullstring. don't allow a blank response
return !$text ? '_' : $text;
//take the author's message, process markup, and encode it safely for the RSS feed
function formatText ($text, $rss=NULL) {
//unify carriage returns between Windows / UNIX, and sanitise HTML against injection
$text = safeHTML (preg_replace ('/\r\n?/', "\n", $text));
//this array will hold any portions of text that have to be temporarily removed to avoid interference with the
//markup processing, i.e code spans / blocks
$safe = array ();
/* preformatted text (code blocks):
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* example: or: (latex in partiular since it uses % as a comment marker)
% title $ title
⋮ ⋮
% $
while (preg_match ('/^(?-s:(\h*)([%$])(.*?))\n(.*?)\n\h*\2(["”»]?)$/msu', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
//format the code block
$safe[] = "<pre><span class=\"ct\">{$m[2][0]}{$m[3][0]}</span>\n"
//unindent code blocks that have been quoted
.(strlen ($m[1][0]) ? preg_replace ("/^\s{1,".strlen ($m[1][0])."}/m", '', $m[4][0]) : $m[4][0])
."\n<span class=\"cb\">{$m[2][0]}</span></pre>"
//replace the code block with a placeholder:
//(we will have to remove the code chunks from the source text to avoid the other markup processing from
//munging it and then restore the chunks back later)
$text = substr_replace ($text, "\n&_".(count ($safe)-1).';'.$m[5][0], $m[0][1], strlen ($m[0][0]));
/* inline code / teletype text:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// example: `code` or ``code``
while (preg_match ('/(?<=[\s\p{Z}\p{P}]|^)(`+)(.*?)(?<!`)\1(?!`)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE)) {
print_r ($m);
//format the code block
$safe[] = '<code>'.$m[1][0].$m[2][0].$m[1][0].'</code>';
//same as with normal code blocks, replace them with a placeholder
$text = substr_replace ($text, '&_'.(count ($safe)-1).';', $m[0][1], strlen ($m[0][0]));
/* hyperlinks:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//find full URLs and turn into HTML hyperlinks. we also detect e-mail addresses automatically
while (preg_match (
((?:(?:http|ftp)s?|irc)?:\/\/) # $1 = protocol
| ([a-z0-9\._%+\-]+@) # $2 = email name
)( # $3 = friendly URL (no protocol)
[-\.\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}]+ # domain (letters, diacritics, numbers & dash only)
(?:\.[\p{L}\p{M}\p{N}]+)+ # TLDs (also letters, diacritics & numbers only)
)(?(2)| # email ends here
(\/)? # $4 = slash is excluded from friendly URL
(?(4)( # $5 = folders and filename, relative URL
(?> # folders and filename
"(?!\/?&gt;|\s|$)| # ignore the end of an HTML hyperlink
\)(?![:\.,"”»]?(?:\s|$))| # ignore brackets on end with punctuation
[:\.,”»](?!\s|$)| # ignore various characters on the end
[^\s:)\.,"”»] # the rest, including bookmark
//capture the starting point of the match, so that `$m[x][0]` is the text and $m[x][1] is the offset
//use an offset to search from so we don’t get stuck in an infinite loop
//(this isn’t valid the first time around obviously so gives 0)
@($m[0][1] + strlen ($replace))
//replace the URL in the source text with a hyperlinked version:
//(we record the HTML in `$replace` so that we can skip forward that much for the next search iteration)
)) $text = substr_replace ($text, $replace =
'<a href="'.(@$m[2][0] ? 'mailto:'.$m[2][0] //is this an e-mail address?
: (($ext =
($m[1][0] = ($m[1][0] ? $m[1][0] : 'http://')) //has a protocol been given?
. $m[3][0] !== FORUM_URL //is this external?
) ? '' //external link, anonymise it.
: '' //internal link, do nothing.
. $m[1][0]) //output protocol
//rest of the URL [domain . slash . everything-else]
//(encode double-quotes without double-encoding existing ampersands; this is the PHP5.2.3 req.)
.htmlspecialchars ($m[3][0].@$m[4][0].@$m[5][0], ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8', false).'"'
//is the URL external? if so add the rel attributes
.($ext ? ' rel="nofollow external"' : '')
.'>' //the link-text
//where to substitute
$m[0][1], strlen ($m[0][0])
/* inline formatting:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$text = preg_replace (
//example: _italic_ & *bold*
array ('/(?<=\s|^)_(?!_)(.*?)(?<!_)_(?=\s|$)/m', '/(?<![*\w])\*(?!\*)(.*?)(?<!\*)\*(?![*\w])/'),
array ('<em>_$1_</em>', '<strong>*$1*</strong>'),
/* titles and dividers
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* example: (titles) / (dividers)
:: title ---
$text = preg_replace(
array ('/(?:\n|\A)(::.*)(?:\n?$|\Z)/mu', '/(?:\n|\A)\h*(---+)\h*(?:\n?$|\Z)/m'),
array ("\n\n<h2>$1</h2>\n", "\n\n<p class=\"hr\">$1</p>\n"),
/* blockquotes:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* example:
“this is the first quote level.
“this is the second quote level.”
back to the first quote level.”
do $text = preg_replace (array (
//you would think that you could combine these. you really would
), //extra quote marks are inserted in the spans for both themeing, and so that when you copy a quote, the
//nesting is preserved for you. there must be a line break between spans and the text otherwise it prevents
//the regex from finding quote marks at the ends of lines (these extra linebreaks are removed next)
"\n\n<blockquote>\n\n<span class=\"ql\">&ldquo;</span>\n$2\n<span class=\"qr\">&rdquo;</span>\n\n</blockquote>\n",
$text, -1, $c
); while ($c);
//remove the extra linebreaks addeded between our theme quotes
//(required so that extra `<br />`s don’t get added!)
$text = preg_replace (
array ('/&ldquo;<\/span>\n(?!\n)/', '/\n<span class="qr">/'),
array ('&ldquo;</span>', '<span class="qr">'),
/* name references:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//name references (e.g. "@bob") will link back to the last reply in the thread made by that person.
//this requires that the whole RSS thread is passed to this function to refer to
if (!is_null ($rss)) {
//first, produce a list of all authors in the thread
$names = array ();
foreach ($rss->channel->xpath ('./item/author') as $name) $names[] = $name[0];
$names = array_map ('strtolower', $names); //set all to lowercase
$names = array_map ('safeHTML', $names); //HTML encode names as they will be in the source text
$names = array_unique ($names); //remove duplicates
//sort the list of names Z-A so that longer names and names with spaces occur first,
//this is so that we don’t choose "Bob" over "Bob Monkhouse" when matching names
rsort ($names);
//find all possible name references in the text:
//(that is, any "@" followed by text up to the end of a line. note that this means that what might be
//matched may include additional text that *isn't* part of the name, e.g. "@bob How are you?")
$offset = 0; while (preg_match ('/(?:^|\s+)(@.+)/m', $text, $m, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset)) {
//check each of the known names in the thread and see if one fits the source text reference
//e.g. does "@bob How are you?" begin with "bob"
foreach ($names as $name) if (stripos ($m[1][0], $name) === 1)
//locate the last post made by that author in the thread to link to
foreach ($rss->channel->item as $item) if (safeHTML (strtolower ($item->author)) == $name)
{ //replace the reference with the link to the post
$text = substr_replace ($text,
'<a href="'.$item->link.'">'.substr ($m[1][0], 0, strlen ($name)+1).'</a>',
$m[1][1], strlen ($name)+1
//move on to the next reference, no need to check any further names for this one
$offset = $m[1][1] + strlen ($name) + strlen ($item->link) + 15 + 1;
break 2;
//failing any match, continue searching
//(avoid getting stuck in an infinite loop)
$offset = $m[1][1] + 1;
/* finalise:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//add paragraph tags between blank lines
foreach (preg_split ('/\n{2,}/', trim ($text), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY) as $chunk) {
//if not a blockquote, title, hr or pre-block, wrap in a paragraph
if (!preg_match ('/^<\/?(?:bl|h2|p)|^&__PRE/', $chunk))
$chunk = "<p>\n".str_replace ("\n", "<br />\n", $chunk)."\n</p>"
$text = @$result .= "\n$chunk";
//restore code spans/blocks
foreach ($safe as $i => $html) $text = str_replace ("&_$i;", $html, $text);
return $text;
/* ====================================================================================================================== */
//regenerate a folder's RSS file (all changes happening in a folder)
function indexRSS () {
/* create an RSS feed
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
$rss = new DOMTemplate (file_get_contents (FORUM_LIB.'rss-template.xml'));
$rss->set (array (
'/rss/channel/title' => FORUM_NAME.(PATH ? str_replace ('/', ' / ', PATH) : ''),
'/rss/channel/link' => FORUM_URL.url ('index', PATH_URL)
//remove the locked / deleted categories
))->remove ('/rss/channel/category');
//get list of threads, sort by date; most recently modified first
$threads = preg_grep ('/\.rss$/', scandir ('.'));
array_multisort (array_map ('filemtime', $threads), SORT_DESC, $threads);
$items = $rss->repeat ('/rss/channel/item');
//get the last post made in each thread as an RSS item
foreach (array_slice ($threads, 0, FORUM_THREADS) as $thread)
if ($xml = @simplexml_load_file ($thread)) //if the RSS feed is valid
if ($item = @$xml->channel->item[0]) //if the feed has any items
$items->set (array (
'./title' => $item->title,
'./link' => $item->link,
'./author' => $item->author,
'./pubDate' => gmdate ('r', strtotime ($item->pubDate)),
'./description' => $item->description
))->remove (array (
'./category[.="deleted"]' => !$item->xpath ('category[.="deleted"]'),
))->next ()
file_put_contents ('index.xml', $rss->html ());
/* sitemap
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
//we’re going to use the RSS files as sitemaps
chdir (FORUM_ROOT);
//get list of sub-forums and include the root too
$folders = array ('') + array_filter (
//include only directories, but ignore directories starting with ‘.’ and the users / themes folders
preg_grep ('/^(\.|users$|themes$|lib$)/', scandir (FORUM_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR), PREG_GREP_INVERT),
//start the XML file. this template has an XMLNS, so we have to prefix all our XPath queries :(
$xml = new DOMTemplate (
file_get_contents (FORUM_LIB.'sitemap-template.xml'),
array ('x' => '')
//generate a sitemap index file, to point to each index RSS file in the forum:
$sitemap = $xml->repeat ('//x:sitemap');
foreach ($folders as $folder)
//get the time of the latest item in the RSS feed
//(the RSS feed may be missing as they are not generated in new folders until something is posted)
if (@$rss = simplexml_load_file (
//if you delete the last thread in a folder, there won’t be anything in the RSS index file!
if (@$rss->channel->item[0]) $sitemap->set (array (
'./x:loc' => FORUM_URL.($folder ? safeURL ("/$folder", false) : '').'/index.xml',
'./x:lastmod' => gmdate ('r', strtotime ($rss->channel->item[0]->pubDate))
))->next ()
file_put_contents (FORUM_ROOT.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sitemap.xml', $xml->html ());
//you saw nothing, right?
clearstatcache ();
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